Is it just me or does John Cena always come off as very fake and insincere?

I don't know about "sincerity" and all that jazz, but John is a very bad actor. If that's what you mean, then I agree with you. Every single time he speaks, it messes with the suspension of disbelief. I think it has to do with the fact that his character is so different from who he is in real life that it's hard to portray it. Now, make no mistake, John Cena looks very confident on the mic, and that confidence has gotten him tons of dirtsheet awards for "Most charismatic" and things like that. But you shouldn't confuse confidence with believability. His acting and delivery is just awful.

This isn't typical John Cena-hate. The guys is great in the ring when in big match positions (WM27 notwithstanding). But he's just an over-actor when it comes to being on the mic. There are other talented wrestlers who have the same problem. The one that comes to mind immediately is AJ Lee. I can't stand the way she speaks into the mic and starts acting like some ice queen diva. The character just doesn't suit her, and her delivery breaks with suspension of disbelief. She looks like someone reciting lines and trying to be bitchy without actually coming off as a total bitch, like other divas have been able to. Her acting has always been the worst on the show for me. Then again, when she acted like Daniel Bryan's innocent yet abused girlfriend, she was great. I'm guessing it really has to do with the characters being way too different from who they really are.

There are a few others with the same problem like Jerry Lawler and Zack Ryder. They're overacting and come off as "insincere" as the OP puts it.

I wouldn't confuse this thread with typical Cena-bashing. It has nothing to do with how he works his matches or his ability in general on the mic. It's just that his character comes off as phony due to it not being compatible with who he is. I think he came off as more sincere during his hip-hop days. That cocky suburban dude was probably more in-line with his real persona at the time.
John Cena is probably the most believable guy on the roster. When he talks, I believe 100% that he believes 100% in the things he is saying. I believe that John Cena the man is John Cena the WWE Superstar. That's brilliant.
I am, like John Cena, an alumnus of Springfield College, and know firsthand that he was (can't say if he is now) a douche. He always walked around like his shit didn't stink, and years after he graduated, he would actually come back to visit his "boys", and make sure that no other guys were allowed into whatever frat party he was at. If I looked like Cena back then I damn sure wouldn't worry about if some other college kid's got game, Cena was ripped and in the process of becoming famous. I never had class with him, but from what my friends who played football with him said, he was an egomaniac. My friend, who was serving overseas years ago, got to meet a bunch of WWE superstars, Cena being one of them. He said unless you were female, Cena couldn't of cared less. My friend actually knew his father from pursuing (and landing) a spot on various indy wrestling shows over the years, but he said Cena didn't even look up at him. Maybe he's sick of his character, maybe he's sick of the "grind", maybe he's sick of the routine, I don't know. But what seems peculiar is that unless there's a camera rolling, it doesn't seem like Cena gives a shit.
I'm no Cena fan but I've grown to deal with it over the years. I think 2007ish is when I really couldn't deal with the guy, but that was then.

I enjoy the current product with him down he card a bit, in a strange way it makes him more interesting not being over saturated with Cena. But his character really does need to evolve, as much sense as him going over Bray made at WM it pissed me right off simply because we've seen that same scenario so many times.

But, his serious interviews whether it's on Raw or some other tv show do come across as fake to me, could be wrong but that's how I see it. Then you gotta remember, he's a hero to kids and he's well aware of it, so can't blame him.
A lot of great points were brought up.. Have we really ran Cena into the ground so much,that were bringing up his sincerity? Really? From what I have read,John Cena the guy we see on TV is the guy off of TV. You cant,make 400 + make-a-wishes without being sincere.

He has been carrying the company on his back for years now,does media stuff,puts people over how can you not do all that if your not sincere.. I get the whole thing,do it with a happy heart or it doesn't count.. I think Cena is very sincere in what he does
I don't think he's fake and insincere it's just that when he's on TV he comes off more as a corporate spokes person than a WWE superstar. I mean even Jim Cornette (who likes to rant and shoot like there's no end) had nothing but praises for John Cena so I think his passion for the industry is sincere. It's just that in the WWE where share holders, corporate image, and so on are just as important as the product on live events, Cena was pretty much molded to WWE was to perceived publicly.
Agree completely with the OP.

He is so fake. Yeah this is wrestling and everybody is playing a 'roll' but the difference between Cena and everybody else is that they commit to their characters and Cena just falls flat.

The argument that he is a hard worker doesn't carry that much weight. He is not the most hard working guy in WWE. A lot of guys in WWE work just as hard as he does and have more talent at the same time. Guys with more talent do the same things he does but don't get his treatment for whatever reasons. Maybe for not having the right look or maybe because they don't kiss ass like Cena does.

It's also annoying how WWE and John Cena exploit his Make-A-Wish contributions. Charitable work kind of loses value when you use it to try to put someone over. A truly good person would ask for it not to be covered by media and wouldn't use it for storyline.

Of course everybody has their own opinion and taste though so don't let me change your mind about him, but IN MY OPINION Cena sucks.
I agree, John Cena is fake, he isn't real.

He's not human.

He's a robot fabricated by the evil owner Vince McMahon to suck money from little kids and their parents.
Actually the real John Cena was secretly murdered & replaced by a murderous android known only as "The Prototype" sometime in 2002. The ravenous cyborg was sent by a rogue government agency that had been trying to infiltrate the WWE for years but the robot became too smart for it's own good, broke free of it's human control & even developed a single human emotion: GREED! No longer thirsting for blood & human flesh but longing for all of the money & power in the world, the savage beast started to develope what little it had learned from the human world into his own human characteristics & personality, resulting in a poor imitation of african-american culture & the urban lifestyle. But the imitation was in fact so very poor that most humans thought it was a joke/parody & couldn't see through the dark, cold, lifeless optical sensors of the monster. So now the human race must simply sit back & watch as "John Cena" slowly works his way towards world domination. First it starts with some cheesy wrist bands & eventually the almighty CeNation will force everyone into having HUSTLE. LOYALTY. & RESPECT. "enhancers" implanted in their brains!!! Wahahahaha!!!!!!

But in all seriousness he does seem pretty fake about everything he does & just seems like he does it for the money, good press, attention, etc. & his "relationship" with Nikki Bella has seemed like a complete work since day one but who cares? Yeah maybe Cena is & always will be a complete phoney but his wrestling ability is the best it's ever been & has vastly improved over the last several years. I can get over his stupid grin or cheesy outfits when he is having matches like the one he had against Bryan at Summerslam or the one he had with Punk on RAW prior to WM 29. If anything I just wish Vince would come out & say 2/3rds of Cena's 14 World Title reigns (or whatever ridiculous number it is at now) are void & no longer recognized by the company.
Agree completely with the OP.

He is so fake. Yeah this is wrestling and everybody is playing a 'roll' but the difference between Cena and everybody else is that they commit to their characters and Cena just falls flat.

The argument that he is a hard worker doesn't carry that much weight. He is not the most hard working guy in WWE. A lot of guys in WWE work just as hard as he does and have more talent at the same time. Guys with more talent do the same things he does but don't get his treatment for whatever reasons. Maybe for not having the right look or maybe because they don't kiss ass like Cena does.

It's also annoying how WWE and John Cena exploit his Make-A-Wish contributions. Charitable work kind of loses value when you use it to try to put someone over. A truly good person would ask for it not to be covered by media and wouldn't use it for storyline.

Of course everybody has their own opinion and taste though so don't let me change your mind about him, but IN MY OPINION Cena sucks.

He could just enjoy it? Plus you say that others work as hard as Cena and I just don't see it. The guy goes on all the tv shows, spends so much of his time doing media and other things, the guy is a machine in that way. He's great at his job, one of the best at it (ever) and he's one of the hardest workers in WWE history. The man's been a positive influence at the top of the WWE for 10 plus years and he's barely slowing down.
Short Answer - Kinda

Long Answer - Now the long answer. I'm going to use last Monday's promo as an example. Wyatt come out there and nailed it. Facial expression, tone of voice, IMO it felt as if what he was saying was coming from his mind.

When John Cena came out there, he had that same grin on his face, showed some Photoshopped pictures. It felt like he was reading off a script.
:worship: RVD, CM Punk, and Chris Jericho.
I saw this thread when the OP first posted and decided not to comment because I was sure it was going to be thrown in the trash section. Honestly I'm a little confused on how garbage like this gets on the main page but real thought provoking questions/threads can't get more than 2 or 3 responses. This shit is getting more asinine by the day. I've never seen someone put under a microscope as much as John Cena and it's really annoying. I guess OP hates Cena so much he has to find anything to say bad about him about anything. His sincerity? Come on son come up for air because you people are down there more than his fans are. I don't like Orton he strikes me as a dick and has done way more shit I would disapprove of in this lifetime than I've heard about Cena but I don't make a new thread every few days just so I can shit talk it just is what it is.

I was debating posting on the grounds of "its wrestling, what are you new?" but I'll chime in.

First off I don't see why it matters if he's sincere or not, he's still a good role model, he still does his make a wish stuff, he still pays respect to the legends and so on. For example how many times have you done a favor for someone you really didn't want to do. You don't care if this favor is done but you do it anyways basically to shut up the person who is asking. How many times has this happened? Most likely more than once. It still doesn't change the fact you did the favor, it still doesn't change the fact you helped that person out, it may have been as insincere as it comes but you still did it.

Now you take a guy like John Cena, a guy who seemingly works nonstop and has so for the last decade. He's gonna do a lot of stuff he doesn't want to do or maybe he wants to do it but he's worked 30 straight days and is burnt out so he just wants to get it over with. Considering his schedule I would say he acts like a nice guy who could use some more sleep, couple that with the fact Cena seems like a laid back guy who lives in logic its not a surprise he seems insincere at points, doesn't mean he is insincere. For myself, I don't show a lot of emotion in my day to day life, it took some time for my girlfriend to get used to that because she thought it was because I didn't care but it's not true at all, its just my personality. When I see Cena I notice that about him but I never took it as him being insincere, its just how he is.

All in all I see it as these things:

1) he's a wrestler playing a character.
2) even if he's not sincere he still does a lot of awesome stuff he should be commended for.
3) Its most likely a Cena personality trait, which most likely has nothing to do with his sincerity.
4) Who fucking cares?

Yep, that should just about cover it.

I quoted this because I'm this same way. I'm not a very emotions driven person unless it's in a negative way (sadness). I'm not the kind to get very angry, overly joyed etc and whenever me and gf argue she gets mad that I'm not more emotionally in to it because I debate with logic. With that being said I'm more inclined to believe that it's just years of working extremely hard have caught up to him and he's tired. I don't know how many of you used to watch his show on called 5 Questions with the Champ from like 2005-fall of 2006. He was hilarious in my opinion and at the very least more energetic but he was only a year and a half into his main event run when it ended. 8 years of working TV, house shows, PPV's, media appearances, making wishes, doing everything that he does is it that hard to believe that it's having a toll on him? I think it's a combination of things he's a wrestler playing a character, he's the face of the company which certainly should limit how he behaves because he's representing the entire WWE, all of his hard work, because he is the hardest working guy in a very long time if not history is taking a toll on him. In the end who fucking cares? It's wrestling, it's a tv show man.

Just to address some other things mentioned in here. I do think his relationship with Nikki is a work though. I think it was scripted for the sole purpose of adding him to Total Divas. I get the feeling that they don't even really like each other in a way that transcends the professional level but I get that from her and him. He doesn't come off as fake and insincere to me he strikes me as a what you see is what you get guy and it's always been that way and I thought he and Wyatt cut a great promo and both their mic work has been great for the entirety of the feud. I also haven't seen a bad Cena match in years and I think 2013-now has been his best in ring run with the company even with the injury.
100% spot on, OP. Cena's as phoney as the day is long. That's why everyone boos him and hates him. The guy doesn't have the personality to get over, so instead he kisses ass. Then Vince sends him on MaW missions so people could like him. It's all an act to get him over.

But fans aren't dumb, that's why we always boo him out of the building. It will continue until he's no longer relevant, which is soon. The pop at ER when Bray goes over will be sick.

Cena will not ME another WM. He will fade away, and the PG Era will be known as the worst mainly because cena was at the forefront of it.
100% spot on, OP. Cena's as phoney as the day is long. That's why everyone boos him and hates him. The guy doesn't have the personality to get over, so instead he kisses ass. Then Vince sends him on MaW missions so people could like him. It's all an act to get him over.

But fans aren't dumb, that's why we always boo him out of the building. It will continue until he's no longer relevant, which is soon. The pop at ER when Bray goes over will be sick.

Cena will not ME another WM. He will fade away, and the PG Era will be known as the worst mainly because cena was at the forefront of it.

Hahhaha. Finally another person who sees Cena for the worthless leech he is. All of these bums here keep mentioning Make a wish and personality, inspiring sad kids. How the hell does that matter when he downright sucks in the ring? And besides, you can't change a kid with down's syndrome by having JOHN CENA meet him. After John Cena with his superman muscles leaves, the kid is still the same sad sorry person he is. If anything, they should make those kids wish "realistically" . May be get them to learn piano, violin or something. There're plenty of good pianists with some sort of a neurodevelopmental defect as portrayed by Documentaries featuring the neuroscientist Oliver Sacks. But instead, if John Cena meets a sad kid for an hour, he's a goddamn hero. I agree that the audiences are smart and boo him regardless of what match, what feud and what arena. John Cena should kill himself for the stoic carelessness he shows to millions who hate and despise him in arenas worldwide and beyond.

Those 3 red rectangles look hilarious and cool, by the way. I can't wait for my reputation to reflect that! Hahahah.
Hilarious that even though Cena takes all this bullshit heat, he's STILL there every week working his ass off to try and put on a show. Has he gotten stale? It's been A DECADE of him being on top, how many more changes can he possibly make? Now we're attacking his sincerity? Get a friggin life honestly. Hogan as the top guy tried to put WWE OUT OF BUSINESS, but we still cheer for him like he's God's gift. Austin was on top for about 3 years and than WALKED OUT. Rock was on top for 3 years and than WALKED OUT. CM Punk WALKED OUT. John Cena is STILL HERE. He worked his ass off to return from his injuries because he loves the business that much.

Give the guy his damn props... Whether you boo'd him or you cheered him, he's never turned his back on you. When Cena's gone the people who are saying this will be kissing his ass.
I might've got this wrong, on account of I didn't read the original post, but is it the sincerity of Cena's character in question? If so then the original post is entirely correct. Cena is insincere and he's a patronising cunt. That is either his fault due to his delivery or he's a subtle heel and it has gone over our heads all these years.
Well, for better or for worse, the man is an actor playing a role. While on "stage," we'd expect that, but it seems a lot of what he does when not in a wrestling arena requires him to carry the company line, too.

He never struck me as phony or insincere any more than other actors who, while on the clock, play what the directors tell them to play. On the other hand, I've seen what I considered to be many moments of real emotion and feeling from Cena. The OP mentioned Rock and Undertaker as guys who apparently measure up in this department more than Cena. Of course, it's all a matter of opinion, but I believe those guys have shown far less sincerity than Cena ever has, largely because they're portraying cartoon characters, whereas Cena is a real person.

Undertaker and Rock are operating under assumed names while John Cena is John Cena; his ring persona is his own, which allows moments of genuine feelings to come through. Some folks believe that of him; others don't.

Sometimes, he needs to do what he's told to do. If he's required to make a statement about Warrior, he might not care about the deceased at all, yet has to perform for an audience of millions as if he does. That's acting, and you may like the way Cena does it.....or not. Every act has people reviewing it, and this thread is an example of that.
Yes. I do think that Cena comes across as phony. Not all of the time but certainly often. I don't however think that it's because of him that he comes across that way. At the end of the day, he's taken a very stupid gimmick and found a way to get over with the majority of crowds for years. As of the last 2 years or so, there have been far more unfavorable responses and I think it's because of how badly this John Cena character has worn thin. If you ask me, I think that the John Cena character is a mockery of the actor's true talent on the mic and visual appearance. He looks like a legit tough guy and has the speaking ability to command crowds yet he's forced to portray a character that is simply a carbon copy of a 13 yr old punk-ass kid from the suburbs. The gimmick is beneath him.

He'd a far better chance getting over with live crowds during his career if he would have had dilemmas regarding his "moral compass" and if he was told to portray a character that was based on a Boston street-fighter who loooves to talk trash. He'd be able to dress like a badass man, work the crowd as a heel or a face, and actually toggle between responses to fit any type of crowd reaction. It's a shame that a man with so much talent and potential has been wasted the way he has been. At this rate, most of us won't remember Cena's legacy as an entertaining guy with a bunch of memorable matches or feuds. Instead we'll remember him as a guy whose entire career mostly featured rehashes of the same age-old "Never Give Up!" storyline where the hero always prevails without any twists or turns. 8-9 years is a waste in only that role and I'm convinced Cena's career will be remembered by many as just that.
Because his onscreen persona is based on his supposed real life, it is hard to just shake it up. He needs a catalyst. I was thinking that Bray Wyatt was gonna be it for him. I would have something terrible 'happen' to Nikki that would push his everyday superman persona past his limits and break out into dark violence. No talk of hustle, loyalty or respect. Just vengeance.
Because his onscreen persona is based on his supposed real life, it is hard to just shake it up. He needs a catalyst. I was thinking that Bray Wyatt was gonna be it for him. I would have something terrible 'happen' to Nikki that would push his everyday superman persona past his limits and break out into dark violence. No talk of hustle, loyalty or respect. Just vengeance.

Having John Cena act like every other schmo on the streets is terrible booking. He's so great BECAUSE he doesn't break character.
I's not so much as 'breaking' his character, per se, but adding depth of feeling. Everyone feels anger. Not the mild day to day (I do not know anyone who has not met at least one person that made them think "Hmmm, my first assault charge....") irritation but a truly deeply felt anger/rage.

He showed some of that when Orton was feuding with his dad. It would work in this situation and it could translate to fodder for the Total Divas show.
Yep corporate psychopath sounds about right to me. Lots of these very successful people are actually psychopaths, Cena is a prime candidate for that.

By the same token John Cena is putting on a facade all the time since he portrays a character so it could be that its just wearing a bit thin on him.

But yeah, I don't think he could care less about Warrior dying or anything to do with Bret Hart.
However he does seem to genuinely enjoy himself when he does anything with Hogan but he was a fan of Hogan as a child so thats the only reason why.

Cena is the sort of person who only really cares about himself and the things he likes, nothing else.
Thats what these kind of psychopaths do, they use others to get what they want and they have a great ability to block out any negative emotions. They can't feel things like guilt or embarrassment. I think its something to do with the front part of their brains. I'm not a scientist or anything so I can't explain it properly but if you look it up it will be something along those lines.

Didn't John Cena get accused of sexual assault or something at one point? I think he did but I could be wrong. I seem to vaguely remember there were some accusations against him.
The guy is definitely no angel.
very entertaining wrestler all the same.
Yep corporate psychopath sounds about right to me. Lots of these very successful people are actually psychopaths, Cena is a prime candidate for that.

By the same token John Cena is putting on a facade all the time since he portrays a character so it could be that its just wearing a bit thin on him.

But yeah, I don't think he could care less about Warrior dying or anything to do with Bret Hart.
However he does seem to genuinely enjoy himself when he does anything with Hogan but he was a fan of Hogan as a child so thats the only reason why.

Cena is the sort of person who only really cares about himself and the things he likes, nothing else.
Thats what these kind of psychopaths do, they use others to get what they want and they have a great ability to block out any negative emotions. They can't feel things like guilt or embarrassment. I think its something to do with the front part of their brains. I'm not a scientist or anything so I can't explain it properly but if you look it up it will be something along those lines.

Didn't John Cena get accused of sexual assault or something at one point? I think he did but I could be wrong. I seem to vaguely remember there were some accusations against him.
The guy is definitely no angel.
very entertaining wrestler all the same.

Okay this is a little out of hand. We're talking about how bad an actor he is, and you're going around saying he's a psychopath who can't muster feelings for others? That's crazy. He's not a bad guy. Sure, he's buried others in the back, but anyone who's ever been at the top must step on others to stay there. I don't see any indication that he wouldn't care for Warrior's death or anything like that. When John Cena cried on the Benoit tribute show, he seemed sincere. He isn't void of emotion, he just comes off that way because he can't act for shit.
Yep corporate psychopath sounds about right to me. Lots of these very successful people are actually psychopaths, Cena is a prime candidate for that.

By the same token John Cena is putting on a facade all the time since he portrays a character so it could be that its just wearing a bit thin on him.

But yeah, I don't think he could care less about Warrior dying or anything to do with Bret Hart.
However he does seem to genuinely enjoy himself when he does anything with Hogan but he was a fan of Hogan as a child so thats the only reason why.

Cena is the sort of person who only really cares about himself and the things he likes, nothing else.
Thats what these kind of psychopaths do, they use others to get what they want and they have a great ability to block out any negative emotions. They can't feel things like guilt or embarrassment. I think its something to do with the front part of their brains. I'm not a scientist or anything so I can't explain it properly but if you look it up it will be something along those lines.

Didn't John Cena get accused of sexual assault or something at one point? I think he did but I could be wrong. I seem to vaguely remember there were some accusations against him.
The guy is definitely no angel.
very entertaining wrestler all the same.

There have been numerous criticisms over the years, some warranted, some not.

But I have yet to read an accusation from anyone, even his haters, that John Cena has either refused to fight someone, or has politicked backstage, and said that someone "can't work".

You talk about selfishness in the ring. What about SCSA refusing to fight Jeff Jarrett because he had some personal issue with him or refusing to do the job to Triple H at Summerslam 99? You talk about sexual assault. Austin beat his first wife Jeannie Adams, Debra and another girlfriend. Plus he refused to fight Brock Lesnar and walked out on the company.

What about Triple H and the careers he has buried? He even bragged about it in a video on "Raw" the week before Wrestlemania. He had refused to job to guys, and held guys down.

Shawn Michaels refused to let Bret Hart pin him, and left to find his "smile". He played politics backstage like it was going out of fashion.

What about Kevin Nash, Goldberg, Undertaker, Randy Orton,JBL, C.M. Punk, or even Bret Hart at SS '97? All played politics, refused to do jobs, and never allowed certain talent to get over.

Yet even Cena biggest haters have never said that he turned down fighting a particular opponent, or buried someone backstage to Vince. Cena may not eb great in the ring, but I see that as incompetence and lack of ring psychology rather than refusing to put over an opponent.

So, if you accuse Cena of selfishness, and say that is why you don't like him, then you must also have problems with "Stone Cold", Shawn Michaels, Triple H etc.
Okay this is a little out of hand. We're talking about how bad an actor he is, and you're going around saying he's a psychopath who can't muster feelings for others? That's crazy. He's not a bad guy. Sure, he's buried others in the back, but anyone who's ever been at the top must step on others to stay there. I don't see any indication that he wouldn't care for Warrior's death or anything like that. When John Cena cried on the Benoit tribute show, he seemed sincere. He isn't void of emotion, he just comes off that way because he can't act for shit.

I didn't watch the Benoit tribute show so I didn't see that. Maybe he cried because Benoit was someone he was supposed to go over, or he was having an affair with his wife.

Did I touch a nerve? Sorry I can't help it. I didn't actually mean that, I was just riling you up a bit.

I did get the psychopath idea from the OP by the way.

I'm not saying he is a psychopath just that he could be, not being able to act for shit could be a good explanation, but perhaps he can't act because he has never felt the emotions he's supposed to display, who knows.
There have been numerous criticisms over the years, some warranted, some not.

But I have yet to read an accusation from anyone, even his haters, that John Cena has either refused to fight someone, or has politicked backstage, and said that someone "can't work".

You talk about selfishness in the ring. What about SCSA refusing to fight Jeff Jarrett because he had some personal issue with him or refusing to do the job to Triple H at Summerslam 99? You talk about sexual assault. Austin beat his first wife Jeannie Adams, Debra and another girlfriend. Plus he refused to fight Brock Lesnar and walked out on the company.

What about Triple H and the careers he has buried? He even bragged about it in a video on "Raw" the week before Wrestlemania. He had refused to job to guys, and held guys down.

Shawn Michaels refused to let Bret Hart pin him, and left to find his "smile". He played politics backstage like it was going out of fashion.

What about Kevin Nash, Goldberg, Undertaker, Randy Orton,JBL, C.M. Punk, or even Bret Hart at SS '97? All played politics, refused to do jobs, and never allowed certain talent to get over.

Yet even Cena biggest haters have never said that he turned down fighting a particular opponent, or buried someone backstage to Vince. Cena may not eb great in the ring, but I see that as incompetence and lack of ring psychology rather than refusing to put over an opponent.

So, if you accuse Cena of selfishness, and say that is why you don't like him, then you must also have problems with "Stone Cold", Shawn Michaels, Triple H etc.

I didn't say I didn't like Cena, I'm actually a fan. I wasn't originally but he has grown on me over the years.

I was just putting out feelers about the whole sexual assault thing, I'm not actually sure if it happened or not and wondered if anyone knew, I just vaguely remember hearing something along those lines.

I didn't know that about Austin, I actually never did like him though, he always did just come off as a bit of a cunt and still does quite frankly.

You make a good point about HHH he's definitely a psychopath if I ever saw one. You have actually quelled my suspicion about Cena but only to a point.

All I mean is that Cena had to be at least a bit selfish to make it to the top, there must be someone he refused to work with or some match endings he wasn't cool with over the years.
He is very good at playing the nice guy but that could just be part of his facade.

You have actually made me think of something else - Does Cena kill his victims with kindness? you decide.

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