I'm Guessing That Vince Doesn't Have To Submit To Drug Tests


I was browsing through the internet on my break and happened to come across this little: http://www.wrestlinginc.com/wi/news/2015/0217/589535/vince-mcmahon-gets-magazine-cover-photo/

At the bottom of the page, it shows that Vince McMahon will be featured on the cover of the March 2015 issue of Muscle & Fitness magazine. As you can see in the picture, Vince looks absolutely shredded. Unless there's been some significant air brushing & touch ups for this picture, and the ones of Vince that'll be in the magazine itself, I honestly do not see how Vince could be in that sort of shape unless he's taking something.

Now before anyone jumps all over me, I'm not declaring that Vince is on something or that I know that he's on something because I don't. There's no possible way that I could know that for a fact, nor am I trying to imply that I do. It's just that the man is almost 70 years old and he's built like that??? I know that genetics plays a part of muscle development and all that but Jiminy Peter there are still limits on genetics. Again, if this picture hasn't had some major alterations, I simply don't see how a man of near 70 can be that muscular without using performance enhancing drugs. Again, this is all just speculation and guessing on my part, but I have a feeling that Vince makes use of human growth hormone to help keep himself ripped. It's what Sylvester Stallone has used for years to keep himself looking ripped, especially at his age, and he's almost a year younger than Vince.

Anyhow, once I saw the picture, I got to wondering if there are some various legal loopholes that can be exploited so that WWE executives aren't submitted to drug tests. I mean, since Vince McMahon isn't an active wrestler, does that mean he's exempt from being given drug tests? I don't know all the various details of the policy nor WWE's policy when it comes to drug use among all employees and not just wrestlers. But, Vince McMahon is the CEO, so I imagine it'd be a little awkward for someone to come up to him and say "Boss, we need you to take a tinkle in this little cup."*
That photo has clearly been airbrushed and altered, how much i dont know, i find it really weird that Vince could be anywhere near that ripped and not be on something when you consider how poor his health looks when he shows up on TV
This conversation takes me back to something that CM Punk spoke about in the Art of Wrestling podcast.

He was relating a story about a potential concussion he had suffered just before the time he left the company. He was having a discussion with Vince, that he says Triple H just had to be in the room for, and the talk was about how they were handling the concussion protocol and him needing to go get a proper concussion test from one of the doctors. Triple H then informed Punk that while he was getting the test that he also needed to submit to a drug test, and Punk took offense to being asked to do so. When Punk objected Triple H informed him that no one got preferential treatment and that Batista had just taken the same test. Upon Triple H telling him that, Punk asked Hunter if he himself had just taken or would be willing to take the same test if he took it, and Hunter got scared, shut up fast, and dropped the issue.

I'm guessing that the likes of Vince, Triple H, and Stephanie are not subject to the company's random drug screenings; and it seems to be a very small leap to surmise that they are taking full advantage of that.
Well, I find it hard to believe that Vince hasn't been taking something for as long as he can remember. Even at 50, the guy was completely ripped and it just didn't look normal. Now he's 70... it's not normal for a 70 year old to look like that. I'm not saying it's impossible, but you'd have to dedicate ALL your free time to lifting and toning, and I can't see Vince having that much free time in the past 30 years.

Plus, it's been heavily rumored that Vince used to juice with the guys like Hogan and Savage back in the 80s-90s. I'm not saying it's true, I'm just saying it's obvious...
I am asking because I don't know. But, isn't it possible to improve an already--or at least at one time--good physique with a certain diet and training program in a short amount of time?

I'm not naïve. I would not be surprised if Vince did or does take steroids. I don't know. I don't care. But aside from that...

The reason I ask is because I once knew a girl who was, let's say normal, as far as her build. Not skinny, but not fat. Average height and build. A short time later--and I mean only a couple of months--she was in those disgusting women's bodybuilding competitions and winning them. All because the guy she met was into that stuff. She had never done anything like that before.

So, my question is, given a few months notice, could Vince not get his body to look like that for a picture or two by doing some kind of quick fix like she did? Chicken, vegetables, working out, water...nothing else??
I am asking because I don't know. But, isn't it possible to improve an already--or at least at one time--good physique with a certain diet and training program in a short amount of time?

I'm not naïve. I would not be surprised if Vince did or does take steroids. I don't know. I don't care. But aside from that...

The reason I ask is because I once knew a girl who was, let's say normal, as far as her build. Not skinny, but not fat. Average height and build. A short time later--and I mean only a couple of months--she was in those disgusting women's bodybuilding competitions and winning them. All because the guy she met was into that stuff. She had never done anything like that before.

So, my question is, given a few months notice, could Vince not get his body to look like that for a picture or two by doing some kind of quick fix like she did? Chicken, vegetables, working out, water...nothing else??

He could but probably not at 70 his body just wouldn't or rather shouldnt be able to handle the lack/change in the amount of nutrients, carbs, etc. or the change in diet
There's not a chance in hell Vince is like that at his 70's. This photo looks like it is heavily edited. But if he truly is like that, then kudos to him for keeping such a shape.

On topic, I don't think Vince has any obligation to go through the company's drug test, since he's not a wrestler and hasn't wrestled since 2010. I don't know however what rules apply on TV-personas, but Vince has been away from television for a long time.

About Hunter, I don't really know what to believe. I can't take Punk's word for granted, nor the company's either. Triple H is still considered an active wrestler and shouldn't use any kind of substances. The company's drug tests might not apply to him, or they might do, but he gets clean results around Wrestlemania time.

Triple H isn't that jacked either, so that one would think he's using steroids. But I'm also not fully aware how these things work and how they make you look in the process.

IMO if it wasn't for Benoit & Guerrero's deaths, such tests would be a distant afterthought, also taking into consideration Vince's preferred looks for his wrestlers. Benoit & Guerrero were so pumped up, you'd thought they were gonna burst from all this muscle. Batista, too. And why? Because Vince wants jacked up dudes in the ring. It's so tragic that there had to be 2 deaths, in order to shake things up.

Btw, have you seen Orton lately? I don't know if that's extra fat or something else, but he looks twice the size he was.
Well first I think nearly all pictures of someone showing off their body is touched up. Did anyone see the non edited pics of Cindy Crawford that were online yesterday? She doesn't look like a model, she looks like an average 50 year old woman who takes decent care of herself.

That being said, I would think that Vince, HHH, pretty much anyone over 50-ish are all using everything they legally can. Testosterone supplements are legal and very effective, introducing a lot of free testosterone can take a couple decades off your bodies appearance and make you feel a lot younger too.

So I would guess it is probably both airbrush and at least testosterone. You never know what other's think, but I would think that McMahon would want to stay clear of that stuff simply because of the past and everything he had to lose.
Without writing a long novel about it, I'm sure he was taking them at one point and I really have no clue what he's taking now... but it doesn't look natural. Obviously highly edited, but his hobby has always been body building and there are various stories about him using them or getting them from the boys. Stone Cold jokes about how out of shape Vince made him look when they were in the ring and Vince was old then.

To answer your question simply - certainly at one time, not sure now, no I don't think he subjects himself or Triple H to drug tests.
I mean, since Vince McMahon isn't an active wrestler, does that mean he's exempt from being given drug tests?
Well, I am guessing that if, for example, Tom Brady does take drug test Robert Kraft doesnt have to do it. After all, he owns the team, he is not the one who is performing. Same as Vinnie Mac and WWE. :)

Oh, and be sure its edited heavily. People edit their Facebook pics now, let alone big magazine covers. ;)
The dude has access to the very best trainers, dietitians, doctors and chefs that money can buy. It is not a stretch that he is in unbelievable shape. He has been obsessed with his own, and his employees, physical attributes for decades so of course he is going to have an amazing build. Don't over think his age. His body/system runs on a different level than most individuals his age.
There is an element of truth there... he can have EVERYTHING he needs to actually get it legit and we know the guy sleeps like 3-4 hours a night if that... that being said, I'd be surprised if he wasn't using roids in some fashion...not heavily but when he knows he is going back to TV for a while and of course the wonderful loophole in the system is that only unprescribed roids are not ok under wellness.

All Vince or Trips or anyone needs is a legit reason for roids or a doctor that will state they have one... both guys tore quads, Vince did both... it's not inconceivable that those injuries mean they get scripts easily...

Trips, Cena, Rock... they all get the pass... Steph obviously does... Vince, well it's the age old adage, he who holds the gold makes the rules, doesn't live by them...
Why would he do random drug test? He isn't an athlete or wrestler so I doubt that he does and he shouldn't have to.

It makes no sense to drug test the non wrestlers. Sports drug test athletes for both health reasons and so that nobody has an unfair advantage. Wrestling, since it isn't real, is only for health reasons because wrestlers feel the need to use steroids to get healthy/look better. Why would a ref/camera man need to do that? I'm sure they are tested for marijuana but steroid testing is an entirely different thing. There is absolutely no reason for Vince to be tested for roids.
In regards to the CM Punk comments, why would someone in this business, especially someone who espouts a straight edge lifestyle and this have nothing to hide, be so offended at the prospect of taking a drug test? It's irrelevant whether Triple H takes one at the time or not - that's the point of random drug tests. Punk would have shown up clean and have that pass on his record until the next test, which likely wouldn't be until they'd gone through the entire rest of the roster.

If I was asked to take a test at work, I certainly wouldn't challenge my manager to do it too. It's stories like this that make Punk come across as a dick, which is a shame.

Back to thread, as a non-active executive Vince should be exempt from the same rules as the active wrestlers. He may well still take the test from time to time, but it wouldn't be an expected part of the job like it should be the wrestlers, and probably not as many rules.
The dude has access to the very best trainers, dietitians, doctors and chefs that money can buy. It is not a stretch that he is in unbelievable shape. He has been obsessed with his own, and his employees, physical attributes for decades so of course he is going to have an amazing build. Don't over think his age. His body/system runs on a different level than most individuals his age.

I believe that. I can imagine he probably works with Cena and Hogan etc. to keep his body right. After all these muscular guys he's worked with over the years, it shouldn't surprise me he got this shape.
I don't see a reason to test him either, unless he's considering entering the ring again. Right now he's not on the active roster, and very rarely shows up on TV at all. When he does, it's to make announcements and that's about the extent of it.

When you watch any sports, it usually only the athletics that get tested. Like for example, they wouldn't test the man who fires the starter's pistol in the Olympic 100 metre dash. Well unless he was pointing the gun at the runners and pretending to fire it at them. Then you get him the hell out of there right away.
In regards to the CM Punk comments, why would someone in this business, especially someone who espouts a straight edge lifestyle and this have nothing to hide, be so offended at the prospect of taking a drug test? It's irrelevant whether Triple H takes one at the time or not - that's the point of random drug tests. Punk would have shown up clean and have that pass on his record until the next test, which likely wouldn't be until they'd gone through the entire rest of the roster.

If I was asked to take a test at work, I certainly wouldn't challenge my manager to do it too. It's stories like this that make Punk come across as a dick, which is a shame.

Punk is a dick, and this plays into it. It's like asking someone who's clearly 30 for ID. They don't have to be offended, but you get people who are.

Anyways that photo of Vince has probably been touched up. As far as I know magazine covers always tweak the cover photo a little bit. However I'd like to point out Vince's posture. He's flexing and is bending over slightly. Doing that always makes you look good. And notice he's wearing a vest, sure you see some pectoral muscle but you don't see all of it or his stomach. It wouldn't be to much of a stretch to say Vince worked on his arms loads and didn't do as much on the rest of his body. Again the reason I say this is guys like Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Shwarzenegger look good for their age until you see their chest then it's a bit saggy.

Sure the possibility of steroids is there but at the same time Vince does have access to a load of guys who can tell him the best way to get into shape so it is a possibility it's natural.
It depends if Vince is also signed as a performer as to whether he has to follow the same drug test protocol. Stephanie is also signed as a performer as is HHH so they would both have to test. I just think it's bad on the WWE's part to have Vince on the cover like that as it just makes people think of steroids so why would they go there. Vince has taken steroids since the early 80's with Hogan and he might have had to admit it during the drug trial.
The head doesn't seem to match the body on that picture but it would take serious dieting to get the cut he has there and PED's as you can only lose fat and keep that muscle with them along with some kind of diuretic. Vince just doesnt have the legit genetics to build that body without help.
This conversation takes me back to something that CM Punk spoke about in the Art of Wrestling podcast.

He was relating a story about a potential concussion he had suffered just before the time he left the company. He was having a discussion with Vince, that he says Triple H just had to be in the room for, and the talk was about how they were handling the concussion protocol and him needing to go get a proper concussion test from one of the doctors. Triple H then informed Punk that while he was getting the test that he also needed to submit to a drug test, and Punk took offense to being asked to do so. When Punk objected Triple H informed him that no one got preferential treatment and that Batista had just taken the same test. Upon Triple H telling him that, Punk asked Hunter if he himself had just taken or would be willing to take the same test if he took it, and Hunter got scared, shut up fast, and dropped the issue.

I'm guessing that the likes of Vince, Triple H, and Stephanie are not subject to the company's random drug screenings; and it seems to be a very small leap to surmise that they are taking full advantage of that.

Why would Punk have reacted like that? I thought he was "straight-edge", so you think he willingly would have submitted to a drug test, knowing that they will find nothing?

Either he is just being an uncooperative prick as always, or maybe, just maybe, he isn't as "straight-edge" as he claims.
Vince was cut in 1998 and people surprised he still in shape?
There are likely some superficial touch ups to cover wrinkles and shit like that but for the most part I think that's him.

Now how he got that way....?
Who knows but when your boss looks like he can break your arms (here's looking at 90% of the NXT roster) I think that should be motivation.

Since they banned the use of roids a lot of the talents they got have been getting smaller and smaller. HBK and Jericho were talking about how guys now are even smaller than they are, I think that says alot about the direction of the business.
Yeah, I find it a little hard to believe too. It hard to imagine how a 70-year-old man can stay in shape like that. Even if he's talking some kind of enhancing drugs, I won't be bothered by it either. He is the boss, and he is not a competitor or a performer.

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