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If you could step into the ring...


Pre-Show Stalwart
I have seen alot of what if threads, but none along this line.

As a wrestling fan I have always wanted to be a wrestler. At the time I never thought of who I would really ever wanted to wrestle if I had the chance (providing I knew how).

The one apponent that I would love to have wrestled would have to of been Eddie Guerrero. He's not even my favorite wrestler, but he is like wrestling royalty, and a hell of a math technician and the match would have just been fun with all of his crazy antic's he used to pull.

So if I could have had 1 wrestling match ever it would be with Eddie for the simple fact that no matter how good or bad I would be in the match Eddie Guerrero would make it look golden, and completely memorable.

So this thread is just thinking outside the box a little bit, and choosing 1 wrestler that you would want to wrestle if you could, and why you picked that particular wrestler over all. It can be any wrestler from any time period.
Ric Flair.

It's simple; Ric Flair can have a fifteen minute match with me, even if I were a rookie, and make me look absolutely golden. One punch to the forehead and Flair is screaming. Flair is the measuring stick when it comes to making someone look good. No matter who his opponent was, what style or size, he would certainly make them look good. I could be the greenest wrestler on the planet, and Ric would make me look like gold in the ring. The storytelling is always there in a Flair match and that's something I wouldn't want to pass up.
Gail Kim. Seriously, you guys are barking up the wrong tree here. A nice intergender match wherein I get to roll around with Gail...

No, I jest, of course.

Not really.

If I have to wrestle a man, though, I'd want it to be Bryan Danielson. And I do mean Bryan Danielson, not Daniel Bryan. Meaning that I want to meet Bryan on ground where he is Bryan, and can be all Bryan can be. All you really need to know to have a pretty decent match with Bryan is a few holds and how to sell. He can do the rest. I'd love to get in the ring with him as the heel and wrestle it out. Even if I was a total rookie going against Bryan, we could probably have *** together, which is a pretty impressive rookie match, as I see it. It doesn't hurt that Bryan is my favorite wrestler and I love his antics in the ring. I'd love to watch him pull them off and try to answer them with my own. So, yes, if I had the opportunity to wrestle just one man, and the experience to do it, I'd gladly meet Bryan Danielson at any indy show and tear the house down with him.
I would have to step in with The Rock. I can just feel the electricity every time I see it on television. So to actually BE there with The Rock, and getting my candy ass checked into the Smackdown Hotel, would be MY pleasure. lol. That really didn't sound right, but The Rock is my hero, and favorite wrestler.

On a side note- I ACTUALLY did step into the ring with Jeff Hardy. lol We didn't wrestle of course, we just took a picture. So I can technically say I was in the ring with Jeff Hardy! lol
Definitely a prime Bret Hart. Not only because he's my favorite wrestler of all time but because he is considered to be one of the safest wrestlers of all time so I wouldn't have to worry about getting hurt, he is an excellent seller so my moves and me would look better and he was a great storyteller so he would find a way to draw it up so the crowd would be into our match.
If I could step into the ring with any wrestler it would have to be Shawn Michaels. He was one of my wrestling heroes growing up and I enjoyed his entire career. I would want to get in the ring with him during his second run because he would make me look great in the match as we steal the show together. I'm sure we would have a good time coming up with all sorts of sarcastic promos to lead up to the match too, within the guidelines that creative or Vince approve them if we don't get creative control. Someone like Michaels could get that. Stepping into the ring with one of my all time favorites would be such an honor.

On a more comical note, if we are going the joke route that Harthan did.... I'd pick Trish Stratus. Back when I was still single I would never have been able to turn down an intergender match against her.... ;)
i would love to get in the ring wing with michal cole he needs his bitc.. a.. knocked out big time then fired im amaazed tht he still has a contract after what he said bout jr booker bust his ass pl
Pleasurably speaking I would be in a triple threat match between Beth Phoenix and Natalya, oh the double team moves that would involve fantasy like physical contact:).

In all seriousness I would choose like Hamler the "Nature Boy" Ric Flair. The man was extremely well versed in the art of storytelling, hell you could call him the best in that category of all time. If you were to pit him against a guy who knew how to preform only 5 moves, or me (0 moves) he would sell his ass of. No matter how inexperienced or how many moves you know how to do, Flair is the master of wrestling suspense and psychology. Give us 15 minutes and he could carry my ass to great match with minimal flashy moves done. He can make anyone look like a professional, and professionals look like an enhanced legend.

Plain and simple anyone else would have a decent match with you (excluding HBK), Flair would do all he can to make you look at least relevant to the crowd watching.
mick foley becouse well for 1 foley is god and cuz i think we could put on an awesome hardcore match and i've always been a huge foley fan
This may seem like a cop out answer, but I never wanted to be a pro wrestler, I always wanted to be the referee...

But, assuming I became an actual wrestler, I would definitely want to wrestle Ricky the Dragon Steamboat. First, he is one of my favorite wrestlers of all time, but secondly, the guy is a complete pro. As a wrestler, I would know that it would be next to impossible to have a shit match going up against the Dragon. He simply made his opponents look much better than they had any business looking. Steamboat would destroy me in an absolute wrestling clinic, but damn, it would be an honor to get schooled by him.

On a lighter side, I would want to wrestle in a tornado handicap match against both of the Bella twins. I think they are sexy as hell.
As a kid I fantasized that I could beat Big John Studd in a match. My strategy consisted of running in circles so he could never get his hands on me and then punishing him with top rope dropkicks until he couldn't get up any longer.
I have a choice of two. The first should be on everyones list. It should be to wrestle The Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Yes, I am picking the PPV where I face him, deal with it. Seriously though, you can have the electricity of the Rock, or get grappled by Daniel Bryan. I'll take the atmosphere of this match over any match at any time. People standing on their feet, hearts in their throats, gasping at every near fall. That is what pro wrestling is all about, and thats what everyone should get into this business for. Not to wrestle the Undertaker, but to match that feeling.

Second one would be Sting, but thats just because he's my favorite wrestler of all time and it would be an honor.
Triple H (big surprise, right?)

I'd love to take all of his moves, take a sledgehammer to the temple, then get my lights shut out with a Pedigree. Then after the match he can cut a promo on me for not being as good as him. Ohhh, the possibilities. But he'd only beat me cuz he's totally married to the boss' daughter.

But in all seriousness, it'd be cool to wrestle him. I mean, I would get wrecked, and I don't know how to wrestle, but I would definitely try to give him a crotch chop before he put my lights out, kinda like Shawn Michaels did before Taker ended his career. But, of course, mine would be more memorable.
For me it is Edge. Edge is one of the greatest of all times and one of the greatest heels of all time. No matter what he did I would get a great pop. Edge can make anyone look good as well as making himself look good. He can wrestle any type of match and is very mobile with his body.

He has been through so much in his career so it would be good to get some wisdom from him and how he handles himself inside the ring. It would be a great stepping ladder for anyone! Everybody in the WWE and who has wrestled in the WWE respected Edge because of the way he approaches every match and what he can do. He will give it all no matter who and no matter who it is infront of. Just being in the same ring as Edge would be good enough if you ask me.

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