Enzo & Big Cass Made A Big Impression Last Night


The Revival successfully defending the NXT Tag Team Championship against Enzo and Big Cass was one of the strongest and most entertaining matches on the card and all four guys looked like stars. I don't have much faith in the reports that Vince doesn't see money in most of the NXT guys as it's impossible to imagine he wouldn't make changes if he wasn't impressed overall, and there's potential money in Enzo and Big Cass. Both have a lot of personality, Enzo in particular, and they function really well as a team. I'd also imagine that Vince may well be in love with Cass' size given that he's legitimately about 7'0" and has a clean, natural looking build about him, he doesn't look like some overly jacked up brute. Enzo has a strange look, though it works for him and definitely helps him to stand out. The crowd was hanging on everything they were doing last night, they were invested in the match and really into the near falls.

Reports are that they're headed to the main roster soon, which would make them the first team from NXT to hit the main roster without being NXT Tag Team Champions, but I can see them quickly becoming a top babyface tag team and they definitely have that fresh, youthful energy about them.
I was really impressed with them last night. Haven't seen a lot of them in NXT, but they were very fun to watch and seem to work really well as a tag-team, including a number of moves based on the big guy/small guy dynamic. Through in Carmella and they seem like they are going to do well.

Not in any way comparing them in terms of ability, but we haven't had the "tag team with the cute valet" team in a while, especially one where the valet can wrestle, since The Hardy Boys with Lita. I know Carmella is super-green and not close to being in Lita's class, but she has looked like she has potential to become pretty good.

Could be fun a year down the road to have them with the tag belts and Carmella with the Diva's belt.
Enzo and Cass need to come up with new material.. Yes, they're charismatic, but how much can we listen to the same crap every week?.. Literally, it's the same promo all the time. Are they not capable of saying anything else?.. People have their catchphrases but at least they come up with new material. Enzo and Cass doesn't.

I attended Roadblock last night and Enzo and Cass were over like crazy, but that will only last so long until the fans get bored of them. They need to switch things up once in a while, stay fresh.
Enzo and Cass need to come up with new material.. Yes, they're charismatic, but how much can we listen to the same crap every week?.. Literally, it's the same promo all the time. Are they not capable of saying anything else?.. People have their catchphrases but at least they come up with new material. Enzo and Cass doesn't.

I attended Roadblock last night and Enzo and Cass were over like crazy, but that will only last so long until the fans get bored of them. They need to switch things up once in a while, stay fresh.

I've been watching NXT for a while, they have more material then you think. What you saw was just basic things they say.
I attended Roadblock last night and Enzo and Cass were over like crazy, but that will only last so long until the fans get bored of them. They need to switch things up once in a while, stay fresh.

I could understand your saying this if Roadblock was your first time watching wrestling, but not if you've been watching wrestling long enough to see Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, Steve Austin, The Rock, The New Age Outlaws, Too Cool, The New Day - essentially any wrestler who has found success and, as any wrestler must, maintained that success by finding a formula and sticking to it.
Enzo stuck out as the superstar, Cass is a typical plodding oaf big man. However, the dynamic works when Cass is throwing Enzo around, so I don't hate it.

The superstars from last night to me was The Revival, though. Those guys really had it going.
Enzo and Cass need to come up with new material.. Yes, they're charismatic, but how much can we listen to the same crap every week?.. Literally, it's the same promo all the time. Are they not capable of saying anything else?.. People have their catchphrases but at least they come up with new material. Enzo and Cass doesn't.

I attended Roadblock last night and Enzo and Cass were over like crazy, but that will only last so long until the fans get bored of them. They need to switch things up once in a while, stay fresh.

Almost every wrestler on the roster has their own catch phrases, "Do you smell what the Rock is cooking?". Hogan with his going from side to side holding his ear to hear the cheers, Miz "I'm awesome", Reigns "Believe that", HHH "Best for business". Last but not least "YES, YES YES'. None of these people are boring, and the crowd gets right into it.

it was a great match from all four guys. One of the best matches of the night really, and Enzio and Cass if they can keep it going will be a hit. Love Enzio's hair suits him to a T. Cass is just huge and the way he throws Enzio around is great, the crowd loved them. One of the best tag matches I've seen in a long time and if they will really shake up the tag division.
They looked great. I'm hoping they come on the main roster soon or WWE has another network special where we see them face New Day. I think they'd put on a good match.
Enzo and Cass need to come up with new material.. Yes, they're charismatic, but how much can we listen to the same crap every week?.. Literally, it's the same promo all the time. Are they not capable of saying anything else?.. People have their catchphrases but at least they come up with new material. Enzo and Cass doesn't.

I attended Roadblock last night and Enzo and Cass were over like crazy, but that will only last so long until the fans get bored of them. They need to switch things up once in a while, stay fresh.

And its ok for The Rock to keep plugging the same phrases over and over again?

It's their entrance, of course they do it all the time. Its no different then Jericho's arms out to the side, Triple H's water spit, etc. Go watch their actual promos or NXT, they have a lot of charisma and do different things in their promos.
Enzo and Cass need to come up with new material.. Yes, they're charismatic, but how much can we listen to the same crap every week?.. Literally, it's the same promo all the time. Are they not capable of saying anything else?.. People have their catchphrases but at least they come up with new material. Enzo and Cass doesn't.

I attended Roadblock last night and Enzo and Cass were over like crazy, but that will only last so long until the fans get bored of them. They need to switch things up once in a while, stay fresh.

You clearly don't watch NXT enough to realize how they've evolved in this feud. Yeah, the entrance promo is always the same, but their other promos have gone from silly to serious. They know how to add wrinkles to their characters.

But I've realized you never actually know what the fuck you're talking about.
I could understand your saying this if Roadblock was your first time watching wrestling, but not if you've been watching wrestling long enough to see Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, Steve Austin, The Rock, The New Age Outlaws, Too Cool, The New Day - essentially any wrestler who has found success and, as any wrestler must, maintained that success by finding a formula and sticking to it.

Sam's right. Do you not hear people chanting "Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman..."? Brock Lesnar is either the reigning, defending, etc. or eating, sleeping, and conquering something. Finally, the Rock is somewhere. Yes!

Enzo and Cass have plenty of other material, but bona fide stud, How you doing?, and SAWFT aren't going anywhere.
Enzo & Cass can really make a very interesting story, with them chasing the Tag Team Championship. They never were NXT Tag Team Champions. How could they become WWE Tag Team Champions? The can chase the belts for a year long until they finally win at Wrestlemania 33.
It is still kinda weird they haven't held the NXT belts. It's actually good though because when they do finally get a title (and they will), it'll feel really meaningful.

I thought the showcase at Roadblock was an excellent way of giving them main roster exposure while competing in front of a smark crowd that knew who they were, what their deal is, and that will rub off on people less familiar with them, who may now feel compelled to find out more about them.
Repetition is part of getting over. They need to repeat the same schtick on the way to the ring so that people will talk along with them, buy into the characters emotionally, and therefore buy-in in the form of merchandise. That's how the business works, repeating the entrance is better than if it were different every time. They'd run out of material and start to suck.

They were excellent faces and the Revival were great foils, I'm glad they won clean. This brush with the main roster likely means we'll see both teams on the main roster within 2016, most likely Enzo and Cass first. Hopefully they do get a run with the NXT tag belts before they go. There's plenty of time, I don't see them debuting before summer.

This was a great match, certainly one of Cass' best performances. I actually got that elusive feeling they could win that you slowly lose win you become a jaded old wrestling fan.
So their music hits, crowd erupts, and there's an introduction and a catchphrase, followed by a quick in ring promo and another catchphrase. This seems like a formula that works, but where have I heard this before. Oh wait......


I've been saying it for a long time now, Enzo and Cass are the modern day New Age Outlaws. The formula worked for Road Dogg and Billy and they are considered one of the best teams of their time. I enjoy Enzo and Cass, their work is fantastic and they have gotten better and better with time. They don't necessarily need the NXT Tag Titles they are the third most over entity on NXT, after Finn and Bayley. The Tag division in the WWE has been getting better but it needs another shot in the arm and Enzo and Cass bring that.

Both teams were very impressive, the Revival is a throwback team and have great in ring work. I see another match at Takeover Dallas and then an Enzo and Cass debut the night after Mania on Raw.
Enzo stuck out as the superstar, Cass is a typical plodding oaf big man. However, the dynamic works when Cass is throwing Enzo around, so I don't hate it.

The superstars from last night to me was The Revival, though. Those guys really had it going.
I literally have no idea what you were watching. I thought he was good, but I had no idea how quickly he could move in the ring. And that intensity.

His moveset is great - the East River Crossing is a better version of the Winds of Change, since he can get another rotation (or half-rotation) in due to his extra height. The Empire Elbow works well as a signature move, kinda like the Hogan legdrop except looking more impressive, due to the height he can get himself off the ground.

And he's pretty charismatic on the mic as well, we didn't really get to see that at Roadblock due to their promos being shortened to a couple of sentences as of late, but if you go back and watch some you'll see he's pretty charismatic.

Calling it now, the guy has what it takes to be (one of the) next face(s) of WWE.
After watching Roadblock and NXT loosely made me wonder why does The Revival have the title again??? And not Chad & Gable or Enzo & Cass. Anywho, that PPV was telling that it is time for Enzo and Cass to get the straps hopefully at Dallas or at NXT Brooklyn. I hope Enzo & Cass are on the card for NXT Brooklyn for we got gypt last year here in Brooklyn

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