Is it Santino's time?

Quite simple.... NO. How can he be taken seriously after some of the things he has done. Would diminish the credibility of any title he were to hold.

Lemme get this straight; you think a champion has to be a serious, no-nonsense performer who is not at all funny in order to be top dog?

Take a good, long hard look at this guy and think about what you just said about taking things seriously.

Outlandish superstars were once the backbone of sports entertainment (especially WWF in its Golden Days). Santino Marella is entertaining, has charisma, and from what I have seen on Youtube or have previewed on cable he is not that bad of a in-ring competitor.

And please do keep in mind that since 2009 WWE has been catering to children and not adults like most of us. Slightly surprised the little imps haven't rioted over the NXT angle.

He even did that with the womans championship

In all fairness that belt was losing prestige anyways. Might as well have Santina try to make the Women's Division noticeable. Kept a few of us entertained as well.

Can Santino be a contender? If given more ringtime and less Hornswoggle I would definitely pay big bucks to see Santi get his game on. The guy in my mind deserves it; wanna know why? He has made the majority of us laugh or at least seem interested, and it wasn't in the ring. That's an entertainer for you. Take some light off Cena and a bit more on Santino and you have an epic PG bout ready to happen.

Santino a serious competitor? Not on your life. Is he funny? Yes. But the court jester doesn't rule the kingdom, get it? Or are you still high?? Fuck, I AM HIGH:rasta: but I would never go so far. You guys need an enema because you're full of shit if you think Santino should be anywhere near any title that is worth anything. I like his jokes and I think he is funny, but everyone has their place, his is where he's at now, that's what he does well, let him continue to do it without making any of the title pictures a joke.
Santino with a belt could work...hell bring him to smackdown and give him back the intercontinental title. If a guy like Drew with no personality held the belt for so long why cant Santino.

But not this comical Santino. Im not saying a champ cant be funny...just look at the rock, he was one funny guy but in no way am i comparing the two. Ditch the unibrow, give him and outfit change(preferably all black with the monogram he currently has) and maybe change his theme song though i do like the beginning. Dont make him totally serious cause that could never work but dont make him work on every angle involving a guess host. Despite what we have been seeing Santino could actually wrestle and put on a descent match.

Give him a finisher where he's standing with his opponent bent over between his legs so he could hit the trumpet taunt(my personal favorite taunt) and then bam...Santino Slam or Calebrase Cutter or something along those lines.

Santino could work as a champ...perferably U.S or intercontinental, nothing higher though. Personality i enjoy him and the laughter he brings but i feel his time is due.
I don't know, doink the clown was awesome. Made me laugh and beat some heads in. If booked right I think he could get a mid-card title. And yes, he can wrestle, I like how many see these wrestlers in their gimmick and think that's all they have to offer. He's great for comedic relief, but if he was to run for a title he would have to tone that silly nonsense down, not turn it off, not make it stronger, just turn it down. He gets a pop because he's Santino... Look at him for like ten seconds without laughing I dare you. But it's a hard topic to really take a stance on. I mark for Santino, so that part of me wants to see him with a title. But he is a joke character. Like Hurcule from Dragon Ball Z. I got big abs and pecks, but here comes a pie to the face! I don't see a problem with a comedic champ, as long as the comedic champ isn't doing idiotic nonsense for laughs while defending. But for now, I would say let him do his thing as the funny man, he does it so well. Plus, isn't homeboy getting a sit-com or something like that? I think that's better than a title lol... unless the show flops, then its emo time.
I don't see him being the face of the company or something, but he could definitely be like a Mick Foley type of guy who's over with the crowd and gets a title run solely because of that. He's one of the few guys on the roster who's legit funny and pretty entertaining no matter what role he's thrust in. Now what happened Monday probably likely won't amount to anything significant for Santino, but the WWE could easily prep him for a title run if they gave him a real finisher, some mic time to be funny, and didn't try to make him uber-serious.
Why are so many smarks here dissing the "Italian Stallion"? Because....he's funny? Really? This is the best defense to your statements you can make? He won't be taken seriously? I'm disapponted with these excuses.

Through the years, have we not seen a Giant Indian who couldn't speak English capture the belt? Or how about feather boa wearing over-the-top jocks that called their fans "maniacs"? Perhaps being a corpse or a disgruntled employee is enough to land the big one, but not a comedian. :shrug:

Point is, many many MANY insane gimmicks and not-so-serious superstars have gone on to land the World Championship, yet people are going to dismiss the idea of an Italian that can entertain the crowd and keep segments from going up shit creek? He can't hold the belt but a guy that insists he has a degree in "Thugonomics" can?

Santino Marella is over with the crowd, more than average in the ring, and is naturally entertaining. More than I can say with most of the people that are getting pushes now.

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