In 10 years


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Over the past year or so WWE has introduced many new or repackaged faces :- Brodus Clay, Ryback, Antonio Cessaro, Damian Sandow, Tensai, the Prime Time Players and the cast of NXT and FCW.

My question is where do you see the going in the next few years, Do we have any potential champions in the mix or are they all just filler until we get some even fresher talent?

I'll give my views if others respond.
Way too hard to predict. Look at WWE in 2002.....Rock, Austin, Hogan, Taker, Triple H, Kurt Angle were all main eventing....none of these are on the road fulltime with WWE anymore. Brock Lesnar debuted and had a 2 huge years. HBK returned to action too. Edge, Jeff Hardy were still mid card and nobody had heard of CM Punk, John Cena, Batista...

Who would have predicted all this? Thats Pro Wrestlings beauty, it is still very unpredictable (storylines aside).

Ryback and Sandow have the most potential but I have no idea if both will be about in 10 years. I predict in the next 1-2 years both will have entered the main event though.

Orton almost certainly wont be around, Rey, Kane, Show will have retired, as will CM Punk. John Cena will probably still be around in some capacity though.
Bobby Roode and AJ Styles will be a jobber tag team. HHH will be a Mr. McMahon type character. I can see guys like Sheamus, Del Rio, Swagger and Ziggler still around, but the rest of the roster will most likely be completely overhauled.
In all honesty, the only people I see becoming champion in the foreseeable future are Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler. Cena will stick around for probably the next fifteen years so be ready for Hulkmania. V2.

I'd like to see Sandow, Antonio Cesaro and Tyler Black atleast becoming main eventers in the next couple of years and if they don't there is something seriously wrong with WWE.
Santino Marrela will unite the Us, Intercontinental, World, and WWE Titles. His sister/alter-ego will become the Divas champion, and together they will be the tag team champions making one person have every belt. The Kurt Angle will say they stole the idea from him and he did it first.
FCW has lots of good talent. Kassius Ohno, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, The Rotunda's, Richie Steamboat. On NXT, Reks and Hawkins were making the whole show interesting, along with Tyson Kidd. Many people don't realize this, but JTG has improved a whole lot in the ring. Plus there's. Cesaro, Ryback, and Sandow on Smackdown. The future looks bright.

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