If WWE was to be bankrupt, which 5 wrestlers would TNA Sign?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I'm not really a TNA fan, but I can kinda guess how TNA feel about WWE (and vice versa) but if WWE was to go bankrupt tomorrow and Dixie was to "pick up" 5 of their talent, who would you want???

Would TNA fans have John Cena??? Nobody can deny the guy is worth $$$ and I am positive TNA would be in for him (hyperthetically) but would the fans want him given he cant Wrestle for shit? :)
from a business sense, i would go with:

John Cena
Randy Orton
Chris Jericho
the Miz
Rey Mysterio

now for me personally i would select,

Edge - great ring tech, excellent on a mic. could easily adapt to the TNA style of Good wrestling.

CM Punk - a former employee of TNA, CM punk already knows how they work in TNA. would be dominate in the X division.

Evan Bourne - even though the kid never talks, his ring skills speak for themself. X division natural!

Chris Jericho - mr Y2J himself! great ring skills better mic skills, he would be an almost instant main eventer!

Beth Pheonix - she would rule the knockouts division, and would probably have a great feud with madison rayne

thats just me though
Undertaker, merely so we can have a dream match of him against Sting, no matter how shoddy it would be after all these years.

CM Punk, just look at all the bizarre freaks in TNA that he could feud with if he retained his current gimmick. It'd be worth it just for him to feud with Ink Inc and shave off those damn mohawks.

Sheamus, I just love this guy and so I wouldn't want him out of work. I don't think he'd fit in too well in a place like ROH, he seems a born and bred "sports entertainer". Be nice to see him on a monster heel run squashing guys like Hardy, RVD etc

Beth Phoenix, she seems custom made for the Knockouts division.

Natalya, I think she's wonderful and would be another awesome addition to the Knockouts. With her and Beth maybe Kong would come back too.
Ok, TNA would never pick up guys like Cena, Taker, Orton, Edge, Etc.... as they are washed up, and will retire soon, with the exception of Orton, who will be around for a while. TNA likes the guys that can fit right in with the X-Division and if they are good enough, with the Main Event guys. TNA also likes to pick up the guys that are or were being treated unfairly in WWE or anywhere else.

If I was Dixie, I would pick up these guys if WWE closed, which it won't, but I will play along anyway.

1. Matt Hardy
2. CM Punk
3. Chavo Guerrero (He is being misused in WWE, I would love to see him and Homicide team-up)
4. Jack Swagger
5. MVP

I know that all these guys are from Smackdown, but the way I see it, unless you just debuted there, the Smackdown Hotel is now called the Smackdown Retirement Home.
from a business perspective TNA would pick up:
1. John Cena
2. Rey Mysterio
3. Randy Orton
4. Triple H
5. Undertaker

For me personally, I would like to see Evan Bourne, The Undertaker, CM Punk, Christian, and John Morrison go to TNA.

Like one or two have suggested before, Undertaker vs. Sting would be a fantasy/dream match even at their old age. Perhaps that would be the only reason Undertaker should go to TNA.

Evan Bourne would fit right in with the X-Division.

John Morrison could be used for whataver. I just would not want to see such a huge talent be wasted.

CM Punk and Christian could be pushed to the sky because they would fit right in with all of the TNA wrestlers. Imagine the matches they could put on in TNA! (and yes, I realize that they have both been in TNA before, and Christian should have never left).
The Miz - This guy has all the tools to be a star, and he's constantly improving.

Gail Kim - Can you say Knockout Division revitalized?

Christian - I can hear the "welcome back" chants already.

Evan Bourne - Ultimate X.....holy shit.

CM Punk - I feel he's being slightly underused in WWE right now. This guy is one of the best technical wrestlers they have, he should be in the main event.

I tried to pick people that are slightly underused in WWE or swaps I could see maybe happening. No way guys like Cena, Orton, Taker, HHH would ever go to TNA, and I don't think they would fit in anyways.
Who I want and who would are not the same. So I'm going with the 5 I want and why, then those who would and if they need a gimmick change first.

That was easy, the Peep show back with TNA and a easy and believable TNA World Champion.

CM Punk:
Same as most other people, Punk could stay as he is and feud with Raven, Ink Inc, OJ and so on and on.

Evan Bourne:
I just want to see a feud between AJ Styles and this guy. A real reason to shout "this is awesome"...

With Christain on TNA too, they could have a long and great feud together. Afterwards Edge could feud with RVD (again), Team 3D (E&C and Flaming Tables?) and so on. Edge is a great worker.

Ron "The Truth" Killings:
The Truth, back where he belongs. Another believable TNA World Champion.

Onto the guys that need to change or would JUST be there...

John Cena:
He needs a gimmick change... Bad. He needs to turn Heel before I think the TNA crowd would accept him and with them being the ECW guys these days.

The Undertaker:
He would be there, no questions. I know the whole Sting match stuff. I don't want to see it with them like this however.

Next those who WILL NEVER join TNA:
Vince O'Mac - Come on.
HHH - Same as above
More or less anyone Vince has made too rich, by loaning, so they will never work for anyone but him.
Matt Hardy - Can team back up with Jeff, i can see there being some great matches against the Machine Guns
Kane - Sure he's getting old but would be good if TNA use him like WWE used to, as a human wrecking ball
Chris Masters - i think he has alot of talent and TNA would be a great place for him to get the experience, also Him and Rob Terry could make a formidable team
Evan Bourne - Same reason as everyone else, high flyer, great in the x division
Edge - I dont know why but i just think he would fit in well with TNA
It depends how you look at it... Or how Dixie looks at it... I think if they wanted to take 5 that would be HUGE and make an immediate impact and shock the world, the Top 5 would look a little different if they wanted to build for the future...

Impact Top 5

1. John Cena
2. Randy Orton
3. Undertaker
4. Edge
5. Chris Jericho

Future Top 5

1. John Cena
2. Randy Orton
3. The Miz
4. CM Punk
5. John Morrison/Shameus
Interesting thread.

Vince, Cena, Orton are obvious for me. Taker and HHH would be decent to put some guys over but they're on their way downward. I'm too big of a Sheamus fan to exclude him. Now it's between CM Punk and Morrison.. I think CM Punk has too brilliant of promos to exclude but Morrison just needs a small push to be AMAZING. So...

Vince, Cena, Orton, Sheamus, Morrison
Matt Hardy

TNA currently have two very real things happening right now. One is the nostalgia trip (ECW, The Wolfpac, The Band, Hogan and Bischoff) and the excellent tag division. Matt Hardy lends himself to that perfectly and could set up a final feud between the Hardys and The Dudleys. After that, Hardy would possibly be pushed high in TNA, potentially as Christian was. He's always a handy guy to have around anyway.

Evan Bourne

TNA's style of high flying matches were designed with guys like him in mind and it's unfortunate they didn't get him. Ultimate X featuring Bourne would definitely showcase him properly and he could believably be recognised. Despite Bourne's current 'push' he will eventually be forgotten and put to the dark match hell that Jamie Noble found himself in.

Gail Kim

What is she doing in WWE? She lives in Florida so surely that means either family or friends would be there for her and it would not be a move that would cost her at all. She is also a fantastic wrestler and the fact that she hasn't held either the Women's or Diva's belts since her WWE return is definitely alarm bells to me that she should be running for the door. She is much more talented than only to be used for her body and looks, both of which are fantastic. She should be used because she can nail hurricanrana's and submission holds equally well, at times better than some male wrestlers. She's a great talent in the worst possible place. Go to Florida.

The Great Khali

I no longer want to see him being misused as a comedy prop. He should be a monster as he was when he debuted, causing the Undertaker problems, creating matches and just destroying upper mid carders as though they were jobbers. I do not expect brilliant matches, as a Giant, this is the role you are given by birthright. Andre was used this way. Big Show has been used this way in the past. Even Kane and The Undertaker were used like this in the first few years. Unlike most Giants, Khali looks impressively built as well as tall which makes him more imposing than The Big Show. Show has the weight which also gives you the speed and endurance advantage against him. Khali doesn't have this problem. Put him on TNA. Have him do a Kurt Angle-esque rise through the top 10 contenders but by destroying some of them. This wouldn't damage them, it'd just raise his profile. Higher up in the list he could meet someone like Angle, Styles, Morgan or Abyss and actually have to compete to win, leading to a long feud between the two. Khali Vs Abyss in a Monster Vs Monster feud could definitely sell.

Those four are the only ones who truly would benefit from a move to TNA. Sure we can say the big names would be great at TNA but their careers are clearly doing well right now so why leave?
I'll Rank them from 5 to 1 as 1 who would fit the most:

5-Randy Orton: He would just fit there as RVD, Mr.Anderson and Hardy, getting win after win as face.

4- Chris Jericho: Its time for the impact zone to be Jerichoholics

3- CM Punk: I actually want to see him be a tag team with his best friend Samoa Joe or have a feud, cause both are great Technically (yes joe is great technically, see his matches vs Kurt)

2- Christian: Sorry to say that, but christian was "Great" in TNA and I don't know who was so stupid to let him slip after forming MEM. RVD vs Abyss you saw was nowhere near Christian vs Abyss feud, you know why? Cause Christian can take thumbtack. His team he formed with tomko and AJ (i think AJ, I forgot) was good.

Comone you gotta know who's left for the whole F'ing show

1-EDGE: Rated-R superstar. I think he would benefit Himself and TNA more if he goes there (well as soon as the 2 years of Hogan ends). He can main event bloody matches. TNA is desperate for this kind of heel. A heel that has "enough" character for hogan to not loose weekly and job for Jeff or Anderson. Hell he can fight against the ECW guys cause in my humble opinion, there is no person in TNA that desrves to be called the whike F'ing show ATM, but edge can!!
Ok, TNA would never pick up guys like Cena, Taker, Orton, Edge, Etc.... as they are washed up, and will retire soon, with the exception of Orton, who will be around for a while. TNA likes the guys that can fit right in with the X-Division and if they are good enough, with the Main Event guys. TNA also likes to pick up the guys that are or were being treated unfairly in WWE or anywhere else.If I was Dixie, I would pick up these guys if WWE closed, which it won't, but I will play along anyway.

1. Matt Hardy
2. CM Punk
3. Chavo Guerrero (He is being misused in WWE, I would love to see him and Homicide team-up)
4. Jack Swagger
5. MVP

I know that all these guys are from Smackdown, but the way I see it, unless you just debuted there, the Smackdown Hotel is now called the Smackdown Retirement Home.

That is hilarious as TNA is filled with guys who are even more washed up such as Flair, Sting, Nash, Dreamer, Raven, Kurt Angle, The Dudleys and if you're calling some of those guys washed up then so are Mr. Anderson, RVD, and Jeff Hardy.

And I've just got to point out how ridiculous this thread is, it would be much more interesting if it was which 5 TNA guys would you want in WWE when TNA folds.
Undertaker and Kane - Brothers of destruction in TNA... one of my wet dreams =)

Big Zeke - love to see him and The Freak go at it

Evan - the reason is more than obvious

Orton - Anderson!..... anderson
Kofi, electrifing entertainer, will run the x division
Cena, TNA loves a cash cow, and id love to not have to watch him on WWE
Dolph Ziggler, i could see him fitting in well with the Fortune group,
Undertaker + Kane, Who better for "they, than an un PG edited, Taker and Kane, of the crazy demented dark type

i did myne on the current story lines, and i dont watch TNA much unless the spoilers look good, so TNA can have the WWE guys who bore me, execpt kofi, i love him to bits, but can see him having a classic Ultimate X Match with AJ Styles, Kaz, MCMG's and Amazing Red,
Ok, TNA would never pick up guys like Cena, Taker, Orton, Edge, Etc.... as they are washed up, and will retire soon, with the exception of Orton, who will be around for a while. TNA likes the guys that can fit right in with the X-Division and if they are good enough, with the Main Event guys. TNA also likes to pick up the guys that are or were being treated unfairly in WWE or anywhere else.

WTF are you talking about???? I hate John Cena, but washed up? That is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read on this forum, And that is saying something because I have read a lot of stupid shit on here... Cena is still in his prime... I don't know what fuckin' planet you are from, but John Cena would be the FIRST guy that Dixie/TNA would try to sign.

As much as I think other guys are better than him, John Cena is the biggest name in wrestling today, that still wrestles and WILL BE for quite a few years to come...

Also, they would be ******ed not to sign Orton, I missed your logic to your post I guess, but I would like to know who your "Etc." consists of.......
For everyone who said Vince McMahon going to TNA, really? Really? Vince going to TNA is the same as saying Paul Heyman will go to TNA. It's just not going to happen. If WWE were to go bankrupt, Vince would simply retire with the wealth that he has left. Guys like Triple H, and Undertaker would not return to the wrestling biz. Same with Jericho, Big Show, Kane, Rey Mysterio, and Edge. They might make an appearance for a short stint, but they will never stay long term.

Now guys like Randy Orton, Matt Hardy, Evan Bourne, Christian, Kofi Kingston, Drew, Sheamus, Nexus, CM Punk, the Miz, John Morrison, the Hart Dynasty, Usos, R-Truth, Ted Dibiase, Cody Rhodes, Khali, Dolph Ziggler, CM Punk, Jack Swagger, and MVP, they will be looking for work. I'm sure a few will go to TNA, but more will end up going to indy shows or ROH, or another small organization like that.

Now, for your question. Which 5 should TNA go for after the downfall of the company? Here is the list in order of who they should call:

1. John Cena. The Face of the WWE. If WWE were to go bankrupt, John Cena is the first person they should call. If he were to ever set foot at TNA, this would really be a big middle finger to Vince from Dixie, stating they took their top guy in the company. But will they use him right? Probably not.

2. Randy Orton. He is the hottest thing in WWE right now, and is the shadow of Stone Cold Steve Austin. TNA would be crazy if they didn't think Randy Orton would be a benefit to their company. But would he go to TNA? Maybe. Randy Orton has a lot of years left in him. 10-15 years left. That's a lot of matches and potential. Randy would be looking for work, and TNA would be the biggest lure to Orton if WWE is gone.

3. The Miz. Why? Because he's the Miz, and he's awesome. He is pinned to be the next possible Face of WWE after John Cena steps down. He is great on the mic and his in ring skill is improving. Everyone either loves the Miz, or hates him. Vince see's the Miz like John Cena. Hard working, loves his job, and he is dedicated. He is the Mr. Money in the Bank. TNA would have to be crazy to let the Miz go to another promotion.

4. CM Punk. CM Punk is one of the top heels on Smackdown. He is extremely talented and is a multiple time World Heavyweight Champion. Punk knows how TNA thinks, and has friends there. If WWE were to go under, Punk would most likely go to TNA and rule the X-Division and even the Main Event scene.

5. Too many to list. Why do I say this? Because TNA wouldn't be after 5 current WWE Stars. They would be going after a good number of them. Sheamus would probably be the 5th caller that TNA calls, seeing how he is the current WWE Champion at the time of post.

WWE going bankrupt is not a reality. Of course, anything can happen that would cause WWE to go bankrupt, but right now, WWE is staying afloat. If there was any sign of WWE in danger of going bankrupt, we'd see many things change left and right. People would be laid off at an outstanding rate, Creative would be in a panic to get new material to get people drawn to the show, and merchandise prices would go down to help get people to buy them.

I do see a WWE Going Bankrupt storyline in the future, however. When? When Vince McMahon decides to step down as CEO of WWE and give the company to Triple H and Stephanie McMahon, or his son Shane. Only time will tell if that will happen.
Maryse - I would love to see a non PG version of this character, or her win a match on tv. hopefully both.
Beth Phoenix - nobody can keep up with her in the WWE. TNA would be a better use of her abilities.
Evan Bourne - He's a 1 man X-Division, perfect fit for him.
Jack Swagger - He has the potential to be the next Kurt Angle. He would benefit a lot from working with Angle.
Kofi - Would be awesome for the X-Division and he could finally drop the Jamaican gimmick
That is hilarious as TNA is filled with guys who are even more washed up such as Flair, Sting, Nash, Dreamer, Raven, Kurt Angle, The Dudleys and if you're calling some of those guys washed up then so are Mr. Anderson, RVD, and Jeff Hardy.

And I've just got to point out how ridiculous this thread is, it would be much more interesting if it was which 5 TNA guys would you want in WWE when TNA folds.

Why is this thread hilarious. Your obviously a WWE fan so why are you even here. anyway Flair has put on the best matches of his life in my opinion getting absolutely destroyed every match, thats hilarious. Dont get me wrong i love the Flair but hes going insane and god dam he is funny. Kurt Angle isnt washed up neither is RVD they can still wrestle.

As for Dreamer, yea he would be the one i would call washed up.
Mr Anderson just hasnt proved himself to me to call himself a good wrestler he has pontential just needs to use it. Jeff Hardy is a bit out of shape but porbably worried about going to JAIL.

Again why are you even thinking about TNA folding god Dam just leave this thread. Didnt you read the title why did you even come into this Thread.

Ok, TNA would never pick up guys like Cena, Taker, Orton, Edge, Etc.... as they are washed up, and will retire soon, with the exception of Orton, who will be around for a while. TNA likes the guys that can fit right in with the X-Division and if they are good enough, with the Main Event guys. TNA also likes to pick up the guys that are or were being treated unfairly in WWE or anywhere else.

If I was Dixie, I would pick up these guys if WWE closed, which it won't, but I will play along anyway.

1. Matt Hardy
2. CM Punk
3. Chavo Guerrero (He is being misused in WWE, I would love to see him and Homicide team-up)
4. Jack Swagger
5. MVP

I know that all these guys are from Smackdown, but the way I see it, unless you just debuted there, the Smackdown Hotel is now called the Smackdown Retirement Home.

:lmao:.........Scott Hall, Hulk Hogan, X Pac, Ric Flair, ECW Has beens, RVD...he must be older than the majority you mentioned. TNA is reknown for picking up washed up Wrestlers.
These "who would you take from X/Y company threads have been done and done on these forums, but for the sake of the OP, in this case presuming the crux here is on the WWE going bankrupt and their talent becoming free agents, I'd imagine the younger of the big boys would make the move – namely Randy Orton, John Cena and CM Punk. The other two slots would probably be name recognition types who might be enticed to jump like Mysterio and HHH.
Chris Jericho- we could see him as a face like he used to be and it would be great.

Orton - He would be great in TNA he could return as the legend killer and take out have half their roster:lmao:. And he is still one of the best around.

Swagger- him and angle would have a great match and he is young and already a world champ.

John Morrison- i still think that he should be a world champ by now and he can compete in any division in TNA.

Cm punk- him and joe would have a great match, he is overall just a great wrestler so he would be signed up.
This my first post, long time follower of these forums so please feel free to knit-pick and critique my thoughts!

The 5 wrestlers TNA should sign if this scenario ever did happen should be the 5 greatest workers or biggest draws i.e. Randy Orton, John Cena, The Undertaker, Triple H and Rey Mysterio.

Now my own personal choices would be these 5 wrestlers that are being completly misued in the wwe right now:

1. John Morrison-Great Look, solid performer but weak mic skills. I would pair him up with someone with the mic skills that he so desperatly needs. A Ric Flair Jo-Mo pairing could do wonders for Morrison and I really could see him fit into Fortune if we see the side of him during his ECW championship reign.

2. William Regal- Criminally underated worker, wrestler and entertainer, this man is the total package. I wouldn't be against a final 2 year stretch with tna to allow this man to redeem himself and to show the world what he truely has.

3. CM Punk- His promos are gold, great gimmick and arguably one of the greatest heels of all time. He has worked with many of the members of the tna roster in the past and we could see some memorable fueds along the lines of angle/punk, wolfe/punk, samoa joe/punk and a renewal of the classic hardy fued he had during 2009

4. Vladimir Koslov- This guy is intense, he should not be a comedy jobber, could definatly see a samoa joe fued. This mans full potential is yet to be fully released.

5. Jack Swagger - Though I do find his whole loser jock/daddys boy gimmick amusing this guy could do so much better, his wrestling ability is phenonemal. Being taken under the wing by kurt angle with an eventual fued with angle putting him over would do wonders for his career.
My five top guys would be with reasons.

1. John Cena= Cena sells so much for the WWE that TNA would be completely stupid not to hire him.

2. C.M Punk = C.M Punk is great for Smackdown as he would have great feuds with guys like A.J Styles, Samoa Joe another great feud with Jeff Hardy and Kurt Angle which could get TNA exposed

3. Chris Jericho = Chris Jericho is basically the greatest in the world at what he does but TNA already has Kurt Angle so there would be a mint feud between those to also Jericho has the body to be good in TNA and can still go.

4. Miz = The Miz is a rising star on a rocket to the top he is basically the only reason why I watch Raw even when they have guys like Cena so I think the Miz would be a great addition to TNA

5. Rey Mysterio = Rey gets the loudest pop on Smackdown and has half the wrestling world cheering him so if TNA needs rating then I would get Rey Mysterio.

Those are my picks.
TNA should go for stars but not necessarily the currenty faces of WWE as they are already having a hard enough time trying to create their own identity and build toward the future. These definitely wouldnt be who they picked, but its who i'd like to see at least.

1. CM Punk - his wrestling style would fit in perfectly with TNA.

2. Bryan Danielson/Daneil Bryan - his edginess is exactly what TNA wants but currently don't have.

3. Jack Swagger - Kurt Angle would help elivate him to the next level with incredible matches.

AND since TNA is so big on their tag team division and because you can only have but so many people fighting for the heavy weight title....

4. Reunite Edge and Christian and bring them in together, they would solidify themselves as one of the best tag teams ever.

5. Bring in Miz and Morrison, although they would probably split up shortly.

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