Im sad

Iwouldn't go that far, did you see his posts in the wedding reception thread or the bachelor party thread? Or even Justins funeral thread for that matter? That was true immaturity. But it is alright... even though i don't enjoy Coco's disturbing comments, about hitting someone with something, but i do find myself laughing at how idiotic they are, but sometimes rather funny comments.

OK you know what. I'm just about going to lose it!!! Everyone fucken tells me I am very immature. On this forums and in my actual life. And it is pissing me off!! I am not immature!!! If I post immaturly it's because I want to have a little fun and t doesn't hurt to act immature!!!

I don't fucken get can someone be mature for the rest of his life!?!? Why does a human being have to be mature 24/7?? How the fuck are you supposed to have fun?!?!?!??!?!?! HOW!?!!?!??!

So do me a fucken favor, all of you!!

Don't tell me to calm down anymore because I won't listen.

Don't tell me to be mature because I am and I like posting things that are immature...that doesn't mean I am immature it just means I am a mature person who likes to act immature from time to time.

I agree that I can be immature sometimes...and I love being immature sometimes!!! I feel sorry for you people if you are ONLY mature and I know for a fact everyone in this forum board can be a little immature from time to time!!!

Thank you and Good Day!!!

Oh and before anyone gets offended...I had a fucken bad grandfather is not doing so well...and I am going to visit him in the hospital in about an hour or more so fucken forgive me!! I am only fucken 15 and I can't fucken handle all of my fucken stress and pressure!!!
OK you know what. I'm just about going to lose it!!! Everyone fucken tells me I am very immature. On this forums and in my actual life. And it is pissing me off!! I am not immature!!! If I post immaturly it's because I want to have a little fun and t doesn't hurt to act immature!!!

I don't fucken get can someone be mature for the rest of his life!?!? Why does a human being have to be mature 24/7?? How the fuck are you supposed to have fun?!?!?!??!?!?! HOW!?!!?!??!

So do me a fucken favor, all of you!!

Don't tell me to calm down anymore because I won't listen.

Don't tell me to be mature because I am and I like posting things that are immature...that doesn't mean I am immature it just means I am a mature person who likes to act immature from time to time.

I agree that I can be immature sometimes...and I love being immature sometimes!!! I feel sorry for you people if you are ONLY mature and I know for a fact everyone in this forum board can be a little immature from time to time!!!

Thank you and Good Day!!!

Oh and before anyone gets offended...I had a fucken bad grandfather is not doing so well...and I am going to visit him in the hospital in about an hour or more so fucken forgive me!! I am only fucken 15 and I can't fucken handle all of my fucken stress and pressure!!!

See man calm down, don't get your underwear in a knot. We are only joking with you because we know you don't take it well. Just completely ignore it and maybe it will stop....
OK you know what. I'm just about going to lose it!!! Everyone fucken tells me I am very immature. On this forums and in my actual life. And it is pissing me off!! I am not immature!!! If I post immaturly it's because I want to have a little fun and t doesn't hurt to act immature!!!

I don't fucken get can someone be mature for the rest of his life!?!? Why does a human being have to be mature 24/7?? How the fuck are you supposed to have fun?!?!?!??!?!?! HOW!?!!?!??!

So do me a fucken favor, all of you!!

Don't tell me to calm down anymore because I won't listen.

Don't tell me to be mature because I am and I like posting things that are immature...that doesn't mean I am immature it just means I am a mature person who likes to act immature from time to time.

I agree that I can be immature sometimes...and I love being immature sometimes!!! I feel sorry for you people if you are ONLY mature and I know for a fact everyone in this forum board can be a little immature from time to time!!!

Thank you and Good Day!!!

Wow, that was pretty immature of you to say. :lmao: ;)

Oh and before anyone gets offended...I had a fucken bad grandfather is not doing so well...and I am going to visit him in the hospital in about an hour or more so fucken forgive me!! I am only fucken 15 and I can't fucken handle all of my fucken stress and pressure!!!

Coco, noone knows you personally. Its the internet, but this is your real life. You never have to take any advice given to you, but like I said last night. If you love your Grandfather, I know its hard.. & I have NEVER been in your position. I know "I'LL" hurt the day I am, but man.. get off the computer. Go spend time with your real Family.

All of us will be here when you return. We'll all be waiting to give you crap with you return, to try & take your mind off it as well.. so just try & relax. But most importantly, show your real family how much you love them & need them. Because most likely, you aren't the only one in your Family hurting over this situation.
I am only fucken 15 and I can't fucken handle all of my fucken stress and pressure!!!

When I was 15, I was partying and chasing girls I had no chance at getting but then again once you get a girl the more stress...So fuck it...just stick to playing Chopper Challenge in your underwear...
Wow, that was pretty immature of you to say. :lmao: ;)

Coco, noone knows you personally. Its the internet, but this is your real life. You never have to take any advice given to you, but like I said last night. If you love your Grandfather, I know its hard.. & I have NEVER been in your position. I know "I'LL" hurt the day I am, but man.. get off the computer. Go spend time with your real Family.

All of us will be here when you return. We'll all be waiting to give you crap with you return, to try & take your mind off it as well.. so just try & relax. But most importantly, show your real family how much you love them & need them. Because most likely, you aren't the only one in your Family hurting over this situation.

I am spending MORE time with my family than I am on the computer for today. Everyone is sleeping hence the reason why I am online now. I wrote that when I got home to a home alone house bc my dad was working and my brother was coing home to pick me up to take me to the hospital for my grandfatehr and my other bro and mom were in the hospital with me grand dad.

We had dinner as a family in a diner and were discussing emotional stuff and people were crying badly. Oh wait...that was me and only me. Turns out when my granddad does pass away and when heg ets buried in Israel, yes you guessed it I am Jewish, I won't be able to go because it is too hard for me. Someonne needs to stay with my grandmother, she has Parkinsons and it's amazing that she is only crying when she heard the bad news about what my grandfather, will explain later. I also can't go to Israel because my Israeli Passport has expired and won't get renewed until the 2nd or 3rd week of January. SO if my grandfather can't live until that long, which is highly doubtful, then I might go.

My grandfather has had Altzeimers for 10 years now. His brain told the feet to stop walking and he hasn't walked in like 4 years. Then the brain told his wtvr to not swallow anymore so he is now fed through a feeding tube. He is in bed all day at home in a special hospital bed that vibrates or something like that every 10 minutes so he doesn't get bed sores.

Now the problem with him is this:

He has 3 problems:

1) A normal human being's heart beat should be at 100 percent. When it gets up to a 1000 percent the person dies due to heart failure. Yesterday his beat was at 432 (right in the middle of it) and my mom won't know what his beat is now until she talks to the heart doctor tomorrow. So his heart is about half damage and is very very weak.

2) His colon (the thing that transport the stool and all the feces and literally shit) is enlarged and is most likely not working anymore. That means when he is fed by the feeding tube, he makes in his stomach. Now he has 1 of 2 choices. Get Colon Surgery which they put this kind of bag in it so he makes in that bag and wtvr or not have the surgery and not be fed, which he can't live if that happens. But the problem is, due to his weak heart, there's a possibly that he won't survive the surgery.

3) The doctors may have found spots on his spine, that might be Cancer.

Now I visited him tonight. He was sleeping with a oxygen mask and an oxygen bag thing to help him breath. I kissed him on the forhead and he didn't even move. That scared the shit out of me, and I walked out of the room because I was going to lose it right there and then.

Yesterday he had a fever of 93 and today he had a fever of 103/101 not reallly sure. But he is on anti-biotics.

The man has had altzeimers for 10 years where he was only supposed to last for 5. The legs and the swallowing stopped. The heart was the thing that made him last 10 years but now it's weak so yea.

I love him so much, and I don't want him to die, but when we had a family discussion during dinner at the diner after the hospital, we all said that it is selfish of us to want him to live because he is giong through so much pain and suffering where he can be at peace in the heavens with his parents and family.

So this is what I am going through in my life, not including school and shit. When my grandfather dies...I won't be on as much. But I can not just not come on the forums. I need this place to get my mind off of this. This is my little place to escape some of it.

This is the first time I am experiencing something like this in my family from when I was alive or could actually remember. And the sad part is....when I was like 6 he was diagnosed with Altzeimers so I don't have memories of me and the REAL him. He was such a great man. Would pick up other Jewish people who needed to get somewhere. One of the most nicest and kindest man you'll know.

Approximately 20 minutes ago I had a heart to heart with my mom and I cried like a baby and I am not ashamed. IT made me feel good to talk about it and to cry, like i am doing the talking about it now...I'll most prolly cry myself to sleep but this is actually helping a bit to those who are listening. She told me stuff about him and that she told me in the summer that I should have had in the back of my head that one day he was going to go. SO I asked her why couldn't he have peacefully died in his sleep the night before he had to go to the hospital. She said she doesn't know and then told me a story of how a person that she knew went into the hospital for a colonoscopy and they put him to sleep for 10 minutes to do the procedure and he never woke up from that 10 minutes. They tried to revive him and right now he is on a ventelator. So why did G-d do that?? We just don't know.

Whether it is a smart desicion or not...I want to know why G-d is making us suffer, why can't he just let my grandfather not be in pain anymore? I am not blaming G-d or pointing the finger at Him, G-d forbid...I would never do this. But G-d does control everything and I want to know why this is happening, and I know I'll never get the answer. But you have to trust in G-d that He is doing the right thing, but forgive me for this, I don't think it's going greatly. But He has his reasons. I may not like them, but I still respect them.

Well this is what I am going through, plus in general. If there is anything you guys would like to know feel free to ask because it will make me feel good to talk about my grandfather, Isaac Dagim. (Hebrew NAme: Yitzchak Dagim)
Whether it is a smart desicion or not...I want to know why G-d is making us suffer, why can't he just let my grandfather not be in pain anymore? I am not blaming G-d or pointing the finger at Him, G-d forbid...I would never do this. But G-d does control everything and I want to know why this is happening, and I know I'll never get the answer. But you have to trust in G-d that He is doing the right thing, but forgive me for this, I don't think it's going greatly. But He has his reasons. I may not like them, but I still respect them.

See this is how I like to think about God when things like that happen. You have to believe in God not only when the miracles happen, but also when they don't happpen. Without the bad times there couldn't be good ones.

Btw I noticed you're Jewish because of the way you write out God, and how you don't include the "o." It's kind of like saying God's name in vain right? I had a teacher that wrote it the same you do and he was Jewish too.

Flames Out
Btw I noticed you're Jewish because of the way you write out God, and how you don't include the "o." It's kind of like saying God's name in vain right? I had a teacher that wrote it the same you do and he was Jewish too.

Flames Out

I'm very strict when writing the word "God" because I feel that I could be using it in a negative way, so I write "Gawd" instead.

As it regards Coco.. look, there is truly nothing anyone can say to make the situation get any better. And I feel sorry for you, that you have to deal with this, especially at this time in life & this exact month & specific holiday. Even if you don't celebrate it, its definately not something thats nice to go through.. & this time of the year only makes it worse.

Family is the heart & soul of which your life is revolved around. And your Grandfather I assume lived a long & fairly healthy life. The best thing to look at, that obviously won't be easy for you.. is that HE lived a good life.

While you being only 15 may not have been capable of spending a lot of time with him, that doesn't mean he didn't have an enjoyable life. And furthermore, you have to understand that if a person is in as bad of health as he is.. ultimately, it is best for things to take the course of nature.. to help him along & ease his pain.

This is a scar that won't heal, because you love him so much. But your love will always be shown through. I'm sure your Grandfather will always know how much you love him, regardless of if he's here in a physical form, or mental form. He's always going to be remembered in your heart & soul. His spirit will carry on, because you'll never forget him.

Coco.. I truly wish I could ease your pain, regarding this matter. I've never had the misfortune of losing someone that was truly close to me, as it came to humans, or family. Feel free to vent, all you need to. And know that I, along with I'm sure everyone else.. give their deepest sympathy to you & your Family.
Oh and on the actual topic...I want to say I'm sorry, but sometimes that makes people feel worse. I just wish you didn't have to be going through this right now. The internet is very different to real life, and people usually find it a lot easier to express things over the internet than in real life, I know I do.
But I really think it's great you're talking to your family about this, something I've never been able to do even though I wish I could. As you've said, it does make you feel better, and I'm glad of that.
I aren't going to pretend there's some magical cure to this. I lost my uncle a couple of years ago and I was heartbroken, but time does make you feel better.
All I can say is, we're all here for you, and if you want to talk to anyone, PM me.
OK you know what. I'm just about going to lose it!!! Everyone fucken tells me I am very immature. On this forums and in my actual life. And it is pissing me off!! I am not immature!!! If I post immaturly it's because I want to have a little fun and t doesn't hurt to act immature!!!

I don't fucken get can someone be mature for the rest of his life!?!? Why does a human being have to be mature 24/7?? How the fuck are you supposed to have fun?!?!?!??!?!?! HOW!?!!?!??!

So do me a fucken favor, all of you!!

Don't tell me to calm down anymore because I won't listen.

Don't tell me to be mature because I am and I like posting things that are immature...that doesn't mean I am immature it just means I am a mature person who likes to act immature from time to time.

I agree that I can be immature sometimes...and I love being immature sometimes!!! I feel sorry for you people if you are ONLY mature and I know for a fact everyone in this forum board can be a little immature from time to time!!!

Thank you and Good Day!!!

There's nothing wrong with acting immature on the forums. But you are VERY immature. Isn't Dragon the same age as you? If I had to give her an age it would be 18 or higher. From the way you post I'd say about 11. Grow up.

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