Is Eli Manning an elite quarterback?

Is Eli Manning an Elite Quarterback?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Too soon to tell

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Pre-Show Stalwart
For those who don't know, at the beginning of the NFL season, Eli Manning was interviewed and was asked if he believed he was an elite QB and in the same class as someone like Tom Brady, and he said he was. A season later, Eli has broken the record for most TD passes in the 4th quarter (15, Johnny Unitas and Peyton Manning being second with 14,) threw for almost 5000 yards, has been the MVP of his team, and has lead them to the NFC Championship.

I am a New York Giants fan, so I am bias, and I have never questioned whether or not Eli was "Eli"te. I always knew he could be and I think he cemented that position in 2008 when he defeated the undefeated Patriots, after winning 3 road playoff games against a resurgent Jeff Garcia, Tony Romo in Dallas, and Brett Favre in the frozen tundra that is Lambeua field.

Now this past week, Eli lead his Giants to victory against the defending Superbowl champions and 15-1 Greenbay Packers at Lambeua Fiel, once again, yet it seems, people still don't take Eli seriously as being an elite QB in the NFL. The guy has proven time and time again that he is as clutch as they come and like his brother, his team could not win without him.

Whereas we've seen Matt Cassel take over for Tom Brady for a season and go 11-5 in 2008 and Matt Flynn substitute for Aaron Rodgers for one game against a playoff team and throw 6 tds along with 488 yds and get the win.
Eli is so durable, that we've never seen a back up QB take over for him, but if we did, I doubt they would have the same results. Eli is currently working with a lot of young guys and he's helped to turn them into superstars. He did the same thing for Steve Smith, whose now in Philly and made little impact there. Same goes for TE Kevin Boss.

Eli is like his brother in that he can make his receivers look a lot better then they actually are and that might not be the only reason, but it's one of the many reasons why Eli should be considered one of the elite QB's in the NFL.

Your thoughts?
Eli is damn sure not an elite QB... he is possibly one of the LUCKIEST Qbs on the face of this earth and one of the biggest bitches too... First off, I have ZERO respect for the way he got himself into NY by refusing to play for SD, what rookie does that? That was a bitch move right there... As for him being lucky? Come on now.. he had receiver who made unreal catches and that is why is on the verge to passing his brother on Superbowls and being one away from Tom Brady... Plaxico made crazy catches that whole year and then Tyree made the luckiest catch of all time... And this year? If that sorry piece of SHIT Kyle Williams hadn't gave away the game, FUCK!, then he wouldn't have even got past us, but instead he gets himself into another SB... hell, even the GB game would have been different if they didn't lose their OC... he's caught all the right breaks, and is now playing for his second SB ring... I won't say that he sucks, but he's damn sure not on the level of his brother (who i hate but can't deny his greatness), brady, rodgers or brees. He belongs on that second tier with guys like Rivers, Ben, Cutler, etc. and above guys like Campbell, Palmer, Schaub, etc.
I don't think Eli is all. The guy has talent, I won't knock him for that, but he's getting far too much credit.

Regular Season, I define Elite as throwing for a certain amount of yards and making your team consistent. Unlike Brees, Peyton, Brady, & Rodgers, Eli is too inconsistent. For god sakes, his team was swept by The Redskins, lost to the Seahawks, and lost to the Vince Young led Eagles. The man's team lost 5 straight I think. When his defense is nowhere to be found, we see the real Eli come out.

As far as the playoffs go, he's gotten WAY too much credit for this post season. The Giants D has been lights out. It's easy to play well when your Defense plays even better and you don't have to bail them out by scoring every drive. Even in 2008, the defense had Brady on the turf almost every snap. A fluke play is the difference in conversation here. If Tyree doesn't make the catch, we don't have this conversation.

And with the Eli is better than Peyton debate.....please stop.

Eli is just too incosistent to be Elite. If his Team made the playoffs more often, I'd say he was. I dare say, I'd put Rivers over Eli. How many years in a row have The Chargers won that division and Rivers threw for a ton of yards?
Eli is a very good QB and still has time to be one of the greats but he still has a way to go. Of the current crop of guys you have Brady, Brees, big brother and Rodgers (could be knocked down from here since he has a lot more of a career ahead of him). Eli stands with Big Ben alone in the second tier (maybe Vick if he could win more and stay healthy and free). Rivers and Cutler are not in the second tier.

To me though the best mark of a good QB is making their WRs look better. Eli is doing this just not as well as a few other guys.

If you get a chance read up on the type of passing offense the Giants run under Gilbride. It is a very receiver fun offense where the receiver get to choose their route mid-play based on their read of the defense (kind of like we played in the back yard as kids). Between getting a read of the defense and then guessing at the pattern his receivers will run Eli has one of the more challenging jobs as a QB.
Right now, the's front page has an article up called ...

The Quarterback Conundrum
Do elite QBs make teams contenders or does competing for a title make QBs elite?

The four QBs whose pictures are shown are Rodgers, Brees, Tom Brady and Eli Manning.

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