Cody Rhodes


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Stardust and Goldust. I didn't like it at first, but now I think it's pretty cool. I'd like to see them feud with the Wyatts after they beat Usos for the tag titles at Battleground (hopefully). They can have a great lengthy feud over the titles after which we might see a match between Goldust and Cody, which IMO should take place at Wrestlemania next year. After his feud with Goldust tho, what do you think Rhodes should do on his way to winning his first world championship? I think his first big feud after his feud with Goldust ends should be with Randy Orton. Both of them have history; they can exchange victories until their feud culminates at Summerslam next year where Rhodes defeats Orton in some no DQ stipulation match. He can then win the WWEWHC at NOC or at the Survivor Series after a slow build up to being no 1 contender defeating Seth Rollins, who by MITB next year should cash in the MITB contract on Roman Reigns. Not every big championship victory should be at Wrestlemania. A win at NOC or at the Survivor Series can create a big moment for Rhodes as well as the PPV.
Is this the same Cody Rhodes who's already been given several mid-card pushes but who's never had anything that's elevated him above his natural position? Cody has been in matches against Orton, Mysterio & Big Show at Mania. These were mostly during the MITB phase when people on Cody's level were usually thrown into that match so WWE didn't have to come up with proper stories for guys. Cody was given a chance and he never stepped up.

He'll never be a world champion because he's nothing more than a solid mid-card talent. People might point to Rhodes when he was "disfigured" but people look at that run a lot more findly than they should do.
Y 2 Jake - you are 100% all over this one. Cody has been given multiple opportunities (i.e. - gimmicks, tv time, ppv matches all over the card), but he has never been able to get over the hump. He gets a (dare I say it) B+ pop when he comes out, the ladies think he's cute, fantastic. Is it me, or has Cody ripped off AJ Styles' entrance moves (i.e. - the hood, yank it off, look around, the hand gesture with the gloves now)? But he's never won the "big one", or to be honest, really done anything in his higher profile matches to earn that upper-card status, in my opinion. I think another thing that works against him (to a certain degree) is his lisp. He's no Jack "Thwagger" on the mic, but his lisp doesn't do him any favors. Thankfully, working with his brother, and with the new Stardust gimmick, his mic time is limited. Overall, Cody seems like a midcarder at best, and has probably hit his glass ceiling. But thanks to Poppa Dusty, Cody will stick around, go through the motions, and keep collecting a paycheck. God bless politics. :)

As much as I like the Stardust gimmick, I don't see Cody making it to the World Heavyweight Championship. Not in today's WWE when there is only one world title. Had the big gold belt still been around as a seperate world title, he would have had a chance. They are onto something great with the Stardust persona, why not keep Cody and his brother in a team long term? They could be one of the focal points of the tag team division. They are a more traditional tag team in the sense of having such similar gimmicks. This would be better for Cody than a win over Goldust that essentially does nothing for him. A feud with Randy afterwards wouldn't benefit him much either. Randy would not be believable in losing, Cody would have to be built up significantly first. Keep him in tag teams or in the midcard if this team does not last. Stardust is a great character, but even this persona might not get Cody to the world title. Only so many wrestlers can make it there now that there is only one world title.
If WWE hadn't unified the championships, Cody would've definitely had a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship. That's a problem with only having one title, there's very few people who could believably win the title. Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan and John Cena are in levels far beyond Cody. The World Heavyweight Championship wasn't nearly as credible as the WWE Championship, so it was somewhat of a mid-card championship with a World Championship name.
Sometimes you guys and gals get ahead of yourselves and this is a prime example by the OP. So my question to you is....

Why does a Cody vs Goldust feud have to happen and why does it have to be a match at Wrestlemania? Even if they feud, what about it screams a Wrestlemania match? Take away their last name and they're just two mid card workers..permanent mid card fixtures. Either or winning doesn't benefit either other.

So Cody winning over Goldust elevates him to main event level on course to a championship run?

What about Cody screams world title contender? Not every mid card wrestler is destined for a championship run.

As pointed out, he has been given chances. Cody has the look, the background and has done exceptionally well with the gimmicks thrown at him but he's just not main event material.

You are blind if you don't see that
Overall, Cody seems like a midcarder at best, and has probably hit his glass ceiling. But thanks to Poppa Dusty, Cody will stick around, go through the motions, and keep collecting a paycheck. God bless politics. :)

I assume that last comment in tongue in cheek but in case it is not - how can you call him a solid midcard talent and then say that he's only still around because of his dad? I think you always need people like Cody around the midcard.
Stardust may prolong Cody's WWE career but it doesn't enhance it. It just cements his place as a mid carder who is better in a team than as a singles wrestler. His best moments in WWE were with Legacy with Dibiase Jr and Orton, a long time ago.
I'm more of a fan of the idea of Cody Rhodes, to be honest. When you watch him wrestle, he's really not that great. He's nowhere near the level that Goldust was in his prime, and Goldust never made it to the top, either. At least, not for any amount of real time. Hell, Goldie now is still better than Cody.

That being said, he's still better than most of the roster. But he'll never be in the Main Event.
It's interesting how Cody's career is somewhat mirroring Dustin's... big initial push based on their lineage, then singles success with midcard titles... then a 180 persona that "brings the weird" revitalising what was destined for a dull career.

When Dustin became Goldust, there WAS a chance he could have gone all the way with it, but WWE was 2 years ahead of it's time there...There is nothing to say that the Stardust persona couldn't see Cody get there one day but when WWE took the somewhat valilla Dustin Rhodes and first showed him the costume and gimmick no one forsaw what it did become...

For those who are younger or maybe don't quite remember the timeline... Dustin Rhodes debuted at In Your House 4 in October 1995... That's nearly NINETEEN YEARS AGO!

There have been odd detours into his own name, Seven/Uncle Fester, that awful TNA gimmick... but Goldust has worked as a character for the majority of 2 decades and been a staple of the WWE. Never in the main event or very rarely, but he has always been a featured part of the roster.

Cody has now been in the WWE for 7 years now, his debut was July 2 2007! In that time he has as several guys have alluded to had a few gimmicks, but not one has failed. He has been able to make the best possible out of all of them. Many preferred "Disfigured" Cody and that was arguably his best chance of the main event till now... but even then he hasn't really had the push to match the effort he has put into each gimmick. They've blown hot and cold with him...

So the reality is if they were serious about him, it would already be over... he'd have had the Miz's run or ADR's or Ziggler's... they're not looking for a Rhodes to carry the company. Just as they weren't looking for Dustin to... or their dad in 1990... Cody is a smart guy, he will have seen what has worked for Dustin and given him the longevity.

Some of the parallels are striking, Cody is newly married and his wife is an on air talent... so was Dustin with Terri/Marlena... Stardust is not just the "partner" of Goldust, it's the replacement... Cody can work this gimmick for the next 10 years, he's good enough to and once Dustin does go the fans will be glad there's a "Dust" there. From WWE's perspective he's a more PG version of Goldust (who is now so toned down it's almost a shame) so they can keep the colourful, toy friendly character but not have some of the overtones that Goldust has always had.

There is no way they should fight each other now... It will do nothing for either... but a BIG tag team match at Mania next year or my pick the year after in Texas, perhaps with Dustin's career on the line would be perfect for both guys... Dustin gets to go out "on top", WWE gets to rejig their "mask record" idea for facepaint.

The Stardust character works on many levels... it can be a kid friendly face or a Joker-esque villain (tell me you don't see that when he smiles after the star hands) for the future. Cody is clearly invested in it as he has changed his moveset, gestures and basically created a totally new alter ego. If it was short term he'd not be as invested as he appears to be.

From Cody or ANY talents perspective, it's clear that WWE is stiffing them on PPV revenue, so merch becomes more important than ever. Cody couldn't really sell shirts but Stardust can sell shirts, gloves, masks/facepaint, action figures posters...

He's not likely to main event... but... it's not impossible.

Personally I would let Eden be his "valet" and add her to the team. Keep Dust 2 Dust teaming for the next 2 years and let Dustin go out the loser in the end, but hand the "mantle" over to his brother. If he can do 10 years of this, main event or no then in todays WWE that means you're doing something right and are gonna be well paid.
If WWE hadn't unified the championships, Cody would've definitely had a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship. That's a problem with only having one title, there's very few people who could believably win the title. Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan and John Cena are in levels far beyond Cody. The World Heavyweight Championship wasn't nearly as credible as the WWE Championship, so it was somewhat of a mid-card championship with a World Championship name.

I don't necessarily see having only one World Championship as a "problem" as it's how things have always been done traditionally. However, over the course of 11.5 years of having two World Championships in WWE, I think we've simply gotten used to the notion to an extent that it simply became the norm. The upside, in my view, far outweighs any potential downside in that WWE now has to be more selective about who becomes a World Champion than they did before. It'll mean that there'll be less guys with an opportunity to become a main eventer but, then again, that's not necessarily a bad thing because the drive to convince the powers that be that a certain wrestler has what it takes to be there should be jacked up. They should be made to work harder to prove themselves. The downside is that it simply can't happen for everybody, but that's always been the potential downside because not everybody can be a main eventer. For practical reasons, the main event scene can't be a revolving door in which everybody "gets a turn" and some guys are left out in the cold. Sometimes management will make the right decision on who to and who not to push and sometimes they won't, that's how it is in any wrestling company or even any sort of business.

As to the World Heavyweight Championship, I also agree that the title generally seemed to be reduced to the level of a mid-card title the past few years of its existence. I came to think of it as the "unofficial" upper mid-card title in the company, occupying the spot that traditionally belonged to the IC title. Probably the last time the WHC felt like it was a main event title, to me at least, was during Kane's last feud with The Undertaker back in 2010. After it ended, it's overall prestige definitely started to decline as it simply wasn't as made to feel like it was as big of a deal as it had been during the 2000s.

With the way things are structured now, I agree that Cody Rhodes won't be WWE World Heavyweight Champion anytime soon. There's a good possibility that he'll never make it there when you consider the talent coming up from NXT and the rise of certain guys like Bryan, Ambrose, Rollins & Reigns. At the same time, however, that's not to say that it can't happen. Cody Rhodes has been a consistently hard worker for WWE and a quality mid-card/tag team wrestler. He's also only 29 years old, so there's potentially a great deal of time left in his career in which it could happen; he's been in WWE for so long that we sometimes forget that he's still a very young guy. If it does happen, it won't be as Stardust because it's essentially a slight tweak on his brother's Goldust character. Nobody bought into Goldust as a main event threat during the 90s because of his generally freaky persona and it's doubtful that people will buy into Stardust. However, Stardust serves as an example of Cody Rhodes having a lot of personality. We saw that he had it during his "Dashing" persona and in the much darker persona when he donned his "protective mask."
I don't see what the problem is, there always needs to be a mid-card, some legends were perennial mid-carders. Cody Rhodes is in a great place, getting paid and being interesting. He is rest right where he is at, and can stay there for years. He is where JYD, Hacksaw, and many more had made perfectly respectable careers that way. Plus now with the merged titles, the IC strap and US strap have already been elevated, so he can Still be in the upper Mid card.
Cody dropped the ball? No WWE creative dropped the ball. The unification of the title fucked up everything. Cody should've come back on his own andtook the WHC from Sandow who would've been champion at the time. Don't give me that motherfucking bullshit. Cody gives his all in every match he has just like his father did. They need someone to break his face (the Wyatt's) so he can go back to the undashing Cody because he's a natural heel, not a face.
I'm REALLY split on the Stardust persona. It seems like it goes back and forth between amusing and annoying. What concerns me even more is that when these skits work, it seems to be Goldusts reactions to Stardust. During their first promo-interview, it was Goldust who made the audience laugh the hardest.

I think Cody is doing a fine job within the role, but I can see it getting old really quickly. Even now, the only notable attribute of Stardust is his wierdness and that doesn't really translate very well in wrestling. Goldust might have been strange, but his initial persona was also creepy. That does translate well.

I think Cody Rhodes could've been a main eventer if he was a heel. As a face, he's pretty bland. But you never know. I figured Roman Reigns would make a superb main eventer, but now I'm having second thoughts. You never know with wrestling.
I've seen enough of stardust, even if he looks evil with the red contacts and I can sense maybe a heel turn for that character, I'd much rather see him back as Cody Rhodes. He shines with every character they give him. He got a mustache over for crying out loud. He just needs the WWE to commit to him and not another IC title reign. Unfortunately he has to start back at square one, but I'd throw him in a feud with a heel Sheamus and go from there.

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