In your opinion what was the best "BEST OF WCW"-DVD?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Me personally. I purchased Best of Nitro, Best of Clash of champions and Best of Starrcade.

Best of Nitro was full of great matches and magical moments (my favorite being the nWo birthday celebration ending with Sting cutting the electricity).

Best of Clash of champions was a letdown. Matches weren't that great, half-filled arenas, Dusty Rhodes....

Best of Starrcade, I haven't been able to get through it so far. Maybe it's great.
I enjoyed them all but my favorite was definitely the WCW Nitro DVD. I felt it was well done and I feel they hit every match/moment they needed to hit to make the DVD work well. DDP hosting the DVD was a great choice as he's definitely one of the guys I associate WCW with most. I feel there is definitely a bias as Nitro was more of a staple of my childhood than Starrcade but overall a great DVD with great matches and they did a great job of covering Nitro from beginning to end.

Starrcade would be a close second. I thought the documentary part was a little short but the top 25 countdown to the greatest matches were awesome. Besides it gets major points for having Magnum TA vs. Tully Blanchard from Starrcade '85.

Clash was also a good one, especially since I watched many Clash of the Champions live (Wednesday 8:05PM Eastern Time on TBS) and I always enjoyed them as a kid. They had plenty of great matches but some of my favorites were left out of the DVD. Great DVD and definitely is a good nostalgia trip but I will take Nitro and Starrcade over it any day. I felt those 2 were put together a lot better and overall I felt more satisfied watching those 2 than Clash of the Champions.
The match quality on Starrcade set was better than the other two collections, and the documentary was top notch. The Nitro set definately captured the best moments of the show, The original NWO, Flair & Sting, Luger's title win, Goldberg's phenom, and I agree DDP as host was a good choice. Personally I never liked him much but he was very over in 98 & 99, Id say he was on par with Flair & Sting and just below Goldberg among fan faves at the time.

I enjoyed the Clash set for nostalgia purposes but agree the match quality, at least after the early ones, was a step below the other two sets.

Personally I think WWE should do a continuing series of DVD's, "Greatest Hits of The 90's" and "Greatest Hits of The 80's", where they pull memorable matches from the various federations. In the 80s you could spotlight matches from NWA, WWE, AWA, World Class, in the 90s you would combine bouts from WWE, WCW, & ECW, some forgotten classics from TV as well PPV bouts. There is definately a market for them, and since WWE already owns all material production costs are minimal. The "Best of" sets they have done for several top wrestling stars have all done big business to varying degrees, and they have already done multiple "Best of Steel Cage" sets. Just a thought.
As most of you know I am not a big fan of the "Best Of" even though I still buy WWE Merchandise. Lets have Box Sets and if WWE isn't quite sure how they will sell in stores a month or even two weeks before the release have them as WWEShop exclusives and if they do well release them in stores and if not just keep them on WWEShop. Keep one thing in mind after 2001 WWE lost nearly 20 million viewers and at the very least 25% of those fans would by Box Sets of special WCW themed releases
The Clash set was definitely a cool visit back in time as I always watched the Clashes as a kid. I agree that the matches were not the best though. I liked The Best of Nitro the best, and i really hope they do another volume of that one. DDP was a great host, and they touched on a lot of the major happenings. It has been quite a while since I watched Best of Starrcade, but i do remember the documentary part being awesome. I hope they continue to release old WCW stuff.
does the Rise and Fall of WCW count??? if not, then for me, it's the Best of Nitro DVD, but if i can count Rise and Fall, i think that's it as it's a great history of WCW and i learned alot of things about WCW with that DVD, but Nitro is a good second because of the nice matches and of course DDP kinda giving a bit of history to us and DDP as the host of it also helped the DVD.
I would say #1, the Rise & Fall of WCW (I believe that's the name of it) which went over the NWA & WCW years. It brought back memories, but in a lot of ways, left out a lot, revisionist history I suppose.

Next was the Monday Night Wars. I know, I know. This wasn't exactly a strictly WCW-esq DVD but I did like the info and the highlights. I never saw the Best of Nitro DVD so I'm gonna have to go with that one.

Then my all-time favorite was the Best of Starrcade. This is why I wish WCW were still around because no matter what the NWA or WCW did during the year, good or bad, they always made up for it at Starrcade (until Starrcade 1997 I wanna say, the Hogan/Sting match did NOT live up to the hype whatsoever). That's all for me...

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