I'm moving next week


and I still don't have a place. I told my little sister and cousin that I would move to a different province with them so they could afford the bills. And 'm scared shitless. But oh well, the money is so good.

Also, another problem because I don't feel like starting a 2nd thread...

About a year ago, I met a girl, nd we liked each other. Problem was, I had a Gf. I will NEVER cheat, so I didn't do anything, and eventually, me and my GF broke up cause it wasn't good. And by the next time I talked to the girl I liked, she'd gotten a Bf. That was cool, we stayed friends. And then she moved away for 8 mnths.

She just got back a few weeks ago, and we're friends again, nd I kinda like her again. And with me, my sister, and her cousin ll moving to a different provnce, she wants to go to, but her Bf is still here. And she ants to be with him. So it sucks.

also forgot to menton her BF is a 25 year old Virgin who don't wanna have sex "till it's pefect"
Dude, his GF has tried to get his dick wet, but he's waiting. And it kinda sucks for me, because we both liked each other a year ago, but I was stupid and waited to long. Asof rightnow, I don't know what she thinks of me anymore.
that is tough Im in a fairly similar situation with some girl too only difference the dude isnt a nice guy tool hes just a straight up douchebag
I am also moving next week to Ontario to help my sister and her fiance with the bills, I am not that enthusiastic about it, but the jobs fall from the sky out there, so it is a lot easier to make more money than where I am at now. Where are you heading Derf? My guess is Alberta.
I'm also in a similar situation as Derf. Cept. I've never met her current boyfriend. Therefore, I must only assume, that he is a douchebag.
whats wrong with being a virgin at the age of 25? Maybe the guy has standards and he wont sleep with anything that walks.
This thread disgusts me. So what they guy's 25 and a virgin.. WOW.. big deal.

I can't believe someone made it passed the ripe old age of 12 with their penis not yet touching pussy. :rolleyes:

Some people in this world DO have values and morals. I'm sorry that so many others feel that's a bad thing. Perhaps you bunch of ingrates can go back to shooting up, while drinking a 40 and driving down the wrong side of the road in a school zone around the time they're letting out. Maybe that'll cheer you up, yeah?

I'd rather be a virgin into my 30's and find the right one to be with.. than sleep with random girl after random girl, and possibly regret select ones for the rest of my life. Not to mention contract any number of multiple STDs.. yeah.. that's fun huh, it's like a card game.. collect the whole set!
I am also moving next week to Ontario to help my sister and her fiance with the bills, I am not that enthusiastic about it, but the jobs fall from the sky out there, so it is a lot easier to make more money than where I am at now. Where are you heading Derf? My guess is Alberta.

Fuck that. I currently live in PEI, and I'm only going to Moncton. It's only about two hours away at the most, but anytime you make that trip, you have to pay to cross the Confederation bridge, and once I'm over there, I've got nothing left here, nothing to come back to.

This thread disgusts me. So what they guy's 25 and a virgin.. WOW.. big deal.

I can't believe someone made it passed the ripe old age of 12 with their penis not yet touching pussy. :rolleyes:

Some people in this world DO have values and morals. I'm sorry that so many others feel that's a bad thing. Perhaps you bunch of ingrates can go back to shooting up, while drinking a 40 and driving down the wrong side of the road in a school zone around the time they're letting out. Maybe that'll cheer you up, yeah?

I'd rather be a virgin into my 30's and find the right one to be with.. than sleep with random girl after random girl, and possibly regret select ones for the rest of my life. Not to mention contract any number of multiple STDs.. yeah.. that's fun huh, it's like a card game.. collect the whole set!

I can understand that, but thats not this guy. THIS guy is a virgin bcause up untill last November, he'd never had a girlfriend, not by his own choice. And the reason he is a virgin now isn't because of Morals, it's because he "wants the moment to be perfect", because if it's not perfect, he's scared. which is wierd, because she is more than willing. Why are we even on this topic? This is a thread about me moving.
Why are we even on this topic? This is a thread about me moving.

I think it had something to do with the general public discussing how this guy is still a virgin at age 25.. or you trying to get laid by going to England.. maybe I got threads confused.

I'm not entirely sure now.. retrace the steps of my post, and the posts before it. That should sum things up.
I think it had something to do with the general public discussing how this guy is still a virgin at age 25.. or you trying to get laid by going to England.. maybe I got threads confused.

I'm not entirely sure now.. retrace the steps of my post, and the posts before it. That should sum things up.

I findthis ironic, as this thread is about me moving and another girl I like right now (THATS how we got on said topic!) but this girl in Blackpool is no for getting laid, she's one of my best friends. I doubt anything would happen if I did go... Then again, I flat ot doubt I would go in the first place, so if I did...
I just got a call from my cousin, the one 'll be living with, we FINALLY found a place to live, and not a moment sooner, my sister and cousin are moving ths sunday, with me following a few days later ause I work sunday. Horay1

I think that sums it up.
Hahaha Might as well put those signs up in about every single bar room thread. I challenge someone to find a non stickied Bar Room Thread, and go to page 5, and see if it's still on the same topic as the first post lol

E-Wedding Guest List. Thing went forever and stayed on the main topic of what it was served for. Small discussions were had throughout, but it never derailed from it's main topic.

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