Is it Santino's time?

Anybody who is a weekly watcher of RAW may notice the same thing i do. The crowd reactions are down. Cena has his mixed bag of cheers and boos and people go crazy for Orton. These are main event guys. So who else gets a huge crowd reaction even when their face is just on the titantron? Santino.

I think it is time that Santino gets another shot at his "greatesta champeon in all the historys" gimmick. Yes, i think he deserves the US title.

Now before people jump down my throat let me say this. He is so unbelievably over with the crowd it overshadows his week wrestling ability. Seriously, if he just had a finisher nobody would care about his in ring ability. He keeps my interest throughout a match with his antics and with his natural charisma.

For those of you who did not watch RAW:


Listen to the reaction of the crowd! This was probably the biggest pop of the night on one of the best RAW's in a while.

So my question is do you think Santino should get another run as a midcard champion?

the video clip is

for some reason it didnt work :banghead:
No. Just no.

Santino might be funny as hell to some but that doesn't mean he should get the U.S. title. He's comedic relief, that's what he's there for and that's what he will keep doing. Giving him the title wouldn't do anything but take time away from people that could use it to get more TV time that will be a bigger part of the company for years to come.
I've noticed for a long time and I mean all the way when he got the intercontinental championship for the 2nd time he has always gotten a big crowd reaction.. I think Santino should have another run with a mid card belt if the WWE thinks that's a good idea. He could do the same thing he did with the IC championship but instead of trying to beat the Honky Tonk Man's record he could try to beeat Lex Luger record which is 523 days. Good luck with that santino. The other thing they could do with santino is possibly have him and his newly found partner Vladimir Kozlov the unified tag titles. I don't want this to happen because there are other deserving tag teams but it is a possibility.
I'm a long time reader of the forums but I don't post, but this got me to post. Santino is a comedic wrestler as his gimmick, but he can wrestle some very good matches. Just watch his matches as Borris.

^^^sorry for the double post but to answer your question, it is possible he could hold the U.S. title as a credible champion if booked right
I dunno...I mean, yes Santino gets decent reaction, but it seemed to methe huge pop was more for Regal getting dunked than for Santino... But to answer, NO. Santino should get a grip on his serious side before going near a title.
Simply No! Santino is what he is. By having Santino hold a mid-card title it decreases the prestige of that title. A slight example is R-truth he's super over but people take him seriously Santino is super over but he's a joke people like him cause he's funny not because he can wrestle.
If Sheamus can come in and be WWE champion without getting over, I don't see why Santino can't at least get a mid-card title run. He actually CAN wrestle, he's actually a better in-ring talent than 3/4 of the WWE roster, people just don't know/remember it. I've wanted Santino to drop the over the top comedy and just be the old Santino, before the unibrow, and get another chance to show his abilities. He has a shit load of charisma, and to waste it on gimmicky comedy stuff is sad. Keep the ridiculous accent though, I love it.
He does get a good pop..maybe the best of the night, but Vince has said it himself...he is only their for comedy now...he has had his 2 IC title better than the other, but I don't think he will another title anytime soon...i mean he's is already focusing on his new tv comedy...
let him run his comidy thing awhile longer then have him pull a gregory helms and jus turn into a nasty bastard. i can see it now, im tired of playing the fool for u fans and i demand some real compitetion. then make a run for a midcard title and actually win convincinlly. he could be a good heel champ. i mean a real heel not glamerella heel
There is a reason why the crowd pops huge for the guy, and that's because they are showing their appreciation for one of the biggest entertainers that the WWE currently offers. He is doing an excellent job at making people laugh both in and out of the ring, playing his character 24/7.

I'm not sure that any of the fans would want Santino to become a serious person like Randy Orton and become a contender for the World Title. There are enough characters up there in the main event to entertain. Santino is in the lower parts of the card and is needed there due to the lack of response for most WWE undercarders.

This push he is having with Kozlov will take him somewhere, but it won't mean he will be receiving the Sheamus push. It's just a storyline that the WWE are trying out that's working. The tag team division does need new teams and the pairing of Kozlov/Santino has worked in the past, so why not try to rehash it on a different, more widespread audience?

Santino is a comedy man, not a serious wrestler. He plays the role perfectly and should remain being in this role.
No, I don't think Santino will be more than just a comedy wrestler like he's been for the most of his career, he serves just like Hornswoggle to entertain the crowd, Hornswoggle is over as well, but we don't give him another championship reign, because neither of them would be having a credible championship reign because of their past career accomplishments of being considered purely entertainment.

I'd just prefer watching Santino doing what he does now, and keep doing that.
The thing with Santino is that he is a comedic relief and thats all he's going to be, he is over as you said enough without a title. He doesnt need it you would be better off giving it to someone whos been in a dark patch and needs something to get them going again like what the E has done with R- Truth and anyway is anyone actually going to believe Santino beating Truth, Morrison, Miz or even Evan Bourne. He just wouldnt make a credible or believable champion.
You cannot deny the crowd reaction. I just want him to get more time to cut promos. If he won a title it would be awesome and hilarious. No one even cares about the US title it is such a joke, big deal if they gave it to Santino for a short period of time.
santino is definately the funniest guy wwe has right now (especially since dx is gone). he really is over w\ the fans and obviously gets a big pop. as far as the titles go, he could have a nice run for a title. but he wont get it. he could have an entertainig feud either alone or w\ kozlov, but dont think he will actually win a title anytime soon. he will have a hard time being taken seriously after all this time and that will hurt his chances as a champ. the man can wrestle tho, he just isnt in that type of role now. watch some of his past matches(pre-wwe). hes not friggn ric flair but he can go.

until then... fear the cobra!
Santino is great and I loved his IC championship run where he tried to beat the record -- had me in stiches everytime.

I wouldn't mind him getting a midcard title, but he needs to tone down the comedy a bit and come off as a bit more credible. I'm not saying make him serious -- that would be a travesty. Keep his accent and his funny mispronunciations as well as general tomfoolery but at the same time give him some clean wins and decent feud. If they gave him a title right now it would greatly diminish the already shaky credibility of the midcard titles.

I don't think now would be the best time either. They are building up the Santino/Kozlov tag team and I think that they'll get a good push (not for a title or anything obviously) and help build eachother up as more credible wrestlers rather than a pair of comedic jobbers.
When I define somebody's "time" usually I bring up Triple H's or The Rock's rise to fame. They worked up the ranks, winning the IC Title and finally the WWE Championship. I think that Santino is recieving some sort of push, but the push is FAR, FAR away from being considered his "time". Santino just can't be considered a big contender for any titles. He hasn't really won a match cleanly in a long time and when he does all I can say is, "Fuck it, really?"

What I have always thought of Santino is that he has an unbelieveable amount of wrestling skill, but he just hasn't unlocked it yet. I think it'd be cool if while teaming with Kozlov, he learns how to be a big threat in the ring and in return Santino teaches Kozlov how to be a lot less serious. I do think having another tag team to contend with The Hart Dynasty would be fun on RAW, just don't give them the titles.
I think the WWE have totally ruined Santino! I love the comedy sections, but i think they have taken it too far with him to pull it back to him being semi serious. I think they should have created a happy-medium with him whereas he had comedy but was still a serious wrestler. I remember his debut against Umaga where he won the IC title, and ok i know this was a very obvious work (no one was ever going to jump from front row and win a title) but they slightly built on him from there on in, then gave him the comedy spots (The Honky Tonky meter was funny) but now they dont even have the guy walking to the ring without looking like a complete idiot. I feel WWE have missed out big time as the guy is very over wit the fans and the merchandise they could et from this guy could be big, especially with the older fans who arent going to be routing for the younger fans favorites such as Rey or Cena.
Therefore i would like Santino to be given more of a push again, a US title run maybe, buut just dont know if they could make it believable and work?
yeah i think that cud work but for now id like to see him and kozlov become a team and after a couple of months (or wen harts and usos r dun) become tag champs they wud b an intersting pairing and with kozlov cud creadibly win rebuilding santino back to sum1 who can actually win matches but most importantly the pair cud be very comical keeping the comic relief to raw but just with a meaning behind
I might have agreed with you a year or two ago but it starting to get ridiculous. Yes he is funny but this guy always gets enbaressed that his character has been brought down to a comic act that can't wrestle for shit. Which sucks because when he first got here I like his wrestling style and thought he'd be great.

But they have used Santino the wrong way for too long, he didn't have to be mainly used only for comic reasons they could have showed his in ring ability to. But they didn't so now its damn near impossible for anybody to take this guy "seriously". They will keep Santino but I don't see any single championship runs in his future and quiet frankly if they keep limiting his in ring ability the way it is I would NOT want to see him get any championship.

And his character isn't over shawdowing his in ring ability because he shows NO in ring ability. There are some people that know he can wrestle but only some, WWE would have to re-introduce him in ring all over again. And I don't see that happening ANYTIME soon.
Santino is a legend in my eyes, but it wouldn't be right to have him as a champion again, unless they create another storyline like 'Honk-a-Meter' for me that was priceless. Thing is though, people are saying that the US Title is prestigious, a should of been retired Bret Hart 'Won' it in a handicap match then gave the title up a week later. That isn't treating the title with respect. So i say Santino should get the Title, Because he cant downgrade the title anymore than it has been in the past month...I'm Just Sayin...
I agree,
Santino was a pretty good wrestler that first night he won the title,
But i hated him outside the ring,
But he's become uber funny,
Greatest champion of all the times would be great right now,
He's the only one getting reactions from the crowd like the main eventers,
Let him wrestle like he used to,
and keep a Mic in his hand,
It'll be gold
Quite simple.... NO. How can he be taken seriously after some of the things he has done. Would diminish the credibility of any title he were to hold.

He even did that with the womans championship
I think he should be put in a tag team with Kozlov. It's actually a shame, because I like Santino. He is more than just a comedy angle and could go a lot further. Stick him in a tag team with Kozlov though. The two of them could be funny as hell and actually very successful in the rejuvenated tag team division.
I like Santino he was better when he was a heel though. They kind of now completely turned him into a clown so I dont really see him getting a run at a belt anymore. He is just used for comic relief now.

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