Is it time to put the WWE Championship on The Big Show?


Is hanging up the boots
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This topic has been on my mind for quite a while actually. Since returning to the WWE back in February, the Big Show has only been involved in one main event angle which was at Wrestlemania 24 against Floyd Mayweather. Since then, he has done nothing important at all except maybe a mini feud with the Great Khali which was easily forgettable.

He is very over with the fans and always get a great reaction from the live crowd. He returned as a heel, but due to the astounding amount of cheers he received every week, the WWE had really no choice but to turn him face. Since it looks like Triple H will lose the WWE title shortly, I personally think it would be great if the Big Show has another run with the belt. He is mega over, plus he hasn't done anything important in months and hasn't even got close to the title belt since returning.

He has been misused greatly since returning as I personally think he deserves better than what he is currently receiving from the creative team especially. It's almost as if they forget about him every week and just have him on the show for a small amount of time to keep the fans happy. I would love to see him at least challenge for the WWE Championship as I personally would love it even more if the WWE gave him another chance with the belt as he hasn't held it for many years.

What are your thoughts on this topic? Do you think he deserves a main event push at least? Or do you think he is worthy to hold the WWE Title at the present moment?
I agree with you Rusty. The Big Show is over with the fans. He's not bad on the mic. He has shown that he can hold a title, and he helped keep ECW alive and when he lost the title, ECW died. He has proven that he deserves another title run, his match with Maweather was entertaining IMO, and he almost always wrestles a good match.

I still think that he is worthy of a title run, and I think they are building him towards one at the moment. He seems to get over with the fans everyweek, but still manages to be forgotten. He is due for another title run.
I like the Big Show and he really deserves another Championship in the future. Now, however, is not the time. We just have too many others who deserve a championship. I like the way SmackDown has been running lately, booking the younger talent in the main event, and I hope they do so for the foreseeable future.

When or rather if things grow stagnant again, Big Show can step up to the main event. But right now...I think it's more entertaining the way they do things now. If Hunter should drop the belt to Jeff or TBK, Big Show could feud with them. But it's too soon to give him another run with the WWE Championship.
When or rather if things grow stagnant again, Big Show can step up to the main event. But right now...I think it's more entertaining the way they do things now. If Hunter should drop the belt to Jeff or TBK, Big Show could feud with them. But it's too soon to give him another run with the WWE Championship.

See, I really want to see a Triple H/Big Show feud over the belt. With the Big Show possibly winning the title off him after numerous matches. I want a Jeff Hardy title run also, but I think his win should be saved for Wrestlemania, so it can really be a special and memorable moment for him.

Also, I think Triple H should drop the belt just after Smackdown moves to their new network in October. This would be the perfect time in my opinion, to give the belt to The Big Show. A Big Show WWE Title run would be very fresh and entertaining. I don't think it's too soon to give him the belt at all as he certainly hasn't suffered from any ring rust or anything else for that matter.
Sure, Big Show's massively over with the fans, great on the mic, and now and then he's pretty fun in the ring, too. He looks like a genuine title contender, but....

AFAIK he's got quite bad knee problems, and this, I suspect, is making Creative nervous about putting the belt on him. Quite right, too: you can't have champions getting injured every 5 minutes. At the moment he's not doing anything that would exacerbate his injuries, but sure as hell as champion's schedule would. So, for the same reason, we can be sure Mysterio won't be winning any Scrambes.
Big Show has never been a great champion because he isnt a champion really, he is the guy who challenges for the title making the current champ look good, when he does win the belt its like no-one cares anymore.

I dont think he'll be holding the belt again anytime soon, I think they are building him up as a legitimate challenger who will eventually take on the champion and lose, I even think it'll be HHH as I think HHH will win the scramble.
I'd rather him be the WHC because it'll bring back memories of The Giant holding the WCW title. And for some reason I always liked Show when he was in WCW.

Be that as it may I think it's a shame that the man hasn't held a strap since his return. Unforgiven isn't really worth my money, I would've ordered it if Big Show was in the scramble simple because I'd get the impression that HHH could possible lose.

In short though, yes I agree whole heartedly that Big Show should be a world champion, and he deserves much more than an ECW reign. At this point in his career he should be considered a proven main eventer, much more than Batista or Cena. And thats sayin' something coming from me, because I really like both of guys.
I feel sorry for the Big Show he comes back goes into a feud with Mayweather for WM and then bang nothing for months. Ive always thought Big Show is main event player no doubt about it. If WWE wanted to create HHH versus a giant why not choose Shoe over Khali I mean Show can carry a match, hes great on the mic and can get great reactions whereas Khali non of them. I hope some time soon Big Show jumps up to the plate because many people want to see him main eventing again I feel. And lets face it HHH has done nothing with his title reign lately!
For the obvious reason: you couldn't have a face Show and a face HHH feud, HHH would have to turn heel because Show is actually more over than he is - at least as far as pop size is concerned. And the fans won't take a heel Show, that's already been tried and it doesn't work. And certainly HHH doesn't want to turn heel, even though he works far better as one.

Certainly, though, if Show could stay clear of injuries I'd far rather see him with the belt than Trips, whose most recent title reign has been stale, flat, and unprofitable. Ideally, though, the WWE championship should either go to MVP for a while, who's ready to move up a level, or maybe even THE Brian Kendrick for a bit.
No. I don't believe they should give Big Show the WWE title until they can successfully recreate him as the unstoppable monster that we know he by all means, should be. Someone Big Show's size realistically, should rarely lose, if ever. I am a HUGE fan of the Big Show, but, I need to see him go back to being a dominant unstoppable wrecking machine before I would be comfortable with him having the WWE title. Monster first, title second.
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No. I don't believe they should give Big Show the WWE title until they can successfully recreate him as the unstoppable monster that we know he by all means, should be. Someone Big Show's size realistically, should rarely lose, if ever. I am a HUGE fan of the Big Show, but, I need to see him go back to being a dominant unstoppable wrecking machine before I would be comfortable with him having the WWE title. Monster first, title second.

This is Big Show's problem. He has lost his presence in the ring. He hasn't won many matches since his return. Mayweather beat him!! The WWE are trying to build him back up into this unstoppable monster, and this will cause him to get even more over with the fans. All he needs to solidify the unstoppable monster image is to get a big win, and winning the title would be this big win.
You can't imagine Big Show is happy with his current WWE push. The guy made a real impact when he returned in February. Now he's lucky if he get's on PPV. Although I think WWE are doing with him what they should. In late 1998 or early 1999 they signed him to a huge contract. He then opted to stop watching his diet and stop working out. As a result he got fat and it's a big part of why he stopped wrestling in 2006. Then he returned, slimmer, but still overweight. And it appears as though he's not to fussed about losing anymore. Even though he'll probably have the option of lose weight or die in a matter of years.

The guy is a waste of space, has been for years. I've read that WWE regretted ever hiring him, certainly for paying him as much as they did. It's not like they got anything for their investment. The odd good match here and there, thank you Angle, Lesnar & Mayweather. But other than that his WWE career has been a crippling disappointment. Shame when you consider the potential he had in WCW.

He's not worthy of a WWE Championship run. Yeah it might elevate somebody to get a victory over him. But he doesn't need a title to do that. He's worthy of the ECW title and nothing more.
It's a difficult choice. Like Jake said, except for the few fueds his time with the WWE hasn't been that great. That isn't all his fault, because he wasn't pushed as well as he could have been, he should be a near unstopabble giant, but he's lost way too much to do this. I know he can't be unbeatable but he should be damn near that, due to his strength and size.

The WWE could put the title on him, and it would be very succesful, but they'd have to push Big Show right. They can't make him seem weak because he's a huge giant, it's all about strength, size and imtimidation with him. As champion, he'd have to rule SD!, otherwise it wouldn't be worth the time and effort of either party because you wouldn't take him as seriously as you should.

But I say give him the title, give him a big win at WrestleMania. He deserves it for all he put his body through during his time. He deserves that one big win. Have him win the Rumble, as i'm sure he hasn't won it before. That would be a huge win for him, and could really re-start his carrear at this late stage. They'd have to chose his opponent well though, because there are only a few that could have a good match with him, due to his size.
Simply put, the Big Show isn't the type of Superstar you want to see holding the Heavyweight Championship.. he's the type of individual you want to see challenging once in a year for the Championship.

Big Show makes a great enforcer. He's a definate strong opponent, and when he's matched up against guys like Edge, or other average sized Superstars you cheer for Show to tear them apart. But when it comes down to it, you don't want someone like Show being your Champion.

Finally, I don't blame W.W.E. in the least for 'forgetting' to push him, or whatever it is they've been doing regarding him. The way I see it, this is payback for Show's stupid comments toward W.W.E. and even going as far as to claim "The Big Show" is a slave name. The guy is a moron who realized he couldn't make it as a normal human being, so he sucked it up, said he was sorry and returned to the business.

If you ask me.. him making random appearances on Smackdown in squash matches is more than he deserves. He should be jobbing on a regular basis, until they decide he's had enough. Big Show is there for one reason, and one reason ONLY.. to look monsterous. So let him be the monster everyone beats, like Khali is basically taking the role for.
It's a difficult choice. Like Jake said, except for the few fueds his time with the WWE hasn't been that great. That isn't all his fault, because he wasn't pushed as well as he could have been, he should be a near unstopabble giant, but he's lost way too much to do this. I know he can't be unbeatable but he should be damn near that, due to his strength and size.

Well I don't know about that. He's never been consistently an unstoppable giant. But he has in patches. Yet the only time I think he's really ever done anything with it is when he was ECW champ, and when he was facing Mayweather. If with Khali losing frequently now, his first 18 months as a monster heel were better than anything Big Show did. But I put that down to bad WWE booking & Big Show being lazy.

Him being lazy is why I don't think anybody has ever accepted him as a serious world champion.
The WWE has never really given Big Show much of a chance to run with a world title. Not counting his ECW reign, Show has had only two title reigns since his arrival in 99, each about 2 months and 1 month, so pretty much he's only been a transitional champion in the WWE, even his ECW reign kindof was, because of the whole RVD thing. I agree that Show is very over with the crowd, but if WWE wants to put the title on him, they need to change him to a heel for it to work well. Big Show shouldn't keep playing the lovable giant, yes it will keep him working for a long time, but he needs to get back to being unstoppable for him to be a big draw again. My idea, put him in a match verse Kozlov and have Show absolutle destroy him, like go nuts. Then have the power of Vickie start to use Show to demolish everyone else, hey anyone who teams with Vickie instantly get's good heat, and boom Big Show is unstoppable again and has good heel heat. But I don't every see him being champ as long as he's a face, or being a long reigning one if he does get the title.
I think at this point, they are building him up to put Jeff Hardy over as a legit champ. I think Hardy is going to win the Scramble tonight. I also think after they have him beat HHH at the next, and Show beats Kozlov, that Jeff Hardy will go over Show.

But, I think Show should be on Raw, and be their champion. If the story has him become such a problem that Vicky has to trade him, then he can destroy Punk. That of course, would set up Cena's next reign.

In any event having Show in the main event makes the champ look stronger with a win, and doesn't hurt him with a loss. That makes Show invaluable in a way that Khali could never be.
I think it really is time for Big Show to win the WWE Championship. He's returned since February '08 and hasn't been in any good storylines besides Floyd Mayweather Jr. Since losing that WM match, he became a face once again and had a short feud with Great Khali. Then goes on to win a pointless ''Five-man Singapore Cane on a Pole'' match to become the #1 contender for the E.C.W. Championship, he loses and does nothing after that. He was due to have a feud with Umaga, but Umaga is out with an injury. He should challenge for the WWE Championship, but Vickie might not let him. The best case would be for Big Show should interfere in the WWE Championship Scramble match at Unforgiven tonight and attack the winner to announce that he wantts a shot at the WWE Championship. On the next episode of SD!, Vickie tells him that he will not let him have a chance unless he wins a match a match that's completely out of his favor, and then wins. Then he challenges the champ at No Mercy, and mostly LOSE.
I was actually thinking why not have a Big Show vs Undertaker fued while watching Unforgiven, and there you go its going to happen.
So now the WWE are doing something with the Big Show, this heel turn also meens he could challenge HHH for the belt as well, he wont win but it'll still be a pretty good match (if HHH can have a good match with Khali then Big Show shouldnt be a problem)

Back on topic I still feel like the WWE shouldnt put the belt on the Big Show, as Jake said people dont want to see him as champion, and its true once he wins the belt people dont care anymore.
If it was 1991 and the wwe was still pushing wrestlers like Yokuzuna or Earthquake, then I'd be like, ok, give the Big Show a shot. But these days with the WWE having to worry about keeping a wider audience, not just wrestling fanatics, I don't think it would be the logical thing to do. The Big Show is amusing at times but I just don't think he'd keep a wide audience entertained as a champ. He was boring as a tag champ, he was dull as a US champ, and thankfully I missed out on his ECW reign. If they want to keep the ratings up they need get champs that are entertaining and fun to watch, Big SHow is not fun to watch.

Hardy is the next logical choice..

I mean more a Taker fan but the Takers championship matches, they just don't over as well as his revenge matches.
Nah, I don't think he should win the title until the RR at the earliest. HHH will be champion until Cyber Sunday at the earliest... though I predict that he will drop the title at Survivor Series. I seriously doubt he will drop the title to the Big Show over people like Undertaker and Edge... he MIGHT drop the title to Jeff Hardy, at either Cyber Sunday or Survivor Series, which I would be in favor of Big Show winning the title at the RR. With the Big Show being a heel... feuding with the Undertaker until No Mercy and possibly until Cyber Sunday, winning at Survivor Series in the team matchup, he has time to be an incredible heel until the RR and would go into the feud with Hardy with a lot of heat and blow off the feud with incredible amounts of heat... it makes sense.

My answer, not yet... but soon.
I dont think he should be a world champion yet either. Maybe after he finishes his feud with the undertaker. I dont know about you guys but I didnt really see big show punching taker coming. Punching the beloved undertaker is a good way of turning heel. Maybe he should win the title around the royal rumble
I think the Show should be champ. Its different, and hes a decent wrestler.How do you know people won't buy him as champ? You'd rather have spanky? How believable is that? With the Big Show as champ, it would be hard to predict who would beat him with his size. A heel Show with motivation is good, because his opponent would always be the underdog and that would put that wrestler more over. If you give Khali a title reign, you better give show one. And I'm sorry, but if you didn't see that punch coming, then you need to pay attention, bacause there was no reason for the show to still be there, and vicki would not go against Taker alone. And Big Show did win a Royal Rumble, he was a co-winner with the Rock in 2000, setting up that 4 way at wrestlemania.
I'll say sure why not let him have it. HHH is needing someone to have a good feud with, so why not Show? He's a proven worker, a former champion, and still works as an intimidating man due just to his size. He's done next to nothing this year but that hasn't stopped a lot of other contenders. A short run with the belt would make good sense to me. He and HHH never really finished their feud a few years back so it would be fresh today. He's a big man that can move fairly well so why not? I'd like it for a change if nothing else.
My big problem with Show being champ is that he's never really been a main eventer by himself. During his last title reign he was in pretty much the same spot that CM Punk has been in. Champ but not a star. Vince needs to start moving more mid carders up before wrestlig gets even more stale. And with TNA rapidly becoming the new version of the circa 2001 WCW, WWE is gonna have to start making new stars.

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