Is it ever "right" to hit a woman?

Women always complain about not being equal yet they still think that a man shouldnt be allowed to hit a women.I mean seriously thats what equality is.

To the OP I've been in a situation like yours.I had to pick up my friends(we're very good family friends) sister(one year younger) as he broke his arm and was at the hospital with his dad.(his parents split up).So I got to where I was supposed to meet her and there was these 4 girls and a guy hassling her to the point where my friends sister was crying.I walked up and told them to leave her alone.The one that seemed to be the leader girl pushed me(the guy was standing around)and I was like "Do it again and i'll break your hand".Bitch was cocky and did it again.Broke 3 of her fingers.Then the guy stepped in and was like shouldnt hit a girl and me being the extremely cocky guy i am replied "Thats why I havent hit you"and we were about to get into a fight but they backed off when my friends came around.(the original plan was for me to get my freinds sister and then meet up but they came looking when I wasnt there)

But the point is women think they can do anything and get away with it.There was something else I was supposed to put to support my arguement but I forgot it :/
A man should never hit a woman

I'll get to this in a bit.
When the ship is sinking, women and children first
Kids are our future, women tend to be better raising them.
A guy should always pay for the first date
Because normally the guy asks the girl out and also drives. It's a macho thing. Also, cheap-ass.
A woman almost always gets custody of kids during divorce proceedings (even if both parents want the children)
Women tend to be genetically better at raising kids. Even if it's not always true, it's the accepted custom.
A woman hitting a man will not get anywhere near the same punishment as a man hitting a woman
They'll probably just slap you. Anything harder would probably lead to death. Like getting bashed with a fryipng pan or something. What? It's true!
An old woman hitting on young men -> A cougar
I... got nothing. Don't be a wuss. Get a girl your own goddamn age and don't be so fucking desperate.
An old man hitting on young women -> A pervert
Unless you are really old.
We must have an equal amount of sports/athletic spots for boys and girls (even though much more guys play sports)
Does it help that the most famous chefs in the world are men?

Anyway, to the main subject. Hitting women. I agree with the equal rights claim. Yeah, women wanna work in construction sights, be police officers and wrestle and stuff, but God forbid intergender exchange. It's absurd at times, really. Damn genetics. However, that article, the one in the OP, don't you know violence versus violence leads to more violence? She might get her ass kicked, but you're also gonna get yours for playing rough. Remember, the pen is mightier than the sword. And while telling on those bitches may have done nothing, the people we love to talk about here on WZ have a tendency to verbally pwn people. So it's not too far-fetched to actually resolve the aforementioned issue in a less physical way.
I believe that if a woman is just trying to punch/slap you then you should just restrain her. But if she tries to kick me down low or takes a weapon out then of course I am going to hit her.
Women always complain about not being equal yet they still think that a man shouldnt be allowed to hit a women.I mean seriously thats what equality is.

I don't think that "equality" is the issue here. Equality is the concept of men and women having the same opportunities in life, with both having the same rewards for success.....and the same consequences for failure. But when you speak of equality in fighting, men and women are physiologically different in size and strength. Men are generally bigger and stronger and if an average sized woman and an average sized man decide to fight each other, the concept of "equality" goes out the window. In relationships, many men bully women because they can; they're bullies because they know they're stronger and can get their way by using physical force. It's hardly an admirable trait on his part, but a woman has to deal with it if she wants to stay in the relationship.

But, as I was saying earlier in this thread, if the woman decides to pick a fight with a bigger, stronger man and loses, she shouldn't look to have him arrested or collect monetary damages against him. She'd better realize what she's getting herself into and be ready to accept a negative outcome.

Women always complain about not being equal...

By the way, women don't complain about not being equal.....we complain about not being treated equally.
I tip my hat off to the guy in your story, he defended his sister from bullying and threats. Regardless if it would hurt his reputattion with the school and his peers. I hope for nothing but good things in his future because he did the right thing. And after this those girls would think more than twice before they begin to gang up and isolate a girl.

That being said the whole debate of striking a woman has a huge shade of grey. I am sure they established this custom and law because of a few rotten apples in the 1900's decided they had the right to hit their wife for small reasons. Now that woman are progressing and becoming a much larger role in poltics, sports, and buisness.

As I said before, if a woman is endangering your life or the life your family I feel you should be allowed to strike a woman as many times needed to subdue and cease the attacker. It would look much worse for your image if you report to the Police you let a woman mug you last night cause you couldn't hit her.

However most of these cases where a man strikes a woman is between a husband and a wife. Which domestic abuse is always a disgusting thing to see and speak of.

In the end, Woman need to know the point where instagating a fight with a man is never a bright idea. And being able to hide behind social customs is a very cowardily thing to do.
This question poses different variables. Such as, would you ever hit a woman to save your life. As if she was coming at you, ready to kill you. In an extreme self defense situation eyes. In any other situation, no. How I was raised, anyone who laid his hand on a woman got his butt kicked. My dad even told me when i was a kid, "Son, if i ever find out you laid a hand on a woman, I'll personally kick your ass." Which is how i believe dad's should teach their sons.
I'll get to this in a bit.

Kids are our future, women tend to be better raising them.

Because women love their children more then men.


Because normally the guy asks the girl out and also drives. It's a macho thing. Also, cheap-ass.

It's not a cheap thing and its not a macho thing. You should be able to pay for your own grub. If you don't have money as a FEMALE, then why should I date a broke hood rat like you?

Women tend to be genetically better at raising kids. Even if it's not always true, it's the accepted custom.

Now women are genetically better then men at raising children? No. It takes two lady. A child gets accustomed to whomever is around him and loves whoever takes care of him (Atleast till the teenage years...)

[They'll probably just slap you. Anything harder would probably lead to death. Like getting bashed with a fryipng pan or something. What? It's true!

I've seen 90 pound females give 200 pound guys black eyes because they are stubborn and stupid enough not to strike back a women when you are getting your ass kicked. I've seen beer bottles to the dome, a guy was stabbed and he was the one arrested.
I do not believe it is right for a man to hit a woman, unless it is under the circumstance of the man defending himself when the woman has attacked him or threatened to attack. This isn't necessarily a double standard. There are women who get hit by men. Men are usually stronger than women, but there are the rare instances when a woman abuses a man. The man then has the right to fight back. He should not have to take the abuse thinking "I can't hit a woman!". When you're in danger, you need to defend yourself, regardless of what society might think is ethical. Wouldn't letting yourself get hurt and potentially killed be worse than hitting a woman? Woman-on-man abuse does need to be taken more seriously. It does not make the man any less of a man, and what the woman does is wrong in that scenario. Men should usually not hit women (or even other men, for that matter!) but if he is trying to defend himself, that's different because we should be allowed to protect ourselves when we are in danger.
This altho my answer won`t change is kinda interesting. Im not a person to hit people in the face, ever. However I do have a lot of female friends and I hit them no problem. Not like woman beater but if they hit me in the arm lightly I do the same. They are my friends and I would hit my guys friends so I will hit my girl friends.

That being said I do hit guys harder than girls, its just reflex I know they cant punch me as hard. If a guy punches me hard lets say in the arm, Im going to punch him hard in the arm.

The thing is Im a wrestler person so in either situation I`d try to either pin their arms or put them in a choke no problem. Most people do hit me but its never hard enough for me to haul off and nail them anywhere.

Is it right to hit a female? Absolutley BUT! If they hit me with intention to hurt Absolutley, if its not and its just a light hit then still yeah. I think the thing for this is how much, girls cant hit as hard as guys so you probably shouldnt hit them as hard as you would a guy.

Something about western thing. Most likely thats the way we were raised and it is good. Like I`ve said girls on average are weaker so it would make sense. But they cant just get away with everything so yeah. Sexism gos both ways.

I cant remember your other questins but I think I covered everything.
No, the only time that this is acceptable is when a woman is threatening bodily harm or death. I was raised very traditional, and I was taught that you NEVER hit a woman. I honestly didnt consider whether there was any exception until a few weeks ago when my dad was telling me a story about his friend who is a cop in Oakland. He was saying that his friend took a rookie out on a patrol where they had thisconversation after the older cop had just punched a woman in the face and broke her nose. The rookie was absolutly shocked that he hit a woman like that, and the older officer said that women hurt cops more than men do, because men hesitate when dealing with women on patrol and the women seriously injure or kill them. This hesitation is a good sign, because those who hesitate obviously respect women and hitting a woman is unnatural to them. But my point there is unless you're in that situation then it is unacceptable, but if you're in that situation hopefully you're one of the ones who can react quickly :P
Excellent thread and something that pisses me off to no end.

-Do you believe it's "right" for a man to hit a woman when the situation is appropriate?
Hell yeah. If the woman does something that pisses off the man, he has every right to hit her. Of course, I'm not talking about dumb reasons like a guy beating a girl that refuses to have sex but something serious that starts a fight and argument where the woman starts to get physical.

-Do you believe that there is a double standard in Western society when it comes to abuse?
Again, hell yeah! The society expects men to treat women like royalty and never ever make them even slightly sad. But if the situation is reversed, the man is a coward. Another reason why I have no interests in relationships. But in some way, I understand cause a lot of men are abusive assholes that often dump their baby mother/wife and children for selfish reasons. If I was to have a one night stand, I would make sure pregnancy protection would be used at all costs cause I can't cope with raising a kid. Now I'm starting to ramble about another topic so I'll stop here. Or I'll go back to what it's about and use chivalry as another bullshit excuse. I mean "ladies first"? Why in the fuck would I ever follow this stupid unwritten "rule"? Hell, just to piss others off I always respond with "fuck ladies first" when another female tries to use this excuse.

-Do you feel that a man should be able to defend himself from female attackers that may or may not cause slight to moderate injuries?
Why not? A man is also a human being, what else should he do? Just let the female attackers injure him with no self defense?

-Finally, do you believe that woman-on-man abuse should be taken more seriously law enforcement as well as society as a whole?
In the same way man-on-woman abuse is taken. Everyone deserves to be treated equal and genders are no exception. If a woman is on her period and threatens to kill her husband with a knife, it should be taken seriously in the same way a man slapping his wife is.

And.... finally, I think the teacher, principal and everyone else in that story on the opening post are a disgrace and their opinion on that specific person as a "woman beater" is bullshit and should totally be disregarded. Well, me, I take pride in hitting a girl that provokes me and if that labels me a misogynist or woman beater or whatever, then so be it. I learned to never give two shits about what other think of me and this is the mentality that should get you furthest in life.
-Do you believe it's "right" for a man to hit a woman when the situation is appropriate?

-Do you believe that there is a double standard in Western society when it comes to abuse?

-Do you feel that a man should be able to defend himself from female attackers that may or may not cause slight to moderate injuries?

-Finally, do you believe that woman-on-man abuse should be taken more seriously law enforcement as well as society as a whole?

Discuss this shit.
No, for the same reason that it isn't right for a woman to hit a man. Perpetuating violence instead of restraint and self-discipline really hasn't gotten all of us anywhere.

Yes, naturally.

Restraining any attacker is always wise, but not as wise as finding the authorities and letting them do their jobs.

Also, naturally.
I have never been in a situation where I had to hit a woman, but have had to physicaly restrain a few. But I firmly believe if someone puts their hands on you, you have every right to knock a mutha out, no matter race, gender, or size.

I have a friend whose wife kicked him in the ball in his front yard and then whipped the shit out of him with the garden hose while he laid on the ground holding his shit, granted she walked in on him cheating on her but still no man needs to take an ass whippin like that by nobody.

I watched the same woman knock one of our friends out cause he was talking shit to her, she hit him right on the bridge of the nose with a full beer can in her hand. We were all like DAAAMN but that shit was funny as hell though!

No matter who it is always guard your grill.
It might be a double standard, but no, it isn't right to hit a women. Why? Because men are, by nature, physically more powerful and larger than the average women. I don't care how annoying, obnoxious, or flat out irritating a women can be, you do not lay your hands on her.
I think it's a pretty easy thing to answer: No, you shouldn't hit a woman. No, you shouldn't hit a man. No, you shouldn't hit a child - you shouldn't be hitting anyone. Of course there's going to be situations where you're in danger, or you have to protect yourself, in which case you should use the appropriate amount of force necessary. If a child was throwing blows at you, are you going to punch him/her in the mouth? Probably not, it's likely just as easy and much better to just restrain them. The same thing goes for a woman. Women are generally smaller and weaker, so it's probably better to just restrain them. If the woman is the same size, then yeah, maybe you should try something more aggressive - the law will protect you as long as it's in self-defense.

The real problem are the white-knights that are going to come to a woman's rescue no matter what a man does to protect himself. In the eyes of some of these people, anything beyond being passive and taking abuse is grounds for physical aggression.
Is it ever right? Right? As in saying "You did the right thing smacking that woman in the face"? Of course it fucking isn't. It is infact totally unnecessary in every scenario. There's no need to hit when you can quite easily incapacitate via other methods if needed.
Men who go on a rampage because another man hit a women without knowing the situation is a complete moron.

Furthermore, men should not feel a stigma to hit a women should the need arise.

You know when you are in a situation of danger, you know when you need to use the correct amount of force and you should know your own strength. All of these are critical, because there are some crazy broads out there.

Women should not hit Men, men should not hit women.

If either or strikes the opposite sex, there SHOULD be consequences regardless.
Is it ever right? Right? As in saying "You did the right thing smacking that woman in the face"? Of course it fucking isn't. It is infact totally unnecessary in every scenario. There's no need to hit when you can quite easily incapacitate via other methods if needed.

Every scenario? Really?


Your wife is an alcoholic. You know this, but you love her too much to leave her. You don't want to hurt the kids and you want to get her help.

Before you get her help, however, you come home from work to see her attacking the kid with a knife.

Go for it. How do you handle it without hitting her.

Rules to this game.... No cop outs. Don't say you're going to call police and stall. Don't say you will hold her back and use your "man strength" to keep her down while she has a knife heading for your children. Don't say you wouldn't ever be put in this situation.

Just solve the puzzle.
Every scenario? Really?



Your wife is an alcoholic. You know this, but you love her too much to leave her. You don't want to hurt the kids and you want to get her help.
Before you get her help, however, you come home from work to see her attacking the kid with a knife.
Go for it. How do you handle it without hitting her.
Rules to this game.... No cop outs. Don't say you're going to call police and stall. Don't say you will hold her back and use your "man strength" to keep her down while she has a knife heading for your children. Don't say you wouldn't ever be put in this situation.
Just solve the puzzle.

I don't see the puzzle. If you're close enough to hit, you're close enough to get hold. Once you've got control of a woman's wrists you've pretty much got total control, which is not the case if you hit them. I'm speaking from personal experience here as my ex had some anger issues and did pull a knife on me twice. The first time I did exactly as above, grabbed her wrists and easily overpowered her. The second time I didn't need to do anything.

Now what I'm really interested in is why you're so determined to defend and find excuses for hitting women?
For the same reason you back females 100% completely?

Women aren't special. They aren't exempt from getting punched in the face in special circumstances.

Yes, I would punch a female in the face. Not randomly, not selectively. If there was a weapon in her hand, I would not restrain, I would attack THEN restrain. No matter how much people deny it, those are the simple facts. Most people would do as I described. The ones who don't are the ones who end up in a shitty situation in life and GOOD luck with that.
Macho bullshit masquerading as being pro sexual equality. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. How about punching up kids? What about old people? Disabled? Or it just women that you find fair game?
There's no point in me discussing this with you, you'll never get it until you see the reality. To suggest it's ever OK to hit a woman is fucking irresponsible and only leads to incidents like "A New High For Abusive Spouses" which may be rare, but unfortunately beaten women is anything but. Of course you probably don't think there's anything unfortunate about it, seeing as you're endorsing it.
-Do you believe it's "right" for a man to hit a woman when the situation is appropriate?
I believe that in the right situation that it has to e done. If a cracked out woman is trying to rob you... you will defend yourself and get distance away from her. If that means you have to land bombs, you have to do what you got to do to get away from a situation where your health can be in danger.

-Do you believe that there is a double standard in Western society when it comes to abuse?
A massive double standard. Women in modern day society are allowed to pretty much get away with anything male related. A man can be charged for little to nothing. It takes a big case, with miles of evidence to even get a slap on the wrist if you're a woman who has just committed assault and battery against a male.

-Do you feel that a man should be able to defend himself from female attackers that may or may not cause slight to moderate injuries?
At the time you wouldn't know if this was going to be a minor case. In the heat of the moment, you might feel your life, health and/or well being might be in serious jeopardy. So defending yourself here shouldnt really be frowned upon, even if the attacker is a woman. He is only doing whats right by him.

Finally, do you believe that woman-on-man abuse should be taken more seriously law enforcement as well as society as a whole.
For sure. In Australia the cases of assault against a male are never heard of. This isn't a case of it not happening. It is clearly a case of the female sex getting preferred treatment. I'm sure this is the consensus around the globe.

I don't see the puzzle. If you're close enough to hit, you're close enough to get hold. Once you've got control of a woman's wrists you've pretty much got total control, which is not the case if you hit them. I'm speaking from personal experience here as my ex had some anger issues and did pull a knife on me twice. The first time I did exactly as above, grabbed her wrists and easily overpowered her. The second time I didn't need to do anything.

Now what I'm really interested in is why you're so determined to defend and find excuses for hitting women?

What I'm interested in is why you think that everyone goes into situations the exact same way that you did. At times, you don't have time to jocky for position. At times, you have to strike. All there is to it.

Don't let the fact that you're so against something fool you into believing that you're right or wrong. At times, certain things need to be done.

With your example, it's reasonable to assume that you could prepare yourself to hold down ANYONE. The fact of the matter is that this simply isn't always the case. At times, you must STRIKE.

And, you missed out on one aspect of my example when you tried to use a parallel with your own situation. The child.

Maybe you and I are just wired differently, but I'm not taking a chance. A woman has a knife to my kids throat, I'm not trying to reason with her or finding a way to hold her down. I'm punching her in the throat.

If that makes me wrong or a bad person, so fucking be it. I'll be a bad person with my child fully healthy and safe. I'm not taking a chance with my child. Not going to happen.
Macho bullshit masquerading as being pro sexual equality. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. How about punching up kids? What about old people? Disabled? Or it just women that you find fair game?
There's no point in me discussing this with you, you'll never get it until you see the reality. To suggest it's ever OK to hit a woman is fucking irresponsible and only leads to incidents like "A New High For Abusive Spouses" which may be rare, but unfortunately beaten women is anything but. Of course you probably don't think there's anything unfortunate about it, seeing as you're endorsing it.

Are you implying that women are disabled, old and child like?

Some real sexism going on in here.
I don't see the puzzle. If you're close enough to hit, you're close enough to get hold. Once you've got control of a woman's wrists you've pretty much got total control, which is not the case if you hit them.

I agree one hundred percent. I've waited a while before coming to this thread as I didn't really have a definite opinion but I like what this guy is saying. I was raised not to use physical force on a woman under any circumstance. If I even layed a finger on a girl cousin, friend or whomever, I got my ass whooped. Under extreme circumstances I would never hit a woman. Like this brilliant guy Loveless has stated, if you're close enough to hit, you're close enough to grab.

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