Is it safe to say there is no face of WWE right now

Who is the face of the WWE??

  • Nobody at the moment, Ask me following WrestleMania 32

  • Cena (at least he is the closet to being that)

  • Reigns (at least he is the closet to being that)

  • Orton (at least he is the closet to being that)

  • Bryan (at least he is the closet to being that)

  • Ambrose (at least he is the closet to being that)

  • Other (Lesnar,Ziggler,etc.)

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That N Word

Actively evolving
WWE is in the beginning of a whole new era right now and I think it's safe to say for the first time in 11 years WWE is faceless. Some would argue that Cena is still the guy, or that Roman is that guy. But me personally, I don't think there is one at the moment.

For starters, Cena is no longer the top face in my opinion because I see him as a mid-carder now and not a main eventer. Roman is not either, because WWE changed the WrestleMania 31 plans. Orton,Ziggler,Bryan,or Ambrose isn't either . Some would say Lesnar, but in order to be THE "Face".... you have to be a babyface and Lesnar is not.

IMO, I think WWE doesn't have a main babyface anymore and the closet we got is Roman Reigns. Orton, and Cena is at the point of their careers where they will be transitioning from full time main eventer to part-time attraction in a few years. I'd go on record and say WWE doesn't need Cena or Orton full-time anymore either. Right now, Smackdown proves that by being the better brand.

TO MY POINT: Right now, WWE is in a transition stage of who "The Man" is. In 2005-2014, Cena was the man...and then Bryan and Reigns returned and took the top spots for a while. I think right now it is clear it will be Cena vs Reigns in the passing of the torch at WrestleMania 32. In that match, Reigns will take his throne. But as for now, Cena is a mid-carder, Reigns is lurking background main eventer, Orton is in what could be his final singles title match of his career, Bryan is a mid-card and lost alot of fan momentum, Ziggler is Sheamus bitch, Ryback is just a fill the card guy and Ambrose is Harper's bitch. So right now IMO, WWE doesn't have a top face.
I would say it's a toss up between Cena and Bryan, depending on who you talk too. Cena is still the old stand by and Bryan is the most over guy on the roster today. Reigns was up there until the mega push and the Rumble win. He has never reached the heights that Cena or Bryan have, not yet anyway. Ziggler as well as Ambrose are fan favourites but not in the top tier yet either.

Just because Cena and Bryan are holding mid card titles right now means nothing to their status. Either one of them could easily go back into the main event scene at any time. Orton is a huge face as well especially that he is feuding with Rollins.

Lesnar's title reign kind of screwed things up a bit as the main event picture was non existent for a few months. With the WWE title not being defended, Cena, Bryan, Orton and the rest of what you would call main eventers sort of became upper mid carders. The rest dropped down a peg.

Oh and the only one in the closet is Darren Young, but he came out awhile back.
wwe always has a face to their brand. a face means he represent everything. inside wwe ring cena and Orton both are equal. but outside wwe ring cena for better than anyone. they want their own make wrestler to represent their brand. roman is best choice for face of wwe. looking at the current roster wwe got lots of indie based wrestlers.
wwe have Bryan who more popular now. but his origin is indie. he is already known as Bryan Danielson from roh. look at current roster we have Rollins ambrose samy zyan Kevin Owens Finn balor. all are not a wwe make wrestler. but roman has wwe background so he deserve to be face of wwe.
Until somebody sells more merchandise, does more media, and does more work than John Cena, John Cena is the face of the company. As much as it sucks, non wrestling fans don't know Bryan, Rollins, Reigns, Ziggler, Ambrose, or even Orton. But everybody knows John Cena. So until somebody not only surpasses the amount of money Cena makes for the company, but also the amount of work put in, and the amount of pop culture relevancy, John Cena will be the face of the WWE. That's it.
The face of the company is John Cena and it will be until somebody eventually takes it away from him. Cena is the guy who does the promotional work for WWE; Cena's the guy who shows up to talk-shows and fundraisers on behalf of the WWE; Cena's the guy who the fans are dying to meet; and Cena's the guy who still carries the majority of the workload... not to mention, he can easily win the WWEWHC tomorrow and nobody would be surprised (other than the fact that tomorrow's a Sunday).

Cena has been out of the top spot for about 6 months now, but don't let it fool you. John Cena will be a main event player again before long.

In the ring, I'd agree that there seems to be a number of people who can fill that void; Rollins, Reigns, Orton, Bryan to name a few. But in all reality, John Cena is still the "face that runs the place". If somebody wants to take that spot they're going to have to earn it through a ton of hard work. I think Rollins has the chops to take over that spot, given he's really starting to get some mainstream attention, and he's now a bonafide star for years to come. It should be fun to see who emerges as the man at the end of it all.
Cena is still the old stand by and Bryan is the most over guy on the roster today.

It's noteworthy how less interesting Daniel Bryan is without storylines and promos, isn't it? Of course, if you go only by the "Yes!" chant, he's as popular as ever, yet that makes me think the fans are more taken with the chant than the wrestler, which is what I've thought all along. But in past months, they've been inserting him in matches without featuring him in skits or individual feuds, which makes him a less compelling figure than he's been in the past. It will be interesting to see what WWE has in mind for Daniel.

I don't agree with the OP's assertion that John Cena is no longer a main event performer. I say he is; he's just being used in a midcard position to raise the prestige of a minor title. It's a worthwhile endeavor.

Plainly, though, he might not be the face of the company anymore.....and the primary reason is that even the top act in an entertainment company has a shelf life. In TV series, for example, no matter how high the quality of the production remains, viewers get sick of it after many years. This is what has happened to John Cena; he's been on top for 13 years and many fans are tired of him; it's an inevitable occurrence.

So, the company is doing something else with him, at least for the time being. Going forward, I believe becoming the "heel" of the company is a better direction for him......and for WWE.
Just because John Cena isn't in the main event scene as champion or chasing the champion doesn't mean he's no longer the "face" of WWE. It takes more than simply positioning someone with a championship such as having a rapport with fans, inexhaustible work ethic, unwavering loyalty and the ability to consistently generate money.

Cena's someone that's delivered all that for a decade and I think that any sort of confusion has more to do with the main event scene being shaken up in the past few months. After all, realistically, I don't think anyone was seriously suspecting or believing John Cena would be United States Champion 6 months ago. John Cena's been so heavily hyped and pushed for so long and at such a level that the notion of him being a mid-card champion at this point in his career just didn't seem very likely. While it's true that Cena's no longer got as much emphasis placed on him, that's something that's really been going on for the past few years. He's always a focal point, of course, but it's nothing like what it once was. Four or five years ago, it seemed like every episode of Raw was all Cena, all the time as the guy regularly popped up on every other segment of the show. But make no mistake, John Cena is still THE guy in WWE; he could be right smack in the main event picture by tomorrow night if he wanted to be.
Just because Cena is US Champion and not in major title feud and people like to boo him doesnt mean he is not "face of WWE". He is still "The Man" when it comes to someone who WWE endorses and pushes to moon. Punk tried to emerge in front of Cena but failed in that, Bryan is still there trying to get that spot but still not on that level(though by reactions pretty close) and everyone else pretty far. Maybe somebody else someday, but right now, have no doubt for that, its Cena. :)
How are we looking at this; because honestly WWE hasn't had a real all-lovable face for a while now. Cena in his formative years brought a brand new batch of fans who were way too young for what WWE was doing, plus Linda was formulating a political career (which she may still be). Cena pretty much directed the era and from there we have been divided. So he has been the face but not the top babyface because that man has always been his 2nd guy.

The closest I thought, was Daniel Bryan. I know Punk came close but D Bry had something magical going. I still look back at that Ascension Ceremony, Wyatt cage and some nights on Raw where the building would be rumbling with Yes! my oh my it was unbelievable!

Honestly I think the safe image of Cena will be WWE's direction till H assumes full power. He will want to shift gears then but for the while Cena will be the guy because even if someone edgy like a Punk comes along, WWE is happy with its outlook of being family-friendly and socially more acceptable in ethos as such. Makes you wonder if stories like Punk merchandise being under sold at venue vendors, might actually be a tactical decision.
Cena is still The Man completely if you ask me, but I can see your reason for starting the thread. I think he's reached his "Triple H 2006" phase now. Backseating, being an uppercarder rather than a solid main eventer, it's quite a weird time in wrestling ATM because Cena's in this weird transitional place. What their plan for the US Title is, I'm not sure, but it being on Cena means it will get defended all the time for a while which is no bad thing.

Bryan is not The Man, no matter how cool it would be if he was. I agree with Sal that a lot of people enjoy the chant more than the character himself at the moment.

Reigns is not The Man. Negative fan reactions keep him from being it. It's different from with Cena because crowds are shitting on Reigns from the very start. It's a shame really because I don't think it's Reigns' fault - he was pushed at a time when everyone wanted someone else.

I think Lesnar is now in a similar position to Orton and they are both guys who are very prominent. Neither of them are really The Man while Cena is still around though.
Plunger up the a-hole to anyone who says WWE has no face, so no it is not safe to say.

Brock was the face of Mania but Cena is still the face of the company as far as active wrestlers go. You don't have to be the in the main event or champion to get that distinction. It has more to do with being the most recognizable name attached to the company. Getting thrown on "posters" helps. Press is a big deal as well. Shockingly, or not so shockingly, Hogan is still up there and Vince and HHH are still synonymous with WWE but they aren't so much active wrestlers. Cena is still the man although it may be a little more blurred than in years past.
This is a really good question because to me personally the face of WWE is Dean Ambrose. He's the focal point when I watch, he's the superstar I'm most invested in, the superstar I mark out the most for, the show always feels a little lackluster without him, I want to buy all his merch., etc. etc. etc.

But realistically I think arguments could be made for just about anybody else on that list right now. Lesnar is the most over, well known star WWE has today & is now a certified badass, babyface. Cena is still Cena & always will be, not to mention he's U.S. Champ right now (which is supposed to mean a lot more now). Bryan is the most popular superstar today & the IC Champion (which also means more again & is the other belt beisdes the World Title headlining shows). Orton has been renewed as a top tier babyface & is the #1 Contender for the title. Reigns is still the golden child & is being groomed to be "the guy". & although it's kind of hard to argue for him now, coming out of Survivor Series last year, it looked like Ziggler could have been the next big star of the company. It's really anybody's guess right now.
Cena is still the face of the WWE. He always will be until he retires. The WWE machine does not get behind anyone like it has Cena. Even when they put lesnar over Undertaker, and then over Cena at SummerSlam; it has made no difference because, whilst Lesnar is marketable; he is a part timer.

Cena will always be the face of the show as he is the main merch seller.
I voted Orton. He's always been the #2 guy behind Cena and their second biggest live event draw, and at this moment you have Cena in mid card as US Champion and Orton on top challenging for the World title. However brief it may be, Orton's the man right now.
As someone who attended a live event in Birmingham, UK last night, it's safe to say Cena is still the WWE's go-to guy. His face was on the programme cover, on all the leaflets for the WWE shop. Apparently only his shirts were on sale in kids sizes, and there were quite a lot of different shirts on sale at this particular event. His face was the largest out of all the others on the cover for the VIP Experience signing book, and he doesn't even do the VIP pre-show signings due to his Make A Wish commitments! He drew by far the biggest crowd reaction, had by far the most merchandise worn by fans (not hard when he releases a new shirt every month, but still) and had the responsibility as the guy to close out the first half of the show right after his match.

I am a Cena hater, but his current position as US champion is not a demotion of position within the company in any way, shape or form. There is nobody in the WWE that gets a bigger reaction, positive or negative than John Cena. While the WWE's stance is sort of changing with the recent push for Reigns, solidifying Seth Rollins as one of their top guys by making him the WWE champion and moving Cena to the mid-card temporarily, I don't think it alters the likelihood that Cena will remain their go-to guy for at least a few more years. I guess that makes him the face of the company still, in answer to your question. :p
The face of the company is John Cena.... no one else is close. Orton has a better storyline right now but Cena is the biggest star and as always right at or just underneath the top of the card. Until Cena retires, takes a long leave of absence, or cuts back to some sort of part timers schedule like Flair & HBK had in 2000s then he likely will remain the face of the company because there is no one on the roster who is a bigger star.

If you are sending someone to a charity event, a TV broadcasters event, filming a commercial, etc....who are you sending....Cena....Orton.....Reigns.....Of course its Cena.

CM Punk could have displaced Cena but he didn't - D. Bryan I think if he would have stayed healthy and continued his push might have surpassed him, but he didn't and he hasn't.

No one else is close. I would say Batista might have stood a chance but that was long ago back when Cena was just reaching his peak and WWE had pretty much been the HHH show since 2000. It didn't happen though.
There really isn't a need for a face of WWE. It should be like other sports like NBA, NFL, etc. let the fans decide who they like and who they think is a top player.
I'd say that Randy Orton is being built as the face of the company at the moment. Sure, not a traditional babyface, but neither was "Stone Cold" Steve Austin.

Orton is the one competing against the heel champion for the main title in the next couple of months. Orton is the one taking on the Authority at the moment. He is the guy, until Lesnar comes back, and if WWE pull the trigger on turning him face.
This is a really good question because to me personally the face of WWE is Dean Ambrose. He's the focal point when I watch, he's the superstar I'm most invested in, the superstar I mark out the most for, the show always feels a little lackluster without him, I want to buy all his merch., etc. etc. etc.

But realistically I think arguments could be made for just about anybody else on that list right now. Lesnar is the most over, well known star WWE has today & is now a certified badass, babyface. Cena is still Cena & always will be, not to mention he's U.S. Champ right now (which is supposed to mean a lot more now). Bryan is the most popular superstar today & the IC Champion (which also means more again & is the other belt beisdes the World Title headlining shows). Orton has been renewed as a top tier babyface & is the #1 Contender for the title. Reigns is still the golden child & is being groomed to be "the guy". & although it's kind of hard to argue for him now, coming out of Survivor Series last year, it looked like Ziggler could have been the next big star of the company. It's really anybody's guess right now.

I don't agree that Ambrose is the face of the company, not yet.

If he was, then wouldn't it make sense to have had Rollins win the belt at RR, and he and Roman compete for it, and if it was a triple-threat, insert Ambrose, rather than have Lesnar.

If Ambrose was the main face, then we would have had Ambrose v Rollins v Reigns at WM31, which would have been an awesome Triple-Threat, and hopefully happens down the track.
The Face of the WWE for the past ten years was John Cena and he will be for the next 5-10 or more. He is the one people think of when you say WWE. He is their go to guy for PR. He alone does more PR work for the WWE then anyone other non family member wrestler. Im sure he does more then Undertaker, and he is loyal unlike Hogan. Vince is always gonna have Cena with him, because without Cena, Vince could have never sold the WWE like he did. But thats just me. While there will be the new "top guy" in the ring. Cena will stay as the big dog for a very long time.
As someone who attended a live event in Birmingham, UK last night, it's safe to say Cena is still the WWE's go-to guy. His face was on the programme cover, on all the leaflets for the WWE shop. Apparently only his shirts were on sale in kids sizes, and there were quite a lot of different shirts on sale at this particular event. His face was the largest out of all the others on the cover for the VIP Experience signing book, and he doesn't even do the VIP pre-show signings due to his Make A Wish commitments! He drew by far the biggest crowd reaction, had by far the most merchandise worn by fans (not hard when he releases a new shirt every month, but still) and had the responsibility as the guy to close out the first half of the show right after his match.

I attended a live show here in Toronto a few months ago and noticed the same thing about merchandise. Cena was everywhere. At least 4 different shirts that I noticed, wristbands, sweatbands the whole shebang. There were mini John Cena's running around everywhere. Daniel Bryan ran a close second with Reigns and Ambrose having a couple each as well.

Some of the talent didn't even have shirts, and one idiotic woman who I had the pleasure of sitting beside was pissed she couldn't get a Nikki Bella shirt. Jesus Christ.

Just by the merchandise booth and what people were wearing it's was obvious that Cena is the top guy, and he wasn't even at the show.
I attended a live show here in Toronto a few months ago and noticed the same thing about merchandise. Cena was everywhere. At least 4 different shirts that I noticed, wristbands, sweatbands the whole shebang. There were mini John Cena's running around everywhere. Daniel Bryan ran a close second with Reigns and Ambrose having a couple each as well.

Some of the talent didn't even have shirts, and one idiotic woman who I had the pleasure of sitting beside was pissed she couldn't get a Nikki Bella shirt. Jesus Christ.

Just by the merchandise booth and what people were wearing it's was obvious that Cena is the top guy, and he wasn't even at the show.

I had the pleasure of meeting Seth Rollins (and Kane) at the VIP experience, and out of about 54 people at the signing, only myself and one other person wore a Seth Rollins shirt. Despite being WWE champion, he seemed genuinely happy to see someone wearing his stuff, and he also made a comment about Cena shirts being every colour under the sun. :D
I wouldn't go so far as to say there is no face as much as wwe is trying to find the new face. Cena may not be World Champ but he still holds a title and is in a main storyline. He is still the main guy in the company so he is still the face. It is different than when Hogan left - they never really built anyone up while Hogan was around so when he left, they had no face. There were plenty of good talents but no one who could step up right away to be the face. Same with Austin - when he took that year off, there wasn't really a face to the company but HHH and Foley both stepped up quickly to fill the gap. Here, Cena is still around and if in 3 months things start to decline, you will see Cena back in the main event picture. I mean, a World Champ vs US Champ match could easily be the SummerSlam main event. As long as Cena and Orton are around, they will be considered the faces of the company.

Truth is, I don't know if you really need a face of the company. For all intents, HHH is that face as he is an executive for the business and tv stuff and known by fans. He can represent the company better than any single wrestler there. Someone like Cena may be the guy they throw in front of the camera to tell how great wwe is but HHH is really the face for that company and will be for quite a while.
It's still John Cena and he'll be the man until further notice.

There isn't another regular performer on his level at the current time. Nobody puts the work in he does in and outside the ring for the company. Everyone else still has a long ways to go to get to his level too.

The future is coming, time will tell if they can get a guy to be that superstar to replace Cena. In my opinion one of the more likely guys is Seth Rollins but they need to work on changing his style, obviously, particularly if he goes face. I don't think Seth will be THE guy but I see him always being at or near the top. I don't get the need for just ONE guy. They have so many up and coming talents that can provide top level performances.

Seth, Roman, Dean, Bray, Kevin Owens, Rusev, Balor etc.

The roster is full of guys that will be top level performers (not the face of the company but high level matches and feuds for mid-card titles, with occasional main even feuds) such as BNB, Dolph, Big E (can we get him away from this crap gimmick and put him in something similar to NXT? Let him have the 5 count. He was over, he's big, athletic and can cut a short promo) Cesaro, Sandow, Miz, Luke Harper, Usos, Kalisto, Neville and the list goes on.

Then guys like Randy Orton and John Cena who will slowly evolve into the part time performers to fill the void here and there.

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