IMPACT Wrestling LD for 9.30.15 — BFG Go-Home Show... or Whatever

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Live Discussion for September 30th, 2015






I actually forgot this was on tonight. Won't be watching live anyway. Rangers/Bruins preseason game is on now. I'll be on delay, which means I'll be able to fast-forward through the really bad stuff. If the last few weeks are any indication of quality, I might able to get through IMPACT the way I used to get through RAW years ago... in about ten minutes.
I'm curious to see what we'll be getting in a few weeks. They're out of taped material after this week and they're not heading to India for nearly two months. It sounds like Best Of ahoy for about seven weeks.
Up to Roode, this has actually been a solid go-home show thus far. So much better than the last two weeks.

I'm even somewhat excited for TJ Perkins and Abyss! ABYSS! I can't think of the last time I gave a shit about Abyss.
I'm loving the old school JB interview segments. Especially where the wrestlers just walk in talking, then cut straight promos. Reminds me of early WCW with Flair, Dusty, etc.
Yeah he did but he hasn't been well received and there's a good chance he won't get hired full time.

With NXT? Oh, that's good news. Could be a rejection gift the way Bram, EC3 and The Wolves all were.

I'm just past the Dollhouse/BP match. Thus far, IMPACT has actually been solid tonight. Entertaining. Great go-home show to this point.
Even this EY/Robbie/Anderson/Melendez bit has been good. Loving the I am god, I've been looking for you my whole life promo work!

Melendez is clearly the worst part about this whole thing, but this is still good story-telling.
You know what, I even like the addition of Matt Hardy to the main event at BFG. It's a more compelling match than Galloway/EC3, especially with neither Galloway nor EC3 being that strong of a wrestler themselves. Hardy should help to craft a better match.
And that was a stupid story.

It doesn't help that I'm kind of sick of the Hardys. I don't dislike them but I really don't need to see them ever again.

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