Is it all a big work w/ Show? When will we see Cody again?


Dark Match Winner
Man, a lot happened on tonight's Raw. But in the words of the double rainbow guy, "What does it all mean?" I've got some thoughts and maybe some of you are thinking the same things.

Cody Rhodes: Glad to see him get a push tonight. Put on a great match. Looks like they will bring him back soon with a lot of attitude. His character needed something. Getting fired has hopefully unleashed his fire. I'm curious if he will interfere at NOC or if they will bring him back somehow at SS. I wouldn't mind seeing him pull the same stuff that Cena did with the Nexxus. Let him run through the crowds and cost the Corp 2.0 their matches.

Big Show: Sorry but I see him being the newest member of the Corp 2.0. He's not touching the Shield or HHH. There's a reason for suck us in and make us think he is there for Bryan. I ain't buying it. HHH and everyone will have a huge laugh about it on the Raw after NOC after Show aids Orton at NOC. I get tired of seeing Show flip flop so much but at least he can be relevant.

And here is a twist I'd love to see...I'd love to see Ted DiBiase Jr be brought in to try and talk sense into Rhodes if he was to do some sneak attacks. Then in the end, he could turn on Rhodes, reveal that him leaving the WWE was a work and he is part of the Corp 2.0 as well. I know, I can dream, but the writers have been doing some amazing things lately. I'd put nothing past them any more.

All that being said, what do you think will happen? Will Show be a face or a heel in a couple weeks? When will Cody return and will he be a different Cody when he does?

Rhodes - Lets just say we need a return of the Midnight Ryder..

Big Show - We have seen this sooooooo many times its borderline insane to believe people fall in every time....
I can see the faces who are getting targeted (Ziggler, Miz, etc) having a big walk out and cause problems for the Corporation Cena style.

As for Show, honestly don't really care about him anymore.
I think Cody will come back at Hell in a Cell to help DB.
Take a month and a bit off to make it seem legit and then come back.

He has been fired tonight so he can't be fired again for helping Bryan, but I think HHH will re-hire him the night after he interferes so he and Orton can get some form of payback.

Cody, DB and a few others (miz, Ziggler etc) teaming up to take on Orton, Show and The Shield at Survivor Series.

I just hope like anythings it Shane-O-Mac leading that team hahaha
That Macho Man pic is awesome. I'm a huge Cody Rhodes fan; have been since the Legacy days. After tonight, Rhodes took a major step forward w/that promo. His matches are always great. Big role for Cody when he returns. Is he done with Sandow? As far as Show goes. I'm not getting fooled again. They did the same schtick w/Laurinaitis when he fired him. Show costs D bryan the title at NOC. D Bryan probably wrestles Show and Orton in a triple threat match at Battle Ground. Then, faces Show at Hell in a Cell. Beats him and then, D Bry wins the title from Orton at Survivor Series.
I was really impressed with Cody Rhodes more than usual after his exit promo tonight. I have always been a fan of his but he never had that breakout moment where the "WWE Universe" would take notice of him. I liked the references he made to the Rhodes family history being hated by the McMahon family and his non-verbal answer to what he wanted to say to his fiancée at home. That facial expression was priceless! He didn't overplay it but did enough to sell how devastated he was by losing the match and his job. I'm kind of thinking WWE will bring him back like they brought Dustin Rhodes back right around the time he burned his Goldust ring gear and had him picketing with signs. Only without the Goldust gear and the whole religious spoofing. This is WWE's big opportunity to set Cody up with a great reinvented gimmick and bring him back in a big way while building him into a future WWE Champion. Although I am kinda pessimistic about WWE's creative capacity to pull anything great off in regards to building new talents, but I'll reserve judgment to see how Cody's return is handled.

As for The Big Show, I am not interested in him much these days anymore because WWE always manages to screw up his character when he is a babyface. They make him look like the world's largest pansy and his overacting crying routine was perhaps the biggest failure I have seen on recent WWE TV. He needs to remain a solid dominant heel and be pushed as a legit threat. Of course I stopped being a fan of Show's after his heel run on Smackdown back in 2003 because of his character being misused and buried in favor of other stars. I am also not a fan of his boxing type of routine with the WMD finisher in place of his Showstopper chokeslam. The punch looks devastating but it isn't a real strong finish like his chokeslam was. The obvious will be the inevitable Show heel turn and him joining Triple H & Orton. Either way, I don't care about Big Show because his character has been trashed beyond any kind of restorable credibility.
Rhodes has been given time off for his wedding and honeymoon so I doubt he'll be back for at least 2 months.

the show storyline is really good, although I would have preferred that role was used on someone else.

Would have been perfect for someone from NXT, someone who has been Bryans friend from the indy circuit as they would actually be friends instead of trying to make us believe that in the space of two hours Bryan and Show have become bessies.
I'm sceptical about what they are going to with The Big Show. They have switched him from heel to face and back far too many times and it seems it is going to happen again. I wouldn't be surprised if The Big Show turned heel and joined forces with HHH so to provide for his family. Then he will become tired being HHH's bitch and turn face. Exciting times....

Rhodes is in a wonderful position. A few months ago he was just another heel and now he is potentially feuding with the WWE champion and HHH. I would love if Rhodes had a feud with Randy Orton for the WWE title but I'm not sure if they have enough faith in Rhodes. A feud between the two could be incredible.

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