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Is it ever "right" to hit a woman?

Serious Mozzarella

Special Victims Unit
I'm going to offer an example story found somewhere else on the internet as the basis for this thread:

Hello [name of place]. I'm a senior in High School. Short story, my little sister goes to the same High School and she's a freshman. There are these 3 junior girls that bully her constantly, I had only found out recently but they were making her life miserable. Last week they were bullying her right in school during lunch on the staircase, they were ganging up on her and beating her up with their little groupies watching. My sister told me she was being bullied and I told her to just stick by me and nothing will happen to her. I went looking for her and I found them beating up on her and promptly stopped them.

I told the main girl if she insisted to continue what she's doing then I wouldn't hesitate to beat the living shit out of her. She laughed and got in my face and said I was a punk bitch and some other shit. Her words did nothing to me but she insisted on trying to slap me to which I stopped her clean. I clearly overpowered her. I told her to go away and never bother her again or we'd have problems. She said no and if I interfered then they'd just beat up on me instead. So she tried to attack me, dumb move to which I laid a nice clean punch in her face. I held back but it was enough to make her fall down. Girl was practically in tears on the floor. Her friends decided to attack me too but they were weak so I laid one on them too. Her groupies watching backed away from me and I told them to leave if they didn't want any problems. So they did and I told the three bullies to never touch go near my sister again or I wouldn't be nice next time. Then I went and got the principal.

Needless to say, I was suspended for a few days. They believed our story but they think the actions I took were wrong. I couldn't really leave my sister there to get beat up more so I disagreed but whatever. News spread fast and now I'm the new woman beater in school and getting called such. Girls and shit are staying clear of me now and treating me like a monster. I've defended myself some girls say nothing justifies beating up on girls to which I tell them to go fuck themselves. Even when one of my teachers who liked me thinks I'm a terrible guy now, like what the fuck? I didn't exactly "beat them up" either, more like I stopped them from being bullies.

In short, I believe there is a double standard within Western society that allows women, regardless of the fact that they are a marginalized group of people (slightly, but that's a topic for another thread), certain privileges over men. And most people know it. ABC News did a special on women-on-men abuse, and how it's not nearly as frowned upon as men-on-women abuse:

Now, I understand that men are sometimes (if not most of the time) physically stronger than women, and it therefore gives men an advantage in these types of situations. But I hold an extremely firm position that both men AND women should be held to the same standard when it comes to physical violence. If a man has to defend himself from a female attacker, and he feels the need to respond with the same strength he would use with a male attacker, it shouldn't be frowned upon.

But certainly, this is just my opinion.

As a tribute to the recently inactive Cigar Lounge Society, I'll break it down like such:

-Do you believe it's "right" for a man to hit a woman when the situation is appropriate?

-Do you believe that there is a double standard in Western society when it comes to abuse?

-Do you feel that a man should be able to defend himself from female attackers that may or may not cause slight to moderate injuries?

-Finally, do you believe that woman-on-man abuse should be taken more seriously law enforcement as well as society as a whole?

Discuss this shit.
-Do you believe it's "right" for a man to hit a woman when the situation is appropriate?

Absolutely. The woman I hear always whine about them not having 100% equal rights and them being just as strong as men. Well, if they are just as strong as me then why can't I hit without getting into trouble when the situation is appropriate. If they want 100% equality then they better expect to get hit back right back if they're beating on me.

-Do you believe that there is a double standard in Western society when it comes to abuse?

I don't really think this is a debatable point. If a woman beats on a man then he's considered a bitch/wimp. But if it's the other way around then the man is considered a disgrace to society and is labeled a woman beater.

-Do you feel that a man should be able to defend himself from female attackers that may or may not cause slight to moderate injuries?

Hell yes, I'm not going to let anyone, no matter what gender they are, attack me and let them get away with it. If a woman is just as strong as I am then like I said earlier, they better expect to get hit right back.

-Finally, do you believe that woman-on-man abuse should be taken more seriously law enforcement as well as society as a whole?

Definitely. woman-on-man abuse can have the same effects on men that it does on woman when it's the other way around so it definitely needs to be taken more serious.

It's all very simple. If a woman wants equality and wants to claim they are just as strong as me then I'll give them their equal rights and attack right back if they're attacking me.
Great topic.

-Do you believe it's "right" for a man to hit a woman when the situation is appropriate?

Yes. When the situation is appropriate. This does not mean I condone spousal abuse or any of that bullshit, but I am sorry, if a woman is going to initiate an attack on me, I have a damn right to defend myself, just like I would if it was a man. The presence of breasts and a vagina is not a permission slip to do whatever the fuck you want.

-Do you believe that there is a double standard in Western society when it comes to abuse?

Absolutely there is a double standard. Woman attacks her man with a lamp, opens up huge gashes on his forehead, punches him, kicks him, etc...he lays a single finger on her, guess who the cops haul off to jail? It isn't the woman.

-Do you feel that a man should be able to defend himself from female attackers that may or may not cause slight to moderate injuries?

Absolutely. See my answer to the first question. If its apparent that the woman poses no real threat whatsoever, I think holding them down, merely preventing them from continuing is enough. If there is no real threat, there is no reason to truly physically harm them though. Respond with appropriate force, not overkill. There is a huge difference.

-Finally, do you believe that woman-on-man abuse should be taken more seriously law enforcement as well as society as a whole?

Yes, see my answer to question #2. This is really just a more specific version of that question. Women are just as capable of committing physical and mental abuse as men are, and due to the differences in punishments, may be even more so. Its a lot easier to do when you know you will probably get away with it.

I am sure that some of the more liberal/feminist posters will take that as misogynist, but frankly, I don't give a shit. If you are coming at me swinging punches, or carrying a blunt object to strike me with, I don't give a fuck if you are a man or a woman, I am defending myself.
Yes, it's a double standard and will remain so as long as men are physiologically stronger than women. In addition to the fact that women are generally smaller than men, it's also a fact that a man's center of gravity runs through his shoulders while a woman's center of gravity runs through her hips. Therefore, men have upper-body strength that most women could never hope to match. If a woman wants to initiate a fight with a man, the worst thing she can do is exchange punches with him; she's bound to lose, even if she's bigger than him.

That said, the guy in your story put himself in a lose-lose situation when he faced off against those girls. No matter what he did, he was going to look bad. Obviously, no one in the school was willing to consider the fact that he only hit the girl because she hit him first. All they cared about was that he hit a woman.

And the school administration was placed in a bad situation, too. If they don't suspend him, they're condoning violence. The article didn't say whether the bully girls were suspended too, but they certainly should have been.

My feelings on the matter? No, it's never "right" to hit a woman, but we already know we're weaker than you guys. If we're stupid enough to start a fistfight with you, we shouldn't cry to anyone if we get the worst of it.

Of course, violence is stupid in the first place. What the guy should have done was grab his sister and get her away from the bullies. Then, they should have both gone to the school administration. In fact, it was never explained why she didn't do that herself before her brother got involved.
personally its never proper to hit a women, (well like unless she just sacked you and in the spur of the moment you get up and backhand her, cause you cant really stop that), but other then that it should be a crime. next, women attacking men should be illegal as well, i dont care what the sit is (unless she is about to be rhaped cause then the guy deserves to be struck, and then more......R.I.P death penalty :( ). neither should be tolerated. keep it women on women and men on men ( physically fighting i mean)
I'm going to offer an example story found somewhere else on the internet as the basis for this thread:

In short, I believe there is a double standard within Western society that allows women, regardless of the fact that they are a marginalized group of people (slightly, but that's a topic for another thread), certain privileges over men. And most people know it. ABC News did a special on women-on-men abuse, and how it's not nearly as frowned upon as men-on-women abuse:

Now, I understand that men are sometimes (if not most of the time) physically stronger than women, and it therefore gives men an advantage in these types of situations. But I hold an extremely firm position that both men AND women should be held to the same standard when it comes to physical violence. If a man has to defend himself from a female attacker, and he feels the need to respond with the same strength he would use with a male attacker, it shouldn't be frowned upon.

But certainly, this is just my opinion.

As a tribute to the recently inactive Cigar Lounge Society, I'll break it down like such:

-Do you believe it's "right" for a man to hit a woman when the situation is appropriate?

I would say yes if the situation is appropriate. If somebody is swinging a knife or something and I can't grab her to keep from being stabbed, then I guess I'd have to do something.

I was raised not to hit a woman, never have, even though I've been through an abusive situation. My son's mom was psycho and I had to restrain her and call the cops a few times, and even went to work w/marks all over my neck from when she clawed my throat and tried choking me. Luckily she wasn't as bad as she thought she was and it wasn't a drastic situation. I still reported her ass, though.

-Do you believe that there is a double standard in Western society when it comes to abuse?

Oh, absolutely. There's a horrible double standard about everything. From abuse, to cheating, to everything. Like SavageTaker said, women say they want "equality", but what they really want is preferential treatment. That was apparent in that video, which disgusted me. The nonchalant, even humorous attitude the women had, even after being interviewed. Some even got a bit defensive. Just shows that the gender cannot accept responsibility for their actions and lives in denial about the seriousness of the situation.

One double standard is that men are cheating pigs. However, a woman is just as likely to cheat, maybe even moreso, but she's also more likely to pass the blame and say a guy "didn't respect her needs", or "neglected her feelings" or whatever else she comes up with. So people look at a woman and say "Awwww" and think she's justified, but a man does it he "thinks w/his dick" and doesn't have the luxury of using those excuses.

Let's use that for an example. Say a guy wants to have sex. The woman doesn't. If he doesn't "respect her wishes" or waits for God knows whenever or gets upset, he's an asshole and that's all he thinks about. If a woman wants sex and doesn't get it, her whole circle of friends says he doesn't care about her needs, isn't taking care of her, or he's cheating, or any other thing that makes the man the asshole again. Then it's even encouraged that the female find a fling on the side to take care of those said needs. But a man cannot.

Another thing I've noticed is the double standards about younger men/older women and younger women/older men. It's "in" to be a cougar and chase younger guys, but a guy likes younger women he's an old pervert or a child molester, or a dirty pig. Here's a funny picture to illustrate that point:


It's ridiculous, especially in the supposed PC era. We're supposed to be considerate of women, homosexuals, criminals, etc. etc. yet anybody that doesn't fit into a nice, cushy category (i.e. males) can get shit on and disrespected and treated inconsiderately and it's all good, even funny to some people.

Equality is equality no matter how you look at it.

-Do you feel that a man should be able to defend himself from female attackers that may or may not cause slight to moderate injuries?

I would say yes. I would also have to say that discretion should be used. If it's one or two women and you can just simply throw them aside one after the other and avoid them, then do it. If you're cornered in an alleyway by 2 or more women with weapons, by all means go to town.

-Finally, do you believe that woman-on-man abuse should be taken more seriously law enforcement as well as society as a whole?

Again, absolutely. If we're going to take the veils off of society and truly be a better species we need to realize that nobody is above the law and that gender should not have any preferential treatment. You do the crime, you do the time, simple as that.

There needs to be stricter guidelines and penalties for law enforcement if they do not comply to the policies and procedures that go with that position. And I feel that way across the board.

As far as the judicial system goes, maybe they should have "anonymous" trials where the judge/jury cannot see the gender and have rules in place that you cannot specify as such during the trial. Use voice modification for testimony. I'd imagine we would see a whole lot more surprises in the courtroom if something like that was in effect.
Why the fuck wouldnt it be? 2011, dude. Equality. Everyone is afforded the same rights and oppurtunities, everyone is equal in my eyes.

If a woman can up on me with intentions to hurt me, I would absolutely knock the fuck out her, without hesitation. Any other reaction is just silly.
-Do you believe it's "right" for a man to hit a woman when the situation is appropriate?

Personally I would never hit a woman, but I do think that under certain circumstances that it shouldn't be so looked down upon. If a woman is coming at you with the intention of causing harm to you than you should do what you were taught to do in that certain situation. I'm not going to say others are wrong for hitting a woman in those situations, and I do not think that the kid in your story was wrong. It's just not something i'd ever do. They bitch for equal rights than they should be able to handle the consequences of some peoples actions.

-Do you believe that there is a double standard in Western society when it comes to abuse?

Of course there is. A woman beats the shit out of a man they won't get near the consequences that a man would. Even if the man was defending himself after being abused he would still receive larger consequences. There is a giant double standard in regards to this.

-Do you feel that a man should be able to defend himself from female attackers that may or may not cause slight to moderate injuries?

If your well being is in danger than you should be able to defend yourself. That's just how I feel. I wouldn't personally fight them back, but again I will not criticize anybody that would. It's their life, and well being in danger.
If the situation is legitimately appropriate, absolutely. Now, of course, comes the question as to what is it that qualifies a situation as being appropriate? For me personally, when a woman decides to take it upon herself to physically assault you or someone else and it's clear that she intends to do significant physical damage. I'm not talking about a slap across the face or anything so trivial.

We're a society that's become to fanatically worship political correctness. It's been taken to such an extreme that it sometimes does tie people's hands when it comes to giving an appropriate response to some situations. We're also a society in which generation after generation of boys have been taught that you don't hit girls. Of course there's nothing wrong with that in and of itself but there are situations in which that's just not reasonable. For instance, there's a part of the story the OP posted in which the guy stands up for his little sister and gets in the bullying girls face. She calls him all these names and insults him and a HUGE reason for that is because it's a societal norm that men aren't supposed to raise their hands to women in physical violence. Would she have said that had she known beforehand that the guy would defend himself physically from her if he had to? Almost certainly not.

Every person has a survival instinct, something that lets them know that they're in a dangerous situation physically and that they have to react in some way. That instinct, however, has been greatly dulled in our society when it comes to handling physical altercations with women. All the so called "experts" say that the man is supposed to just walk away and diffuse the situation. The problem with that line of thinking is that you can't diffuse every situation. Sometimes, a choice has to be made in the blink of an eye. As far as I go, I'd never raise my hand to hit a woman unless I knew I was gonna get seriously hurt if I didn't. But if some bitch tries to take an eye out with her nails just because she's angry at me and thinks that just because I have a penis means I'm not supposed to take care of myself, I'd lay her out and not think twice about it.

Everybody is supposed to have equal rights. EQUAL RIGHTS. That doesn't mean a different set for one based on lack of or presence of certain sexual organs.
Great thread. I'm not going to answer your questions, however. I'm just going to tell a story.

When I was 15 my mother and my father had just got home from the store one night. They were arguing and I mean, really pissed off at each other. I can't remember what they were arguing about but it was serious. Then I heard my mother scream. I ran into the room and seen her on the ground in tears. Needless to say, I reacted out of anger and proceeded to attack my father. I jumped on him and the force from that was enough to take him to the ground. I punched him on the jaw a good 4 times before he stopped me. The man showed me why a child should never tempt their parents for he beat the absolute shit out of me. I never knew what they were arguing about or what he actually did to my mother that had her on the floor in tears, but I didn't care either. I had to help her.

Later, after I graduated high school, I moved to Las Vegas to stay with my father and to go to college. All was, of course, forgiven at this point, but one day he took me aside and asked to talk to me. He said that I was a man now and that he needed to explain what happened that night and why he and my mother split up. He told me that the argument started at the store when he commented on a pretty cashier that was ringing them up. That pissed my mother off and when they got in the car, the argument started. It then went from that on to past shit that my father had done and on and on. By the time they got home, they were pretty pissed at each other. So my father went into their bedroom so he could go to bed and my mother just wouldn't stop. When he tried to lay down, she jumped on top of him and slapped him two times. So my father, not wanting to get hit again, pushed my mother to the floor. That's when I ran in. My father told me that he had to leave my mother because she was jealous and controlling and he couldn't stand her anymore.

So my father never hit my mother. He was just defending himself and did so in a way that would not hurt my mother.

The moral of the story is this: I absolutely believe that there is a double standard in Western Society when it comes to men and women. I ran in on that incident and the worst is the first thing that sprung to my head and in my mind, no matter what happened, my father was in the wrong. Now that I'm older, I can honestly say that I understand why he did it and that I would probably do the same thing if I were ever in that position.

If a woman puts herself in a man's position, and let me be specific on what that is, i.e. willing to fight a man and she starts it, then she deserves to be treated as any other man would be treated in that position.
-Do you believe it's "right" for a man to hit a woman when the situation is appropriate?

Of course. I mean, if we're talking about any particular situation, then this is an obvious answer. If a grown woman is beating your child, you might have to lay a hand on her. It happens.

However, I'm a little less "strict" than that. Doesn't even have to be that severe of a case. If a woman is hitting you and you have to defend yourself... defend yourself. Simple as that. You shouldn't have to die to prove your manhood. She's attacking you, hit her. Obviously, try and avoid it. But, if you have to do it, then you have to do it.

-Do you believe that there is a double standard in Western society when it comes to abuse?

Obviously. A man can go to jail for getting hit by a woman. It's happened. If a woman is hit by a man, he's a beater and instantly goes to jail, possibly prison. If a woman hits a man, then he's laughed at and she's given a restraining order for a few weeks.

-Do you feel that a man should be able to defend himself from female attackers that may or may not cause slight to moderate injuries?

Well, to an extent. I think he should do what he has to to stop any potential harm. Realistically, how else can he be sure that he's safe. He doesn't know what she is or isn't capable of. However, I'm someone who's been in more fights than I'd like and I'm now someone who tries to avoid them. With that, I would try to avoid a fight, period.

-Finally, do you believe that woman-on-man abuse should be taken more seriously law enforcement as well as society as a whole?

No. Truthfully, a man shouldn't really ever have to worry about it. I don't care what woman it is, if she attacks a man, she's likely in trouble. Nothing to do with her, other than that men are naturally bigger and stronger. Hit them if you must, then move away and avoid them. Simple enough.

However, when a case comes up that a man is ambushed or attacked in his sleep or what have you, then he should be looked at a victim like he would be in any other situation.
I've thorown my drink on a girl at a club who was being an absolute drunken monster. (Not the glass just the liquid). It worked a treat in that situation.
This reminds me of a story from my childhood as well. When I was about 11 years old, I was riding my bike in the park down the street from my house. I rode by these 3 girls that were around 13 who I had problems with in the past. They stopped me and we were all sitting there talking shit to each other, but I refrained from striking them. However, as I started to ride off one of them stuck a stick in my spokes and made me fall off.

I got up, dusted myself off, and proceeded to nail her in the face with 2 of the most brutal left hooks that to this day I have ever delivered in my life. The other 2 girls started doing the standard girl attempt at fighting (head down, eyes closed, and absolutely zero precision) so I just kind of set back and took my spots and dropped both of them as well.

I rode my ass off back home and told my parents what had happened. They are both real cool about stuff like this, so I wasn't in any trouble or anything. But about 30 minutes after I got home, one of the girl's dads showed up with his son who was around my age. He started yelling about the incident and told me to come out and fight his son. My dad asked if I wanted to and I said sure. Naturally, I went out there and just mauled the poor bastard. His dad tried pulling off me and my dad pulled him off and beat him around the front yard as well. They both finally got up and drove home. Boy that was a fun day.

So while I will say that it takes more to provoke me to hit a woman than it does to hit a dude, I'm not some old time dude who still thinks women are untouchable. There's a separate line that women have to cross in order to draw a violent reaction out of me. But it's there.
-Do you believe it's "right" for a man to hit a woman when the situation is appropriate?
Yes I do and I'm honestly still waiting for someone to tell me the reason why not. Honestly if you have the typical cocky chick talking shit and she smacks you or tries to punch you, push her off and go about your business. If you are being jumped by women of any size I feel as a man in that situation that you should first try to defuse the situation, and then if it escalates go for the punch. Don't go into hulk mode and destroy all of them, Give the "alpha" one a quick jab or a punch and see how the others react to it.

-Do you believe that there is a double standard in Western society when it comes to abuse?
Of course you see it every day, a woman can berate a man call him names. But when a man does the same or even raises his voice you have other men jumping to her aid. I see this about every day in my apt. building. A guy in Apt. A is a fucking turd, he is whipped to the extreme and his woman takes advantage of it. Literally going to the extreme of calling him names and hitting him in public.

But one day I was at Mc. Donalds and somehow they were there. She was yelling at him in the line and when they went up to order their son asked for something extra and he said no. The child threw a temper tantrum and the man took him out to the car, woman follows and grabs her son out of the car and puts him on the ground. She went to slap him and he caught it and threw her arm back and started arguing with her outside! Well two dudes walked outside and got in his face, not knowing that this shit happens every fucking day. It's fucking stupid.

-Do you feel that a man should be able to defend himself from female attackers that may or may not cause slight to moderate injuries?Going back to my previous statement I believe you should try to defuse the situation when just fists are involved. If a woman comes after you with a blunt object or a knife, I believe that attacking back is the only way to settle it. Try and get the object away from her and if that doesn't work I'm sure a punch will.

-Finally, do you believe that woman-on-man abuse should be taken more seriously law enforcement as well as society as a whole?

Yes it should, believe it or not ladies we have feelings to. Abuse goes far beyond physical abuse, a lot of the Woman on man abuse comes from the Emotional or Mental aspect of it. Just treat them like they are human sometimes and not your bitch.

To be honest I was taught by my dad to never hit a female. I most likely never will, but If I have to defend myself against one I defiantly will. I treat all women like saints, because the main rule my dad taught me when I was young was if they ain’t happy you aren’t. That fully surpasses just the typical romantic and couple using of it, women in your every day life should be treated just like your wife. With respect, even if they don't respect you. Tell them Hi, or wish them a nice day. If they don't reply just go on about your day.
Very tough one to call, this.

I would say in certain situations where there is the potential for a man to get seriously hurt, like if a woman punches you in the face or has a weapon or something like that, then yes I believe I would strike them, if only to protect myself. A punch in the face from a woman can still cause serious damage and it is only human nature to try and defend yourself.

If I could defuse the situation by holding the womans arm, restraining her or walking away then that would be my preferred option but there is no way I am going to take an assault without responding.

If it was a slap or a few small punches around the body then that is a different story but if the situation was as the story says, with women threatening to beat me up and actually throwing punches at me as I attempted to protect a sister then the situation is different.

I believe in 99% of cases that physical violence against a women is wrong. I would NEVER strike a woman in an argument, never assault a woman in a rage, but if I feared for my own safety then I would certainly fight back.

Men are usually stronger than women, that is without doubt but it is unfair that women can strike men without much fear of response. Violence against anyone is wrong, and women hitting men should be treated in the same severe manner as the other way around. A man is labelled as soft if he allows himself to be hit by a woman regularly and a monster if he fights back. That is unfair.

Women want 100% equality, fair enough no problem. But you cannot have physical violence as the only difference. Some women are stronger than some men. Being hit by a strong woman is worse than being hit by a weak man, but I can hit the weak guy if he kicks off on me but not the woman?

Hmmm, very tough to say but I think in very rare circumstances a man can hit a woman to protect himself. But these cases are very few and far between
Young girls seem to always reach for the 'that boy's hurting me' card whenever something doesn't go right for them.

I once threw a frisbee to my next door neighbour over the fence, and she didn't catch it and it hit her in the face. 5 minutes later i've got her dad berating me for hitting her purposefully in the face. Utter bullshit.

But on to general inter-gender violence, it's never 'right' to hit anyone for any reason to be perfectly honest. Violence is not supposed to be the answer to any problem. As great as that sounds in theory, it very rarely gets applied in real life.

I believe that all women should be given the EXACT same privileges that a man gets. Same pay, same benefits, should be considered for any job that a man applies for, BUT should also be prepared to take a smack in the face when they're out of order. True 100% equality, but you have to take the bad with the good.

Men can hit men. Women can hit women. Women can hit men but men can't hit women? Sorry, that's not equal.

I wouldn't hit a woman anyway, unless she's trying to beat me severely and then she better be prepared to lose some teeth.
The fact of the matter is, men and women are different and we as a society need to fully embrace it.

The double standards we currently hold are ridiculous:

  • A man should never hit a woman
  • When the ship is sinking, women and children first
  • A guy should always pay for the first date
  • A woman almost always gets custody of kids during divorce proceedings (even if both parents want the children)
  • A woman hitting a man will not get anywhere near the same punishment as a man hitting a woman
  • An old woman hitting on young men -> A cougar
  • An old man hitting on young women -> A pervert
  • We must have an equal amount of sports/athletic spots for boys and girls (even though much more guys play sports)

Yet when women are getting the short end of the stick, it's sexism. If a woman gets paid less, it must be because of her gender. No one ever wants to say that it maybe that that woman is just not as good as the guy or maybe there are some fields where woman are just inherently at a disadvantage. In the business world, you have to be more aggressive and better at making business relationships. In a world dominated by men, it's going to be harder for a woman to breakthrough, but it's not because of any current sexism. A woman is less likely to go out for a beer after work, or go to a Football game, or play golf on the weekends.

Right now there are more women in college than men. Are universities sexist towards men? No. It's just that more careers that women choose to go in require college degrees. There's a reason why when you pass the construction going on the highway, the one woman working is the person who is holding up the "SLOW" sign.

Men and women are just different and we need to accept those differences and the associated roles they cause us to play in society.

I know that really didn't address the specific topic of this thread, so let me answer the question directly. Unless you or someone else is being seriously threatened by a woman, than you shouldn't hit her. We must recognize that we are the stronger sex and that it is our responsibility to live our lives accordingly.
It has nothing to do with strength, or gender, you shouldnt run about bopping the fuck out of anyone, without due course, regardless.

If you need to defend yourself or your loved ones, you whip ass. End of. If someone steps up, then they deserve to get rocked, regardless of race, sex, size, creed, orientation, anything.
Ive actually been in this situation before, and I learned the hard way when I chose to "turn the other cheek."

Before I was married, I dated a girl who was very volatile. She was also a personal trainer, mine in fact, which is how we met. But she was quite insecure in herself, and constantly thought through the two years we were together that I was cheating on her. I did everything to convince her otherwise, as I wasn't. But she kept coming at me until i decided to leave. The problem was, we lived together, planned on marrying, and had everything in both of our names. I went to get in one of our cars, and she came running out, threatening to call the police and say I stle the car. Out of great frustration, I swore at a woman for the first time in my life and said "Try it b*tch". She promptly said "B*tch this", and slapped me, hard. I tried to walk away, but gave her some choice words, and she came at me again. This time, she knocked me clean out.

-Do you believe it's "right" for a man to hit a woman when the situation is appropriate?

Mozz, I think you answered your own question buddy with the "when appropriate". Anything is right and justifiable when appropriate. I mnaged to stay with this woman for another 6 months, and the next time she came at me, I threw her back, and kept doing so until she quit coming. I was genuinely scared by the look in her eyes and the words she was saying that I couldn't just "take it." For all I know, she could have meant it when she said she was going to "kill me". The last time she came at me and swung, I grabbed her arms and threw her down on her couch, and she landed awkardly, injurin her ankle. I felt bad, but would have done it again. What makes her health and safety more important then mine? Im a strong, athletic guy, but she was a strong, athletic woman.

-Do you believe that there is a double standard in Western society when it comes to abuse?

Yes. As I said, what makes the health and safety of a woman more important then that of a man? The problem is, in this society, men are taught to "control their temper" and walk away. Women are taught to be "empowered" and not take anything from men. Basically, men are taught to just take it over and again from women while women are taught that it's showing their empowerment and equality as a woman when they attack a man, be it verbally or physically. It's a pat on the back for a woman when they hit a man, and it's a "lower your back" as your ushered into a squad car if a man does so to a woman. Something isn't right here.

Do you feel that a man should be able to defend himself from female attackers that may or may not cause slight to moderate injuries?

In the same manner of which they are being attacked. Just as I see no justification for a man to hit a woman no matter what she says,I feel the same way about a woman. I don't advocate violence towards women in any way, and if i could, Id simply try to restrain a woman if it was a mild to moderate injury I was anticipating. But Id do what I have to based upon my past to ensure my safety and wellbeing. Id do so in the most gentle way possible, but Id do so.

-Finally, do you believe that woman-on-man abuse should be taken more seriously law enforcement as well as society as a whole?

Yes, and here's why. Because it would cut back on the man on woman violence as well. You better believe there are plenty of women ot there who know that they can get away with more then men can because they're smaller, and because of this, they provoke men both verbally and physically. And as human beings, we eventually react. I mde a phone call to the police after being knocked out and was laughed at by the police for being knocked out by a woman. Laughed at. I believe the second incident would have been avoided completely if they would have taken me seriously the first time. Simple as that. There's a certain stigma attached that if a woman hits a man, shes justified and the man must have deserved it, even amongst law enforcement. As such, its not taken seriously. But if a man so much as lays a finger on a woman, then he's villified. The same standard should be applied to women as it is to men. Not only would it truly allow for the "equality" we hear so much about, it would also help eliminate what often turns into man on woman violence in return. And I think that's something we all can agree would be make the world a better place.
-Do you believe it's "right" for a man to hit a woman when the situation is appropriate?

Oh God yes. Women feel they have free reign over man to say, do and in some cases beat the living shit out of guys. That is just the world we live in. If they are in your face, you should be able to push them out. If they attack and cause bodily harm and physical pain, then it is justified to protect yourself and self defense is warranted.

-Do you believe that there is a double standard in Western society when it comes to abuse?

Yes. The man is always the abuser and the female is the victim. That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen and heard of. Here is a few horror stories.

My friends girlfriend had him down on the ground kicking him repeatedly calling him a piece of shit and he's worthless... I told her to stop, she said make me.. Kept kicking him. I got up and she got in my face and asked if I was going to do anything... When I said... Stop kicking him.

Long story short, if it was not for the thin walls in that house, I would of gone to jail that night. She smacked me in the face before I manhandled her and picked her up and literally threw her out of the house. She had dug her nails so far into my arms, that I have scars to this day.

She called the police and said that I had attacked her and made up this whole story. Her boyfriend was silent the whole time... The cops were not believing my side of the story and I was in handcuffs while she was being looked at by a paramedic...

All I had done, was defend somebody from getting their asses handed to them and tossed this broad out. I never hit, kicked scratched or in any way.. Other then her landing on her ass on the way out, hurt her. Everyone came out of the house, told their side of the story, which matched mine and all I got was a mumbled apology.

The police tried to get me to agree to her side of the story and drag me to jail before I had said or done anything.

-Do you feel that a man should be able to defend himself from female
attackers that may or may not cause slight to moderate injuries?

Any injuries. If they smack you, you should be able to smack them back.

-Finally, do you believe that woman-on-man abuse should be taken more seriously law enforcement as well as society as a whole?

My story... Yeah.

Police are ridiculous when it comes to this type of stuff. They are often narrow-minded and trying to get the quick confession.
Do you believe it's "right" for a man to hit a woman when the situation is appropriate?

I don't think the situation is appropriate if you are upset or trying to protect your sister. Unless the girls were a bunch of Awesome Kong women seriously hurting the man or his sister, he shouldn't have punched the girls in the face. If the woman out powers a man and its a life or death situation I can understand. There is no reason to hit a woman just because she is hitting you back.

Finally, do you believe that woman-on-man abuse should be taken more seriously law enforcement as well as society as a whole?

It should be taken serious, but if a man is being abused by his wife then he is old enough to know better. He should just leave and not get physical with the woman. If the woman is abusing younger children, then that is a different story. They should report it to the authorities. I have heard of women killing their husbands, but never physically abusing them. Anything is possible. There is no reason to hit a woman though unless someone's life is in jeopardy.
Do you believe that there is a double standard in Western society when it comes to abuse?

Maybe, because women can easily abuse children just as men can. Having some law enforcement experience, I have never heard stories or seen pictures of women seriously injuring men. They may have attacked their husbands or boyfriends in a fight, but nothing serious every came from the altercation. I'm not saying that women aren't possible of serious bodily harm or death to men, but its rare.

Do you feel that a man should be able to defend himself from female attackers that may or may not cause slight to moderate injuries?

Its basic ethics. I'm not going to punch a 100 pound woman in the face just because she punched me in the face. Its not even. If my life is in danger then I will do what I have to do, but I'm not going to physically attack a woman. That is called taking the high road. You wouldn't punch a 13 year old either if he was punching you. You wouldn't stand there either, but use appropriate force.
Put it this way...


If this situation occurred, I'd slap that bitch.

I'm a bit outspoken when it comes to women rights. I agree with equality but I don't agree with radical feminism. If she slapped me, I'd slap her back full stop I wouldn't hold anything back either. They wanted equal treatment. I'd slap anyone else just as hard. That's equal treatment for ya.
Personally,I wouldn't hit a woman.Mainly because I was taught by my parents to never hit a woman.It's basic biology.Men are much stronger than women physically.I know I'm at a huge advantage if I'm in a fight against a girl (unless she's a bodybuilder/fitness trainer,etc.),so I would try my best to refrain from striking her.Besides,maybe it's just me but I feel that women have slower reflexes.Add that to their relatively weak strength and I don't think I would have to hit a woman to end a fight.Just grab her arm and put her in a chin lock or a move that would immobilize her.If you don't know any submission moves,just grab her neck and pin her against the wall.Who knows,she may get turned on by the choking.Just kidding.My point is,I'd personally try to refrain from striking her.

If I was in a situation where I had to hit a woman or I'll be injured (maybe she's brandishing a knife or something),then I'd do it.Unfortunately,I'll have to worry about the consequences for hitting her.Men will be punished for assaulting a woman in some form.Even if he gets cleared in the court of law,he has to walk around with the reputation of being a woman-beating monster.It's absolute rubbish,but it is what it is.

I'd always recommend backing off from the woman (never walk away from a fight,people would hit you the moment you turn your back).If she's charging at you,then grab her arm and put her in an immobilizing hold.If she's brandishing a weapon,then screw the consequences and knock her lights out.If she's just talking smack,then be the bigger man and walk away.If you can't take it,then do a Chris Rock,grab her by her shoulders and shake the sh*t out of her.She'd be scared shitless.
If the situation is warranting, a man should have every right to hit or strike a woman. Women are always talking and complaining about equality, and how they are equal to men, yet they hold one thing that a man can't hit a woman. If they want to be viewed as equals, they have to realize if they attack or abuse a man, he has every right to knock her the fuck down without being looked down upon by a community as a so called "woman beater".

If I was in the situation where a woman punched me, I would not hit her back. I would shove her away, show her that I'm more than likely stronger than her, unless she's some freak of nature, but if she dared to hit me again, I'd hit her with no remorse. Men in my view, if are in a pretty nasty situation, should fight back, and not be in serious trouble if the female suffers minor injuries. However, if the situation is much less harmful, where a man easily can walk away without having to fight back, if they harm a woman in this case, then they need to face the consequences of their actions, but in a dangerous situation such as a woman pulling a knife and clearly attempting to harm a male, then the male should have every right to hit the woman.

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