Is it right for WWE to make Miz look so vulnerable and beatable?


Pre-Show Stalwart
So the Miz is my favorite wrestler, and in 2008 I said Miz would be world champion. He is now. But he has not gotten a FAIR credible win ever since. Before that, he was facing and beating John Cena! I've heard that the correct way to book a champion that won by cashing in a briefcase is to make him look beatable. But I really want Miz to look, not strong so to say, but to look like the champion. To be the best on Raw. I've even sadly predicted Orton winning at the RR. I really really don't want that to happen, but it seems inevitable. On Monday Night Raw two days ago, i turned the TV off because I KNEW Miz and A-Ri would lose. That's horrible!
My points-
A) Is WWE doing the right thing?
B) If not, how can it be fixed?
C) Do you want Miz to remain champion?
the miz is an arrogant yet cowardly heel, very similar to chris jericho. talks a very very big game. but has to cheat or win in "unclean" ways to stay champion. he's not the dominant monster heel that kane or sheamus is, hell even sheamus runs away some times. its just how being a heel works. not to mention hes facing randy orton, a guy the wwe is building as its biggest face and "apex predator". the miz is great because he picks his spots and knows when to run and fight another day. yes he and riley lost but miz didnt get pinned and didnt get the beat down orton wanted to give him. if the wwe keeps the belt on him till mania i think he'll beat orton cleanly come the RR. u r right. eventually this tactic will make the miz took too weak and an unworth champion. but thats hows he's being portrayed. just like edge was. the ultimate opportunist. for a long time edge won and retained his title in cheap ways like MITB, vickie helping him, ect.

the miz could easily be the next jericho or edge heel type character. but eventually he will need to get a few clean wins. he can only avoid it for so long. eventually he will have to beat someone 1-2-3 and on his own or lose the title.
Ehm, I think you got it all wrong, man. For starters, the Miz is a heel. Heels are supposed to lose against faces. They are the bad guys; and as we all know, bad guys lose to good guys. Secondly, at the momment, the Miz is playing a cowardly heel role. Which means that it's his job to run away from matches, get himself disqualified, cheat to win - basically, do whatever it takes so long as he gets the victory.

Now, as for him loosing, well, that's all just part of the process that makes him a heel. He's not supposed to look like a dominant force that no one can stop. He's supposed to look like he's some cowardly douche that will do anything to win. And right now, he's loosing, which means he's doing his job as heel - making the good guy come out on top and getting himself boo'd in the process.

The Miz, right now, is doing a fine job as both a heel and a champion. Sure, he may be a bit over-rated, but that doesn't deny the fact that the Miz is doing far better job than most gave him credit for when initially becoming champion.
What i think imo is that Miz losing like he has been will mean he will win at the RR. His i guess cowardly heel act is him also being smart too. Miz is always thinking always having a plan to win the title when need be. He is a heel although it would be nice for him to win clean but, a W is a W no matter how you look at it in wrestling.

To me i would like to see this miz losing streak not end to Orton. Then after the RR he just turns himself into a more serious I'm the Champ ill beat you anyway i want clean or cheating. Just be cocky an confident at the same time. AN i'd like to see him lose A-RI an say i can do this on my own beacuse the miz is so he says awesome. Then i would like to see him win an win clean an dirty an have him headline WM agisnt JOMO. Should he win or lose idk. i like both of them so thats a hard one to say.

AN yes as Stated i want miz to win an as i wrote above thats how i would fix it.
You do realize Miz only beat Cena because two guys blatantly attacked Cena in the middle of the match, right? Hardly fair and credible, so I don't now why you're making it sound like that was any different or better than his wins since winning the title.

Anyway, yeah, this is Booking a Heel Champion 101. I see no reason to change it. It worked pretty well for Edge and Chris Jericho, among many others.
That's how Miz is supposed to look like. It's what any heel should like that aren't monsters like Sheamus and Kane. The Miz is a arrogant, coward heel who cheats his way to victories. He's not supposed to be some badass that beats everything in front of him. He should take the easy way out every time it's presented to him like when he beat Orton at TLC using Riley. He should look like that he could lose at any given moment and when he cheats to defend the title; it generates more heat for him. WWE is booking the Miz perfectly right now.
I agree with everyone so far. The thing to remember about the Miz eeking by in his matches is that the Miz is not a big guy, like Kane/Big Show. In fact, he looks like an average guy could beat him. If the WWE booked the Miz to be getting clean wins against guys like Randy Orton or Cena, everyone would laugh. This is the perfect way to book a guy like the Miz as the champion. In addition, because he keeps winning by cheating, it is getting him even more heat. I say this is a superstar that the WWE is booking perfectly.
But he has not gotten a FAIR credible win ever since.

Dude, did you not see Raw last week? How was his win over Morrison anything but credible?? He beat him clean! But aside from that, I think you've got the wrong impression of what a heel is supposed to do. What do you propose, that Orton or Cena job to him in a squash match? He's a bad guy, and bad guys are supposed to cheat to win.
I personally think he's come across as strong. After all, a lot of heels are cowardly and always run from the good guys like Orton and Cena. But for the most part, The Miz comes across like he's not scared at all. Sure, he sends in Reilly to do the dirty work, but he certainly doesn't come across as scared. Personally, I think Miz is coming across as an underdog, and I think it's getting harder and harder for casual fans to not get behind him. If he keeps this gimmick up, a face turn is inevitable. When he finally does lose the belt, I think fans will sympathize with him.
Do you think Miz could lose the belt at Royal Rumble? Sure he could. Could he lose it at Elimination Chamber? It's almost a sure thing.

Miz, as with most heels, needs to appear beatable to keep fans buying, from a business perspective. If Miz were a monster that was running roughshod over everyone who came in his path, no one would really be interested in his matches, since everyone would know the outcome. If fans are unsure if the champion can retain, they're more likely to purchase a PPV or attend a show to see it. From a financial standpoint, Miz being vulnerable is the best way to book him.

From an entertainment perspective, it's the same thing. What does the WWE Universe (barring the IWC) want to see, perhaps more than anything? To see Miz get shut up. They want him to lose his title, and be humiliated. Again, Miz needs to be vulnerable in order to be an effective loser. In the world of kayfabe, not many people would mess with a big guy like Sheamus, because he would back up his words and be able to fight off just about anyone. No one's really going to humiliate Sheamus. Miz on the other hand, can be absolutely humiliated by an Orton or Cena, and that's what the crowd loves.

While I know Miz marks may not like it, Miz is being booked pretty well, in a believable and wise way. He's not supposed to be the guy to get decisive wins over bigger guys. He's a cunning coward who stays on top by the skin of his teeth. No need to change a thing.
Dude, did you not see Raw last week? How was his win over Morrison anything but credible?? He beat him clean! But aside from that, I think you've got the wrong impression of what a heel is supposed to do. What do you propose, that Orton or Cena job to him in a squash match? He's a bad guy, and bad guys are supposed to cheat to win.
I personally think he's come across as strong. After all, a lot of heels are cowardly and always run from the good guys like Orton and Cena. But for the most part, The Miz comes across like he's not scared at all. Sure, he sends in Reilly to do the dirty work, but he certainly doesn't come across as scared. Personally, I think Miz is coming across as an underdog, and I think it's getting harder and harder for casual fans to not get behind him. If he keeps this gimmick up, a face turn is inevitable. When he finally does lose the belt, I think fans will sympathize with him.

I apologize but did you inconveniently miss the part where Alex Riley broke up the pin that could have made JoMo the WWE Champion? That my friend is not so "clean".

As everyone for the most part said, Miz is a cowardly heel... he cheats to win and loses to people... but gets them back when it counts... its annoying to say the least but its how it works... its how Edge used to be.
We have this thread like every other day.

Basically, we have a heel. A cowardly heel. Cowardly heels get lots of heat, because they cheat. You know who else was a cowardly heel? Randy Orton. Eddie Guerrero. Chris Jericho. Edge, for a while. The Miz isn't any different than these guys. He's doing what he has to do in order to keep his hands on the title, and he's doing a damn good job of it.

I swear, some of you are acting as if he is the weakest champion in WWE history. The dude is perfectly capable of holding his own in a match. He doesn't get squashed. He just plays the coward when a match tips in his opponent's favor.

It's happened throughout WWE history.
I do like the Miz and I was looking forward to his cash in, but Miz being champ at this point in time leading into Wrestlemania, its just not interesting me.

I'm not liking Miz's title reign, and I'm really tired of seeing Alex Riley in RAW main events. Especially tag team main events.

Whilst a fued with Cena would be enjoyable, I cant see myself enjoying this Miz reign.

A Morrison/Miz fued would have been a better option. There title match was epic.

I personally, think Orton should capture the belt, and fued with Cena and Punk in a triple threat at Wrestlemania.

Orton can be the tweener champion.

Miz and Morrison can finish their business at Wrestlemania.

I think its a better solution for all.
I couldn't agree more just about every week, there's a post on here about Miz about the Miz not being a credible champion. Since when has there been a heel who hasn't done the same, if they didn't they wouldn't draw as much heat as they would or even be relevant. The Miz doesn't have a monster heel appearance, so he can't straight up own his opponents so what better way to win a match but to find any means necessary however creative it might be he will do what it takes to retain the title. It's been done for years. look at how many times HHH cheated to win a match, Stone Cold, the late great Eddie, Edge wouldn't have won half of his world titles is he wasn't a cowardly opportunistic person that he is. The fact is Miz has confidence in himself, his mic ability and reeks of Charisma, he can hold his own in the ring if you haven't noticed and only getting better. At the end of the Miz is AWESOME!!!!! Sorry couldn't help myself there.
We have this thread like every other day.

Basically, we have a heel. A cowardly heel. Cowardly heels get lots of heat, because they cheat. You know who else was a cowardly heel? Randy Orton. Eddie Guerrero. Chris Jericho. Edge, for a while. The Miz isn't any different than these guys. He's doing what he has to do in order to keep his hands on the title, and he's doing a damn good job of it.

I swear, some of you are acting as if he is the weakest champion in WWE history. The dude is perfectly capable of holding his own in a match. He doesn't get squashed. He just plays the coward when a match tips in his opponent's favor.

It's happened throughout WWE history.
Man you hit the nail on th head and thing is eddie was a cowardly face as well, not withstanding there is nothing wrong witht he way Moz is Booked i am a Miz mark but i am also a heel mark and i think this Miz is AWESOME!
It is right for them to book him that way.
He wouldn't be taken seriously as a super dominant champion. He's definitely the old-school cowardly heel champion, and that's just what he needs to be.

I don't really want to see a super long reign for him, but a couple of months can't hurt.

P.S: I seem to have missed the time when Miz was beating cena? I remember him -saying- he did, but then when cena actually agreed to a match, Cena dominated in like, 4 minutes...
I think he is being booked just fine right now. Like other posters have said the heel, especially a cowardly is suppose look beatable and have to cheat to win. It was no different when HHH, Orton, Edge, Jericho, and many others were heels. It's OK when a heel champion loses a non title match here and there and keep credibility. It gives the fans hope that their babyface hero can beat him and become champion. Jack Swagger would be a better example of a heel champion booked to look really weak as champion. The guy lost a non title match almost every week while he was champion.
Just because you want Miz to look strong doesn't mean it's a good idea. Additionally, Miz never beat John Cena... I don't know where you got that from.

And I mean this in the best possible way, but if you think Orton is going over Miz at the Rumble then you are a total sucker. The WWE is booking Miz as a weak champion because people will pay big money to see him get beat, which seems inevitable since he is so bad. However, when you tune into the PPV waiting for Johnny Babyface to get the victory over Miz, Miz somehow finds a way to retain his championship, through cheating, count out, DQ, or some other crafty means.

So to answer your questions

A) WWE is doing the right thing by booking Miz as a weak champion.2
B) N/A, see above
3) Yes, I would like to see Miz remain champion until Wrestlemania where I fully anticipate him losing to John Cena on the grandest stage of them all.
Miz is a decent champion, and is prolly the best one the WWE could have right now, unless it was Cena or JOMO. He gets alot of heat just from his mic skills and the way he wrestles. Hes a cowerdly heel champion and thats what there sopposed to do IMO, but i just think there taking it a little to far with it.

I just hate orton. Hes a horrible champion in my opinion. And if he wins the title it will be horrible cuz i obviosly hate orton lol. I would like to see The Miz go to WM with the title to face Cena and/or JOMO and Miz with A-Ry.

The way that they can fix miz is to just get him some credible wins and make him look good. Like i said before hes the best champioin they can have right now on raw cuz Cena is tied up in Nexus, and it looks like Jomo is going to still fued with Sheamus still, which i think is awesome but thats for another topic.
Something a lot of fans today don't remember is that Ric Flair was booked in a similar fashion when he was NWA champion throughout the 80's. He often lost non-title matches or tag team matches against people to set them up to be a credible contender to his title. Often if Flair were to win it be due to the Horsemen getting involved in some way shape or form. And what is a lot of people's opinion of Flair? One of the greatest of all time.

The Miz is being booked correctly. Heels are Heels. Very few Heels ever win on their own or without cheating in some way. Even HHH during his most dominate times had Evolution and the Sledgehammer. It doesn't matter how you win, it matters that you win. The best way for a Heel to generate their heat is to win or retain the title they have. It doesn't matter how. The fans don't want to see their hero defeated clean 1-2-3 in the middle of the ring by the dastardly heel.
if people hate him (because he is a heel), and he is made to look unstopable, then why would they want to his ppv matches. They would just see the guy they hate steemroll another of their favorites. It doesn't make much sense.

Now what their doing with him is great. If people think he could lose at the ppv, then they will buy it. Its just smart buisness. Remember they are not going for the smarks who like heels, beacause they will either buy the ppv or not, they are going for the regular fan who hate heels a love cena.
The Miz is a beatable wrestler just like Mike Mizanin is a beatable man. He looks like he could be beaten up by the average guy on the street so theres no way they could book him like he's a heel monster that could beat anyone. It wouldn't be believable in any way shape form or fashion. and i'm not saying that just cause I hate the miz,
(though i DO & with a passion you would NOT believe)...i'm saying that because i totally believe it. Hes not imposing, not threatening and does not strike fear into the heart of anyone. At best he's a good mic worker that knows when to run. Alex Riley is the wrestler/manager he needs for distractions in case he needs to cheat or flee. I see him losing the title at the RR (fingers crossed!) as a transitional champion. If he does by some act of evil foolishness win the championship again, you'll see more of the same. Why? Because it couldn't POSSIBLY be booked any differently. It's the equivalent of trying to book the great Khali as a technical wrestler. (*i just chuckled thinkin about it...
that was pretty funny...)
I think Miz is perfect as champion right now for the state of the roster.

Obviously, the fact that fans believe he'll lose to any of the main eventers makes the fans want to see it happen even more.

Secondly though, the Miz has been a mid-card guy for a little while and has been beaten by a lot of people. He's had a lot of competitive good matches with other mid-carders. Having the Miz on the next level brings those guys to his level as well and it makes the title hunt that much more intriguing. I mean ... would you ever believe that Daniel Bryan could beat Cena or Sheamus or Orton in a WWE title match? Bryan's beaten Miz 3x in the last 6 months, right? That'll make for a great Raw match when it happens. Guys like Morrison, Truth, Kingston, Bourne, et al... are all better off now as they can have a good believable match with the WWE champion. When there are that many wildcards in the equation, it makes for a much more interesting landscape.
didn't read everything and I know I'm about to repeat a few of you, sorry. Take it as if I'm just argeeing.

Having a great heal champ make everyone want him to lose the title. Having that heel champ beatable any night of the week will make people want to watch when ever he is on the tv. This should raise ratings.
The Miz is doing a fantastic job of making people hate him. His ring work continues to improve. Yes, you can argue that he still has tons to learn. Miz probably would agree to that as well.
To answer the question...yes, i do think the wwe is doing the right thing with the Miz.
Yes. It's perfect.

He's known to some STILL as only a reality star. Or the guy that doesn't even have the typical wrestler build.

So, you have to handle his character differently. However, when it's done correctly, it's the best thing for that character. Because, more often then not, they use the approach as a way to build you into a stronger character.

If they let Miz keep BARELY willing matches. Having to cheat. Having to run away, but still fighting when he has to for as long as he HAS to. It's perfect. At the end of this run, you're going to see a guy that was a former champion who kept you on the edge of your seat and held on to the top spot for a long period of time.

Reality star then becomes a secondary thought.

Plus, it just makes the main events look a lot less predictable.
I think how they're making Miz look is great. He's a slimy, cheating little turd of a WWE Champion. He had to have assistance to win the title, and to keep it. He worms out of title defenses and matches all the time, and he always has Alex Riley to take the hit, and handle his light work. He's not discredited as a champion at all.

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