if u could turn anyone face/heel


if you can turn any superstar heel or face on WWE or TNA IW who is it, why and how?

for me its Triple HHH, for me he just seems like the perfect heel now that he runs it.

HOW: at summerslam cena had his foot on the rope and HHH kept on pinning and said it was an accident, then kevin nash would attack cm punk, then on raw kevin nash explains why he did it, and tells hunter to explain, kevin nash says triple h and cm punk were in on it together and were planning to screw john cena as quick as possible and from there triple h and cm punk would join forces while they get in to a feud with cena and nash. this is kind of like the modern day stone cold joining forces with vince.

now who would u turn Face/Heel, WHY and HOW would you do it?
I would turn John Cena. Just to make a change the wrestling world will never forget.

Cena has been a babyface since 2004. I think it's high time for a heel turn especially because how popular CM Punk got himself I think he would be a fine replacement for Cena as the company's top face.

It would be something fresh and new. Plus half the crowd are already against him. A heel Cena would be something new I think it would draw alot of viewers to see Cena's new attitude.
I would love to see a Orton heel turn. I think honestly the reason why is because I hate him and I hate seeing people cheer for him. I personally hated watching WWE make Christian a whiny heel and make Randy Orton a big heroic guy, when we all know in reality it is the opposite way around.
I think I would turn the american dragon DB heel. Only cause Smackdown needs more heels. But he would have to be one that was a wrestling machine and dominate his opponents with his prowess in the ring, he would have to have a mouth piece. On a side note I think there going with it but ted dibiase would need to turn face as well to balance out the ratio.
I would turn Dolph Ziggler face. I would like to see him have a run as a face wrestler. I dont see why they chucked him on Raw but it hasn't done him any favors. Smackdown is lacking faces and a face Ziggler on Smackdown could be very interesting, it could set up some very interesting matches and/or feuds. It would also be something refreshing and different especially for Ziggler but the Smackdown or Raw roster.
I think I would turn the american dragon DB heel. Only cause Smackdown needs more heels. But he would have to be one that was a wrestling machine and dominate his opponents with his prowess in the ring, he would have to have a mouth piece. On a side note I think there going with it but ted dibiase would need to turn face as well to balance out the ratio.

Smackdown needs more heels? Wait what? Have you watched Smackdown since the Draft? I think they need more faces. They only have DB, Orton, Cara, Sheamus and Zeke. And Zeke isn't even that great. Now compared to Raw's Cena, Punk (He's a face), Kingston, Riley, Mysterio, HHH, Bourne, Morrison.

But aside from that, I wouldn't mind seeing a Barrett turn. He's has the personality and the in ring ability to main event Smackdown in case of emergency.

How, have Wade Barrett go after the title and have tag team matches with Orton and they gains a mutual respect for each other.
If I could turn one superstar heel and one face I would have to say make Christian a face again and turn Kofi Kingston heel.

Christian-Face: I have been a fan of Christian since the Brood days, my love for the guy goes back a long time but since he turned heel he has become probably my least favorite superstar on the current roster. I can tolerate a superstar playing the role of a whiny bitch who makes excuses and hides behind lawyers even though it is kind of stupid, but if there was one superstar who shouldn't it's Christian. He plays a nice, goofy respectful guy so well that anything else seems wrong, and his portrayal of the whiny bitch is very hard to believe, I might even call it over the top at times. Simply put, I think he plays an exellent face but can't play a good heel to save his life, which is why I would turn him face again.

Kofi Kingston-Heel I like Kofi, but I only like him. The reason for that is although he has energy, seeing him do the exact same thing every time he's on screen gets a little old. I have never thought it was possible for such an energetic superstar to be so boring, but there was one time that Kofi Kingston got to shine more than ever in his WWE career. During his feud with Randy Orton,myself and the entire WWE Universe got to see a side of Kofi we never had before, we got to see a man who had not only energy but a killer intensity. During that feud he not only put on excellent matches with Orton but had great promos and that time he proved to me that when he performs like that he is world champion material. Basically a pissed off Kofi is the best kind of Kofi there is, and if he played a pissed off heel then I think he would throw himself right into the mix for the WWE Championship.
100% Randy Orton. Turn him heel again!!! I was the biggest Orton fan during his heel days. It fits his persona so well. Right now he seems like a heel trapped as a face. He has the look and style of a heel. I honestly don't think we'll have heel Orton back for a while though unfortunately, due to the lack of faces on smackdown. (and not to mention he's the second biggest draw in the wwe at the moment).
I'd probably switch the entire roster over, changing all the heels to faces and all the faces to heels, but as a twist, I'd have all of the new babyfaces acting like heels and I'd have all the new heels acting like faces. This I think would give wrestling the shake up it needs.
i think for this to totally work you need it to be someone who has never gone heel or face before like hogan in 96.


i know he works perfect as a heel but imagine him as a face. His promos are great and his in ring work has picked up a hell of a lot. He has had a decent run with the title and has got vince backing him to the hilt so he would get a decent go at getting ove.
I agree with supernatural1981, BUT....... that whole Riley feud delayed any possible face turn for the Miz in my opinion. Maybe a move to SD & build him up as a Rock-like face. BUT........ Triple H is the one who HAS to turn heel. Be honest people, I'm sure we all want HHH to turn heel & form a mega stable against CM Punk. It's essentially Punk 7:17(date when Punk won at MITB) vs. HHH. Any thoughts?

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