IMPACT Wrestling LD for 12.26.13 — The Fallout from Final Resolution!

The barely audible music was a nice touch to Bully's promo there. Just added to the atmosphere.
It's astounding how fucking bad Tapa is. Like, it legitimately shocks me how anyone thought "yeah, let's put this woman on national television".

The match will be good, but I'd almost like them to drop the X Division if they're just going to bring it up every few months.
On a related note, EY was awesome on Austin's podcast. Download it if you haven't heard it yet.

He was awesome on Colt's Art of Wrestling podcast too.

This was the first full episode of Impact I watched in months.

A few thoughts

-For the love of fucking God, less Dixie Carter please. Nobody in wrestling has ever made me want to fucking change a channel more than Dixie Fucking Carter, for the love of fucking Christ shut the fuck up & get off my fucking TV you worthless twat.

-I don't mind promo's & backstage segments as long as they're furthering a story & are at least slightly entertaining, the Bully Ray/Brooke promo was great, however most of the backstage shit tonight did nothing for me.

-More matches would be great, I think we got 4 matches tonight? I would've liked to see more in ring action, maybe display the X-Division a little more.

-the KO division is abysmal & this Lady Tampon (or whatever her fucking name is) is fucking awful, they seriously have a shit load of work to do to redeem this division.

-Really liked the Magnus retrospective thing, nice touch.

-I don't give a shit about Jeff Hardy retiring (I've never been much of a fan), though I wish he would've taken Sting to the retirement home with him.

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