If you were able to give one person a world title shot...

Louie Lips

Occasional Pre-Show
OK. So if you were able to give one person in the WWE a title shot who would it be? It could be a main eventer, a mid-card wrestler who you think deserves to move up. ANYBODY. I personally would give a WWE title shot to Shelton Benjamin, as he is athletic, good on the mic, and has been with the WWE for years.
I would give MVP a World Title shot, he has proved time again he is great in the ring and is fantastic on the mic.

the longest reigning US champ of all time deserves a world title run, maybe not now but sometime in the near future.
Definitely Shelton Benjamin. I'd turn him face, make him shave that Gold Shit out of his head, and put him in a feud with Randy Orton. He and Evolution had a great feud back in '04. The Match he was in with Orton at Bad Blood was great. Except for Randy's typical 5 minutes worth of headlocks.

There were rumors that Vince asked him if he wanted to be a Main Eventer, and he said no he was fine where he is. Stuff like that kinda worrys me, because it makes it seem like Shelton isn't as driven and he's prone to laziness.

If I was to make someone a Main Event, it would definitely be Shelton. He's pretty much done everything they've asked of him. He makes his matches look like actual athletic competition. There's always a knock on his mic skills, but he can't help the fact that he has a deep southern accent. Yeah, he stumbles a lot during his promos, but it's nothing that an acting coach can't help him with.
I agree with all parties involved so far. I like Shelton Benjamin more as a heel because he seems to more personality this way. MVP has tremendous wrestling ability which has been underutilized since his Benoit fued and since his Matt Hardy fued. Not sure I buy into him as a face though. I mean he is my favorite wrestler but I liked him more as the tweener he was in the Matt Hardy fued. We've seen self-absorbed tweeners work magic (The Rock etc). In the proper fued, MVP could be a home run hitter. Right now, I'd give Shelton the nod.
Imo KANE deserves a one on one program with either the WWE or World chapion at some point. Anything he's gotton lately has been part of either a Scramble match or Elimination Chamber. I think it's about time Kane received a proper shot with the possibility of even winning.
benjamin seems to be a popular vote. he is the longest reigning champion rite now. i say drop the u.s. belt to mvp turn face nd feud with orton on sd after the draft
i think the Tommy Dreamer should get a title shot. He has been in wrestling a very long time, and isnt heing used very often. And i really dont want to see him retire
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I would love to see Shawn Michaels get another run with a World Title but that doesn't really seem to be what we're talking about. So if I were to choose someone from the lower card, I would opt to see Brian Kendrick jump to the Main Event and get a title shot - even if he doesn't win.

I know he was in the Scramble but that isn't the same. A one on one match against HHH would be awesome.
I think I'm hard pressed to pick one of three - Kennedy, MVP and Shelton. I think all three have everything they need to be successful at the top of the WWE pile... and if there was no Undertaker/HHH/HBK any more I think they'd be up there already.

Shelton needs more drive, and Kennedy needs to stay injury free for a while, but MVP is probably the most likely to get there. He needs to push on in a feud now, and HOPEFULLY he will build momentum in the next two/three weeks and win MITB.
I got with Captain Charisma, Christian!

He's great on the mike and would be able to make a great face/heel World Champion. Yeah he's not built like Cena or Batista, but he has other abilities, one is the mike. His return has been exceptional and I'd give him a shot first.

Given I'm basing this on MVP possibly winning MITB
I'd have to also go with Christian. As you said he is great on the mic and like you said he would make a great face or heel champion. We already seen that in TNA once before. Also I feel who ever the match is against he could make it really good. I'd love it to be Christian vs Edge myself in like a TLC Match. That would amazing and so high profile IMO.
Personally id like to see John Morrison with a shot at the World Heavyweight Title.
I'm a big fan of Morrison as I feel he's got it all.
Amazing Athletic Ability
The Looks
The Body
The Charisma
Good On The Mic
Already A Proven He Can Go Toe-To-Toe With The Big Boys

He's a throwback to the old Rick Rude, except 10 times better if given the right push.

Another one would be Shelton Benjamin for sure.
I know he just came back, but I hope Christian gets one. I hope he doesn't get lost on ECW.
I would give my World Title match to Jamie Noble ! He is a former ROH World Champion and in the WWE could be ALOT better then they allow him to be period good worker , good mic skills so Jamie Noble would get a World Title match if it was up to me .
I would definitely give a world title shot to John Morrison. He has finally established a character that works and his wrestling skills are unmatched. I don't usually tune into ECW but i did catch this most recent episode and The Dirt Sheet Segment that Miz and Morrison did with the Colon's was very well done and it was just a refreshing segment to watch out of a very stale product that is WWE. Miz is great on the mic too but its Morrison who is clearly the driving force of that team. I think he is ready for the main event. He is capable of performing 5 star matches (i.e. his ECW title defenses) so i think it would be in WWE's best interest to give him a shot. The future is now

A close second would be Christian. He just feels out of place on ECW because the guys he is currently working with (jack swagger, mark henry, finlay) are all far beneath him. They need to move him to smackdown already and allign him back with Edge
Kane!!!! i was going to say HBK but his title reigns lasted a more than a day.....to me ecw title is not a top title.....kane has been in wwe for how long and yet has one wwe title to his credit and for one day....have him win to and hold it at least a week
You know who I would give a title shot? Benjamin...why? I am sick of hearing about 'how great he is' he does ONE good match a year, his only decent mic run was when he had his momma with him, yeah he may be athletic, big deal...it means nothing, he doesn't entertain me save for the MiTB matches, stale and boring the other 364 days of the year. Give him a title shot, have him lose and let us never speak of him again.
I am not shure. Shelton Benjerman has been underestimated in the WWE. Mvp is great i say let him have a shot at the world heavyweight championship. I also think if Tyson Kidd fueded with Dj Gabriel or Evan Bourne and proves hes good id give him a shot at ECW title or go to SD and fued with carlito, mvp, kennedy ect. for Usa championship
You know who I would give a title shot? Benjamin...why? I am sick of hearing about 'how great he is' he does ONE good match a year, his only decent mic run was when he had his momma with him, yeah he may be athletic, big deal...it means nothing, he doesn't entertain me save for the MiTB matches, stale and boring the other 364 days of the year. Give him a title shot, have him lose and let us never speak of him again.

Nah man Shelton has a lot of good matches. Remember him and HBK back in 2005 I believe...it was a match I believe it was called Rush for the Gold tournament. I believe he should had won that match with Shawn Michaels. Then you have his matches with HHH back in RAW. I don't believe Shelton was given the time and the push that he deserve. When I saw him in the Rumble last year and this year I was excited but he was eliminated so fast :icon_sad:
Shelton Benjamin is always stuck in garbage matches that he always has to lose in. He worked a great match at Night of Champions with Matt Hardy.

I'd agree on him, and Morrison, but I'll go Kane here. I wish he'd bring back his era of intimidation, and wear the closed off mask, two-sleeved shirt, and put the demon back into him. He has the main event feel to him, and I think he could work well on the main-event scene.
Mr Kenndey should get a title shot. Don't what and why the wwe did with him. remember royal rumble 07 against batista he was shit hot! Shelton, Matt and so on and so forth are mid carders, they wont elevate, its not about just being a worker

Geezes McMahon, push the guy already! He's one of the best wrestlers in the damn company by a long shot.
i think Evan Bourne. it doesnt have to be right now cuz i no hes only been in the wwe for a bit, but in the future. he is very enjoyable to watch and could put on a great match agianst guys like randy orton or edge. i also love the moves he uses cuz hes very unique.
Good thing some of you guys arent bookers for WWE or theyd be out of buisness. Come on, Shelton Benjamin needs to undergo a MAJOR gimmick upgrade to even be considered- he is BORING. At least when rock and scsa had bad gimmicks their charisma shined through and they easily became stars. MVP is the same- bad gimmick- does not look like a Champ- just the reason why someone like CM Punk does not get over all the way- no one relates to their gimmicks. They are not real nor are they heroes or villians.

I would say hands down John Morrison- once he gets better on the mic (if possible) he will go over. Kennedy would be a good choice as he can work a mic already and looks pretty good. Santino is goofy but undeniably charismatic so he would be a natural choice as a top player.

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