If you could watch a former wrestler wrestle one last time, who would it be?


Dark Match Jobber
When I say former wrestler, I mean either retired or deceased. Which wrestler excited you the most in a match leaving you wanting to watch more?

My pick would obviously be Eddie Guerrero. He would always perform a great match and give it his all. He also loved performing for the fans and put on a great show everytime. He would hit IMO the best Frog Splash. The lying, cheating, and stealing during his matches were also funny and entertaining. Like when he beat Kurt Angle at Wrestlemania XX by loosening his boot on purpose and then when Kurt had the ankle lock the boot slipped and Eddie rolled him up for the 1-2-3. It's really too bad that we will never see another Eddie Guerrero match ever again. Now all we have are youtube videos of his old matches. So anyway, who would you guys pick?
If I could see any wrestler wrestle one more match it would have to be Mr. Perfect. That guy was so damn perfect. Amazing entrance music, could have on a fantastic match with anyone. He played such a great heel. I hated him and Ric Flair so much when they were together.
For guys that are still with us, my choice would have to be Arn Anderson, since my all time favorite (see sig below) is still active. I don't ever remember seeing a bad match or interview segment out of the Enforcer. It's a shame that he had to retire so early. I always looked forward to hearing him talk the talk and then back it up.

For deceased wrestlers, it would have to be Chris Benoit. I know, what he did to Nancy and Daniel is reprehensible, but like with Double A, I don't ever remember a bad match from Chris. Obviously we can't separate what Chris did at the end of his life from his career, but that's my choices.
I would do anything to see another match featuring The Rock. Not only was he athletic, he was also so entertaining. He would take a match as simple as an I Quit match and make it a hilarious and entertaining wrestling contest.
I would also say Curt Hennig. Imagine Mr. Perfect versus John Cena, or Mr. Perfect versus Kurt Angle. Mr. Perfect might be the greatest in ring performer of all time. He never failed to delight the fans during his AWA and WWE tenures. He was a legend and he would have made a fabulous WWE Champion.
This one's a no-brainer for me, obviously it's Bret "the Hitman" Hart. It didn't matter who he faced, what shape or size his opponent was, or what style they had... he could have a great match with absolutely anyone. No one ever told a compelling story in the ring as good as Bret did, he was a master at storytelling and in-ring psychology. If hell froze over, and Bret Hart could have one last match, I could only hope that it would be against Kurt Angle... what a fucking great match that would be.
well I would love to see Mr. Perfect in a match against Angle, but I think the thing I always regretted never happened was David von Erich winning the NWA title against Flair. It's always been rumored it was about to happen, but then he died. So I would love to see him in a match one last time.
Taz, without question. Watch one of his matches (a surprising number of people haven't) in ECW, they're incredible, for the most part. Taz/Angle or Taz/Low Ki is a dream match for me. Alternatively, I'd like to see Mike Awesome or the Dynamite Kid wrestle one last time. Dynamite/Angle or Dynamite/Danielson would be "Best ever vs. best ever" candidates. As for Awesome, well, I've always wanted to see him face Homicide for some reason. Wierd.
I would have to go with Bret Hart. He was an amazing superstar whos career was cut short because somebody doesn't know to do a kick. Someone should kick him in the head.

Honorable Mentions
-Eddie Guerrero
-Mr. Perfect
-The Rock
if i could only pick one it would certainly be the hitman. for a long long long time in his career the guy couldnt have a bad match if he wanted to. there are so many tho.

the macho man, owen hart, rick rude, ultimate warrior, mr perfect, the rock and stone cold would all be awesome to see in the ring in a main event one last time.
Okay, I am on the fence with this one. My choices are either the Rock or Eddie Guerrero. Both were great performers, capable of cutting promos, and very entertaining. So, if I could have both I would, but at least one of them!
If I had to choose, if would be the excellence of execution, the best their is, the best their was, and the best their ever will be, Bret, The Hitman Hart. He is ranked #1 in my mind as the greatest of all time, and one last match between him, preferably against The Rock, would be an epic match, even more legendary than the Icon vs Icon match at WM18.
honestly, I would love to see Owen Hart wrestle again. He was exciting to watch. Two dream matches for me would be Owen vs. Bret or Owen vs. Eddie.
I am torn between Bret Hart and Hawk. See I would love to see Bret Hart in action, because I loved to see his matches.

Hawk I would love to see as the Road Warriors, and against a really great team whatever they would be. Could you imagine them againest the Dudleyz?
i would say The Eight Wonder Of The World Andre The Giant.i would to see himface off against the big show,undertaker,khali.he might not be fit but he was still awesome
As much as I know I'm going to get bashed for this, I've gotta say Benoit.

Focus on his in-ring stuff. The guy was awesome (assuming you're into technical wrestling). It's a shame that Benoit had only ONE World Heavyweight Title to his credit but, even when he lost a match, people would stand up and cheer because they KNEW Benoit gave it his all. I'd take Angle vs Benoit over the current WWE crap anyday.
wow i'd go with Billy Robinson to see him vs.Angle, he was so a great wrestler if Malenko was the man of a thousand holds then Robinson was the man of 2000 holds he could counter any hold. or my ultimate tag team dream match Macho Man Randy Savage teaming with Hulk Hogan against HBK and Triple H all in their primes the Mega Powers vs. Degeneration X
I want a good hard solid Cactus Jack match. Not a Foley job-fest, a real Cactus Jack match, like the kind he put on at the Royal Rumble in that Street Fight against Triple H.

Man, that match was awesome.
Candy Okutsu (aka Lady Tiger Mask or Tiger Dream)

Seriously, compared to this chick a Gail Kim match would be absolute garbage. Not only was Candy very sexy, but she could get it done in the ring, as she was one of the best high flyers to ever step inside the ring. Her matches with Manami Toyota and Mariko Yoshida were classics.
There are quite a few that come to mind, such as Bret Hart or the Macho Man, and if it wasn't for the hint of a Kevin Nash in-ring return or Scott Hall getting back into shape, either of them would top off my list. However, the one true legend that I want to see wrestle one more time, and I honestly don't care who in hell it is against, is Diamond Dallas Page.

Long hair or short, the Diamond Cutter feels the same. BANG
The rock his matches are so entertaining he's athletic quick and doesn't get in many matches that are full of headlocks and boring submissons. he makes matches look funny and his mic skills are incredible
I would love to see Bret Hart and Eddie Guerrero. Bret Hart because he is the best techincal wrestler there was, is, and ever will be. Eddie Guerrero simply because his matches were soo entertaining. Back in '04 I loved his feud with JBL, he was always entertaining. So I wish I could see a Eddie Guerrero VS. Bret Hart match, different styles, amazing match!
Eddie gurerro, i would love to see him go one on one with HBK, just once that would give him a proper send off and a far well in my book.

For me it would definatly be the hitman bret hart, or maybe owen hart. could you imagine this fatal four way: Angle vs Bret Hart vs Owen Hart vs Chris Benoit. That would be a match for the ages 4 men who are amazing technical wrestlers who could never really have a bad match.
One wrestler i would love to see come back and wrestle again would have to be Owen Hart. This guy was the total package. He was a great heel and a great face. He had amazing in ring skills. He was amazing on the mic. The guy was totally underrated though. Seeing him back one more time would definetly be amazing.

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