Im Pro Johnny Nitro


King Of The Ring
I just watched his short match with Ric Flair and i can proudly say that im pro Johnny Nitro, He will be one of the main event stars of WWE in the next 5 years he was awesome that corkscrew Moonsult was insane, What are your thoughts on Nitro being the future of wwe or on of the future players??
Hell no Mileena however does add to his charicter, She is not necassary you cant stop greatness and johnny nitro in my eyes has a stigma of excellence about him, He is going to be a MAJOR MAJOR player in the next couple of years
I think we all care about looking at Melina more though lol.

Not here, sorry. Johnny Nitro's got a lot of talent, that's for sure and I think he along with Shelton, Carlito, Bobby L., and Randy Orton are the future of the company.

Flames Out
I never said he was bad lol he ain't a bad wrestler at all I just saying I cannot help but look at Melina more I like latina girls lol my gf is latina too but thats off topic lol. Nitro is jammy tapping Melina IRL though lol.

But on Nitro himself He ain't a bad wrestler at all hes much better in terms of ring talent than alot of members of RAW right now.
I don't know if I see him as a main eventer a few years on, Time will tell I guess.

Whatever happened to Mercury? Since MNM split due to real life issues we have not seen him on SD.
Oh dear lol I did not know he was in trouble for drugs, I always thought they split MNM because of Melina causing some annoyance backstage and Nitro stuck by her causing them to move to RAW.
Yeh he went to rehab for drug use................And that coulda been the best thing to happen to nitro imo, He needed to break away even though i loved MnM i think this has given him the chance he is looking for, ANd yes mileena is fucking hot as, But i think she adds to the character rather then taking away from nitro as a whole package he is very impressive.
I know that Melina and Nitro are together in real life but, on screen I think they should split apart and go their seperate ways.

Flames Out
I have a different opinion, I think that they compliment each other well and there Gimmick works Perfectly, The ****y young guy with the hot Manager, They should not change him her or the gimmick he has because its got alot of potential, Its a very Heel team because he knows he is hot she knows she is hot and they both got skills. Its great
I like Melina better as a wrestler than a valet. Sometimes they shadow each other, if that makes any sense. Johnny Nitro is a good wrestler, and a great talent but he hasn't really sparked my interest yet.

Flames Out
Nitro needs a less one-dimensional gimmick to make his persona stick with the audience. That takes nothing away from his in-ring abilities, though. He's definitely someone the company should keep close-by. He's the kind of acquisition who, if given the right spot, could be a heavy hitter in TNA. Plus, he's got youth on his side. As long as he keeps in shape and healthy, I don't think we've seen the best from him yet. He's like Carlito in that his matches get better and better, while his move base increases to showcase new talent I honestly didn't think either wrestler previously had.
i still cant believe tht corkscrew moonsult it was completely awesome i marked out for the high flyers hard, yeah he is very one dimentional but for the moment i like it and dont think that he should change for the minute, come next year maybe ply around with the character but i dont think he needs to lose the ic title at summerslam he needs a good run with it and advance the shelton and carlito fued
I think Melina & Johnny Nitro should stay together on camera. Their entrance rules and I agree that they compliment each other well. I def agree that he is one of the guys who will be the future of the WWE too. Nitro, Shelton Benjamin, Lashley, Orton and Carlito will be on top of the WWE in a couple of years. Maybe even a couple members of the spirit squad too. I think there will be some exciting matches in a year or 2 between Shelton & Nitro. Hopefully they will be for the WWE belt.
I am not really impressed with Nitro at all. He shoulda stayed on Smackdown. I have only been impressed by the corkscrew he did last monday. Besides that I havent seen much. Maybe I am judging early because I havent seen him in action very much but I dont recall him doing that many moves. I can't really take him seriously, I kinda chuckle when I see him with that stupid coat and that lame gimmick and name. I think you all are blinded by all the flashy lights and his Corkscrew Moonsault. I mean if Cena did a shooting star press would ya all be jumpin on his bandwagon also. My oppinion on Nitro isnt set in stone just yet cause I havent seen much of him but of what I have seen its not impresssive.
Nitro is awesome. When he was in OVW a few years back, he came out with Melina. I started to cheer for him (I always cheer for the heels at the wrestling shows) and he told me I was "too fat to cheer for him". Then he kinda looked at me and and gave me that "I'm just kayfabing the crowd" smile. I started laughing and continued to cheer for him durning the show.
So just because he doe's a corkscrew moonsault mean's he will be at the top in 2 years? Righhhht.

I'll give the guy credit, hes athletic and has talent but is no where near deserving of being catipulted to the top in that time. In reality the guy is still really green, yes he may look good in the ring but in term's of how long he has been in WWE he is still a rookie. I want to see the guy earn his due's before getting anything big. I think he makes an ok Intercontinental Champion but I think someone made a good statement.. he comes to RAW after pissing off people backstage on Smackdown and becomes Intercontinental Champion? Plus we all know how it goe's with pushing little guys towards the top, unless your Rey Mysterio of course.
He is not green, He been in the WWE since like what 2002 - 03 somewhere around there, and no i have always liked him, He had talent in ovw and now in the main roster of raw, I SAID the corkscrew moonsult was awesome not that move alone would make him number one, And i do care about him.
When you have someone that is young and can wrestle and has a good gimmick you care about them like i do!! And it is my opinion he will be one of the top 5 wrestlers in the wwe in about 3 tto 4 years, That is what i believe as i like and care about him alot, You should be so quick to hate talented yunger wrestlers
No flammie i wasnt referring to u sweety, That other guy that said all he has is a corkscrew moosult, He got all the charisma and talent in the world, He will explode soon mark my words
grungy72 said:
No flammie i wasnt referring to u sweety, That other guy that said all he has is a corkscrew moosult, He got all the charisma and talent in the world, He will explode soon mark my words

Ohhhhh, ok I'm just being stupid again!! I didn't see the corkscrew moonsault but, the way you're raving about it- I'm gonna have to go and watch the match.

Flames Out
Nitro is one excellent athlete and I htink he will be in the World Title hunt in the future. He is physically fit and knows how to put on a good match. He is young and very good and thats what the WWE needs the young talent but WWE needs to let more people like Nitro prosper instead of giving the belt to Edge.

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