Is it time for the switcheroo?

After a series of quite mediocre raw and being banged in the head over and over with terrible storylines involving terrible wrestlers as in the case of steph vs nikki vs bella vs the turnbuckle (the turnbuckle wins in the ring and probably cuts better promos), we can clearly see where WWE should be directing at the moment.

NXT right now is managing to costantly having superior matches; has a rooster of younger wrestlers with fresh charisma and actual characters; Has a quite good commentator staff (where at this pont Raw is watchable only on mute); and even the virtual non-existent storylines manage to be decent, or at least to entertain enough to make you watch the actual matches.

So at this point the answer is easy, just stop pretending and make NXT the new main show. Add half an hour of time to have more promo in, send the few good guys in RAW (Rollins, ambrose and maybe Stardust and bray) to help the main event scene, and finally rename RAW into RAW - Legends of wrestling or something similar, so the people that want to see old dudes try to punch each other won't whine and will have their B show.

Yup, I solved WWE problems.


(ok, now naturally this is a trollish post, but the actual core of it I do think is true. Am I the only one that thinks that NXT is managing to be costantlyputting up a really really good show? At this point I genuinely look forward to NXT a lot more than I do with RAW and I am rarely disappointed, I don't know if anyone else shares my feeling...)
No man. You're not the only one who feels that. However, to actually make NXT the main show is not practical at all.

NXT is simply fabulous (in as un-gay a way as possible). But the gimmicks are often more out there and quirky, and intended to be done in front of a smaller, more wrestling-savvy audience (see my personal faves the Vaudevillains, which is a really lampshadey gimmick. Do you think the kids or more casual people will get the joke?).

Raw is the mainstream. The storylines of all the big players are advanced. SD! is similar but more wrestling-intensive. NXT is great but I think it's to advertise future stars to the hardcore fans. Triple H has built a more indy-esque show to cater to those of us who like that. It's not meant to be the flagship for-everyone show.
God, my head hurts sometimes reading people's wrestling opinions.

No, NXT should not be the main show. Ignoring for a moment the absurdity of demoting your biggest moneymaking television show in favor of an Internet streaming show that less than a fourth of your audience can watch, the fact is Raw is the one with name power. Furthermore, the idea we should put proven draws behind a bunch of no name green workers is stupid.

I don't watch NXT often, but I do know this...if they actually were great workers, they would be on the main roster. It's that simple.


(ok, now naturally I read your entire post. See if you can understand how my post is still relevant to yours)
Not to rankle any feathers here, but the point of them being brought to the main roster if they are good workers is a simplistic view point - there are only so many storylines and characters you can have on one show, so you can't just bring the guys up, but I get your point. I suppose you could always remove Los Matadores and bring up two guys or something, but then, you would have to shuffle the roster and someone will inevitably end up in the Matadores style ranking. Blah blah blah. I get what you mean though.

That being said, I definitely look forward to watching NXT over RAW most weeks. I do think the characters are too charactery (is that a word?) and the show could be longer, but I enjoy it and rarely have a complaint. Maybe that's because the roster is newer to me and not so stale. Who knows.
NXT is great but it's on a smaller scale and stage. The guys from NXT I think put on the match of the night last night on RAW, but that is their 4 main guys.

The rest of the roster is good, but some of them aren't ready for the so called big leagues yet. Look what happened with Paige when they first brought her up. Yea she was fantastic in NXT, the anti-diva, but none of that was mentioned when she showed up on RAW. More than half the crowd didn't know who she was and why she was winning the Diva's title.

It seemed to me like it was another Santino Marella, being brought out. An unknown being handed a belt. It took her first reign and a good deal of help from AJ for other people to finally warm up to her.

What they should do is what they did last night. Every couple of weeks, put on a match or two with the guys from NXT. Show off their skills, and themselves. Let the announcers put them over like they did last night, that way when they do show up, everyone knows who they are.

Jesus Christ if they can recap that piece of shit called Total Diva's on Raw, they can surely advertise some of the up and coming talent on NXT.
Completely disagree on this. As if renaming Raw isn't bad enough, why would you make the developmental brand the main show? That makes no sense. Part of the reason NXT is so good is how much the newcomers want to make a good impression to help them make it to the main roster. I see more determination from them than most of the main roster wrestlers. It's also nice to get a preview of what the future may hold. As for Raw.... The brand has been around for over 20 years. Why throw that familiarity away for a re-name that has no reason to be taking place? Most of the world hates mondays for having to go back to work or school, while wrestling fans have Raw each monday to look forward to afterward. Monday Night Raw is a tradition that should never end. It is the most historical brand and should remain the flagship show. NXT is the developmental show that showcases potential future stars, while highly enjoyable it has no reason to become the main show.
Not to rankle any feathers here, but the point of them being brought to the main roster if they are good workers is a simplistic view point
Uh, no, it's not. Surely you understand the entire point of pro wrestling is to draw an audience so the WWE can make money. What you may not understand is that good workers are the ones who can make people care enough about them to draw money. And if someone was a good enough worker to make people care about them to the point where a fan is willing to slap down his hard earned money to watch him, why in the world would the WWE leave him on an Internet show which is not making them any real money?

No, it's not a simplistic viewpoint, it's an accurate one. The only thing the WWE is interested in is making money and if someone in NXT is good enough to draw money for the WWE, they would be on the main roster.
wwe has 80% talk and pathetic predictable storylines and 20% of solid wrestling matches but they are taking a different route to be comical and heroic and stupid! We are all tired of the wwe it has become one huge joke that I cannot imagine a wrestler walking out of the arena with his head up high? UFC attacks them and worst wrestling excrement still don t get it and never will! The only thing wwe needs now is bring Doink to join Wyatt family! wwe has grown boooooring and very tiiiiresome!!
While TNA brings action solid matches and amazing athletes around the world they don t stick to storylines much which is great cause back then WCW was like that
Advert and convert to TNA folks that will teach vince mcnuggett a lesson
Well, everything should stay the way it is. The reason NXT is better is because Trips is running it and Vince more or less leaves him alone. Once ol' Vinnie Mac is dead (because, let's face it, he's not likely going to ever retire) then that means HHH will take over the entire company and we'll likely see an overall better product.
After a series of quite mediocre raw and being banged in the head over and over with terrible storylines involving terrible wrestlers as in the case of steph vs nikki vs bella vs the turnbuckle (the turnbuckle wins in the ring and probably cuts better promos), we can clearly see where WWE should be directing at the moment.

NXT right now is managing to costantly having superior matches; has a rooster of younger wrestlers with fresh charisma and actual characters; Has a quite good commentator staff (where at this pont Raw is watchable only on mute); and even the virtual non-existent storylines manage to be decent, or at least to entertain enough to make you watch the actual matches.

So at this point the answer is easy, just stop pretending and make NXT the new main show. Add half an hour of time to have more promo in, send the few good guys in RAW (Rollins, ambrose and maybe Stardust and bray) to help the main event scene, and finally rename RAW into RAW - Legends of wrestling or something similar, so the people that want to see old dudes try to punch each other won't whine and will have their B show.

Yup, I solved WWE problems.


(ok, now naturally this is a trollish post, but the actual core of it I do think is true. Am I the only one that thinks that NXT is managing to be costantlyputting up a really really good show? At this point I genuinely look forward to NXT a lot more than I do with RAW and I am rarely disappointed, I don't know if anyone else shares my feeling...)

NXT is amazing dude. I don't think Raw's problems lie with The Bellas. They're prevalent to keep Daniel Bryan's memory somewhere in the mix while he's recovering. Sure... The Bellas can't act their way out of a wet paper bag, but they do try. They've improved a great deal in the ring. I don't mind that in their segments, simply because we are treated with STEPHANIE F'N MCMAHON. Stephanie wrestling at the PPV was absolutely incredible. Good lord. She's funny, brilliant, sexy, and a hell of a physical presence in the ring. Wow that 1995 Joshi style costume she wore was a head-turner there. MILF of all MILFs...we name thee Stephanie McMahon.

To get to the point of things though and give you the proper answer you deserve, what Raw needs is a 2 hour show as opposed to 3. Either that or nix Smackdown and make 3 hour Raw the only program. Do that and just stock it full of back to back matches to go along with all the angles / promos / backstage stuff.
NXT is amazing dude. I don't think Raw's problems lie with The Bellas. They're prevalent to keep Daniel Bryan's memory somewhere in the mix while he's recovering. Sure... The Bellas can't act their way out of a wet paper bag, but they do try. They've improved a great deal in the ring. I don't mind that in their segments, simply because we are treated with STEPHANIE F'N MCMAHON. Stephanie wrestling at the PPV was absolutely incredible. Good lord. She's funny, brilliant, sexy, and a hell of a physical presence in the ring. Wow that 1995 Joshi style costume she wore was a head-turner there. MILF of all MILFs...we name thee Stephanie McMahon.

To get to the point of things though and give you the proper answer you deserve, what Raw needs is a 2 hour show as opposed to 3. Either that or nix Smackdown and make 3 hour Raw the only program. Do that and just stock it full of back to back matches to go along with all the angles / promos / backstage stuff.

Oh I disagree with the main problem being the Bella twins. Yes they are a problem with their horrible acting and the reminiscing all the bullshit. Next we'll be hearing that Brie didn't change the toilet paper roll. It's boring and just plain awful. That isn't the main problem with RAW though.

The main problem is lack of creativity and the fact that we're seeing the same matches week after week, with the same people. It was rather refreshing last week to see the 4 main guys from NXT put on one hell of a show, and fans were actually giving them a standing ovation. Some of them probably didn't even know who they were, with the exception of Tyson Kidd, but they did appreciate what they saw.

Like I said before, bring some of these guys up on a limited basis, put them into matches with guys already on the main roster, even if it's a tag team match to freshen it up a bit. We pretty much know what a Reigns or Orton is going to do, but throw Neville or Breeze in there with them and it's a whole new ballgame. The fans would get to know them and when they do make the move they'll already be over. Plus it would give the management a good gauge on what's working and what's not.

We've heard reports that Vince McMahon isn't happy with Adam Rose and Bo Dallas, so instead of bringing up Adrian Neville and Tyler Breeze and having them fail, they can see how successful their gimmick would be before they debut. On the subject of Breeze though, his gimmick is kind of lame and totally reminds me of the Miz, so it will either be great or fall flat.
The problem with Raw sadly nowadays is Vince McMahon now that you bring him up. I love Vince and all but he has lost touch with his fanbase in a huge way. People want wrestling when they watch wrestling. They want the things you mentioned, but Vince wants to have Jerry Springer on and invite Michael Sam in cheap ratings grabs.

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