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Mid-Card Championship Winner
It seems D-Man's tiny, porn-obsessed brain can't handle a real question about the rules of the site he moderates.

D-Man said:
Dear Wicked Valentine's Menstrual Blood,

You have received an infraction at WrestleZone Forums.

Reason: Spamming
This is extremely annoying. Grow up.

This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:
Next question: Can you explain to me how asking the staff reasonable questions about grey areas covered poorly or not at all in the rules and FAQ threads constitutes spam in a thread of this nature? I would like to know why it's my problem your dirty mind thinks something that isn't a penis is. That has in no way been covered adequately in the threads linked in the original post.

All the best,
WrestleZone Forums
Just like the cunt. I have a legitimate question or three and I pose them so I don't accidentally break the rules, and instead of being treated like a mature adult, he infracts me so he doesn't have to do any actual work around here.

I look forward to the next time he disappears for a couple months.
As if you weren't doing it to troll and annoy the moderators and instigate this type of topic. :rolleyes:

Funny how you fail to mention the other two annoying posts you made in that section prior to this one.

Forum Rules said:
D. Pissing off Staff: We won’t put up with it. If you are being persistently and intentionally being annoying to a Staff member, the Staff member has every right to infract or ban you. Do not be afraid to discuss and debate Staff members; just do not “Troll” a Staff member.

So, yeah.
I legitimately want to put a broom handle in my sig that enters LSN's ear and exits his wife's. It has nothing to do with you. I'm just looking for reasonable answers about the vaguely outlined standards for this sort of thing in the rules and FAQ threads. If I didn't really wanted to cause trouble, I would have just done it and gotten it over with. But here I am, showing mature regard for your rules. And what do I get for it? A heaping pile of D-Man's sexual frustration.

Grow the fuck up. You're 30. You should know how to answer a goddamn question one adult to another. I shouldn't have to tip-toe around your childish fucking temperament, you brat.
So, what we should all glean from this thread: Asking certain staff members about the rules of the site they fucking moderate borders on pissing off the staff. Be sure not to break to egg shells you're walking on, folks.
I didn't see the problem. Coco's already got a maimed pic of LSN and wife. You think he wouldn't do it?
I did give you a warning in the thread about it though.

A Broom handle is not a penis.
Coco, I like you and all, but you were warned to quit spamming the Ask a Question thread with your insinuations of hypocrisy/abuse of power. You continued to post in the same manner, and you received an Infraction for it. You made it very clear you wanted to post something which looked like a penis, and were told no. You continued to pester about drawing a penis but calling it something else, so you were given an Infraction.

This is what happens when you constantly troll. Sometimes you go to far, and you are disciplined. It's the risk that goes with the constant trolling. This time you trolled too much, and you paid the price.

It's time to move on.
Coco, I like you and all, but you were warned to quit spamming the Ask a Question thread with your insinuations of hypocrisy/abuse of power. You continued to post in the same manner, and you received an Infraction for it. You made it very clear you wanted to post something which looked like a penis, and were told no. You continued to pester about drawing a penis but calling it something else, so you were given an Infraction.

This is what happens when you constantly troll. Sometimes you go to far, and you are disciplined. It's the risk that goes with the constant trolling. This time you trolled too much, and you paid the price.

It's time to move on.

Sly to the rescue, as usual.

I'm just surprised that you found this issue worthy of posting that long of an explanation. He knows the rules and knows what he was doing. Yet he keeps trying to push the envelope.

Take this as a lesson, kids.
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