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If WWE could....


Sign any wrestler from any wrestling promotion who should it be and why? The have to be alive and active. Explain how you would put them in a storyline, whether they would be heel or face and what show.

One guy I think of is someone you guys might not know of.

Kurt Angle. He is my favorite wrestler and I miss him in his home WWE. I'd put him on Smackdown, he would be a heel. On Smackdown they have a tournament for the vacated WWE Championship. He wins the tournament, and after he wins Shelton kicks his head off and so their feud is born.

Your thoughts.
Damn you for stealing my thread idea! :p

I would also go for Kurt Angle, he can be a serious heel/comedy heel/serious face/comedy face, he's great on the mic and great in the ring. WWE would benefit heavily by having another main event technical wrestler to go along side Y2J.
I would probably have to say AJ Styles. Sure Kurt would be good to come back in WWE and he could have some wicked feuds with HHH, Jericho, Edge and/or Orton, but when something doesn't go his way he will just leave again.

I would go AJ because he is still young, has amazing in ring skills, his mic skills aren't that bad and he is loyal. He could have amazing feuds with Edge, HHH, Orton, Taker, Jeff Hardy etc etc. He could help out the tag division alot and he can be any where on the card and he wouldn't care. Where as Angle would have to be on top of the card at least 3-6 times a year. AJ would just be a better decision all round.
I'm actually gonna go with a different TNA superstar...Sting. He's been one of my all-time favorites since his early WCW days. I think he's amazing both on the mic and in the ring. I'd have him do a face vs. face feud with the Undertaker to end at Wrestlemania. To my knowledge even when Mark Callaway was in WCW I don't think they had a match and if they did it wasn't very memorable at the time, because Mark was still devoloping himself.

It wasn't until after he came to the WWE that he developed his phenominal ring-psychology, at which I think he is the best in the business. While the WWF/WWE had the Phenom, the WCW and TNA had their Icon in Sting. Both men have led legendary careers and if Sting went to the WWE instead of TNA he'd be a surefire hall-of-famer.
I'd go with Hernandez from TNA for a couple of reasons. He's big and he looks like he could be a big threat. Also, the WWE seems to have lost the Latino viewers when it comes to Smackdown with Mysterio over on Raw. He could possibly bring back those viewers as he could reach out to the Latino crowd. The only thing I'm unsure about Hernandez is his mic work as I haven't heard much from him or I could just not be paying attention to TNA. Didn't they get Hector Guerrero to be their manager/adviser as a mouth piece?
I don't think Sting and Angle qualify because, although the question wasn't really laid out, WWE "couldn't" sign them. I don't think anything would sign Sting, otherwise he would've gone already. He wants creative freedom, and quite frankly Vince isn't one for giving others power. Kurt Angle left for a reason, and I don't see him coming back. Unlike Christian, Angle left on his own accord.

I like the Hernandez call, but LAX would be a good draw all together. WWE lacks an even half way decent tag team division, and LAX would immediately add some sort of actual competition to it. Plus the 2 have great singles possibilities, and remind me of a (better) sort of Cryme Tyme.

I think what would help WWE most is improving their tag teams. The Young Bucks in the NWA are unbelievable. They're very much like the Motor City Machine Guns in that they're very fluid and have that old school aura with a modern high-flyer twist. In WWE comparison, they're like the London and Kendrick combo, which WWE failed to capitalize on. If WWE ever gets serious about their tag team division, the Young Bucks would be a fantastic pick up.

Odds are, WWE will continue to only care about the WHC and WWE championships, but they have enough talent (or market ability) in that department where they wouldn't need to bring anyone in. Personally, the dropping of the Cruiserweight championship really hurt WWE and prevents them from bringing in really likeable guys and getting them over (Evan Bourne, Ron Killings...maybe AJ Styles in the future). It was a great title with a lot of prestige, but WWE killed it because they only care about their #1 titles (the plurality is ironic because you can't have two #1's...). TNA needs to grow faster so WWE is forced to be better...
I don't think Sting and Angle qualify because, although the question wasn't really laid out, WWE "couldn't" sign them. I don't think anything would sign Sting, otherwise he would've gone already. He wants creative freedom, and quite frankly Vince isn't one for giving others power. Kurt Angle left for a reason, and I don't see him coming back. Unlike Christian, Angle left on his own accord.

Loki is right. I messed it up. Make it more like if you could bring anyone to WWE who would it be and why?

Also, I'm surprised that there aren't more ROH guys here. To be specific Bryan Danielson.
Unfortunatly all of these threads (not just this one) are loaded questions due to the fact that the only nationally televised wrestling is WWE or TNA. ROH guys aren't as well known or seen. I've been a wrestling fan for a very long time and only recently have turned to the NWA Showcase, which I have to watch online. I'm very impressed with the Young Bucks (I'm going to overly hype them as much as I can), but there are a number of guys who are fantastic on that program. I try as hard as I can to watch more than just WWE and TNA, but it takes an effort that many lay-fans aren't willing to go through.

In regards to Bryan Danielson, I find him a lot like Jack Swagger, and I feel that depending on how Swagger does, we'll be able to see how Danielson would do in WWE, and whether or not it is worth it for him to sign with WWE.
Teddy Hart hands down. Good on the mic, excellent in the ring. Shake things up for sure. I think he is still wrestling for AAA. Bring his mate also Jack Evans
I'm going with someone on the local Indy scene here where I live. Some of you may know who he is some of you may not know. But I'm going with Vordell Walker. He was in ROH at one point. I think he has done matches with CZW before. This dude is really good on the mic. Is a great face and even a great heel. He pulled off this amazing move before at RPW(Rampage Pro Wrestling the local fed I go to) where he like was on the middle rope jumped up and turned in mid air hit the top rope and hit a moonsault. The guy he was gonna hit it on(Jason Cross...someone else some of you may know) moved but it still looked awesome even if it did miss. But yeah I'm picking Vordell Walker.
Teddy Hart hands down. Good on the mic, excellent in the ring. Shake things up for sure. I think he is still wrestling for AAA. Bring his mate also Jack Evans

I would not mind seeing jack evans or teddy hart but i heard had a attitude backstage so i think he is out of the qustion and he his shot . But jack evans would be really over he is sorta like rey meysterio and evan borune combined.

I would bring in Alex koslov you might remeber him from the x cup in tna 2008 at victory road. He is pretty good wrestler and he can be put in a tag team with vlad and become the koslavs and maybe if the iron sheik was willing able to do it he can be there mangaer well thats how i would book it
I don't think Sting and Angle qualify because, although the question wasn't really laid out, WWE "couldn't" sign them. I don't think anything would sign Sting, otherwise he would've gone already. He wants creative freedom, and quite frankly Vince isn't one for giving others power. Kurt Angle left for a reason, and I don't see him coming back. Unlike Christian, Angle left on his own accord.

Now while Angle and WWE did mutually part ways due to Angle's personal issues back in 2006, Christian DID leave on his own accord. He refused WWE's contract offer in 2005 and found his way to TNA.

On topic, I can definitely see the advantages of several of the wrestlers mentioned already. Angle, Styles, Sting and LAX would all bring something great to the WWE table. The likelihood of Sting in WWE, though, is practically nonexistent due to creative differences.

However, I am going to name somebody not mentioned and that is one Robert Roode. He is a great in ring competitor that wrestles a less high risk style. He can sell very well and has exceptional mic skills. To me, and AJ Styles would probably struggle due to his only decent mic skills and the size issue. LAX could work, though Homicide would likely struggle due again to size and Hernandez isn't the best on the mic.

I think Roode would be the best fit.
Somebody already beat me to it as i was going to say vordell walker

ive seen some of his matches in roh and a couple in czw and i was very impressed

i remember mick foley bringin him into roh to have a special challenge match against samoa joe and while it wasnt too long a match i saw alot of potential for vordell walker

he kinda reminds me of ken shamrock but more controlled

i think wwe needs someone like him

they need some people who can really wrestle good and hes one of them
Great topic!

I would also have to say Kurt Angle for the pure fact I want to see him back in WWE. I miss him heaps, he's an awesome competitor and entertainer. He's amazing on the mic and can sell a story well. He really is one of the all time greats in the business and would just love to him him back.
It's the Royal Rumble 2010. During the actual Rumble the lights go off, and a creepy video package plays, much like when Undertaker returned to face Kane at Wrestlemania. Only this one is targeted at the Undertaker. It talks about how even demons have to pay for their actions. Undertaker would then lose the Royal Rumble because of a heel like Jericho or Big Show again.
A few weeks later and Undertaker is facing off for the right to be in the Elimination Chamber at No Way Out. A similar video package is shown. His opponent tries to get the roll up but Taker kicks out and hits the chokeslam for the win.
The next week Undertaker demands to know who is tempting fate by challenging him. The lights go down, but then nothing happens. A coffin comes down from the ceiling and lands in the ring. It explodes. End show.
Undertaker appears on Raw and confronts Kane. His brother claims that he has nothing to do with the videos or the coffin, but he's sure the "deadman" can handle himself on his own. He walks off.
No Way Out. Undertaker is in the Elimination Chamber for the title. It's down to Taker and the champion at the time. Undertaker is going for the Tombstone when the lights go out. They come back on and the champion hits his finisher on Taker for the win.
Once the champion is out of the cage and up the ramp celebrating, Undertaker does his "sit up" thing. He raises his hand and the pyro goes off in front of the champion. He gets scared and retreats to the back. Taker is staring around the cage and is furious. He gets a mic and demands once again for his mystery opponent to make himself known.
The video packages start playing again but get all messed up like the Jericho Save_Us. videos. Red lights start going all over the place and pyro explodes. A spotlight is shown on the top of the cage. Perched on the very top is the one and only, the Icon, Sting.
Wrestlemania 26: Icon vs. Phenom

Okay, so this would never happen. Sting refuses to work with Vince, but if this did happen, it would be the single greatest wrestling moment of my life!
Great thread! All the ideas that everybody have are great. My personal dream would be a stng scenario similar to mikekillam's post but this is a dream and wouldm't be reality.

The next best thing that the wwe could get would be the motor city machine guns. They have the possibility of being single wrestlers in the high mid card or a impressive tag team. They have the amazing ability of being great faces and heels which they could use well. Their mic skills are outstanding. They can get a crowd going so easily. Also they work as a tag team very well too. They have several maneuvers. Both remind me of chris jericho. These 2 could also form some sort of stable with him.

THese are youjng talents that have amazing potential. A move to wwe would also be benificial as tna isn't using them really well.

Plus the wwe needs more good tag teams desperatly. With the unification coming up and all.
I'd say Sting but he's older and injury prone, and other details have already been brought up...

Hate to repeat others, but AJ Styles. I rarely watch TNA, but when I've seen it I've like what AJ Styles has done. He's very athletic, good physique.. I think he can get in some good programs with Jeff Hardy, HBK, Edge, and others along those lines
Awesome topic. And oddly enough I've been sitting on an answer for a question like this. For whatever reason, I have no idea, but it crossed my mind a few days ago who from TNA would be a great acquisition for WWE.

That being said, I'm totally giving props to tj3000x for bringing up Hernandez. I would love nothing more than to see Super Mex with a WWE strap around his waist. Vince has been worried about the Hispanic demographic since he fucked up and took Rey away from Smackdown. Granted yes, people still do mark out for Rey, he's stale as the underdog giant-killer little engine that could. Enter Hernandez into the picture. Now we have a dominant Hispanic, flat out beast of a man that could easily stand toe to toe with any of the WWE main eventers and make us believe he belongs in the ring with them. Hell, name me one WWE heavyweight that has both the strength to military press damn near anyone in the locker room, yet has the speed and agility to pull off a suicide dive or a decent plancha without killing themself or someone else in the process. Take your time, I can wait...

Point blank, Hernandez could bring a much needed boost to the Hispanic viewers and their interest in the product. If it were up to me, I'd sign him and push him as a Mexican equivalent to Hulk Hogan, mind you minus the politicking and creative control, all the dark behind the scenes negative comments that I have a feeling will follow this statement. Moreso the Hulk Hogan that kids saw as the Real American hero and looked up to, wanted to be, whatever. The Hispanic viewers could use a powerhouse that still has the ability to pull off SOME high flying moves, someone they can get behind and put their faith in to be a good role model and be viewed as a Mexican hero of sorts. Hernandez is THAT guy.
I'm going to go for someone that hasn't been listed yet, and that's The MotorCity MachineGuns.

It's looking more, and more, like the WWE is going to unify the tag titles soon, if not at WrestleMania. What better way to give the titles a boost, but by bringing in a hotshot team that most of their fans have never seen, or heard of? They can work as faces or heels, and would be a fresh feud for anybody in the WWE's current tag division.

Once the belts are unified, the top two teams would clearly be the Colons, and Miz & Morrison. Cryme Tyme has never been legit contenders (at least not since the return), and Priceless has bigger things on their hands. Jesse & Festus have kind of disappeared from the tag scene, and, unless I'm forgetting anyone, there's no one else left. Hawkins & Ryder don't count, I can't remember the last time I've seen them compete on TV as a team.

Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin are different than the other tag teams also. They have some mat skills, but are more noted for their high-flying, and there's no other team that does that right now, in the WWE. It'd be an interesting addition, and if it flops, they can work well as singles wrestlers.
Steve Corino

It amazes me that WWE has never picked up this guy. He looks like a wrestler (Ok, maybe there's a reason why.. I went and dropped the 'w' bomb), he has fantastic mic skills, he sells so well for his opponents, and mainly - he's a solid mid carder. Something WWE lacks heavilly.

Corino can always draw heat out of an audience - always. How many times have you watched some cardboard cutout try and draw heat from the same old cheap pops every single time, to little to no reaction? This wouldn't be an issue with Corino. Any feud his put in is going to put the face over big time. Potential US/Intercontinental Champion right there.

Could see a good one between himself and MVP.

My first reaction is to say Bryan Danielson. While I think he would absolutely be successful in the WWE, I would be reduced to tears if he ever left ROH. So, selfishly, I'm going to pick AJ Styles as my choice.

First and foremost, AJ Styles is by far my personal favorite TNA talent. Sadly for him, the TNA product is so bad right now. Styles has a tremendous amount of talent that is just plain wasted in his current company. Styles used to be the focal point of TNA, but in the past year, that is certainly not the case anymore.

A move to the WWE would be refreshing for his career. He would be a terrific asset to any of the WWE rosters. He brings experience, poise, flawless ring skills, great charisma and quite possibly a cult following of fans. I truly think that the addition of AJ Styles would help to boost ratings and improve the overall product of whatever WWE brand he would be put on.
great question i know you said one wrestler but i've thought about this for a while and come up with a couple wrestlers id like to see in wwe

STING:just for the fact id love to see him perform on the grandest stage known as wrestlemania against the undertaker or hbk because they all would put on a great match and the undertaker vs sting match is a dream come true for any wrestling fan.

RVD: because he is that over with the fans already and would be great in the smackdown main event going up against edge,HHH, jeff hardy,mvp, or goin on raw against john cena,randy orton,chris jericho,HBK, plus no one can say RVD is boring to watch.

nigel mcguinness:he is the currant ROH champion he can wrestle, good on the mic his british so he would draw big with the uk fanbase and could really spice up the mid card and then slowly be moved up to the main event and compete against CM punk,randy orton, HBK he would have great feuds with them and can get so much heat very quickly

jack evans, petey williams, sonjay dutt, low ki,tajiri,teddy hart,shannone moore,paul london,motor city machine guns,super crazy,pscosis,the youg bucks i would bring all these to wwe and rebuild the cruiserwieght title around these guys also i would bring back the cruiserwieght tag titles(in wcw for a short time) because wwe are unifing the tag titles at wrestlemania so you could have the normal tag titles on raw and the cruiserwieght tag titles on smack down and you could unifi the ic title and us title and have the one title on raw for all the midcarders and you could have the main vocal point of smackdown for cruiserweight action.you could also use the existing roster and add to the cruiserweight divivson with tyson kidd,evan bourne,jamie noble,dj gabriel,brain kendrick,jimmy wang yang,chavo guerrero,dolph ziggler,charlie haas,and i know you wont like this but santino marella i think he's the funnest person in the buisness and would add comady to the divivson.

robert roode and austin aeris:they would be impact players in the wwe from the mid-card all the way up to the main event they would have great matches with all the current main event wrestlers and mid-card wrestlers.

LAX and Briscoe brothers:would add to the tag team divivson and make the tag titles more fun to watch and all of these are good on the mic and could feud with cryme time, miz and morrison, carlito and primo.
how about sonjay dutt he is an amasing athlete and i could see him doing allot of cool stuff with WWE like

feud with other cruiswerweights

team with an other Indian superstar (khali for example)

i could see him as a good mid carder and resurrect the cruiserweight championship or something

point this guy is really entertaining to watch and he can easily play both the heels and the faces role

and for a tag team WWE should sign we know WWE needs some good tag team talent so you probably know who I'm going to say. the motor city machine guns they could easily revive the tag team division could you say MCMG vs. the colons vs. miz and morrison for undisputed tag team dominance. thats sounds like somthing allot of fans would love to see
its got to be kurt, hes great all round and is one of the all time best. hes already proved himself with the wwe, so to come back and do it all over again would be good.

after that i would say sting. hes never been with the wwe, and could have great fueds with just about anybody.....e.g. taker v sting!

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