I'm done, y'all win, I'm gone!!!!

This made me think of you, IAND


Never will I understand a farewell post, especially from someone like this guy.

The farewell post is one's dying attempt to fish for a "We're sorry, don't go, you're important to the forum."
The funny thing is I actually had intended (and still do if you come back) to leave you alone.

My intention was never to make you leave. It was to get the outburst I got.
Dude don't be a pussy. Don't let bullying and pear pressure stop you from posting here.
If you are really annoyed about them just put them on your ignore list.

Dude don't EVER let others claim victory always fight to win even if you are in the wrong don't ever let others claim superiority over you I wanna slap you in the face for that.
You cant just ignore pear pressure. Those juicy maniacs are far too pearsistent.

Two terrible posters who misquote common phrases in one thread? They have to be related or it is proof that our public school system is failing.
Reap what you soul? Pear pressure?
No, you two, YOU are the ones that have won here- the award for butchering the English language. I tip my beanie to you fine gentlemen.
You cant just ignore pear pressure. Those juicy maniacs are far too pearsistent.

Two terrible posters who misquote common phrases in one thread? They have to be related or it is proof that our public school system is failing.

You could say they're quite the pear.
Oh and had you not decided to "troll" and continuously call me a bitch I would have left you alone from the beginning.
If this place stresses you out that much and you're going through dealing with the loss of a friend then it's probably a great idea to step back for a little bit.

Good for you for doing that.
New Day daddy good riddance dude!!! Like I used to tell Nick man, you're not gonna go anywhere in life being a pussy brother. Don't like your kind around here dude. White love. HH

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