Is Big Cass/Colin Cassidy destined for greatness?


Championship Contender
We're all aware that super big men in professional wrestling aren't exactly world championship materials, or long-term main eventers, on account of their sheer stature/size which makes it quite an impediment for them to be superb athletes(with the exception of The Undertaker, of course). More often than not, they're side/special attractions such as The Big Show, or great workers like Kane, or simply not-so-athletic-or-special wrestlers like Kevin Nash.

Sure, there have been really successful "big men" in the WWE like The Undertaker, but even Taker was never really the #1 guy/world champion for very long- that role always having been left for the Austins, Rocks, Randy Ortons and John Cenas. And for every awesome Undertaker, there are half a dozen Heidenreichs, Snitskys, and such.

With all that said, by greatness here, I mean something like world championship reign or two for Big Cass, in the distant future at that.

What I feel/think about Big Cass is that he's pretty unusual for a Big Guy in that he seems to be so confident on the mic, has quite a personality to him(unlike most 7 footers) and resembles Edge. YES. Big Cass looks so much like Edge, only taller and bigger of course.

Even though I've only seen him for the last couple of weeks, he has been very impressive on the mic, almost as if he has been doing the talking for YEARS, whereas so many other wrestlers on the roster have been there for years and yet lack the level of conviction, fluency, and dynamism to them when they speak on the mic.

So we have a taller stronger version of Edge, is charismatic to an extent, and pretty good on the mic. The only thing we don't know right now is his ability to put on good matches as a singles wrestler. But even considering just his size, mic skills, look,etc. I feel like he COULD be destined for greatness in the WWE and enjoy a world title reign or two within the next 5 years.

Your thoughts?
In my opinion it would be a horrible shame to break up him and Enzo. Very good tag team and are very over with the crowd.

There seems to be a huge desire to break up tag teams at some point. Keep him with Enzo
Big Cass is the prototypical big man who gets some early pop from the fans and is given an abrupt rocket push to the top, and subsequently crammed down the fans throats. And then the powers that be are shocked when the fans start to boo or simply get bored with him.

Roman Reigns, Sheamus, Ryback, Alberto Del Rio, and Big E know what I'm talking about.
I think he's been around for a few weeks mostly playing second fiddle to his overly charismatic partner. Last night he played second fiddle to his overly charismatic enemy in Jericho.

But if we are going to make sweeping observations based on a minute sample set and preconceived notions I will emphatically state that Cass is not sniffing greatness or the title. He is the definition of stiff on the mic. I don't know if that is just his commitment to the character and he has more range or whether or not he really is that stiff and limited but he totally comes off as out of his league. His look checks some boxes but overall resembles a Picasso. He has bitch tits. His hair is thin. His head seems too small for his body. He's not that defined. His eyes make me think he was the one with the concussion and they have bags beneath them that really need to get flushed out.

But who knows? He has some catchy catch phrases, he's tall, I really haven't seen him perform much, Vince is giving him the "New Era" repeated mantle, and his rat terrier will come back eventually to help carry his weaknesses. Maybe WWE will give him a big push at some point.
I think it's safe to say that, if not for Enzo's injury, Cass would have been the background guy and Enzo would have been the guy on the mic.

So, the opportunity for Cass to go for it on his own while Enzo recovers, helps them both.

Cass gets to make his bones as a frontrunner and Enzo will come back more popular than ever having earned his bones via the injury.

This sets them up for a decent run as the top tag team...and they are guaranteed to be champions.
But it also bodes well for the long term when they eventually are given the opportunity to move onto singles paths.

The only thing I hope is that WWE doesn't hotshot the breakup. Give them at least a year or two in the tag division without even a hint of animosity. Let them cement their personas and their futures.

Then, and only then, break them up.
I am not a Huge fan of NXT, So I catch a show or two here and there. I still remember the first time I was Cass on NXT with Enzo and I was thinking...yeah this won't cut it. Then I caught a few more shows and the mind began seeing the future....a rop knock out and...ahahaha just kidding. Enzo has the serious mic skills and a big body guard, much like Shawn Michaels and Diesel all those years ago.

But in the last two weeks seeing Cass alone has really sparked the respect of the big man. He stood there listening to Jericho and just put his hand on the mic and slowly lowered it from chris' face was truly epic. The party here all just looked at each other and OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO filled the house, it was great.

Cass has it, cass has the size, if Vince doesn't get stupid Cass can be the next big man to rule the roost.
First of I think he looks like Edge every time I see him!

But to the main topic, I think Cass can be a legit main event player in the future if he improves the way he has ober the last year or two. I also think he makes other talents look quite small and tbh, if the current crop of NXt talent is any indication, they will be pretty small.

The problem I see with him is that he just looks really skinny. He needs to put on some more muscle mass to look more intimidating. This might limit his work to some extent but I think it will work for him in the right way.

Potentially a future world champion.
I don't expect his run to go any further than Test, which is who he really reminds me of.

I don't like his "accent" when he talks on a mic, the slow jersey I guess? Accent, I've seen him talk out of character, and it seems a lot better.

I think Enzo steals the spotlight from him on his return and Cass stays as #2. I don't even want to really speculate when his singles career starts, because it may already be in motion, but I see Enzo dwarfing him (pun intended?), because Enzo has the most charisma of anyone I've seen in a very long time.
It's early, extremely early, to be looking at Big Cass as a main event level guy. However, I have found myself considering the possibilities and I have found myself thinking "If Vince wants a big guy who can talk, has a good look and can move well inside the ring to be a major player, why not keep an eye on this guy and see what happens?"

Enzo is the more overall charismatic of the two, but that's not to say that Cass doesn't have a lot of charisma in his own right, I just can't agree with the negative comments as I've been consistently entertained by him. In terms of mic work, personality and charisma, the guy's light years beyond Roman Reigns and that's just simply how it is. However, what I need to see more of is Cass involved in singles matches of significant length to get a better idea of what he's capable of. He's big, strong and he SEEMS pretty athletic for a guy his size but, as I said, I need to see more before I can really get in on what he brings to the table inside the ring.
Not sure on him his promo on raw was terrible the way he was talking you could tell it was scripted sounded so fake he shoulda just brought out the sheet of paper the promo was on and read it out.
WWE knows what they have in Enzo & Cass. Cass was given a taste of the brass ring and passed w/flying colors. In fact it's sad when a guy fresh out of Nxt has more charisma and belief in his character than your current WWE WHC whose character comes off as forced and boring. I think good ol'JR hit the bullseye months ago. Let Roman become the heel character that he's comfortable with and all will fall into place. They tried the same crap with Diesel in 1994 and HBK in 1996.
Obviously it's too early to tell for sure... but if we're giving our two cents here... my answer is no.

All they're doing with Cass is keeping the team relevant by keeping him on TV. This isn't any type of "test run" for Cass. They're just giving him other things to do rather than just pair him up with New Day or someone else random. It also gives him time to be on the mic by himself which he needs. He's pretty mechanical on the stick. Pretty generic. Nothing special right now. But he can develop. It does give WWE a couple weeks just to see how Cass is on his own. When I say it's not a test run, I mean I really doubt they already have a plan in place for when they break up Enzo and Cass. There's just no sense in letting Cass sit around and do nothing. Let him benefit.
I don't understand.. in NXT Cass promos and segments were great. It sounds like someone told him to lose the accent and talk veeeerrrry killed his charisma. Let him do what he was doing acting a bit more like a meathead. Right now, the cass on raw is fugazi
I don't understand.. in NXT Cass promos and segments were great. It sounds like someone told him to lose the accent and talk veeeerrrry killed his charisma. Let him do what he was doing acting a bit more like a meathead. Right now, the cass on raw is fugazi

You're pretty much spot on here. I've seen him in NXT a few times and he seemed much more comfortable, especially backstage. I suspect the problem though will always be that his partner is frankly amazing on mic and will always take the lead when it comes to talking.
Do I see him as a future champion? It's not impossible I guess, but he needs to fill out. He's a tall guy but he's not a big guy. My money is still on Enzo getting there first.
I also think that it's too early to tell, but just the fact that he was allowed to go out there and take on Jericho this week says a lot about the faith they have in him. He didn't do a bad job either. Jericho is a master on the mic, and while Cass isn't up to his level he didn't let the team down.

I would leave him with Enzo, who is probably the most charismatic guy on the roster today, no one can touch him. He talks the talk and he walks the walk, and like someone else said really both of them believe in who they are and what their saying. Unlike the WHC champ who pales in comparison. Embarrassing that they are fresh out of development and Reigns is what 3-4 years on the main roster now.

I'm sure we'll see more of Cass and while Enzo is out this is the time for him to make hay while the sun shines. If his start this week is any indication he's off and running.

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