Who's Better: Enzo Amore or Big Cass?

Hard Hit Prince

Not really working as a
It seems that WWE is hell-bent on pushing Big Cass due to his size and presence. Recent reports state that officials see a lot of money in him and they are going as far as building him up for a match against Brock Lesnar in a distant future. As always, this is a lot of internet speculation more so than any fact, but at least for me, Big Cass is very generic.

He's tall, he has a mean boot but that's it. He does have that nice guy look and it's working wonders for him as people are reacting to him. However, I feel sorry for Enzo Amore, mainly because out of the two, he's the one who actually has a different character and a unique style to him. Also, the same way you can build a powerhouse and make money, there's also a big deal on building an underdog (who doesn't like and relate to those stories?). He's getting sidelined over a guy that is tall. In-ring wise, both of them are very generic and don't have a lot more than a few moves and sequences to show, but Amore seems to be a better worker overall.

He has the promo ability. He's unique in his delivery. He's responsible for getting those catchphrases over and to an extent the whole team. I am happy that they at least give him good material in his promos, instead of making him a comedy act. He genuinely never backs down from a fight, in fact his character seems to be a lot closer to Ambrose's in a way that he's crazy enough to be in the ring against someone like Brock Lesnar even though he probably knows he has no chance in hell.

I feel that sooner or later they will break Enzo and Cass and give Enzo an heel run and if that happens, I can easily see the Jersey boy getting more popular than the New Yorker. All in all just to say that I am not sold on Cass, but I am on Enzo... Thoughts.
Personally I feel like they each make the other better. God forbid WWE splits them up prematurely. Neither is ready for a singles run. Hopefully the E does the right thing and waits until they're both ready to fly solo. But if I was picking one over the other today I'd probably say I prefer Enzo. He's small but I think he's more well rounded and has a more natural charisma. Cass still seems just a tad bit uncomfortable in the spotlight. There are times where he talks and he looks like he's still back in promo class at the PC hoping the agents give him good marks when he walks back through the curtain. Enzo just oozes confidence. I doubt he's ever second guessed a single thing he's ever said on the mic.
Enzo is golden on the mic. That's where the talent is for both men.....Enzo's great mic work. Both are default in the ring and are borderline boring to be honest. Big Cass's throw of Enzo over the ropes to the outside taking out their opponents is their one big move that stands out. The special splash or rocket launcher thing looks weak, Empire Elbow....is just a jumping elbow drop.

So going back over the whole package of both wrestlers, Enzo's mic work beats everything else.
Neither one is anything special. Enzo is the most annoying mic worker I've ever heard, who just goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on for ten hours before the match. Big Cass is just another generic big guy. He can barely work a match, can't talk worth a dime, and has the charisma of cardboard. He's like a taller, blander Edge, without one thousandth the charisma or ring presence.

Separately, they're terrible. Together, they're mediocre. The only reason they're getting such a massive push is the NXT bias. Everyone from NXT or who recently came up from there is blindly loved by enough of the audience that the sheep go along with it and cheer them wildly, while booing EVERYONE else.
Enzo's trash talking and unique character carry the team.

Big Cass on the mic is painful to me, he talks on the mic way worse than he talks in personal interviews. I think he's above average for a big man in the ring, but I don't think he'd have much charisma solo.

Enzo's Wrestling is nothing special technical wise. He does work the crowd great though. I feel like he lives his character, which is the biggest thing to get over as a charismatic babyface.

I think if they do end up splitting, Enzo will hover around the midcard, and Cass will touch the ME but ultimately get lost from his lacking charisma, in and out of the ring.

I feel like Enzo is the most interesting "Human"(No supernatural, like Undertaker or the Wyatts.) character we've had in a long time, and the man behind the character fits it like a glove.
I agree with the notion that for right now Enzo and Cass bring out the best in each other and are better off as a tag team. It would be an absolute travesty if they never put the strap on them before breaking up; while they play great underdogs I think the most over acts need to be rewarded with championships and they are clearly the 2nd most over tag team in WWE.

As for who's better, there was literally a thread 2 weeks ago and I actually put Carmella down as the most well-rounded, then Big Cass then Enzo. Enzo without question is the best talker of the 3, he arguably is the best in the whole company but I honestly don't think Cass and Carmella are that far behind. I will agree that sometimes Cass' delivery sounds like he is reading directly off of cue cards but he never lacks confidence and does have legitimate fire in the ring. I don't think Enzo has any talent in the ring beyond getting beaten up for 77% of a tag team match or getting inadvertently knocked out, whereas Cass and Carmella both have showed solid fluidity and psychology in the squared circle.

It's not by much, but for right now Cass is better all-around than Enzo. Hopefully they both continue to improve, and I hope they get to wear some gold before the powers that be split them up.
Neither one is anything special. Enzo is the most annoying mic worker I've ever heard, who just goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on for ten hours before the match. Big Cass is just another generic big guy. He can barely work a match, can't talk worth a dime, and has the charisma of cardboard. He's like a taller, blander Edge, without one thousandth the charisma or ring presence.

Separately, they're terrible. Together, they're mediocre. The only reason they're getting such a massive push is the NXT bias. Everyone from NXT or who recently came up from there is blindly loved by enough of the audience that the sheep go along with it and cheer them wildly, while booing EVERYONE else.

I don't think it's NXT bias at all seeing as how myself and a number of my friends never, ever watch NXT and love the 2 of them. Legit look forward to what Enzo is going to say every week on RAW.

Neither is great in the ring, but they don't have to be. They're entertaining enough.

As for the OP and other comments here... I think splitting them up would be career suicide for both guys. Of course, they probably can't stay a tag team forever but breaking them up anytime soon is a bad idea.
I have to go with the consensus in that they bring out the best in each other right now.

Enzo is highly entertaining on the mic in an over the top way, which works well for him because he needs to be outlandish to help him stand out. His biggest weakness is that he's not all that good inside the ring and that's been pretty obvious even from his days in NXT. I always thought he had the chops to be a great talker, a highly credible mouthpiece for someone, but I was never all that high on his in-ring ability.

Big Cass plays off Enzo well and if they ever split them up, which doesn't need to be anytime soon, I think the best route to go would be to abandon the whole New York palooka persona because he's capable of having much more depth on the mic and he'd need to if he was on his own.

There have been reports that many people, both wrestlers and company officials, are really high on Big Cass and that they see money in the guy. Compared with Enzo, I do think there's more of an upside to Cass from an overall perspective. Cass is a big guy, but he has a very natural look to him. He's genuinely around 7'0" and fairly close to 300 lbs. and his body's natural structure makes him look much more "natural" than most big guys. He's in shape, but he doesn't have the bodybuilder or powerlifter type physique of guys like Lesnar, Batista, Ryback or Strowman. He moves pretty well for a big guy but, like Enzo, I haven't seen anything particularly special from Cass inside the ring though, to be fair, we haven't seen too much of Cass in lengthy matches as he's usually booked as the closer of his team. However, as far as guys ****e 250 lbs. and over, he's probably one of the worst inside the ring based on what we've been able to see of him thus far as Owens, Wyatt, Harper, Cena, Big E., Rusev & Kane are just better.

But yeah, I think it'd be a lousy decision to split them up anytime soon. Fans are digging their schtick, they're selling a lot of merchandise and fans are invested in them as a team, so I say stick with it for a while.
Big Cass by a mile for mine.

I find Enzo Amore annoying. He is too over-the-top with his promos, and the fans who all chant like sheep doesn't help things.

However, Enzo does have some upside. I can see him competing for the IC or U.S. Title, and possibly even winning one of them.

Big Cass is one of the more impressive big men I have seen. He has stickwork, he is 7 feet tall and he is agile. I can see him eventually being WWE World Champion, or Universal Champion.
For me, It's Big Cass with a landslide.

As I have said before, I find Cass better on mic than Enzo unlike others. His singles run while Enzo was injured impressed me a lot. About in-ring work, I am again leaning towards Cass. Enzo is good too but I find Cass much better and therefore prefer him over Enzo.

Still Enzo/Cass shouldn't split anytime soon atleast until Summerslam 2017. These two deserve title victories as a tag team which they couldn't in NxT
Neither one is anything special. Enzo is the most annoying mic worker I've ever heard, who just goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on for ten hours before the match. Big Cass is just another generic big guy. He can barely work a match, can't talk worth a dime, and has the charisma of cardboard. He's like a taller, blander Edge, without one thousandth the charisma or ring presence.

Separately, they're terrible. Together, they're mediocre. The only reason they're getting such a massive push is the NXT bias. Everyone from NXT or who recently came up from there is blindly loved by enough of the audience that the sheep go along with it and cheer them wildly, while booing EVERYONE else.

THIS!!!!!!!!! There is nothing special about Enzo or Cass. Enzo loses every singles match he's in. He's annoying as hell on the mike, goofy, and ugly as sin to boot. He's crossed eyed and looks like a mutt on crack. Like who takes a 4 foot hobbit that tries to trash talk seriously?

Now watch I get an infraction for my comments. I often wonder if Vince has pull here? You damn sure can't say anything negative about the WWE without getting a warning or infraction. It's pretty sad to be honest.
With the size advantage, Big Cass is clearly the one with a better chance of going higher up on the card, especially since Enzo isn't really anything special in the ring. Enzo is brilliant on the mic, lMO, and Big Cass seems to hold his own as well.

That said; I really feel the WWE are squandering them atm by not having them in a proper tag team feud, rather they have paired them against two very popular heels in JeriKO, and it has clearly seen them become a pure after-thought since Battleground.
This is a "white" version of the New Day where as you had two guys who were probably struggling on their own getting put together. Guess what? Lightning in a bottle. They play off each other to make it work. Enzo is a great talker (how you doin?), He makes you WANT to watch (How you doin?). And, Enzo has charisma in spades. Enzo brings out the best in Cass. Cass is the better worker, and compliments Enzo as the straight man. Personally, they are of FAR better use as a tag team. Split them up, Enzo gets Santino'd and Big Cass winds up mid-card at best. They could tag for years and print money.

And, if you are not down with that, there will be only ONE word to describe you, and I will spell it out for ya: S-A-W-F-T, SAWWWWWWWFT!
Enzo has to get better in the ring to even be in the same conversation. Yeah Cass is no in ring technician himself but he's 7 feet tall...almost. Being big gets you A long way in the industry whether you are very skilled or not, and a lot of times in the past even if you could work you would be told "tone it down and don't bump so much because you're huge, you don't have to work like that".
I'm not a fan of Enzo personally but I understand why he's over. I find him annoying but he does have a decent delivery and cadence in his promos. On top of that he's got catchphrases a plenty and we know how the marks love to sing along and be part of the show. That being said if he doesn't get better in the ring, he is basically Oscar from Men on a Mission aka hype man. I think the smart thing to do is keep them together but have Enzo as a manager if and when they choose to push Cass.
I really don't think you can compare the two. Cass is almost 7 feet tall, Enzo is head and shoulders above him on the mic. Cass brings it in the ring, Enzo is there to be launched into other people. In other words they both bring something to the table and it works.

Can't really say one is better than the other, because they are so different. I like both of them and hope they stay together for awhile. What I can say though, is I don't think either of them would work if paired up with other partners. The chemistry between the pair works and why fix what isn't broken.
it's way to early to tell.

They complement each other so much it's like asking which side of a penny is better, heads or tails.

Enzo is awesome on the mic and is no slouch in the ring While Cass is awesome in the ring and no slouch on the mic.

Maybe after a few years one will stand out more than the other but right now they are dead even in my eyes.
They are truly two completely different entertainers.

Enzo is the small guy with a big mouth who can talk on the mic with anyone. Cass is the big guy (7 foot tall and you can't..teach..that) who is ok on the mic.

In the end, Cass will be the star of the team when they eventually split. I can see Enzo taking part in the cruiserweight division however. He's small enough to compete in the division and would be someone who can carry some promos if needed.

Cassidy will be a top star in the future, but I think he has a ways to go before that happens. I can see a US Title run before anything bigger.
Hey Fellas (and Ladies if any)
Let me play devil's advocate. What if in the near future, Enzo "MANAGES" Big Cass? Sure Big Cass needs some polishing if he's going to be a singles wrestler down the line, but it might work for both. Also, as you guys know, in order for Big Cass to be a successful singles wrestler, he would definitely have to or need to find that person who can compliment his in ring style. Brock Lesner to me would not be the perfect fit. Remember, its all about chemistry.
THIS!!!!!!!!! There is nothing special about Enzo or Cass. Enzo loses every singles match he's in. He's annoying as hell on the mike, goofy, and ugly as sin to boot. He's crossed eyed and looks like a mutt on crack. Like who takes a 4 foot hobbit that tries to trash talk seriously?

Now watch I get an infraction for my comments. I often wonder if Vince has pull here? You damn sure can't say anything negative about the WWE without getting a warning or infraction. It's pretty sad to be honest.

1 - It's 'mic'
2 - You don't get infracted for saying negative things about WWE. You get infracted for just hating for no reason, which is what you 95% of the time.

Enzo is very charismatic. He might be repetitive on the mic, but you could argue that Stone Cold, The Rock, D-Generation X, Hulk Hogan, John Cena, and just about all of the biggest stars were. Everyone has catchphrases. They help build a connection with the crowd, which Enzo certainly has.

Cass is a lot more than your generic 'big guy'. He's also charismatic and good on the mic. His singles run after Enzo got hurt was quite impressive. He's athletic and has a lot of 'presence'. In my opinion, he has potential to be one of the top stars in WWE for a long time. He just has 'it'.

As for who will be a bigger star, I'm going with Cass. I've always thought that Enzo was just a little goofy and not serious enough to be a big star. I'm not saying he should change his character. There's nothing wrong with being an upper mid-carder.
Enzo is talented, I give you that. But he needs to tone it down a bit. The whole over the top, catchphrase thingy becomes boring after some time.
I place Cass somewhere near a Drew McIntyre. Big guy, can't talk, will be future endeavoured in 5 yrs max.
I place Cass somewhere near a Drew McIntyre.

He's 7 inches taller than McIntyre. You can't compare 7 foot guys to 6'5" guys.

And right now, 6 months into his main roster stint, he is already more over than Drew McIntyre EVER was at any point during his WWE run. If the version of Drew McIntyre that exists in TNA now is what was in the WWE 7 years ago, being compared to him wouldn't be a bad thing.

Big Cass still seems really green, but there just aren't many guys his size and he's more than passable in the ring for his size. He's been hit or miss on the mic, but he is still learning. I wouldn't put a ceiling on Big Cass' potential.

As for Enzo's spiel on the way the ring, it's not going to end anytime soon. It's one of the few 'sing-along' acts in the WWE (New Day is the only other one I can think of). The live fans always get into it. Its the modern-day New Age Outlaws.

Once that part is out of the way, Enzo throws so much at you that it is impossible for it to all be funny. But when he is funny, he's top-notch funny. I wouldn't change a thing about him. He'll figure out what works and what doesn't as he goes along. He's got a creative mind and finding different ways to insult people is a valuable skill.

I think he'll be with the company for a long time in some capacity because of his natural charisma and mic skills.

As for in-ring, Enzo is the worst pound-for-pound worker in the company. But his character is so over that you just hide his shortcomings and let him do what he is capable of doing. At some point, the split is going to happen. It's enevitable. When that happens, I don't know how far Enzo can go on his own as a wrestler, and see his long term future as a manager/occasional wrestler.
Depends on what capacity we are talking about. If we are talking mic skills then the best by a landslide is Enzo. He's in the top tier on the mic out of anyone in the company. He's destined for greatness whether in a tag team with Cass or by himself. If we are looking more at in-ring skills than mic skills, Cass is a little better. Cass is also more intimidating looking than Enzo is. It is more about appearance though. Enzo connects more with the fans and this is the most important thing to look at if they were ever to split, which they shouldn't. They should remain a team and eventually get the Tag Team Championship reign on the main roster that they never got in NXT. Cass in a singles role with Enzo as his manager is also something I could see happen down the line, however since both can wrestle and they are so popular as a team, why split them? Enzo is the better overall of the two, yet they are best as a team. On another note Carmella should be with them on Raw as their manager but that's a discussion for another topic.

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