Goldust vs Cody Rhodes

Goldust v. Cody Rhodes??? Why in the blue hell would this ever happen? I still get a chuckle out of Goldust and he is in much better shape right now than he was as Black Reign in TNA, but he is way past his prime. Goldust is a lower mid card talent who has his spot solely for comedic relief or to be putting someone over. Cody has been in the main event scene, thanks to his role in Legacy, for months now. Having a fued with Goldust would be taking a huge step backwards for him.
hahahha Cody vs. Goldust??? Why??? Jobber vs. Jobber Cody who has everything to prove and absolutly NOTHING to gain in a win over Goldust. And Goldust with absolutly nothing to prove and definatly nothing to gain in a win over little Cody. Plus, there's pretty much no way anybody would ever let this happen because while it is brother/brother... it's even more worthless/worthless.
I don't honestly think Cody going against his older brother Dustin would be a step back. You just have to open your minds and allow yourself to see the situation in which it could help both individuals.

Yes, Cody has been in the Main Event scene since joining Legacy, but has Cody ever won a single's match against anyone meaningful - that anyone remembers? Not likely. He's never beat Batista, Triple H, or John Cena to my knowledge and those are the main three individuals he's faced in single's matches since joining Orton. He's one half of the "road block" that constantly gets ran through, on the face's way to the top heel.

If you want both Cody & Dustin to gain something from this - you need to set it up similar to this:

Have Orton begin to believe Cody is thinking about leaving Legacy. Have Dustin (not Goldust) begin to talk to Cody more, and attempt to set him right. Let Cody get into situations that put him at a disadvantage, in which Dustin comes to his aid.. and Orton does not. That will make people believe Cody could leave Orton, to join up with his brother.

At this point, you're at a crossroads. Have Cody begin a program with Orton, joining Dustin. Cody and Orton would feud, then afterwards Cody can go on his own - or team up with Dustin. OR, deepen the relationship between Cody & Orton, by having Cody befriend his brother, only to turn on him and beat him to a bloody pulp.

So How could this help them? You ask? Easy.. either direction will base an actual storyline AROUND Cody Rhodes, not just one that involves him as a stooge who gets his ass handed to him in Main Event type matches. As for Dustin, it makes him relevant again. If he's going to be around, then you might as well get one more good use out of him, right? Otherwise what's the point of him being there.
I think a Goldust/Cody fued would be a great way to get Cody over as a heel. Right now all he does is face the main eventers that Orton are going to wrestle at a PPV in a handicap or tag match. Him actually getting his own fued would be a great way to build heat for him. Goldust is a fan favourite and I think the majority of the audience know that they're related. Cody needs something to do as it seems like Ted is getting all the single matches.
I think a Goldust/Cody fued would be a great way to get Cody over as a heel. Right now all he does is face the main eventers that Orton are going to wrestle at a PPV in a handicap or tag match. Him actually getting his own fued would be a great way to build heat for him. Goldust is a fan favourite and I think the majority of the audience know that they're related. Cody needs something to do as it seems like Ted is getting all the single matches.

I see what you mean, but Goldust is just not the face to help him do that. Yes while Goldust might get a pop when he comes out from the crowd, it's more of a "we used to really like you, but we'll keep cheering for you because you never gave us a reason not to" pop. I don't believe it's genuine. It would be similar to having Cody go over on Hornswaggle. It just wouldn't work.

A start-up feud for Cody would need to be someone like Ricky Ortiz, Charlie Haas when he was doing his gimmicks gimmick, someone like that. A face, but not a huge fan-favorite face. More like a face/constant jobber. Santino is even too high on the list for this. You need to spoon feed Funaki to Cody or something.

This Legacy thing is awful right now. I thought it was awful 4 months ago because they just don't do anything and nothing has changed. I thought that it might after WM but it's been almost 2 months, and still hasn't done a thing. If Cody and Ted could have even had a year of solid singles experience and a year under their belts having some good matches, THAT would be the time form Legacy. I still don't think the way Cody turned heel was effective either. He turned on his partner while yes that is an easy way to do it, the fans still didn't care enough about Cody himself to really care about that turn that much. I'm not saying Cody isn't a hard worker because I've heard nothing but great things about Cody, but Cody was accepted by the fans at first because he was Dusty's boy...not because Cody was anything special. He needed to be built a little more before he turned heel. Then with Legacy, Ted and Cody could have been built up over the next year/year and a half to even see them in the IC Title/Tag Team/US Title picture. Maybe not quite winning those mid-card titles, but definately competing for them. They jumped the gun really bad with Legacy and in turn, it makes Cody and Ted look worthless and weak.
All I know is the worst thing the WWE could possibly do would be to put them in a tag team together, which I'm thinking will be probably exactly what they'll do once Legacy is done. For the meantime I'm all for seeing Cody and Ted doing something as a tag team, maybe even tag champs? It would give them a bit of credibility at least, they'd be doing something other than taking beatings for Orton week in week out. I'm thinking how they did it in Evolution when Batista and Flair were tag champs for a while.
Goldust is a perfect example of why I hate the PG rating of WWE now. He was *gold* (pardon the pun) a decade ago. He was a perfect pyschotic, creepy heel. And Dustin still has the talent to play this role still. Unfortunately, Goldust cant be the character of old thanks to the "kid friendly" vibe the WWE is now implying.

I miss the Shattered Dreams :(

I agree completely, Goldust was a very convincing and talented heel back in the mid 90's, they built him up quite far in 96 until he was knocked back by Michaels. The worst thing the WWE ever did to Rhodes was have him job to Ahmed Johnson at King of the Ring and quite frankly he never really recovered from that (depite his world title shots coming after he lost the IC belt)

I also think he really lost out when he turned face in 97 and stayed that way pretty much ever since. The crowd really warmed to the gimmick esp after he feuded with Helmsley, but I'm not sure being a face really suited his character.

For the last ten years his ring work has been repetitive and predicable and this was never the case in 96 when he showed his full repetoire of moves and varied the pace throughout. Unfortunately he has been a laughing stock for years now. It's just a shame the WWE didn't use him better.

A feud with Cody seems unlikely and it would do nothing for Cody even if he won clean twice in a row. Dustin Runnels is one of my fave wrestlers but i think his time has passed unless they can do a radical overhaul of the Goldust gimmick and make people take him seriously again.
I think it will happen eventually! It will get to the point where no one will care to see legacy anymore.... and thats when the Rhodes feud will happen!

Dusty will probably be special guest ref for the match!

But after that goldust is probably going to get his Future endevors...
But that is probably a back up plan!

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