IMPACT Wrestling LD - All Dates

If they have any left over, maybe they can hire you to do their graphics. You're better than most of the stuff they do at the moment.
I know I bring this up every week but they need to tour India by the end of the year. I finally found the article where it's discussed:

Check the last paragraph. If they can barely fund TV/pay per view, how in the world are they going to announce/run a tour of India in the next three months?

No idea. That's for better people than you and I to figure out. Namely Corgan and Carter.
Indeed. When the lead singer of the Smashing Pumpkins has to bail you out to make sure one of your two live pay per views a year goes on, you have a major problem.
I'm still not sure if Lashley is a face or a heel. It's another of those classic TNA turns where nothing really happens and one week someone is fighting for the other team.
Lashley is a heel, for sure, but the way TNA has been booking, that line is blurred. They have heel/heel in Lashley/Bennett and heel/heel in Hardys/Decay.
Back with a highlight package of what happened before the break. Not during the break you see because that's just passe.
Yeah, I'd kill for an actual feud right now. Between two guys. Not twelve.

They kind of have one going with Spud and Sutter, I guess, but I still want more.

Same. Also it would be nice to not just lock them into the X-Division and say that's all you can do. They're really just the jobbers for the main event at the moment.
Same. Also it would be nice to not just lock them into the X-Division and say that's all you can do. They're really just the jobbers for the main event at the moment.

Agreed. The X Division is at its best when the performers in it are graduating from it. Aries. Styles. Joe. Daniels. Kaz. Hell, even Petey Williams worked a program with Scott Steiner.

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