Is John Morrison Being Wasted Right Now?


The Cerebral Assassin
John Morrison is a great, young talent. I think pretty much everyone can agree with that. He's very atheletic, has a good character, is good on the mic, and is in great shape and can do some pretty great things in the ring. But...he's paired with Miz, someone that, IMO, isnt even worth lacing up Morrison's boots. But, I cant contest with their success/popularity as a tag team (as they've virtually carried the tag division as of late). Morrison (& Miz) are doing great things for the tag division, but is Morrison being slighted due to his character's dedication to the tag team division? Morrison has been around longer than most people think (since early 2004) and, IMO, should have gotten/should be getting a big push (at least to the upper midcard/lower main event scene), but not with a partner, but by himself. This guy has way more potential than both Rhodes & DiBiase combined. He's just phenomenal, and I think this fact has been marginalized due to him being used in a tag team. I don't know if I would say his talent is being wasted right now, as he's really the heart and soul of the WWE's tag division as a whole, but I think his career could have had alot more success by now if he was never paired up with Miz, and was able to focus on dazzling us in high-priority singles matches/feuds. What do you guys think?
He isn't being wasted. He was wasted before when he was just that guy on ECW. But as a pair, these two have become incredibly popular and both work well together. Miz is a great talent, one of the most improved I have seen and Morrison is finally getting the attention he deserves. After this tag team is over, they will both go on their seperate ways and I am sure that Morrison will become the bigger star of the two. But as of right now, they are both equally talented in the ring.
I think Morrison is way better in the ring than Miz. And, if anything, the time when Morrison was on ECW and was feuding with the likes of CM Punk over the ECW Championship was the best stretch in his career thusfar. I know the ECW Championship is no world title, but getting it usually means a big push- examples are recent top guys who I feel have "carried" ECW in order: CM Punk, Morrison himself, Matt Hardy, and now it looks like Christian. But instead, he got stuck in a tag team with Miz but, it was booked correctly & he's really carried it, turning a negative into a positive, something Morrison is talented enough to do. All I'm saying, Morrison should be involved in upper-midcard feuds for IC Titles, almost breaching into the main event scene, instead of being in a long-standing tag team.
Both are above the tag team division, but the problem is they are simply the best tag team since the Hardy's and Edge and Christian. The wwe should have had Miz n Morrison go over DX cleanly back on that special RAW.

As far as Morrison is concerned, a MITB win would be perfect, but him and Miz COULD unify the tag titles against the Colon's at Mania, then be split up in the draft, but tag titles can be defended on any show so they carry on teaming up. Morrison could win IC title though, and Miz accuses him of not putting in enough effort into the tag title defences which could lead to the split and them going seperate ways, Miz going for US title, leaving Morrison, maybe as a face, heading for the World Heavyweight Title.

I can hope.
No Morrison isnt being wasted as he became a jobber after he lost the ECW title, this tag team is the best thing for him, the Miz and the tag team division. Morrison needs the Miz right now as without him the guy doesnt get any heat at all, it is plain Miz needed Morrison as since the team has formed Miz has improved and I would personally say is nearly at Morrison's level.

So no, Morrison isnt being wasted because I believe if it wasnt for this team he would be doing absolutely nothing at all.
You all have got to be kidding.... I agree with the game.. Morrison is being underutilized in a tag team right now..... As far as Miz goes.. How can one say he is close to Morrison in the ring??? Worlds apart.. I can think of at least 3 or 4 H*ly S**T moments while watching Morrison.. Miz has only ever done that one thing in the ring... and that was... never mind cant think of anything.. matter of fact every time I try to remember Miz in the ring its a big blurr.. who is this dude gonna carry in a match.. no one... he is annoying as hell and should only be used in squash matches...
Well it depends how you look at it. He has great athleticism and can do some mat better than most. His mic skills have improved as of late and he has a pretty good gimmick. So when you look at it like that he is being wasted. He has alot of talent and it is being wasted and you have guys like TBK who had there good run for like 3 months and he gets a World title shot. Morrison has been consitent since just before he teamed with Miz and has had hardly any title shots at all ( these coutn for all titles).

Now when you look at it at a different "angle" he is wrestling were he should be. He has broken the drug policy ( back in 2007) and he hasn't add many great matches during his return from then. What guys this decade have come bakc from failing a drug test and have won main event matches? I can only think of Edge, Jeff Hardy and Randy Orton. Yeah so he should be what he is doing. Proving himself. For this instance he is proving himself in the tag division and showing that he wont stuff up again. Yeah I know it's unfair because Jeff has failed twice since 2006 and has main evented like 7 ppv's last year including this year. I guess it's jsut because Hardy is so over with the fans and will put his body on the line all the time. Where as Morrison has won of the best tag teams this decade and is on the ECW brand.

Now let me see the arguement between Miz and Morrison. I mean who is better out of the 2. Well in ring Morrison beats Miz easily. I mean it isn't even that close. On the mic tho I think Miz has the advantage here. Don't get me wrong Morrison is good on the mic but Miz is better. Now Morrison haas been in here since like 2003 or something and wasn't properly used since 2006. Miz came in the tough enough and wasn't properly used until late 2006. So since Miz has been here less I would say he has the upper hand because he is improving in the ring and has that awesome cocky attitude. Altho overall not includign how long they have been here for I am going to say Morrison.
He is not in the least bit being wasted at all. Morrison's career has a nice build to it. The WWE hasn't forced him down any of throats. His ECW title reign was a breath of fresh air. During that time was a change in his character which is one half of the best tag team on telelvision today. I like the direction his character is right now, and I think his career has plenty of time to grow.
Being wasted? Geez Morrison and Miz are the only guys who are regularly on all 3 brands. He is getting so much exposure that you can't really call him wasted. He is one half of the best tag team in the WWE right now.

People need to realize pushing him to the mainevent right now would be too useless. Look at Punk, he went to the top and then went right back because he wasn't ready and because there's more mainevent talent. Morrison right now get's time to grow his character, moveset, promo's ect. Him and Miz have grown so much from this tag team, and will countinue to.

So some might say he is being wasted right now because he's in a tag team(and we all no WWE really doesn't give a crap about that division)but the guy is getting so much exposure and time to mold into a eventual mainevent star, so I don't think he is being wasted at all.
He's not being wasted, far from it. If he was stuck on ECW without a proper team to feud against and getting like, 10 minutes TV time a week, I'd certainly agree with anyone saying he was being wasted. But as has been said, he's on all 3 shows and one half of the best tag team the WWE has had since the likes of Edge and Christian. He's still a young guy with his career ahead of him, and right now there's no reason to rush him out of good position just for the sake of trying to launch his singles career. When the time comes he'll be a star on his own, but right now he's still in a good spot.
I disagree as well. I like Morrison, I'm not so fond of all the posturing and whatnot, and I don't like the character to much. But he in an incredible talent, so I think he does deserve a run at the top. However, I believe he failed in his first try. I see ECW as a proving ground, the champion in ECW is like a trail champion. They are seeing how well the person can get over when on top of a brand. And I personally don't think he had a strong enough character to draw ratings.. Although, it was ECW.. And he ruined his push by being caught for steroids. I think that is why people like CM Punk have been so successful. He drew *for ECW* when he was champion, and he isn't a threat to the company's wellness policy. I doubt Morrison is still on anything, but regardless, I think he must re-earn a chance at the top, and think he's being well utilized with this.. Well, somewhat of a stranglehold over the tag division.
I don't think he's being wasted at all. he's on almost all three shows weekly so he's getting a lot of ring time. People are noticing him for what he can do in the ring which is always a good thing. Miz and Morrison are getting to the point where the tag belts are worthless to them as it's been known that they're the best team in the company. This is what happened to Edge and Christian when they were on the verge of breaking up and it's nothing but good. Morrison has the talent and will be a singles star one day, but they're not rushing it. he's building up a huge reputation as a wrestler in a tag team, not as a tag team wrestler.
He is not being wasted at all imo. I fully agree with everything you said about Morrison's talent and how much upside he has, but why rush him into the main event and have it fail as it has so many times? Instead, cultivate him and let him develop his character over several years just like guys such as Edge and Jeff Hardy did. They were around for years before they even sniffed true main event status, especially Hardy.

Miz & Morrison are easily the best tag team going right now, and rightfully so. Miz has improved dramatically since this team formed and he is growing on me (though I dont see him ever getting past midcard status). These guys remind me alot of Edge & Christian. They seem to always be around the titles, though they don't need them to be over and you know the time is coming when they break up and become singles stars, just don't know when. For now, WWE needs to focus on the tag division more to make the division more competitive and entertaining, and these guys are the perfect ones to lead that. All they need is another team (or teams) to step up and be there constant rivals just like the Dudleys and especially the Hardys were for E&C.

Morrison's time is coming, I am sure of it. But we just have to wait, because in the end waiting till the right time and not trying this sort of thing too early is the best decision possible.
I dont see him wasted. The main event scene is crowded at the moment. Maybe in 2years he will breakout. I like his pairing as it is. In future when HBK, Taker and batisa has slowed down. Morrisson along with dibiase,rhodes, cm punk, tyson kidd and DH smith can take over the main scene.
Morrison isn't being wasted at all. In fact, being in a floundering tag team division is probably saving his career. Morrison I believe has the potential to be a WWE Champion someday. But he's not ready yet. If they were to put him in the hunt for the title now, he would probably become a jobber to the upper stars and then fall off. He can develop his skills further while doing tag team feuds. Eventually, when he is truly ready, he can betray Miz, go solo, and make his case for the title. I mean, if Edge was tossed into the title picture right away when he was 3-4 years into his career, do you think he'd be the champion he is today?
It's this type of thinking at has made the tag division crap. Everybody is so impatient for one guy to break out, at this point a tag team is just a way for one guy to be elevated and the other to be forgotten. Morrison and Miz are the best tag team in years, there's no reason to end it now. Look at the past, it took years and years for guys like Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Edge, Christian, SHelton Benjamin, JBL, etc to break out as singles stars. Nowadays, two guys team together for 6 months and then one rises to the nest level and the other one jobs to new talent in dark matches or gets released. There is nothing wrong with a very talented guy being in a tag team.
Hes not being wasted he just need a better gimmick and a finishing move to get in the world title picture. His gimmick remind me a Wanna-Be Early Hbk.
Have you watched a Morrison tag match recently? him and miz are a perfect heel tag team. their in-ring work is nothing short of spectacular. distractions, fake distractions, always cheating to get the upper hand in the match. tag team moves, after the quick tags. now the division may be suffering, but they are on top of their game and the best heel tag team in a long time, better at what they do in ring then edge and christian were. Morrison is a star, a feud with hbk would accelerate him to main event status, their matches would be gold. and people say he is just a wanna be shawn michaels, well he is not the worst in ring performer to mold yourself around. morrison puts on a great match, no doubt about that, his mic work is better and his arrogant persona is getting better, but being wasted? the guy gets 2-3 matches or tv spots a week, that is the most in the biz. works on all 3 programs gets heat on each one. he is a star they just need to pick their spots.
I'm about the biggest John Morrison fan you're going to find. I think, of the set of young guys on the roster, Morrison is the one I can see having a long, lasting, important, Hall of Fame caliber career. I want him to get a big singles push as much as any fan of his.

But what we forget sometimes is that he is developing a career. He's still young, still improving, still at the start of his career. He has had a pretty good beginning to his career. He has been an ECW Champion, an Intercontinental champion, and multiple time Tag Team Champion. People compare him to HBK, but even Michaels didn't start off his career like that. That's a good start for Morrison.

Is he the better half of his current team? I believe so. He is innovative in the ring, has improved by leaps and bounds on the microphone, and has a character that lends itself to standing out. He'll have his day in the sun. I hope it starts with the Money in the Bank April 5th.
thats an definite yes!!!!! this guy has the stuff that legends are made of!! as i stated in a different post. hes potentially Michael's replacement! everytime i watch him in action i have flashbacks of 95 hbk!!! how is this guy not in the title hunt by now?

you may have a point about getting better. but look how young cena and punk were while getting the belt. and Morrison has more potential than both of them! well idk punk is phenomenal! but my favorite thing about morrision is that hes an heel. heels are so much better than faces. im sick of faces
thats an definite yes!!!!! this guy has the stuff that legends are made of!! as i stated in a different post. hes potentially Michael's replacement! everytime i watch him in action i have flashbacks of 95 hbk!!! how is this guy not in the title hunt by now?
Maybe because he's boring as hell? Maybe because his in-ring is pedestrian?

Just because a guy is athletic, doesn't mean he's a great worker. Do I think he has potential? Sure, but that doesn't mean he's good right now.

I wouldn't say he's being wasted, I think he's just being worked in slowly and being allowed to improve his skills before being pushed to a level where he'll be depended on.
John Morrison isn't being wasted right now, he's being tested by the WWE. A lot of you like JM and I understand that but the fact is that even though he's athletic he has too many flaws in his character. For one he can't raise heat and that's his biggest problem. If you're a heel and you can't get people to hate you there is something wrong with you're character. Second is that he acts like a damn face. His moveset is awesome and it reminds me of a young HBK, and thats the problem. When was the last time you saw a flashy heel? and because of his moves he entertains you right? Well if he's more fun to watch than the face why on earth would you boo the man? And third he's gone too far with his comedy.

Look I get the fact that heel's can be funny AKA Mr Kennedy in 2007-2008. But this guy goes too far to ENTERTAIN YOU. He's suposed to do stuff that makes you HATE him. These are his major flaws. I think that the WWE knows that and they are trying to decide what to do with him. Don't get me wrong i'm a big fan of his but I think that this guy entertains me too much as a heel. You dont have to worry about a thing, JM has excelled in his in-ring performance and I think that the WWE has a lot of trust in him. With JM being in a team with the Miz allows him to wrestle on every show. The guy is a damn workhorse and the WWE obviously likes the guy. So you just have to wait and see what will happen with him. But as of now he's definnetly NOT being wasted
He is not being wasted this is what almost everyone said helping his career it is also improveing his mic skills even more and i think miz and morrsion will break up by being drafted
I don't think Morrison is being wasted at all. I think his character now is the best it's every been, and he's definitely a big improvement from his Johnny Nitro days. He's also helping out The Miz a lot, as he use to be the laughing stock of WWE, and is now over with the fans more than most others in WWE since teaming with Morrison.

My little prediction right now is that Morrison will win Money in the Bank at Wrestlemania this year. He just seems like the most likely candidate to make the jump to the main event level right now. This could also open up a story line for the breakup of Miz & Morrison, with the Miz being jealous of Morrison winning MITB and the two eventuually breaking up and feuding for a little until Morrison cashes in his title shot.
Ahem, Nobody can complain about the way WWE creative uses John Morrison. Creative made his what he is today. You must remember that before he was John Morrison he was Johnny Nitro. When he wrestled as Nitro everybody hated him. Then creative gave him a gimmick adjustment and Morrison did a flip while holding a ladder at wrestlemania, now everybody loves him!

That just proves that Morrison is greatly overated.

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