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Is Piracy killing the film industry?

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I wanted to share this with everyone:


As far as not stealing a car and what not from the original video. I am guessing that if most pirates knew they could get away with it like most do for movies and games and what not - they would.

To answer the OP's question: I don't think piracy is doing anything to hurt the industry. If anything its a way for people to see the movie and know if they want to spend the money of the movie or not. The other point - I agree: There have been a lot of crappy movies coming out lately.
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No, piracy is not killing the movie industry, they makes millions off one movie and they are complaining.Go ask the music industry about piracy and then ask yourself if you are being hurt.What is killing the movie industry is the amount of terrible movies that are put out each year.I wasn't a fan of Avatar and that mad shit loads, and that was hit with piracy.Avatar was said to be a great movie and all that but it had what I believed to be a shit storyline.The only reason that movie was any good was because it was put out in 3D.Movies are being put out on 3D to give it something more, why not just have a decent storyline for your movies.So no, piracy is not killing movies but the terrible standard of movies themselves.
The only movies I have ever downloaded are the ones I have seen in the theatre first.

It's still apparently illegal to their standards, They want you to view the film first, buy it on DVD or Blueray second and thirdly purchase it on digital download but they are adhearing to the fact that no one want's to buy a digital copy as well as a blue ray and some are keeping the two included in the same packages which makes it a little more worth the money.

They can suck my hair nuts. They are greedy self righteous bastards who enjoy raping the public.

I wouldn't wanna go near the time warner building :icon_neutral:, all joking aside I thin the exectuvite themselves are taking more risks with films with a little less story and more action, dance and special effects, the fact is with film as with books and games without meaning and a basic plot the film will bomb.

I don't care if theatres only makes money off of the concessions it still should take a small personal loan for a family of four to go see a damn movie.

I also have me a nice 100+ collection of movies I have ripped from library copies.

I agree there, with the high prices of cinemas and the abnormal costs that these films make people from the middle class are the only ones enjoying the cinema experience, if you are from a poorer background you won't get that chance, when i was a lad I never even knew what a movie theatre was.

I think that wholesale Piracy like what happens in China is what really hurts the industry. The studios are ripped off big time over there massively.

Actually they make more money because most of their film budgets are so small, one of the most important films in china made a killing in the box office, you also need to take into account international distribution aswell, look at Hero, one of jet Li's biggest movie's cost 31 million and grossed 177 milliion (that's over four times the budget!).

Chinese pictures have always been a big market and International films are doing amazingly well in the Us and Uk markets so with a minimal budget can make a big difference.

Consumer piracy in the states and in Europe is just a drop in the bucket compared to the rip off that happens regularly in the worlds fastest growing market. In general I'm against piracy, it has devistated the music industry and hurts the Artists more then the record companies who recoup thier money first before paying the artist anything.

This thread touches on that, I believe more that Piracy brings more people to these films than it actually drives away, If a films bad than no matter how many times it gets pirated no one will want to actually want to go and see it, not because of Piracy.

I'd never sell or anything.
But sometimes the only reason why I even find myself giving something a chance is cause it's free

This is why I'm saying that having something for free as long as they get advertising revenue included, it's actually a simple process, then their will be more and more people buying it.

Another way of doing this is what Cineworld In the Uk have done, I know i've touched on it previously in this thread but it does work, selling monthly plans to see how many movies you want and not hassle with paying seven bucks a ticket, or 14 stateside, you can just pay 13 bucks a month and watch as much as you like, the downside is the concessions, which either way are expensive.

It has a lot to do with how things are now adays. No one wants to pay for anything.

Music...well you'll share the files...

Movies...pirate them...

Wrestling...Stream the PPVs for free.

And why is that?, because where in a recession, we get whatever we can for free!.
Inception for me was one of the biggest and greatest films of 2010

agreed! have not been to too many this year, but i made sure that was one of them that i wouldnt watch online.

now.. on to the question at hand. is Piracy killing the movie industry? (or even music for that matter) to some degree yes, and i'll touch on that in a moment, but the REAL industry that it's killing, by way of the internet, is the Porn industry. hold your laughter for a moment..
if no one is going out to buy the DVD's, or magazine's because everyone is downloadingthem for free, then how are those Actors and models getting their money from it? sure they get their initial pay, but the sales have been really damaged as result of people just downloading them. there are very few people these days who say they can honestly say they have PAID for their porn. now that i got that out of the way, move on to the other one.

Hollywood films. have tey taken a hit? of course they have. not enough to really damage them, but enough to catch their attention. i believe thats why the big push for 3-D movies. i mean, who would have went to see Yogi Bear in theaters? a few people yes, but now they are rreleasing it in 3D, so now to get the full enjoyment out of it, you HAVE to go see it. and that is where the industry really is saying "oh you got a flush? okay, well here's my full house!" now i dont know about the rest of you, but foe me personally, i watch a lot of my movies online yes, and do download music. but it is also NOT illegal to do here. would i still do it if it WERE made illegal? yes i probably would. but again, when it pertains to me personally, i watch a movie online first, because im not so sure it's really going to be any good. i DO go watch all the comic book movies, but thats because i grew up a comic fan. have i been disappointed more then once? you're damn rights i have! but do i keep going back, yes i do.
Someone made the refrence to wrestling PPV's.. now i can not say i have actually watched one on TV in a long time now.. whatever wrestlemania it was where Flair retired.. that was the last one i paid for myself. the rest it's been at a pub, a few have played in the movie theater, and then downloaded them (they usually get uploaded like 2h after airing!) which am i hurting the wrestling industry for it? probably. they think no one is watching, and change the product up to attract more fans. but the truth is a lot of us never did leave, just resorted to other ways of watching. some may be due to money issues yes, but it's true that the film industry dont care about that. they dont care if you dont have the money to see it, because if they did, then prices would drop, but their way of making more marketable movies is to add more special effects, and more big star names, which means a bigger budget, which means need more people to come watch it.

now that i rambled on about all that, to sum it up..
Hurting the Film Industry? yes..but not enough to really notice
Killing the Film Industry? No. nothing ever will
Killing the Porn Industry? yes. without a doubt.
Why are you against it?, it's shoddy quality and I belive it infact promotes the movie, I saw Xmen Origins: Wolverine on pirate before seeing it in the cinema.

How in the hell does pirating promote a movie? "Oh I saw this movie for free online in shitty quality, now i dont need to see it in theatres. Well i guess they aint getting money from me".

Then in the studios eyes your stealing, I know you paid the rental price but to Paramount you should have paid the full price for the disc, shame on you :shrug:

Thats not the case all the time. Say I was to rent the movie for 4.99 and the movie costs 4.99 to get somewhere like a used movie store
getting music for free hurts them not at all.
Artist's make the most money from touring and merchandise.....CD sales helps but that's not what makes them the big bucks.

And movies....you can't polish a turd, you can't get sales from a crappy movie.
If the movie is a good movie it will sell at box office regardless of people downloading them or not.
I may not go see every movie at the theater but If I like it enough I'll go out and buy it anyways.
I'm not sure.
I've never really been a fan of buying DVD's in the first place. Once I have seen something, and I know what happens, I really don't care to relive the experience.
I don't think anything beats going to the cinema and watching something. It's a great experience. You have your popcorn, funky chairs, and a huge screen. Watching at home on the couch just feels so underwhelming.
So I can personally say I have never benefited from piracy, and I really don't think it will effect the industry all that much. People still go to the cinema's, and movies are still being successful. Recently there was Avatar and the Harry Potter movies. And I imagine Inception will do great also. The quality of the product isn't rapidly decreasing. So it's not all doom and gloom.
I think piracy will have a bigger effect on the music industry personally. I remember when albums used to cost about £12.99, and now you can just download them off Itunes at half the price.
I don't think piracy has hurt the film industry too much. As someone else said, the most successful films are still making huge amounts of money. Personally, I don't have any interest in seeing a pirated film because the quality just isn't worth the trouble. Look at a film like "Inception". Part of the draw of that film is the visual aspect, and that is something you can't get a good representation of in a pirated version. People like going to the movies, they like the big screen and deafening sound. It's a social event, & I don't think piracy can damage that.
It's a stupid ad. Bad comparison.

For this to be non-spam:
Piracy hasn't changed the film industry much. The experience of watching a movie at home vs. watching it in a theater is incredibly different. A pirated copy of a film still in theaters is usually hard to understand, hard to watch, or both due to poor quality of the copy. Pirating movies that are already out on dvd doesn't make much of a difference either, since most people who would buy the dvd go out and buy it. They want the special features and commentary. The only time piracy makes much of a difference are for small films that are hard to find on dvd. The real question should have been "Has piracy killed the music industy?"
Piracy has not hurt the movie industry. The thing that hurts movie theater viewing more then anything is the cost to go to a movie these days, ticket prices, and food are wayyy too much... People can just wait 3 months and buy the DVD for the same price that it costs to see the movie out at a theater... People can get make their own night of it at home with whatever food they want and just relax at home
It is not the fact that the film industry is putting out terrible movies all the time, Deej. It is more that they are charging people a huge fee to go and see it in the cinema and then for the physical DVD. It has just become far too easy to obtain the movie through illegal means and no one in their right mind is going to pay through the nose for something that they can get for free just as easily.

I don’t mind telling you that I have been an illegal downloader for absolutely years and I have been using torrents for everything. I also have a huge DVD collection and I feel that if a movie is good enough and worth the purchase, then I won’t look past it. The latest movie I purchased was Shutter Island and it is a wonderful movie. It is a great watch and I felt as though it would be well worth my money to purchase the DVD and I did.

However, I also have it on my PC and I much prefer watching the physical copy. The fact of the matter is that the film industry has been quite happy to charge people for lacklustre movies and at full price. Now, their sins are catching up with them and there is nothing they can do to stop it. It may be killing the industry but it should die a slow death for the money it costs.
I doubt piracy has any significant effect on the movie industry. Movies still make shitloads of money and I doubt a few hundred people watching movies online would matter all that much.
The film industry is not being killed in my opinion. People know that if you get a pirated movie, it's gonna have horrible sound quality, you can hear people munching on popcorn or chatting, and the guy is probably way too close to the screen so you can't see all of the action. This is especially true for action movies. I remember watching a pirated copy of Quantum Of Solace and the guy in the theater covered his camera because an usher was passing by. I had missed about half the movie and I was so pissed that I ended up calling some friends and watching it on the big screen an hour later.

You really miss a lot when you see a pirated copy on your TV or a computer. Take Inception for example. I watched it the day it came out. So did my other friend. I saw it in the theater, he saw a pirated copy. I absolutely loved it. He thought it sucked. Next week he goes and sees it at IMAX and now he's gaga over Inception. Makes a difference.

I say no. Piracy is not killing the film industry. If it's a good movie, people will pay good money to see it. If anything piracy is helping prevent the bad movies from getting money. They see a downloaded copy of Dragonball: Evolution, find out it sucks, and decide not to go see it again on the big screen.
agreed! have not been to too many this year, but i made sure that was one of them that i wouldnt watch online.

Absolutly love Nolan films, and am a big fan of Dicaprio, he is really intense and has adapted himself from being just another actor to someone who can easily play diverse roles, simply the best In my opinion.

now.. on to the question at hand. is Piracy killing the movie industry? (or even music for that matter) to some degree yes, and i'll touch on that in a moment, but the REAL industry that it's killing, by way of the internet, is the Porn industry. hold your laughter for a moment..

:lmao: Try telling that to Laurence Fishburne, his daughter has just signed with Vivid, yes you heard me right, poor guy.

if no one is going out to buy the DVD's, or magazine's because everyone is downloadingthem for free, then how are those Actors and models getting their money from it? sure they get their initial pay, but the sales have been really damaged as result of people just downloading them. there are very few people these days who say they can honestly say they have PAID for their porn. now that i got that out of the way, move on to the other one.

That is a serious issue, but there will always be porn lovers out there, I know a little sex shop owned by a family friend that sells bundles of DVD's, you also can watch porn on demand online which is what most of these companies are catering too nowadays.

Porn is becoming more and more apart of our society and is using modern technology to stay relevant, but that my friend is for another thread.

Hollywood films. have tey taken a hit? of course they have. not enough to really damage them, but enough to catch their attention. i believe thats why the big push for 3-D movies. i mean, who would have went to see Yogi Bear in theaters? a few people yes, but now they are rreleasing it in 3D, so now to get the full enjoyment out of it, you HAVE to go see it. and that is where the industry really is saying "oh you got a flush? okay, well here's my full house!" now i dont know about the rest of you, but foe me personally, i watch a lot of my movies online yes, and do download music. but it is also NOT illegal to do here. would i still do it if it WERE made illegal? yes i probably would. but again, when it pertains to me personally, i watch a movie online first, because im not so sure it's really going to be any good. i DO go watch all the comic book movies, but thats because i grew up a comic fan. have i been disappointed more then once? you're damn rights i have! but do i keep going back, yes i do.

But is it right for the studio's to charge insane prices?, to watch a film using two different mediums?, think about it, I can pay 14 bucks to go watch a film in the cinema or wait twelve months to watch it on DVD, I could rent, buy or even download my movies, there are many options and different charges which leave alot of us out of pocket.

In todays economy people just want to cut down on spending on as many luxuries as they can and Movies are counted as a luxury, so why not enjoy streaming a good film and then buy it if is any good, that way at least you'll save on the ticket price.

Someone made the refrence to wrestling PPV's.. now i can not say i have actually watched one on TV in a long time now.. whatever wrestlemania it was where Flair retired.. that was the last one i paid for myself. the rest it's been at a pub, a few have played in the movie theater, and then downloaded them (they usually get uploaded like 2h after airing!) which am i hurting the wrestling industry for it? probably. they think no one is watching, and change the product up to attract more fans. but the truth is a lot of us never did leave, just resorted to other ways of watching. some may be due to money issues yes, but it's true that the film industry dont care about that. they dont care if you dont have the money to see it, because if they did, then prices would drop, but their way of making more marketable movies is to add more special effects, and more big star names, which means a bigger budget, which means need more people to come watch it.

But what about movies like Airbender which are actually pointless, have an obsured cast and concentrate on special effects?, why are they giving people a reason to watch this kind of trash, I for one am a fact of the original cartoon series and watching this aweful interpretation doesn't give the movie any justification for me to refer it to my friends, It was so bad i actually walked out.

How in the hell does pirating promote a movie? "Oh I saw this movie for free online in shitty quality, now i dont need to see it in theatres. Well i guess they aint getting money from me".

Not all pirates are unclear and unwatchable, some are actually pretty good quality allowing you to take in the story making you actually want to go see the movie if it is any good that is.

I watched star trek on stream before going into the cinema to see it, the reason why? wanted to see what all the fuss was about, I liked the movie so much I actually went to the cinema and paid to see it in HD.

Thats not the case all the time. Say I was to rent the movie for 4.99 and the movie costs 4.99 to get somewhere like a used movie store

The agreement at the beginning of the film which is actually a binding agreement between you and the rental company clearly states that you cannot copy or exhibit the medium in question, yes it's not justified but in there eyes your breaking the law.

I don't think anything beats going to the cinema and watching something. It's a great experience. You have your popcorn, funky chairs, and a huge screen. Watching at home on the couch just feels so underwhelming.

It is a great experience but a very costly one also, If your like me and you can't afford the experience you will probably want to go for a cheaper option and what is more cheaper than free, free with better quality.

So I can personally say I have never benefited from piracy, and I really don't think it will effect the industry all that much. People still go to the cinema's, and movies are still being successful. Recently there was Avatar and the Harry Potter movies. And I imagine Inception will do great also. The quality of the product isn't rapidly decreasing. So it's not all doom and gloom.

For a small amount yes, but for a few movies that are being shown that have great acting and amazing stories, there are alot of movies that are just pointless, which is pathetic, It's like lying to your wife, how will she ever trust you if your gonna keep lying to her face about where you've been.

And the Movie industry is just that, liers, they keep promoting crap and attempt to cover it up with big named actors, special effects and a tone of money.

It is not the fact that the film industry is putting out terrible movies all the time, Deej. It is more that they are charging people a huge fee to go and see it in the cinema and then for the physical DVD. It has just become far too easy to obtain the movie through illegal means and no one in their right mind is going to pay through the nose for something that they can get for free just as easily.

I agree with this statement, but is it actually easier?, I've heard of companies taking people to court over downloading their movies, which was the case with X men Origins: Wolverine, the guy who placed it on a well known file sharing site got reported, his internet cut off and taken to prison and is also expected to pay a heavy fine.

Now Studios are attempting to have people like you and me blocked, stopped from viewing their content for free because they can't afford for movies to be seen online when most of there revenue comes from cinemas and Private DVD/Blue Ray sales.

If they didn't think that Piracy was a threat, why bother suing consumers who download their product for free?

I don’t mind telling you that I have been an illegal downloader for absolutely years and I have been using torrents for everything. I also have a huge DVD collection and I feel that if a movie is good enough and worth the purchase, then I won’t look past it. The latest movie I purchased was Shutter Island and it is a wonderful movie. It is a great watch and I felt as though it would be well worth my money to purchase the DVD and I did.

But again, it's not seen that way by the studios who produce these movie's and torrent sites are becoming more monitored and dangerous for online users, why would they risk the hefty sum's in court fee's to take down people that arent considered a risk to their profit margins?.

It may be killing the industry but it should die a slow death for the money it costs

But then you will have nothing to watch.:rolleyes:

The film industry is not being killed in my opinion. People know that if you get a pirated movie, it's gonna have horrible sound quality, you can hear people munching on popcorn or chatting, and the guy is probably way too close to the screen so you can't see all of the action. This is especially true for action movies. I remember watching a pirated copy of Quantum Of Solace and the guy in the theater covered his camera because an usher was passing by. I had missed about half the movie and I was so pissed that I ended up calling some friends and watching it on the big screen an hour later.

But the fact is you still watched it, If you weren't desperate to actually see that movie (more than likely because your a fan of the whole bond genre of films) you wouldn't have paid to see it.

Imagine if it was a film you where unsure of and after watching a pirate copy ruined the whole experience for you, than it would have lost at least the price of the ticket that you where gonna pay to see it.
No, I don't think piracy is killing the film industry. It could be argued it's hurting the music industry but not the film industry. I'd say the internet might be hurting PPV revenues; but I think the only thing that's hurting the film industry is a complete lack of originality. They need to stop doing remakes and sequels to everything, successful movies and busts a like, and start finding some creative people who can put out some originality.

I think if it's a movie people are interested in then they'd much rather go to the theatre (and will) rather then wait for it to come out on video or download some crappy pirated version of it.
yeah they do need some better writers I mean come on the other day I saw a preview on xbox live for the Yogi Bear Movie?
Rob Zombie wants to remake the Blob?
Remaking the Karate Kid???? That movie sucked, Jackie Chan was the most interesting character he played Mr. Hahn....the actual Karate Kid did not catch my attention
I strongly feel that piracy is the main reason why films dont make as much money as they used to. because everytime a new movie comes out the first thing me and my friends say is man i cant wait till that movie comes out on bootleg. I just hope the goverment gets more more strict on the laws for people who sell bootleg copies because sooner or later all movie theaters are goin to go out of business.
I strongly feel that piracy is the main reason why films dont make as much money as they used to. because everytime a new movie comes out the first thing me and my friends say is man i cant wait till that movie comes out on bootleg. I just hope the goverment gets more more strict on the laws for people who sell bootleg copies because sooner or later all movie theaters are goin to go out of business.

that doesn't necessarily mean that the film industry will aswell, think about it for a second, there are other mediums out there besides theatre.

We have DVD, Blueray disks, streaming sites and PPV Film's and to a lesser extent film channels and free TV.

Cinemas don't have to be the be all and end all to the film industry and with more and more people sitting at home preferring to watch movies with their surround systems and HD televisions why would they bother to go out to the nearest cinema?.

Piracy may put a kink in the armour of the film studio elite, but i doubt it will put them down for the count.
Movie theaters are not going to go out of business.
There are lines out the doors and around buildings for the movies...
If it's a good movie they'll come, if not regardless of bootlegging, there not going to do good.
Most people who want to see it will go to the movies over bootlegging because for the most part there are more bad copies out there then good copies, and most of all people go to the movies not only to see the movie but it's getting out of the house and having a Friday night out
It's a plus seeing the movie but it's a hot spot for social teens and younger adults and well watching a bootlegged copy at home and eating a delivered pizza huddled around a tv is just not as fun as being out at night with tons of people and going out drinking or to the restaurants afterwards

The movie theaters are NOT hurting business wise....they keep upping the prices and people keep on paying.
They complain about buying a six dollar pretzel and a six dollar drink and twelve dollar tickets, but in the end they always come back
Of course piracy is not killing the film industry. The film industry is still making obscene amount of money, churning out the same old same old with regards to movies, and it is hard to feel sorry for an industry that remains so lucrative.

Going to the movies is expensive. By the time you pay for the movie itself, plus your food and drinks, plus your after-movie expenses, a night out at the movies is costly. But people still go, or they still purchase DVD's or Blu-rays, and they likely always will. A night out at the movies is still enjoyable and people will still continue to do so despite the temptation to participate in piracy.

I think it's foolish if people are suggesting that the quality of movies being put out today is suffering because the studios are not trying as hard because they are having to compete with piracy. I also think it's wrong to suggest that piracy of movies is an acceptable thing to do. Piracy is still theft in my opinion, getting something for free that you are supposed to pay for. It's a little silly to suggest that it's OK to pirate movies because the quality of movies being put out is poor. If you think the quality of movies is that bad, you still have the option to not watch them at all. Saying that it's OK to pirate movies because the movie quality is poor is like saying it's OK to steal a car because Ford is building shitty automobiles. Or that it's OK to stream TNA PPV's because their quality is too lousy to justify purchasing them.

But in the end, whether you are OK with pirating movies or whether you're not, don't feel too sorry for the film industry. They're not exactly destitute and will continue to get by just fine.
I don't make a lot of money but If I like a movie...
I'll re buy it on the newest form that it's on...so now of course I'm rebuying all my stuff worth while on blu rey
and I know a lot of other people are doing the same....

a night at the movie on average for two people 22.00 for tickets where I'm at
12.00 two large refillable soda's
6.50 One large refillable pop corn

So for just two people at the movies that come out to.... 40.50?
Now all those dozens and dozens and DOZENS of annoying teens going to see the stinky new Twilight on a friday night??? well three theaters were SOLD OUT!! for just one movie...one night for a couple shows....that's a couple hundred people....buying tickets, and food and playing stupid arcade games waiting for the show to begin
Anyone complaining about Piracy,
Who's not a music artist,
Is just making excuses.

What are you more likely to hear,
1. I'm not going to go buy that album because I got the song I want off LimeWire,
2. I'm not going to go see that movie because I just spent 2 hours downloading it from...,
I'm going w/ the first one.

Movie Makers need to learn the time,
It used to be dance movies that were the big thing,
Right now vamps are what's hot,
So if you don't have a big name, Leonardo De Caprio or Angelina Jolie, starring in a movie,
You need to Jump on the bandwagon or wait for the right time to let your movie out.
Blamming Piracy is a poor mans excuse,
If sparkling vapires can sell millions, (NO offense, I'm a huge Twilight mark!!)
So can Billy Joe and his story
Anyone complaining about Piracy,
Who's not a music artist,
Is just making excuses.

again, I bring up the Porn industry, are they just making excuses? Or is the internet, and piracy really killing them? Yes it will always be around, but not in the style it use to be, where they could build stars such as Jenna Jameson. Because now everything is free on torrent sites, and limewire.
Porn should be out of business anyways.
It's wrong and disgusting and it makes sex lustful and it depicts sex in ways it wasn't meant to be.
I have no sympathy for video Wh*res loosing out on money...Go get a real damn job

Talking about legit movies and piracy issues is one thing to feel bad about....but bringing up the porn industry?
Who cares besides the tasteless people who watch it
I guess it depends on how good the movie is. Like Avatar, very good movie, one of the best I have ever seen. That movie was a box office hit, less people watched the pirated copy, but only because it was so amazing on the big screen. (Also 3D)

If people go and watch the movie in theaters and say "Wow! What a good movie Inception is." They would go tell their friends and then their friends would watch it, thus it makes a bigger box office hit. If I go and watch Inception and tell my friends that it's a terrible movie (which it's not) they either a) wouldn't watch it or b) would watch a pirated copy becauae it isn't worth spending your money on.

Or, it could just be if a person just can't wait to see the movie in theaters and just get a pirated copy.
That's just my opinion. :)
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