I'm Calling It Now....

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
Bad News Barrett vs Dean Ambrose vs R-Truth vs Dolph Ziggler vs ? (D-Bry?) - Intercontinental Championship Scramble Match

It makes perfect sense. At FastLane we saw Ambrose walk out with the title, even though he didn't win the belt. He held the title with him on Raw, when Barrett had a match against Ziggler, with R-Truth on commentary.
You can kick off some form of story on Raw next week where all of the men involved want to become IC Champ, maybe throwing Daniel Bryan into the mix as well if he has nothing coming up. As long as you throw in a 5th man, that's all that matters.

Eventually, HHH or Vince, whoever gets involved says that seeing that all 5 men want the title, they'll be bringing back the Championship Scramble match.

That way, you can throw promos/matches between them where people take the IC Title away with them, until the match at Wrestlemania, where one FINALLY becomes champion.

I was thinking something similar but I just can't see Truth being in there. Maybe it's his last match for the WWE and they are rewarding him but it seems so odd.

Barrett v Ziggler v Sheamus v Bryan v Ambrose. Yes please. A regular 5-person match, a scramble or a gauntlet could be awesome. It would get them all on the card and be something interesting. This would also save time.

I quite like the idea of a gauntlet so we could get something like Bryan/Ziggler, Bryan/Sheamus (in 17 seconds of course), Bryan/Barrett and either Bryan/Ambrose or Barrett/Ambrose. That could be fun and give the WWE some options heading out of Mania.
When I saw all 4 men at ringside the other night I instantly thought they were going to have a match. Now with Bryan having nothing t do at 'Mania and Sheamus returning there are 2 routes they can go. They could put Bryan And Sheamus in a match but personally I think that would be a waste of a spot on he card. If they were going to do that I would much rather see Bryan Vs Ziggler in and exhibition match.

Now the other route they could go is to have all 6 man in a match, but not a scramble match as you propose. Lets have it be a ladder match! If they do this then at least we would have a bit of an explanation as to why R-Truth is in the match. I say let these 6 guys go out there and tear the house down!
Yeah, it certainly looks ad though this is the way that the WWE are taking the Intercontinental Championship this year. And I'm okay with that. From nothing, Dean Ambrose and Wade Barrett have made the Intercontinental Championship worth watching again, even if it doesn't make a great deal of sense right now. Unpredictability is the name of the game, especially in this day and age of wrestling. At least I've been enjoying it anyway.

I hate the idea of having Daniel Bryan in there though, he's far too big of a name to be in a match like that at WrestleMania. I would much rather see Sheamus come back as a heel and feud with Bryan. To me, that would be a lot more preferential for Bryan and Sheamus and would mean that Bryan still gets a chance to show us what he's best at.

Either way, Ambrose leaves with the Intercontinental Championship at WrestleMania, it really doesn't matter who he goes up against. He's over with the fans and is a former Champion. It totally makes sense. Anything different and I will be utterly shocked.
No Bryan but that looks where they'll be going. Should be a fun match (though why R-Truth is involved over, say, Ryback I don't know) but unless they wake a tag title match this is getting bumped from the card. Mania always has timing issues and this isn't a match that'd be saved should those occur.
When I saw all 4 men at ringside the other night I instantly thought they were going to have a match. Now with Bryan having nothing t do at 'Mania and Sheamus returning there are 2 routes they can go. They could put Bryan And Sheamus in a match but personally I think that would be a waste of a spot on he card. If they were going to do that I would much rather see Bryan Vs Ziggler in and exhibition match.

Now the other route they could go is to have all 6 man in a match, but not a scramble match as you propose. Lets have it be a ladder match! If they do this then at least we would have a bit of an explanation as to why R-Truth is in the match. I say let these 6 guys go out there and tear the house down!

I was thinking something similar but I just can't see Truth being in there. Maybe it's his last match for the WWE and they are rewarding him but it seems so odd.

Barrett v Ziggler v Sheamus v Bryan v Ambrose. Yes please. A regular 5-person match, a scramble or a gauntlet could be awesome. It would get them all on the card and be something interesting. This would also save time.

I quite like the idea of a gauntlet so we could get something like Bryan/Ziggler, Bryan/Sheamus (in 17 seconds of course), Bryan/Barrett and either Bryan/Ambrose or Barrett/Ambrose. That could be fun and give the WWE some options heading out of Mania.

I think what you're forgetting is with the premise of it being a Championship Scramble, ANYONE can really be in it if you want them to.

This is the match after all that allowed The Brian Kendrick to become the longest reigning "Interim WWE Champion" ;)

R-Truth may not have done much of recent times, but that's due to the birth of his son, so we've seen him wrestle the odd match here & there. Someone like Truth (who is actually quite fun sometimes) being in this match won't make much of a difference, as he can be interim champ once or twice & it really wouldn't have any effect.

Dave, as for who walks out with the belt, yes I'd go for Ambrose, unless Bryan's in it.
Yeah, it certainly looks ad though this is the way that the WWE are taking the Intercontinental Championship this year. And I'm okay with that. From nothing, Dean Ambrose and Wade Barrett have made the Intercontinental Championship worth watching again, even if it doesn't make a great deal of sense right now. Unpredictability is the name of the game, especially in this day and age of wrestling. At least I've been enjoying it anyway.

I hate the idea of having Daniel Bryan in there though, he's far too big of a name to be in a match like that at WrestleMania. I would much rather see Sheamus come back as a heel and feud with Bryan. To me, that would be a lot more preferential for Bryan and Sheamus and would mean that Bryan still gets a chance to show us what he's best at.

Either way, Ambrose leaves with the Intercontinental Championship at WrestleMania, it really doesn't matter who he goes up against. He's over with the fans and is a former Champion. It totally makes sense. Anything different and I will be utterly shocked.

Unless WWE has planned what I think they have planned and having Dean turn heel the Raw after Mania and feud with Roman for the title with Seth eventually cashing in setting up a Shield triple threat at Summerslam.
With Seth teasing a cash in at Mania and Lesnar turning face F5'ing him and Roman calling out Seth the next night on Raw to a title match without the briefcase on the line. Seth would then get intentionally DQ'ed and go to cash in only for Dean to hold to his promise and stop it before he can, only to turn heel on Roman leading to them feuding. Seth eventually cashes in and boom. But as far as this match goes I see it happening. I will not say any spoilers but it could happen. Unless Sheamus returns next week during a IC title match with BNB and Bryan and turn heel attacking Bryan brutally.
I think what you're forgetting is with the premise of it being a Championship Scramble, ANYONE can really be in it if you want them to.

This is the match after all that allowed The Brian Kendrick to become the longest reigning "Interim WWE Champion" ;)

R-Truth may not have done much of recent times, but that's due to the birth of his son, so we've seen him wrestle the odd match here & there. Someone like Truth (who is actually quite fun sometimes) being in this match won't make much of a difference, as he can be interim champ once or twice & it really wouldn't have any effect.

Dave, as for who walks out with the belt, yes I'd go for Ambrose, unless Bryan's in it.

I get what you're saying and you make a good point. My point though is that if you make it a ladder match it is a better use of R-Truths talents instead of him being 'interim champion'. Also I've never been a fan of the scramble concept. I just think it's a poor gimmick. If we had this 6 guys we could potentially see one of the greater ladder matches in recent years.
Bryan and Sheamus will both get added into the match, and I could see them doing a 6-Man Ladder Match for the IC Title since Money in the Bank isn't a feature of WrestleMania anymore.
I was thinking something more like a triple threat match with Barrett vs Ambrose vs Sheamus, which leaves Bryan vs Ziggler in a singles match or a swap between Ziggler and Sheamus.

I don't know what the hell R-Truth is doing in there. He should just be used as a stepping stone for Barrett, so that the champ, can finally get some wins under his belt.

But a scramble match would be a good idea. But please, keep Bryan away from the IC title, for the time being.
For those wondering why R-Truth is in the match, it's because he's black. So far, there's no black wrestlers being promoted for Wrestlemania. Mark Henry is absent, and WWE seems to have given up on the New Day, so enter R-Truth.

I'm definitely okay with a mutli-man contest for the IC title, but I'm not a fan of scrambles. I think there's a reason it hasn't been done in years. On top of that, I think they should have at most four people in this match, as it's already borderlining on overkill with a fatal four way AND an Andre the Giant Battle Royal.
Bad News Barrett and Dean Ambrose by themselves could have a great Wrestlemania match despite them having already had a match at Fast Lane. Adding Dolph Ziggler to the mix making it a triple threat? Sure! I bet that would be a really good match. Add in Daniel Bryan making it a Fatal Fourway? Yes, NOW you have your show-stealer! R-Truth getting added in as a 5th entrant? Ok.... random, but I'd take it. These five in a match could certainly be one of the best matches of the night, BUT, it depends on what type of match it is. In most cases, I'm certain it would be very good.

The problem here, Thrash? You lost me the INSTANT you mentioned the Championship Scramble match. Not just "no", but HELL NO. Scramble matches are quite possibly the stupidest match type that I have ever seen. They are far too complicated and idiotic for my taste. If they ever get brought back, it should be in a contendership capacity, NOT for a title belt. I'd personally rather the Scramble match type stay in the past where it belongs. Put them in a 5 man Elimination match instead or something. I'd rather see Brie Bella VS Nikki Bella for the Divas Championship (given my dislike of The Bellas, this says a lot) than EVER see another Championship Scramble match.
On one hand, at least they are putting the IC Title on the line this year. They've rarely had it defended in the past dozen years or so.

But on the other hand, they're getting the match wrong in my opinion. They're getting way too many guys involved when it should just be Barrett and Ambrose. That's the real feud here, with Ambrose stealing the belt from Barrett. Ziggler should be moving on to something else by now, R-Truth is a completely random guy to throw into the mix, and if Bryan and/or Sheamus (or anyone else for that matter) are put in the match, it just gets over saturated and messy.

It should be Barrett vs. Ambrose, Bryan vs. Ziggler, and R-Truth and Sheamus should be in the battle royal. If Sheamus were to get his own match, I wouldn't mind seeing him as a heel against Ryback.
Well you weren't far off.....

WWE announced an IC ladder match for WM31 - likely featuring Barrett, Ambrose, Ziggler, R-Truth
If it goes down as some are saying this could be the show stealer. Already more interested in it than the main event. As someone else said though, Mania always seems to have timing issues, so hopefully they will give this the time it deserves.
I'd rather Bryan not be relegated to IC contender....

R-Truth's inclusion confuses me, as he went from a low card jobber to a potential contender by defeating BnB in what was obviously a fluke...Yet I'm kind of glad, as I think Truth has an entertaining personality and deserves more than what he has been getting.

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