I'm extremely bored.

She was, but I think she's better now. Maybe she'll return at Bragging Rights.
My friend Amanda was obsessed with Gotcha Force. I never played it. Custom Robo was the shit, though.

Top ten NGC games...Sonic Mega Collection, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Chibi Robo, Custom Robo, Super Mario Sunshine, Mega Man Network Transmission, Wario Ware Inc., Super Smash Bros. Melee, and Sonic Gems Collection.
I thought it was insane how they had you throwing people off scaffolding into rivers and whatnot LOL

I am fairly certain you killed people in that game. You could throw them into an infinite abyss on one of the levels. A little dark for a pro wrestling game.
The [OFFICIAL] ScreaminNormanSmiley;2534172 said:
I am fairly certain you killed people in that game. You could throw them into an infinite abyss on one of the levels. A little dark for a pro wrestling game.

and they had swords and claws and such. It was a strange chapter in video game wrestling.
Oh, sweet. So yeah, GCN game, huh?

No order here at all:

Wind Waker
Smash Bros.
Double Dash (yes, these three are pretty damn predictable...but also that damn good!)
Capcom vs SNK 2 (not the best version of the game, but still easily a great game)
Soul Calibur 2
Resident Evil 4
Paper Mario: Thousand Year something-or-other
Eternal Darkness
Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes
Pikmin 2
Door. Thousand Year Door.

I've never heard of that wrestling game. Strange. I'll have to look it up.

And how could I forget about Soul Calibur II? That game was awesome. My best characters were Charade and Link.

I also loved Soul Calibur III. I borrowed that from a friend and played it allllll the time.

Lu Xun for the win.
I've never heard of Lu Xun. A Google search told me nothing. Curses and drat.

Also, the reason I'm up so early is because my roommate didn't turn his alarm off, despite him not being here. I was woken up at 7:00 by loud staticcy metal. ugggh. Maybe I'll go eat at Burger King for breakfast since I never do anything like that, ever.

I just did some research on the Revenge Mode for Wrestlemania XIX. Why would you want to ruin Wrestlemania? I'd feel bad for the thousands in attendance and the millions watching at home. :(
I feel like crap. I'm probably going back to bed soon. But I've got an essay to write and a quarterly final to study for, so I don't have time to sleep.
Yeah, I was sick yesterday. Now I'm just tired. At least I have tea, and honey nut Cheerios.

I can't wait for the 3DS. It looks SO awesome.
Same here. I might get it as a gift for Christmas from my parents for me and my 2 brothers.

And tea sounds good. I might have a fever, but the main issue is that I've got some "back-door issues".
The 3DS won't be out until, like, March. I'm already saving up my money for it and for the Ocarina of Time and Starfox 64 remakes. Oh yes.
Oh. Well, then my brother might get it for his birthday or something. Either way, I'm getting it. I just wish that I could get Nexus for Wii on SDVR 2011. No DLC for me.
I'm probably not going to get SvR11, no matter how cool WWE Universe mode looks. I never get to play the PS3, instead opting to spend my videogame-playing times on the Wii playing retro classics. New games are just not as fun as old ones.

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