Is it time to reintroduce a tertiary belt to WWE?

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I didn't see anything about this subject on another thread, but if I missed it, I do apologize.

I got to thinking last night about guys who are talented workers, but don't seem to have a lot going on. Zack Ryder. Tyson Kidd. Trent Barretta. Chris Masters. Zeke. Mason. Countless others. Wouldn't these guys benefit from a tertiary belt to go after? These kinda guys aren't quite Intercontinental/US title quality yet, but why does that mean they have to be jobbers?

I know a lot of people will say "we have too many belts already". We currently have the WWE Championship, the World Heavyweight Championship, the Intercontinental Championship, the United States Championship, the Tag Team Championship and the Diva's Championship. That's 6 belts. In the Attitude Era, what the IWC generally considers the greatest thing since sliced bread, we have 7: WWE, IC, European, Hardcore, Light-Heavyweight, Tag-Team, Women's. And the other thing to consider is that it's very different now. The WWE/World and IC/US are essentially one belt, with the brand extension.

I don't care if its European, Hardcore, Cruiserweight, or whatever label they wanna give it, a lot of wrestlers would seriously benefit from chasing after a lesser title. Earn credibility. You can even have the occasional IC-caliber wrestler win the belt to give it that much more credibility: HBK, Jericho, Guerrero, Angle are all former European Champions, and it either gave them that boost to the next level, or the other way around: they were already established and added credibility to the belt.

I just feel like a lot of guys are floating around doing nothing. Superstars is actually a great show, with some of the best wrestling you'll see in WWE. If those guys were chasing a belt, it would validate them more, and you'd even see some of these guys on RAW/SmackDown.

I Agree with what you are suggesting, but I don't think just adding another title to one or both of the brands will help the WWE product. The reason being that right now, nothing is happening with either the united states or intercontinental titles. I think the addition of another title would be great if titles actually meant anything to Vince or the writers. Titles don't mean shit anymore.....if they did, current champions would be wrestling on every show and involved in angles......I don't even think i've laid eyes on Kofi Kingston since he one the impromptu tables match with Sheamus.......There is no real value of the intercontinental title on Wade Barrett because his issues are not about the IC title, but instead about the corruption of The Corre, and I honestly have no idea who the divas champion is anyway.

Another title would be phenomenal, but the WWE seems to have lost the idea that titles have importance in wrestling. I thought they were supposed to be the most important thing, but thats apparently not the case.
I have thought about this many times in the past and I have come to the conclusion that they don't need another title. I think what you are saying is pretty much what the ECW Championship and brand was for. It was for those guys who have nothing going on to get exposure and credibility. However it didn't work out as planned.

What they need to do is give more credibility to the belts they already have and put more emphasis on them. The IC/US title should have some of those guys you mentioned in contention for them. The guys that are left over need to be put in tag teams and help out the tag division. Like Ryder/Hawkins/Barreta. These guys have great chemistry so why not team them together? Tyson Kidd and DH Smith, the split of the Hart Dynasty didn't really work in there favor so why not have them make up and re-form the Hart Dynasty? That would already make two more teams right there. Tyler Reks and Chris MAsters, neither of them are doing anything. If WWE would just think this through then stuff like this could work out.
Lets fix the IC/US title and the tag team titles first before we add another title first. The world titles are credible because the holder is always in angles about defending the title, you care if he loses it. With the IC title, you do not care if he has it or not because he has done nothing with it, there are not any storylines about him defending it. Same with the tag team titles they are too worried about the guys from the two stables than defending their belts. I do not even think Brie Bella has defended her title once since she won it.

Bottom Line: it will be a great idea once ALL the titles mean something again.
At this point, I really think WWE cares for championships. Doesn't anyone else remember the fact that Vince is trying to move away from wrestling. For him things should be about "entertainment" and not championships and wrestling matches.
I agree that they need to make the titles mean something again. I guess my scenario would be in a perfect world where championships were valued, haha. It actually seems like they're reforming the tag division a bit, with Ryder and Hawkins reuniting, the Usos getting SOME time on Superstars, and the wild speculation that Zeke and Mason will eventually team up after Nexus and Corre both dissolve. They're also testing out managers again, and I thought Michael Hayes' promo on Superstars was great.

Lastly I've actually been impressed with the Divas division, due in no small part to Kharma. I only wish the title were involved; maybe since Kelly Kelly seems to be the focal point for Kharma (saving her for last?), if K2 had the title it would make a lot more sense. Or at least make the Divas division look credible.

I see what you guys are saying and it makes sense. I guess I just wish it were different.
I'm with you, Reddog. The current secondary titles HAVE to mean something and written with angles before starting to add more titles. The real problem is that these titleholders are placed in meaningful programs to make you care about those titles. Daniel Bryan's US Title reign was awful, no fault of his own. He was not in one real program that would make anybody give a damn. Basically the same with the IC title. Once they solve that problem, things will take of themselves.
Like many of the Superstars of the Attitude Era, the Attitude Era is overrated. The European, Light-Heavyweight and Hardcore title need to stay retired and on the shelf until the end of time.

They cant build proper feuds around the 6 titles they currently have, so adding another one will not help. Maybe instead of squashing most of the middle card and placing them in meaningless matches week-end and week-out, they should work on building up the middle card. Start a bracket and make people work for title shots.

Kingston lost the IC Title to Barret on Smackdown, only to be traded to Raw and immediately be placed in a match vs Sheamus for the US Title in order to keep the US Title on Raw. What? How does a person who just lost their title on one show get bumped ahead of the rest of the guys on Raw for a title shot, without any in-between match to determine a number one contender? This is the WWE's problem, the main focus is on Cena vs Miz and Orton as champ on Smackdown, with no build up for the other titles. Sure there are other stories going on that do not involve belts, but if would build stories and rivalries around the title belts they could add so much more to WWE Programing.

What made the Attitude Era great was the in depth story telling at every level of programming, which the WWE is lacking these day.
I think they should bring back the European belt it was a very respectful belt alot of good wrestler's held that belt, British Bulldog, Al Snow, Kurt Angle, Y2J etc. It suited alot of WWF/E wrestler's back in the day, I would say the wrestler's day would bemfit from it alot the likes of Santino, Davey boy smith, Sin Cara, Drew. I can't see them bringing back the Hardcore title anymore because of the PG Era, I don't know why alot of people didn't like the Hardcore Belt I thought it was one of the best belt's going at the time. It was very unpredictable when it was on the line every week something new every week.
I think if WWE were to add an extra title, then it should be exclusive to Superstars. They should give that show its own roster (Reks, Kidd, JTG, Ryder etc) but also have them use the show to bring in people from FCW.

If Superstars was only shown on, then it would fit in somewhere between the level of WWECW and FCW, and by giving it its very own title, it gives people a reason to watch the show, but it also gives people a reason to acually APPEAR on Superstars as well.
As mentioned previously the decline in the regard in which the IC/US belts are held is a real travesty IMO. Yes belts may only be a prop but when you look back at the great champions that has held these belts back in the day, i feel its disrespectful to the legecy of the belts and the men who held them. It used to really mean something to have the IC belt, which was often a stepping stone to ME status and the WWE title, just my opinion but I think its a real shame.
Let's all take a minute to remember that championship belts are meant for champions. Why should WWE create a title for mediocre wrestlers because they have nothing better to do? If they were good enough, they could contend for the IC or US title. Creating a title for low card guys who aren't good enough to contend for existing titles kind of defeats the purpose of the existing titles.
I am all for bringing back the Cruiserweight belt on SD! For one thing it gives SD something that makes it different from Raw and allows it to kind of go back to being the wrestling show even more so than it is already. Plus WWE have the potential to have a great cruiserweight division at the moment.

Sin Cara

That's just a few names straight off the top of my head and already that would be a great division. TNA continues to bury the X Division and I miss solid cruiserweight wrestling so I'd absolutely love to see the E do this.
I am all for bringing back the Cruiserweight belt on SD! For one thing it gives SD something that makes it different from Raw and allows it to kind of go back to being the wrestling show even more so than it is already. Plus WWE have the potential to have a great cruiserweight division at the moment.

Sin Cara

That's just a few names straight off the top of my head and already that would be a great division. TNA continues to bury the X Division and I miss solid cruiserweight wrestling so I'd absolutely love to see the E do this.

I agree. People have sour tastes in their mouths when it comes to a Cruiserweight division, but I think that's because of how mismanaged it was last time. There's a lot of solid talents who would combine perfectly to make a solid Cruiserweight division. All the guys you mentioned, plus guys like Barretta, Heath Slater, Ryder, Hawkins...plenty of them.
Let's all take a minute to remember that championship belts are meant for champions. Why should WWE create a title for mediocre wrestlers because they have nothing better to do? If they were good enough, they could contend for the IC or US title. Creating a title for low card guys who aren't good enough to contend for existing titles kind of defeats the purpose of the existing titles.

Titles also operate in divisions, or at least they are supose to. It's hard for an "average" worker to poke his nose into a sea full of "good" workers for the IC or U.S. Some people just won't ever reach the top; and maybe not even the mid-card; not because they are a "poor" worker, but because they are average among a lot of good ones. I understand what you are saying though, but i feel like it is just too over crowded.

What i really feel like would help would be a seperate, smaller, brand with storylines. I don't want to just see Superstars, I want to see a plot unfold between two people in a feud. I know ECW failed; but i feel like there is a formula somewhere in there that can work.

Also, i think the only way you will ever see another title is if they unify the U.S. and the IC.

Just my two cents.
Titles also operate in divisions, or at least they are supose to. It's hard for an "average" worker to poke his nose into a sea full of "good" workers for the IC or U.S. Some people just won't ever reach the top; and maybe not even the mid-card; not because they are a "poor" worker, but because they are average among a lot of good ones. I understand what you are saying though, but i feel like it is just too over crowded.

The key word I'm seeing here is average. Titles aren't meant for average people. Titles are meant for the best. If a wrestler is having a hard time getting in contention for a mid card title that tells me he doesn't deserve a title. That's like saying the Olympics should add a few more medals for those who aren't good enough to capture even the bronze much less the silver or gold.
Okay here we go then - the trouble is all the titles have been down valued except oddly enough the womens title. But on all the titles i would bang the writers heads together and start building some propper bloody storylines. for all the titles - i would as stated before unify the wwe and whc title. I would also bring back the either both the european and cruiserweight titles.I would also dump superstars and bring back ECW with the ecw title, ecw tag team and ecw womens title. Of the current titles id make sure that being the ic title is the stepping stone to the wwe title.
The key word I'm seeing here is average. Titles aren't meant for average people. Titles are meant for the best. If a wrestler is having a hard time getting in contention for a mid card title that tells me he doesn't deserve a title. That's like saying the Olympics should add a few more medals for those who aren't good enough to capture even the bronze much less the silver or gold.

Touche. I guess i'm just thinking that they could introduce a lower-card title, since U.S. and IC are considered Mid-Card. It would act as a good device for setting up feuds between lower-card workers. My thought process is treating the title like a prop, which i understand is what kills a title's legitimacy. So i think it depends on which way you want to treat a title; as a prestigious symbol or as a plot device.
I am not sure where I stand on this. I do agree with a lot of points made but I really would like the IC Title to mean something again. I think Wade Barrett is a worthy Champion and has the potential to bring some sort of worth back to the belt if only the creative team would put some effort in and come up with good storylines/feuds involving the IC Title and Barrett. Maybe then another belt could be bought in for the wrestlers who are not part of or on the road to the main event scene.

I think a title like the Light Heavyweight or Cruiserweight Championship would be the best bet seeing as it as a purpose for existing (for those of a certain weight).
they should make up a new title with a brand new name, i would like it to be mainly for people like evan bourne, tyson kid, wwe has a lot of lower than mid card talent, and i acctually like those talent, tyson kid vs trent baretta was awsome on superstars because they are light so the match is quick and fun to watch. they need a cuserweight type of title.
Your right about that though. But big zeek and mason ryan are more the up to task when it come to being US\intercontinental champs but the others like trent barreta and zack ryder should have some type of a divison and can just be jobber to the stars. They work their way up
I think in the current roster set up no, they already neglect the US and IC title pretty well and to bring back or create a new belt that would be held with less regard would be a mistake. They need to breath life back into the mid card titles they have rather then adding another prop for a low card guy to carry around. If they were one big roster as apposed to brands i think they could get away with it but thats another topic in itself.
Why make titles for guys who aren't good enough to win the titles already there? Defeats the purpose of having titles in the first place.

And adding new titles would just clutter everything up. TNA is an example of having too many titles and not enough tv time.
I know a lot of people will say "we have too many belts already".
You're right. That was exactly what I was thinking. :D More importantly, though, just look at the IC and US belts. Does anyone care who has them? Hell, I watch wrestling religiously and even I have to stop and think a minute before I can recall the current holders. So, if the secondary belts are that meaningless, what could be said about tertiary ones?

I don't care if its European, Hardcore, Cruiserweight, or whatever label they wanna give it, a lot of wrestlers would seriously benefit from chasing after a lesser title. Earn credibility.
I think it would add zero credibility to anyone. These would be the kind of titles someone wins in their debut match. No one would care. If anything, it would label a wrestler as a low card talent. Might as well sew a red letter to his outfit.

Also it makes for lazy writing. Yet another title match. If you have those all the time, none are special.

One of the worst times in WWE was how after the WCW invasion angle how they had countless titles going around. WCW Champion, WWF Champion, IC, US, European, Cruiserweight, Light Heavyweight, 2 sets of tag champs, Women's champ, Hardcore champ, and probably a few more I can't even recall. It was downright idiotic. As Mick Foley put it then: If you see someone who doesn't have a couple of belts on him, you think there must be something wrong with this guy.

I was one of the few people who supporte the experiment when the WWE eliminated all single belts but one. Even the IC title was gone for a while. I didn't mind. The belt had been devalued considerably over the years. Ultimately I was glad when they brought it back, though.

But now, with 2 shows and the WWE and the WHC title being 2 halfes of the same coin, and the same being true for the US and IC belts, there are 4 champions. 4 constantly changing names. That is already plenty confusing for the casual viewer. Don't unnecessarily add to it.
WWE Creative can't even book a lower-card feud even without a belt. Why would you put the extra strain of a title onto their workload? That means they HAVE to write in a story line to fit the belt every month, and given how much effort they currently put into Trent Baretta's creative direction, you can imagine how lacklustre the title is going to be.

If there aren't feuds that mean something between wrestlers that mean something, the belt won't mean something. Trust me, if they can't develop a decent feud for the midcard belts, the lower card sure as shit won't get any love. Then you just have an accessory for wrestlers to wear for a few weeks at a time before passing it on. Sort of like Melina.
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