I'm stuck


On A Nature walk with Daniel Bryan
In school I am doing a project where you take the role of a probational officer and it is your job to ask your "client" a series of questions ( Initial interview).

I have some questions down, like basically asking my client if he knows why i am working with him to try to better him.

So basically, I have no idea what to ask and any help would be appreciated...

Have your friends changed since your arrest?

What do you do with your time?

Do you understand that you are not on probation because of an isolated incident, but rather a series of correctable behaviors?

What are you doing to correct these behaviors?

Do you feel anger for the arrest that was made? Who is that anger directed at?

How is your relationship with you parents?
actually some of those could work. I already had the parents question.
I guess I could ask if they had any contact towards there old friends while they were in jail.
What a probation officer does is try to establish patters in an offender's life and then try to correct whatever behaviors are keeping that offender on the wrong track. All of those questions lead to follow ups. Do you still speak to same friends? Which ones? Were they with you when you got arrested? Do they encourage you to break the law? Are they enablers? What are the odds that you get in trouble again because of these guys?
I know that. I was actually confused. It is rather late and I was confusing the probation and parole officer. Once it dawned on me that they are sent on probation to avoid jail time. After I woke up, questions started coming to me.

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