Is it a good thing that WWE is hiring the kids of their former legends


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I've noticed a trend lately WWE is hiring a lot of their former legends kids. Also there has been talk on this forum of wanting the WWE to hire more 2nd and 3rd gen stars. So my question is it a good thing for the WWE to hire stars with a legacy or someone like CM punk who is a first gen, also is it better for the wrestler to have a legacy?

personally, I could go either way on this for the creative team it's easier for them because they can just slap the 2nd gen. star with a similar gimimick as there father. Also they can use there father to help get there kids over like how cowboy bob did for randy orton. For a first gen they don't have these advantages they would have to be creative with him but you could have your hands on the next hulk hogan.

For the wrestler i think it's bad. They're is a good chance that they won't be as good as their fathers and will that will tarnish their entire careers.
Well i think its good both ways you see im not saying they should hire everysingle 2n to 3rd generation star on the indy circuit but they should sign the ones that have talent and let them develope on ecw to become major stars being drafted and trying to start there own legacy instead of liveing off of your fathers as the first genreation gose that should sign some of them to like davey richards jimmy jacob tyler black etc. let them start there own legacys that way they will be remeber and down the line they will be legdends
if they keep bringin in second generation stars chances are in 10-20 yrs they will be out of talent. its always good to see someone fresh and new who doesent have a famous father
I think that WWE should do exactly what they are doing, and hiring the most talented guys that they can. Sure, second gen guys may have an easier time getting in the door, but once they are on TV, it doesn't matter.

For every Rhodes and DiBiase, there is an Evan Bourne, a Jack Swagger, or a Kofi Kingston as well. The 2nd gen guys are getting a bit of a push right now, however, the other guys mentioned, including Punk, have had gold, or been in high profile matches over the last year.

Point being, the WWE has hired many young stars to start preparing for the day that HBK, Taker, and HHH are all gone. If they can replace those three with any of the young guys they have, then they have done themselves a service. The second gen guys are the ones in our faces right now, however, there are many young guys vying for the affection of the fans and the attention of the cameras.
I'm also on the fence concerning this subject. Hiring second or third generation wrestlers is a good idea in the sense that there will never be a shortage of talent in WWE. But I also think that they should hire new first generation guys that have loads of talent and potential. So in all honesty, I think that second or third gen stars are a good idea.
I think that it is a good thing that they are bring in all these 2nd and 3rd generation stars but not all of them.. WWE can tell which ones have talent and which ones don't which are why some are on the indy circuit but I do like that they are there its like passing of the torch in a sense its awesome. But also the other superstars like kofi kingston, swagger, punk etc they are awesome Im enjoying the new wave of telent in the WWE.. they should totally bring in petey williams hes awesome and given right gimmick and push could be a superstar.
I don't see how it could be a bad idea. It's proven to work in the past, and is as safe of a bet for the future as they can find. By signing the son of a former great, they're ensuring that they will get a reaction, whether it be bad or good.

They'll continue to sign 2nd and 3rd generation talent, because it hasn't proven to be a problem yet. If guys like The Rock or Randy Orton were busts, we probably wouldn't see Ted DiBiase Jr, Cody Rhodes, Dustin Rhodes, or Tyson Kidd right now. By growing up in the business, these guys have a passion for it, and it has shown in their time in the WWE so far.
It's a great thing that they hire second and third generation guys. These guys have been around the business their entire lives and they know the work ethic it takes to succeed. A lot of great wrestlers have been second or third generation guys, including The Rock and Randy Orton. Although it seems right now that every new guy coming in has a famous father, there are just as many new guys that don't.
IMO, I don't think it's really about the guy being Second gen or not. I think it has to do with the most talent available. Obviously the second gen guys are gonna have more knowledge and natural ability just because of their blood and the ability to have their fathers train them but I think if a first gen guy trains hard enough they deserve the success as well. Either way it doesn't bother me.
there are cases when it does work and there are cases where id doesnt so the wwe has to concentrate on signing wrestlers with talent and not just with famous fathers.
for example Hulk Hogan,Stone Cold Steve Austin, Triple H, the Undertaker are all 1st generation wrestlers who will go down in history as some of the best in history. at the same time you have Bret Hart, The Rock, randy orton, all of them also belong to the greatest ever list and are part of some os wrestlings greatest families.
There should be a sign in WWE,a variation of the old MaD phrase, You dont have to ( have a ,Dad ,who was gubbed by Hulk Hogan) to work here,but it helps.
The day had to come with so many LegendS of ECW/WCW & WWF about , an abundunce of Kids of,,was bound to happen sooner or later.Remember The Rock (son of Johnson & half of Samoa) took up wrestling after a so so career as a footballer (at the time,didnt they AlL!) The bottom line is.Your dad might get you in the door if Vince kinda liked HiM for business reasons.But unless your dad is Mr H,if you suck,you aint staying long!
I had to add this but,Manu,case in point?
They need to be like the Rock, use their fathers name to get in the door then carve a niche for themselves. If they keep living off their parents name then no it's stupid.
there are cases when it does work and there are cases where id doesnt so the wwe has to concentrate on signing wrestlers with talent and not just with famous fathers.
for example Hulk Hogan,Stone Cold Steve Austin, Triple H, the Undertaker are all 1st generation wrestlers who will go down in history as some of the best in history. at the same time you have Bret Hart, The Rock, randy orton, all of them also belong to the greatest ever list and are part of some os wrestlings greatest families.


They have been signing 2nd or 3rd generation talent for a while. Eddie Guerrero and Bret "Hitman" Hart had their fathers and families in the business.
It's the easy way out. You don't even need a creative team when you have that. It's good here and there, but now WWE has ruined it. Bret Hart and The Rock* never beat their heritage to the ground, and Orton has even moved away from that. Every time I hear people mention their a second generation guy they lose credibility to me. It's a politics game. It's a way to hang on to the "good ol' days" and keep the older fans watching, while at the same time introducing new guys, who if they didn't have the lineage probably wouldn't be there anyway.

*The Rock did in the beginning, but didn't take off because of his heritage. It was actually when he moved away from that that he became "The Rock"
I don't think it matters if they're second generation or not, that won't be the thing that helps them make it in the buisness. Look at Harry Smith, it's only a matter of time before WWE sacks him. He's never even used on tv! I do think it's a good idea for the Legacy faction though, but I'm glad Manu was taken out of it because he didn't really fit IMO. I'd like to see Carlito and Primo added to that faction, maybe after the draft..?
i guess it really all depends..for the wrestler it could be the case where the shoes are too big to fill and you're left with dissappointment and frustration when expectaions aren't met. but it could work.... depending on who you're father of mother is ofcourse. case in point, RANDY ORTON, his father, not really a legend, but was around for some memorable feuds none of which were his. so randy works because he is better than his dad by a lot. NOW, TED DIBIASE, no too sure about. to me he either has to stick to the priceless gimmick or not. his tron still has the money signs falling from the sky but he doesn't get enough mike time to use querky priceless humor. if he is gonna stick to it he should dress like his dad with the $ on his trunks. CODY RHODES is on his own at this point but a feud with goldust could be great. cody ashamed of him goldust smack the shit outta him sets up a match on a ppv...DUSTY hits cody with a bionic elbow thus, reuniting dustin and dusty..emotional i know..but the one guy who i think could fill his dad shoes with out disappointment, JOE HENNIG..i see this guy as a true testament to his dad. and could be very important to the ic title picture, it could be his obsession like it was his dads..
It's like with movie remakes. A lot of people learn of a remake and say "it will never be like the original." While I understand why comparisons will be made if the remake is viewed as using the original as a basis but seen in it's own right and not as an attempt at duplication, then it can have success in it's own right. That can apply to wrestlers because the children shouldn't be expected to duplicate the success or lack of success of their parent rather should be viewed for what they end up doing or being allowed to do.
What I like about second generation superstars (and 3rd/4th etc.) is that if they come into the WWE, they feel like they have to perform. Either they will say my Dad is this guy, he was a legend, I'm going to do his name proud, or they just don't bother advertising the fact and still do well. On the roster, I think maybe the Colons would be the worst of the next gen superstars.

What is important though, is that these Superstars break in themselves, whilst their fathers may open the door, they have too walk through. Hopefully WWE will just judge on great talent alone, and not neglect someone because his father is called Joe and is a plumber.
It has its pros and cons like everything else does. Take Sim Snuka for example. The guy is terrible. Why should anyone care about him? The only thing that he's got going for him is his heritage. He's the poster boy for the downside of this new generation of wrestlers. Sure, some of them will be awesome. Others will just be worthless. It's good because you know these people were brought up around the business so they have an appreciation for it, but that doesn't always translate into talent.
As see it as this. They 2nd generation(or 3rd)might get hired because of who their family is, but it takes actual talent and crowd support to be able to stay sucessful. Guys like Manu, DH, Sim, and others couldn't survive on their name alone and they failed.

Guys like Orton, Rhodes, Dibiase, Colons, ect were all able to stay sucessful without their famous fathers. It makes sence to hire 2nd generation stars not only as a a favor to their famous parents but because they already have an idea of what the business is like. But in the end you can only suceed because of your name for so long before you actually have to show your talent.
My opinion is if they r good who cares who their dad is? I mean it never hurts to hav ur dad bein a legend but i dont think it makes that big of a difference
Vince has been hurt so many times in the past by non-wrestling guys like Luger, Goldberg, Sid Justice and so on. It's a very good idea to sign talent that understands the business and knows that wrestling is about more than just stardom.

This doesn't change the fact that I HATE the current product and think that all of these guys from Orton to DiBiase jr. are being made to look extremely bland. But still, it's a good idea in principle.
Personally i could honestly care less if a wrestler is 1st 2nd or 3rd generation. Because IMO it really doesn't matter. Not everybody that comes from a famous family is good (Shout out to Manu!) Besides most of the time these "offspring" rarely amount to the Superstar status of their fathers (Goldust, Chavo ) with only Two real exceptions to the rule (The Rock and Randy Orton)

I think WWE should continue to hire the best of the new class of wrestlers wether or not they have a famous family because for every member of a "legacy" you have a fresh face blazing a trail of their own

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