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Is it right for WWE to make Miz look so vulnerable and beatable?

The Miz is doing the exact right thing. They are making the Miz look important, this is the right way to book The Miz, because lets face it The Miz will never look like a dominant champion he just doesn't fit the bill. Miz looks like a cowardly vulnerable man and that is how he is being booked and it is doing wonders for him, which can really solidify his title reign as a successful one. Not to mention he is a heel which is the guy that is supposed to lose against the good guy, people will pay to see The Miz lose similar to how JBL was booked.
its pretty hard not to repeat anything.. but ill go ahead and just say that of course they are doing the right thing with Miz. It's not like there's idiot bookers who dont realize they are making Miz look weak, and that you are one of the only smart fans who notices and could book it better.
He's portrayed exactly how somebody like him is supposed to be, and has been forever. We tend to forget that most casual fans who watch the show aren't like us. They actually go along with the story and enjoy from a viewers perspective. They don't just bypass that, and consider the product good or bad based on how similar it is to what they would do as a booker.
Many champions that have been this way in the past wound up becoming very convincing, and could believably win the title again any time.
Sure, there's some Jack Swagger's out there who couldn't stay at the top of the card after losing their title because of how weak they were booked. But that's usually because they are lacking something much more important than believability. And that my friends, is entertainment value. Which Miz will never run out of, no matter how many times Jerry Lawler beats him up.
its pretty hard not to repeat anything.. but ill go ahead and just say that of course they are doing the right thing with Miz. It's not like there's idiot bookers who dont realize they are making Miz look weak, and that you are one of the only smart fans who notices and could book it better.
He's portrayed exactly how somebody like him is supposed to be, and has been forever. We tend to forget that most casual fans who watch the show aren't like us. They actually go along with the story and enjoy from a viewers perspective. They don't just bypass that, and consider the product good or bad based on how similar it is to what they would do as a booker.
Many champions that have been this way in the past wound up becoming very convincing, and could believably win the title again any time.
Sure, there's some Jack Swagger's out there who couldn't stay at the top of the card after losing their title because of how weak they were booked. But that's usually because they are lacking something much more important than believability. And that my friends, is entertainment value. Which Miz will never run out of, no matter how many times Jerry Lawler beats him up.

I hate the Mizhap with my entire being, but I have to agree with you. When people love (ugh) the miz-erable they want to see him win...when you hate the miz-fortunate (like I do) you want to see him beat up (like a tna jeff hardy beat him over the back of the head out of action for 2 month beat downs)...so yeah, either or means that the Mizhap would be at least entertaining.
The WWE has built The Miz as an arrogant, cowardly heel with a big mouth that does a lot of big talking. I see nothing wrong with that whatsoever because it's a classic example of a pro wrestling heel.

The Miz isn't some 6'8" 350 pound monster that's just going to run up to anyone and overpower them. He's not a monster heel, he doesn't have the size to be a believable badass so the WWE has taken the most logical course with him. It's been done so many times in the past with great wrestlers that it'd take all day to name them off. The first one that pops into my head is Ric Flair. In every match he wrestled when he was World Champion, he tended to get the snot beaten out of him, always had someone there to run interference for him and cheated his ass off to win his match or at least leave the match as champ.

I like what the WWE is doing with The Miz and the WWE Championship picture hasn't had this fresh a feeling, in my opinion, in a long time. The Miz has been champ for nearly 2 months and people are still buzzing about it, still heavily talking about it and debating on this and that. Whether people like him or hate him, The Miz has got people very interested in the WWE Championship scene and, first and foremost, that's what it's all about. Doesn't matter how good you look or how athletic you are if you're not able to make people care about what you're involved in.
The booking of The Miz couldn't be much worse in my opinion. There seems to be a lot of arguments here focusing on how The Miz's character is built to behave this way. I have a question and a concern with this.

My question is: How ya figure? He isn't Edge. Edge is Edge. The Miz has never built himself on winning matches by the hair on his chiny-chin-chin. The Miz's character is a guy who came in to the WWE and was treated like crap, and so he developed an enormous chip on his shoulder. He has to prove himself at every moment because the treatment he received from the veterans robbed him of his sense of self-worth. It's honestly a pretty good gimmick, all things considered. What does any of that, though, have to do with bumping for Jerry "The King" Lawler?

Now, I have a concern. If The Miz indeed is a crappy wrestler who can't cleanly win matches against top-level talent (or even low-level color commentators), why is he champion? I'm told that cowardly heels have been champion before. This is true. Edge, Hollywood Hogan, etc. They've also been main-eventers without necessarily holding the title: DiBiase, Chris Jericho, etc.

Here's the thing: each of these men, though cowardly, had a means by which to win their matches. Edge had a plan, meaning he could out-strategize his opponent if he couldn't win straight-up. Hollywood Hogan was the leader of a gang, meaning that though he couldn't win one-on-one he always had the support of countless others, and his opponents could never really gather the same steadfast support. Essentially, he out-politicked his opponent. Dibiase had money, and so he could simply out-spend his opponent to buy whatever was needed to win the match. Jericho had legitimate wrestling talent, so though he was cowardly, he could just out-wrestle his opponents (that's one of the things that made the Jericho vs. Goldberg feud so interesting in my opinion, because it was obvious that Goldberg couldn't wrestle).

Each of these men possessed power, even though that power did not involve valor. What is The Miz's source of power exactly? He can't wrestle, so that's out. He has no money to speak of. He somewhat out-politicks his opponents, but I don't think anyone wants to compare Alex Riley and Michael Cole to the nWo. He somewhat out-strategizes his opponents, but I don't think anyone wants to compare anything he's done in the past two months to Edge cashing in the MITB briefcase at New Year's Revolution '06 or using the Edgeheads as stunt doubles against The Undertaker at Armageddon '07. Those were legitimate schemes, not just sort-of crafty wrestling.

So what does he have? If I were booking The Miz, I would book him according to his character. He would take on all challengers and guarantee victory in every match (chip on shoulder). He would become more dominant in every match, and the commentators would inform us that this is because of how intensively he trains (need to prove himself). I would sort of keep Alex Riley, because it does make sense for The Miz to have a protege (he eventually needs to become the very veteran bully he was once tortured by) and I would vaguely keep his heat with Lawler, but only because The Miz would be anti-veteran and would downplay the accomplishments of everyone who came before him (because of his bad experiences with veterans). I certainly wouldn't have him wrestle Lawler, because that's just bad business, and I wouldn't have him wrestle any other legends, either, because that's Orton's old gimmick. I would have him eventually drop the title by exhausting him. His need to prove himself causes him to train ever more intensively, and to take on ever more challenges, until his body finally fails him and he can no longer continue, at which point he's beaten by whoever ya want to be your next champion. Actually, Miz/Undertaker, Title vs. Title at Mania seems like a pretty good idea. (Taker is the most veteran member of WWE's active roster, interestingly enough.)
It's a very good thing to make him look beatable. Look at John Cena, He's basically unbeatable and for that people are tired of him besides the kids that love his every move. The Miz looking beatable will make every title defense interesting it'll make you really question if he will win or loose..I know loosing against Jerry Lawler may not have made the most sense but they have booked The Miz really well and he's carried out his end of being a Champion. He gets the crowd to hate how he barely wins against John Morrison, and Randy Orton..

I do have a feeling that if The Miz faces Cena at Wrestlemania for the belt it'll be a squash match in favor of Cena since he's basically fought rookies for 7 months... So for the time being I'm just enjoying the Title run of The Miz
It's not only right, its good business. Miz is a heel and he hadn't any big rivalries/matches before so people think he doesn't deserve to be in the place he is which results in heat from the crowd, which is the main purpose of the heel. So it's only natural to not make him win any match clean because they are building him like the guy who "slept" his way to the top.
And is good for business because it makes people believe that title can change in any single title match, and if someone believes that there might be a title change in a PPV they are more prone to order it.
The Miz is in fact awesome. However, Miz is not the best wrestler among the Main Eventers. Chris Jericho, on the other hand, was one of the best. Jericho is/was one of my top 3 favorite pro wrestlers all time and I felt he should have been given the opportunity to be taken seriously by having some clean submissions with some of the other top stars, but they always used him as the cheater, or crybaby. I mention this because it's not the same case with the Miz. The Miz is not the best, but he is the most EFFECTIVE as of late- the apparent evidence being the WWE Championship around his waist, and the amount of heat he gets. WWE is doing the right thing by making Miz look beatable, because among other main eventers, he IS beatable. Yes he has the agression in the ring, but despite what he says he isn't the most talented and definitely not the biggest. They're selling him as what he is, but lately he has been the best at what he does (similar to Jericho, but not as good). Don't get me wrong, clean wins would be nice to see, and then he can be that much more bad ass and cocky afterward, but that should be few and far between. I would love to see Miz continue to beat the odds and disappoint the marks, but I won't let myself be surprised if Orton wins, though I don't believe he should.
I haven't read the replies, and I can only assume I'm probably repeating what they said. But yes, it is right. Miz is a cowardly heel. He does what it takes to win the match. Look at his US title run, his only real win was when he won it.

As for the last part of your question, it doesn't really apply to the thread. Whether or not he is getting credible wins does not change the fact of whether or not he should remain champion. He's doing a good job with it, getting good ratings and buys. It's the first of hopefully many title reigns for the young guy, and I have a feeling all of them will be just about like this while he's heel.
The Miz is my favorite wrestler also, but the role they have him in as the champ is horrible. He is the champion and he isn't even in the main storyline on RAW.
There are a lot of big name heels that took the same approach. HBK/Taker HHH/Batista Stonecold/Owen Hart All of these are heels are now considered legends. Edge has basicly made a career out of being this type of heel, as he is now recognized by everyone as a main event wrestler he is a little different. It's really the whole point of being a heel.
It's not whether or not it is a good idea, it's the only move wwe has. Miz is ok in the ring, but he is not a leader in the ring. His best skill is psychology, but that is not at the level of being able to come across as someone dominating. This is my only gripe with miz. THis is his only shortcoming as a champion, and this is the only way to mask it. They had to bump the guy up, it'd be foolish not to. And until he's a leader in the ring, this is as good a way as any to keep the guy getting heat.
Its not only right, its the way things should be, to be honest.

Other then the monster heel champion, such as Kane, which ones actually look STRONG in victory? Look at the time Edge, Randy Orton, and Chris Jericho, among others, spent as heel champions. None of them, now even the dominant Randy Orton, won many matches straight up. There was always outside interference of some kind that allowed them to keep their titles. Its classic heel work man. Of course they're doing the right thing.

My question to you is, do you think Miz will lose the championship anytime soon? How about the Rumble against Orton, or at Elimination Chamber? Of course, the answer is yes. Why? Because he's shown in the past that he cant get by or win many matches without the help of his friends. It's smart booking.

The casual fan wants to see Miz lose the title. So they tune in as a result to hopefully see it. And the more wins he racks up, especally through less then honorable means, makes people want to tune in more. From both a creative and financial standpoint, Miz' first championship run is a great success.

Not every champion has to look like the best on their show. For most heels, they shouldn't. If you're a Miz fan, you may not enjoy the way he's being booked, but its the way a heel has been booked for so many years. Why change something that has worked for so long?
Yes, that is exactly how he is supposed to look. He isn't a huge dominant guy who can destroy people, nor is he the ever popular face who always wins, he is a cowardly heel and he plays his role to perfection. He is a guy who runs his mouth and annoys the fuck out of you and you want to see him get destroyed but then at the last minute he manages to find a way to get a cheap win and make people hate him even more. Then when the guy who does beat him comes along it makes it all the more sweet.
So the Miz is my favorite wrestler, and in 2008 I said Miz would be world champion. He is now. But he has not gotten a FAIR credible win ever since. Before that, he was facing and beating John Cena! I've heard that the correct way to book a champion that won by cashing in a briefcase is to make him look beatable. But I really want Miz to look, not strong so to say, but to look like the champion. To be the best on Raw. I've even sadly predicted Orton winning at the RR. I really really don't want that to happen, but it seems inevitable. On Monday Night Raw two days ago, i turned the TV off because I KNEW Miz and A-Ri would lose. That's horrible!
My points-
A) Is WWE doing the right thing?
B) If not, how can it be fixed?
C) Do you want Miz to remain champion?

Firstly I have to ask. Are you Michael Cole and do you kiss Mizes arse?
just because a wrestler is champion does not make him invincible. He is after all just a man. At what point has the Miz beaten John Cena? NEVER!!!
So to your points and to answer them, here goes.

A) Yes WWE is doing the right thing as they know that the WWE universe wants to see titles changing on a regular basis with the heel losing to the face and then vice versa. thats what wrestling is all about.

B) It does not need to be fixed as answer above as they are doing the right thing

C) No I dont want the Miz to remain champion as he is a gobby shit who thinks he is better than anyone else and yet has to have a second rate wrestler in his corner to interfere in his matches or to be used to soften up his opponents before he has to face them. Is that the way a true champion acts?. Sure he is good on the mic and can give wicked interviews and sure he can wrestle but he cant get the job done without Riley at ringside. Daniel Bryan has 3 straight wins over Miz and that just about sums it up. If, sorry when Randy Orton wins the title at RR then maybe Miz can look back, see what he has turned into and change his game plan. Not saying he should go face but just get rid of Riley and start winning matches cleanly and then maybe he will have more respect from the universe and will deserve to be the champ. At the moment he is champ due to him beating up an already injured and tired wrestler with his MITB contract. Go for a full length match and then defeat Orton if he thinks he deserves to be the champ and he has that chance at RR
So the Miz is my favorite wrestler, and in 2008 I said Miz would be world champion. He is now. But he has not gotten a FAIR credible win ever since. Before that, he was facing and beating John Cena! I've heard that the correct way to book a champion that won by cashing in a briefcase is to make him look beatable. But I really want Miz to look, not strong so to say, but to look like the champion. To be the best on Raw. I've even sadly predicted Orton winning at the RR. I really really don't want that to happen, but it seems inevitable. On Monday Night Raw two days ago, i turned the TV off because I KNEW Miz and A-Ri would lose. That's horrible!
My points-
A) Is WWE doing the right thing?
B) If not, how can it be fixed?
C) Do you want Miz to remain champion?

A) Absolutely the right thing. Miz doesn't look like he could realistically beat anyone in a fight. If Miz started easily beating guys who are far larger than him (Like Orton or Cena) then there'd be too much suspension of disbelief. Miz is, (by eyeballing him) about 5'10 195lbs IMO...if wrestling were real...a guy like Orton (who's huge in person, and I legit believe is close to the 6'4" 240 he's billed at) would squash him. Miz needs to be someone who relies on DQ's, Count outs and interference.

B) I said yes...

C) No, absolutely not, I hate Miz. If he's talking, I either mute my tv or change the channel, when he's in the ring, I'm praying he loses to get the title off him. Miz bores me death; and his voice annoys me. I don't mind exaggerated or even fake emotions (I'm enjoy John Cena, and his cheesy one liners) but Miz does nothing for me. I feel like I'm listening to a PMS-ing 14yr old complain about school when he talks, and not listening to a wrestling promo. Just my opinion...
. The WWE is booking Miz as a weak champion because people will pay big money to see him get beat, which seems inevitable since he is so bad. .

Why would people pay big money to see a weak guy get beat again? Thats ******ed, and not a draw. People pay big money in anticipation of a contest, like when Hogan the babyface was going up against an unstoppable monster in Andre, they want to see underdogs, and every great story needs a strong protagonist. No one gives a crap about a weak enemy with no credibility like the Miz.

WWE has had a bad habit for years of making heels weak and pathetic, its not good. The NWO got over because they kicked ass, not because they were weak. Its just another problem with the product today.
A) Absolutely the right thing. Miz doesn't look like he could realistically beat anyone in a fight. If Miz started easily beating guys who are far larger than him (Like Orton or Cena) then there'd be too much suspension of disbelief. Miz is, (by eyeballing him) about 5'10 195lbs IMO...if wrestling were real...a guy like Orton (who's huge in person, and I legit believe is close to the 6'4" 240 he's billed at) would squash him. Miz needs to be someone who relies on DQ's, Count outs and interference.

Thats why he shouldnt be champion in the first place. I see many saying, he should be booked this way because he is a cowardly heel, but why does that justify a weak heel? It shouldnt. There should not be such a thing as a cowardly and weak CHAMPION because it removes the credibility of everything.

Nothing wrong with being a weak coward heel, just dont make him champion or a main eventer. How many pathetic coward heels have been real draws in history anyway?
How many pathetic coward heels have been real draws in history anyway?

A lot. They've been mentioned a lot in this thread. Eddie, Jericho, Edge, HHH, Orton, hell every heel ever, with the exception of Andre and Taker, have played the coward heel part. Hell even when Austin was a heel for the short time he was a coward.

Miz is doing a great job at this part, hell CleverName51 is muting his TV for Miz, which is exactly the reaction this part should get. Miz is the Top Heel in the WWE right now, I see him winning at the Royal Rumble and winning cleanly. Every coward heel eventually dose get a clean win to get them over just that much more, and I get the feeling that this will happen for Miz at the Royal Rumble.
Personally i think it is the only way they can have him as a world champion at the moment. It's not like he's going to become a monster over night, and be jacked like Brock Lesnar. I'd say about 40% give or take of the main eventers are these monstrous strong guys. Cena,Triple H(even though he's out), Sheamus, Kane. That might not sound like much, but there isn't really alot of main eventers left in WWE. And you've seen the Miz. He is like Morrison, he has SLIGHT muscles. And You might be able to see John Morrison or Rey Mysterio taking it to a tough huge guy like Cena, but you won't see that from The Miz. The only reason you see it from Morrison and Rey is because they fly around the ring a lot (though Morrison is starting to become more aggressive). Miz doesn't have aerial offense, that's probably a main reason why he can't win clean. Rey and Morrison can just do a moonsault at their wish, Miz can't. So yes it makes sense for the WWE to have him steal his victories, because having him beat guys like Cena and such would not make any sense at all, and further convince children that wrestling is fake.

But that still leaves Orton. I know that still leaves Orton. The only reason they won't have Miz go over Orton clean is because Orton has become such a huge draw since his face turn, that it would literally CRUSH children to see their hero being beaten by someone they hate. Thus, when he fights Orton, he has to cheat to win so that the children that watch will not start disliking WWE(and don't give me crap for this, it's my opinion.). Like 70% of the weekly viewers are children. If WWE lost that kind of number, they'd be screwed worse than TNA.
Nothing wrong with being a weak coward heel, just dont make him champion or a main eventer. How many pathetic coward heels have been real draws in history anyway?

Was JBL not a draw during his 2004-2005 reign as champion when he hid behind the entire cabinet?

Was HHH not a draw during his 2002-03 WHC reigns when he hid behind Evolution? The toughest member of Evolution at the time was Dave Batista; not HHH.

Coward heels are fine as champions and main eventers if booked properly and handled the right way. The role isn't the problem; the problem is the talent of the role players. If I watch a cowardly champion duck his challenger for weeks on end and then get himself counted out of DQ'd at a PPV or two...when the blowoff match to the feud finally happens where the face finally gets his hands on the challenger, I'm excited.

The thing is the booking and writing needs to be done well and superstars
need to perform their roles correctly.
A lot. They've been mentioned a lot in this thread. Eddie, Jericho, Edge, HHH, Orton, hell every heel ever, with the exception of Andre and Taker, have played the coward heel part. Hell even when Austin was a heel for the short time he was a coward.

Miz is doing a great job at this part, hell CleverName51 is muting his TV for Miz, which is exactly the reaction this part should get. Miz is the Top Heel in the WWE right now, I see him winning at the Royal Rumble and winning cleanly. Every coward heel eventually dose get a clean win to get them over just that much more, and I get the feeling that this will happen for Miz at the Royal Rumble.

Acting like a coward and being a weak coward champ are two different things. HHH may have been weasly and cowardly sometimes but he was still a credibly bad ass, and looked it. Eddie had credibilty because he was a great wrestler, dunno about edge and orton, havent seen them when they were champs but they were big superstars anyway.

The miz is just a joke from A to Z. He has no credibility in any area.
dunno about edge and orton, havent seen them when they were champs

How, exactly, have you never seen those two as champs? Do you own a TV?

MargeraRVD316 made a great point by saying that people wouldn't feel this way about JoMo or Rey beating a larger superstar cleanly. Hell, Rey has beaten Kane cleanly. Not a peep from the Professor on that one. The fact that you hate Miz so much that you are actually upset that he is champion is a statement on how great Mike Mizanin is at his job.
How, exactly, have you never seen those two as champs? Do you own a TV?

MargeraRVD316 made a great point by saying that people wouldn't feel this way about JoMo or Rey beating a larger superstar cleanly. Hell, Rey has beaten Kane cleanly. Not a peep from the Professor on that one. The fact that you hate Miz so much that you are actually upset that he is champion is a statement on how great Mike Mizanin is at his job.

I stopped watching wwe from 2004 until a month ago. I dont hate the miz in a way that im clued to the tv waiting for him to get beat, but rather in the way that I just change the channel when hes on. I dont have any time for a guy who 12 years ago would have been a Goldberg jobber.

Im still amazed that someone so average in every department was given the wwe champ. Vince has clearly lost his marbles.
I dont have any time for a guy who 12 years ago would have been a Goldberg jobber.

Im still amazed that someone so average in every department was given the wwe champ. Vince has clearly lost his marbles.

12 years ago, EVERYONE was Goldberg's jobber.

Seriously though, I am assuming that you would have the same complaint about Jeff Hardy, whom I'm pretty sure my little brother could take in a fight. The point of Miz as champ is that he shouldn't be champion. So, the more victories that he gets over guys like Orton, the more pissed off we get. If we went by solely who SHOULD be champion based on their size and look, Big Show would be in the middle of an 12 year championship run. Really, how is it believable for anyone to beat the Big Show? Is Edge, physically, any more believable as champ than Miz?

Can I ask what made you turn wrestling back on a month ago?

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