Is John Cena somewhat jealous of Randy Orton's pedigree?

I've never seen either perform the Pedigree, but if Ortons does it better there is nothing wrong with a healthy bit of jealousy
Don't see how he would be jealous of Orton's pedigree, kayfabe or not. I think he just looks at Orton like a squandered opportunity. All that pedigree and he still couldn't measure up to the other major stars. There was always someone that was better than him (in story) so he took the political route to achieve the success that he desired.

What makes this match a bit more intriguing is Cena pointing that out and turning the story into that of handpicked vs hard-fought. Both had great promos last week and I expect the same tonight, but Cena adding that tidbit did pull me further in the story.
He's certainly a workhorse & few could do as much as he has, but I just get this horrible feeling that since 08/09 no one has been allowed to be as big as him.

I'm probably just being paranoid, but It just feels like anyone who starts to get a shred of momentum get's quickly turned heel and fed to him & by the end of the year, they're usually stuck in comedy skits with Santino Marella & either spend the rest of their career stuck in lower-mid card hell, or end up being future endeavoured for their troubles.
You are just being paranoid. Why would the WWE, a company in the business of making money and a company which is publicy traded, turn down money? What would their motivation be to keep wrestlers from becoming big superstars and making the WWE money?

It doesn't make sense. All the WWE is going to care about is what makes them money, both in the short and long term. They're not going to intentionally hold back people who can make them money.
It was a promo. Have read quite a bit of times, that they are clos friends outside the ring.
Cena has also called Randy the best performer in the company in one of his interviews.
Im curious as to the age of the lot of you. You all say that Randy was handed everything but what about all say he worked from the ground up..true he got himself over with Thuganomics but after that he was handed EVERYTHING...I remember clearly because i was around back then...Cena turned face in 2003 but he was never organically over to the heights that WWE wanted him..he faced Carlito, Booker T, Orlando Jordan...not the biggest names and his pops were never amazing..I will give him credit that he seized the moment and took the opportunity WWE gave him because they had big plans for him, and he obviously handled the success well, but Id never say he worked toiled for years until he was given an opportunity because its not the reality..dont forget that he started training in just he debuted in 2002 and won the freakin world title in 2005. As far as whether hes jealous of Randy, who knows and who cares...both are rich, hes richer than Orton and more sucessful to boot..human nature has a bit of jealousy so its possible, but then again were talking about two grown men in their mid
I see yet another member of the CeNation has read the thread wrong again. I'm not knocking Cena at all. He's a great talent! Committed to the business, and a good leader. Why not make him the face of the company? It was just a question that you took to seriously and looked too much into. You Cena marks! To you guys John Cena is the best thing since Michael Jackson. Smh.

This doesn't make any sense. The OP asked a question and everyone in this thread answered it. Why would Cena, who's made it miles farther than Orton be jealous of him. Especially for something that doesn't matter any more. It's just common sense no matter who you're a fan of
Yes. Thats why he always tries to bury people like Orton, Punk etc during a promo. And to the above poster, he became the number 1 guy because WWE pushed him more than anyone to be the number 1 guy. Its fake, remember.

And Punk has never attempted to bury someone in a promo? Cast your little pea brain back to the summer of 2011.

And why did WWE push Cena? Because they saw something in him and they were right. WWE have pushed other Superstars to the moon and they have failed. Cena sold PPV's and sold LOTS of merch.

To answer the question. No, Cena is not jealous of Orton. Orton has never reached his levels.

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