I'm not even mad...

C'mon Bray Wyatt has been a top midcard attraction for years now. He has feuded with Cena, Taker, Y2J, Ambrose and Reigns. He carried the entire Undertaker feud in his back. Since there are so many injuries, it's only natural that Bray, who has been in the upper midcard for so long, will climb up in the main event, to replace the missing stars.

Kevin Owens has been with the company for not even a year. Why should he feud with Lesnar so early? Let the guy grow in the midcard. It's the midcard that creates the superstars, not the main event.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, this Lesnar and Wyatts thing should only be a series of house show matches or they can feud for some B level PPV, but not WrestleMania.

I can understand what you're saying, although the events of last night have told us pretty conclusively that Brock's next mission is headed squarely in Bray's direction.

Imo, if this were to be just Brock against Bray (the Brock & Bray Connection? :blush:) it might not measure up to a Brock-worthy program, but including the other country cousins might cause it to amount to something good. Watching Brock square off last night against Braun Strowman (and didn't Brock look friggin' small?) might be an attraction in itself.

In this feud, it seems obvious we'll see Bray send Braun out there to soften up Lesnar before WM32, no? It's all part of the show.

Still, I keep thinking we shouldn't be so quick to eliminate possible opponents for Brock; I've felt ever since he arrived that there are remarkably few people on the roster deemed 'good enough' to go up against him. Management even had to reach to Undertaker to provide Brock's opposition a few times. After Cena. HHH, Punk & Rollins, who do they use?

No, I believe Bray could be a good test for Brock over a few months, as long as his 'family' isn't barred from ringside.......but I also agree with OP that none of this is gonna end with Bray Wyatt's arm held in victory.
After booking Lesnar as an unbeatable monster and making Wyatt take clean losses to most of lesnar's "victims" , you can't have Wyatt go over.
I was expecting Brock and Owens.

Than who does Wyatt go up against? Taker again? That's the problem, the injuries have forced WWE's hand. If Owens gets Brock at Mania than Wyatt was almost guaranteed to be matched up with Taker again. Would you rather see Bray/Brock and Owens/Taker or Owens/Brock and Bray/Taker for the third time?
The ONLY way this will work if we get Brocks "streak" moment and Bray wins. Doubt it very much, and this is what makes the booking so poor....it's too predictable.
Bray will likely end up going over, but it won't be anywhere near clean. Brock will dominate and suplex city will happen for a while, but then the rest of the Wyatts will join in and overwhelm the beast.

ok, so we've identified the 2 scenarios there.... we know reigns beats triple h... those are the 2 headlining matches so far....

we know understaker wins against whomever he faces as it is likely his last wrestlemania match...

yay for suspense!
Than who does Wyatt go up against? Taker again? That's the problem, the injuries have forced WWE's hand. If Owens gets Brock at Mania than Wyatt was almost guaranteed to be matched up with Taker again. Would you rather see Bray/Brock and Owens/Taker or Owens/Brock and Bray/Taker for the third time?

I created a thread the other day asking why people would want to see and enjoy Wyatt Vs Lesnar.

Reasons being it almost definitely isn’t going to end with a Wyatt victory and I didn’t think they would mesh well in the ring. Like the OP I was hoping for Owens Vs Lesnar

Your answer there is probably the best reasoning for it I have seen in my opinion. With the injuries there isn’t really anyone else for him to square up against. I suppose it comes down to the fact of do you want to relegate Wyatt at ‘Mania after having high profile feuds and give Owens a huge match in his 1st ‘Mania verses putting Owens in a decent upper-mid card (AJ anyone?) and keeping Wyatt high profile. The only issue as I mentioned above as it is predictable Wyatt would lose. Right now though, isn’t it just as predictable that Owens would lose?

We complain all the time about guys coming in and accomplishing too much too soon and we get burnt out on them quick. If there’s people now that want to see Owens Vs Lesnar, imagine in a years time when KO has had some kickass matches with AJ and other new guys that have come in and maybe had a World Title feud. Then he really will be in a position where we believe he will win.
There is one factor you ar emissing and that is Brock himself.. he knows now he is not going back to UFC, he know that some of the biggest guys in the business history have done him MAJOR favors... an maybe he looks at Bray and says what we all do "WHAT THE FUCK!"

Maybe he's willing to "take one" to help build someone who can legit be a proper star, Taker wouldn't or rather was not allowed to... ditto for Cena... Maybe Brock says, I can do a (abliet screwy) job for this guy and MAKE something....
Bray Wyatt is within touching distance of being the WWE's number one HEEL and a future WWE champion... it's all a matter of finding the right moment and for the authority feud to take its course.
So how you could possibly say that you are not interested in a Bray Wyatt vs Lesnar feud, I cannot understand! So he's going to get tossed around and physically outmatched for the majority of the match...but he's a HEEL, who will have something up his sleeve.
I see Wyatt winning at mania if this becomes reality....
Brock Lesnar is a big talent, I could imagine him fighting Bray but any other Wyatt would be one boring match. But at this point with much of WWE's top talent injured I think that WWE really had not much of a choice. Think about it, Lesnar doesn't really have any other opponent for WrestleMania. WWE is running out of steam and fast.

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