Is It Over Between Dolph and Vickie?

Dolph is as over as he can get as a midcarder. Your main eventers should be over on their own, not because they're attached to a heat magnate. My guess is they're seperating them to see if Dolph can do it on his own. Funny thing is, when he feuds with her (if) he still won't be on his own. Being a babyface against Vickie ALSO makes you more over. So maybe they turn him face, then use her overness to spring him foreward as a face a little. In all honesty, Dolph might be the 2012 Royal Rumble winner if he plays his cards right and gets over enough as a face.

I'm excited because it's going to evolve the characters of Vickie, Dolph, and apparently Jack Swagger and others if they're going with a stable as hinted.

What's cool is that by the time Vickie's stable is heating up, it should be Survivor Series time so maybe we'll get some good ol' 5 on 5 action.
Dolph is my favorite superstar currently and is duo with Vickie should end in a face turn.
The truth is that if Ziggler turns his back on Vickie, he would be very cheered for, so giving him the ramp for a face turn, that automatically would make him more relevant, by feuding with Swagger, Troof, Miz or who knows? Alberto...

It is time for him to move on, he is solid both in the ring and in the mic, he has a good look and a good repertoire of moves to get over as a main eventer.
He just needs the push and the proper storyline, and in my opinion his new theme is great.
I Agree with the posts above^
He should dump Vickie and get a pop for a face turn, i see Jack Swagger W/ Vickie vs Dolph Ziggler at NOC with Dolph feuding against his old 'business associate.'
I would be interested to see what the WWE would have in the future for Dolph if he turns face, Maybe a championship match if he is over enough with the fans?
Its looking like it is going to be over between Vickie and Dolph, I think its good for both of them. Reason why i see it being over is with two weeks ago Vickie cost him his match then this past week they were going back and fourth on commentary it seemed like. Then with how Jack Swagger was trying to convince her to drop Dolph. PLus we all know what Jack Swagger is hinting at.

It is a good thing that these two will be parting ways for both sides but for which one will it be better for? For Vickie it will get out from under Dolph all the time and she wont be able to carry Dolph anymore threw the WWE. It will also be good for her because she needs a fresh superstar that needs guidance out there.

Dolph Ziggler would benefit it a couple of ways. He needs to get away from someone because it feals like he has no personlity at all and just drips with Vickie all over. Plus when he leaves Vickie hes going to break out of that shell that we all know that he is in. Once this happens his mic work will go threw the roof. After that theres no telling where Dolph can go from hear.

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