If TNA were to go bankrupt would the superstars head to the WWE?


Getting Noticed By Management
Is there a posibility that Booker T Sting or Kurt Angle could return to the WWE if TNA were to go bankrupt or someother reason? I know most of them left on bad terms with the WWE but that doesn't mean that if the pay is good they won't return right? And you know Vince's philosofy no more grudges if it's good for business. Guys like Angle and Booker T were always a favorite of mine so I hope they could return one day. And btw I heard that some of them weren't too happy with TNA management but meh maybe i'm going too far off and hoping for something that wont happen, but anyway what do you guys think?
Angle's TNA contract expires in September dosen't it? I've read a rumour that he might jump back to the WWE. If I'm honest though the only wrestlers I would like to see make the jump to/back to the WWE are Angle, Booker T, AJ Styles and Samoa Joe. The WWE don't need Abyss and, if we're honest, the majority of the TNA roster are superstars who didn't quite make it in the WWE.
I can't see it happening. The guys over at TNA clearly care more about their work then they do about the pay, otherwise they'd all be lining up at the WWE. If they hate the conditions over at the WWE, they would probably go to an indie promotion, or start their own.
Angle will probably go back if he decides against MMA. Booker T won't go back unless the money and creative were on his side. Sting will probably retire rather than go to WWE unless the money was outstanding and even then he'd probably have a Goldberg-like one year deal that includes and awesome Mania match with HBK/Undertaker?? Samoa Joe would be snatched up and probably buried on ECW or SD. A.J. Styles is good but not great and in Vince's world...too short. Abyss would be brought in to feud with Kane/UT.
Yea i could see the abyss coming in ecsp since vince mcmahon loves the big guys...Hed def fued with take,kane,show and so on...Samoa Joe i dont think has what it takes to be in the WWE...I think personally his mic skills are weak and he has no personality...I agree that sting would prbably retire alongside kevin nash bcuz wwe wouldnt risk him with his injuries...Id see booker, Dudleyz, Angle, and even steiner all tryna come back....id like to see AJ Styles in the wwe TNA just cant get him as popular in the world that he needs to be...Id also like to see a few of the TNA knockouts come to wwe ..Like Beth Phoenix shld capture the womens titler and awesome kong come to wwe to challenge her for it people wld love to see that match...Or maybe McMahon buys out tna or tna goes banrupt and we have another "Invasion" Angle....
By the way, how is TNA coping financially in the current recession as the wwe were forced to fire some of their workers and talents? So I would assume that TNA may not be able to renew some contracts that expire in the coming 2-3 years therefore a small opportunity may be there for wwe to buy out tna.
I don't think WWE would ever buyout TNA because then Vince would be admitting they were actual competition. Never-the-less I think the only wrestlers that the WWE would take a look at are Angle(there are already rumors he's going to comeback when his contract expires later this year), Samoa Joe and AJ, but those two would probably be buried to show how inferior a product TNA was. WWE invented Angle so he's a different story.

Also I thought I read Booker T was fired from the WWE? Is that wrong, because if its right Vince would never take him back.
Wow...most of these responses just make my head hurt.

WWE is already preparing for Angle's return. He's pretty much a lock at this point, especially now that the previous problems (family, health) are squared away and he can travel. I just hope he doesn't bring fugly old Rhaka Khan with him (they're dating...and that's scary).

Joe and AJ have not only passed up deals, but have BEEN passed up when their contracts expired...those two would rot in indy hell if TNA closes up shop. As much as I would love to see Joe/Punk in WWE, chances are slim to none of it happening.

Abyss was actually pegged to sign a few years ago...considering he's one of the few "monster" wrestlers who can actually work (Matt Morgan has proven NOTHING to me so far), I wouldn't be surprised if we saw him sooner rather than later.

As for the rest of the roster, I can't see where anyone fits into the current WWE landscape. Sure, I would love to see Alex Shelley brought in as Jericho's protege (people are already comparing the two, especially after Shelley started using the J-Cup "C'MON MOTHER FUCKER!" taunt Jericho used) and would drool over the Sting dream matches (Taker, HBK, Trips, Cena, Orton, Jericho, etc.), but fact is if there was interest, WWE would have them.

The only guy I could really see as the "surprise" signing would be Christopher Daniels, and that's only because I'm sure by now he's sick of being "fired" and going through gimmicks. Seriously, when was the last time Daniels (a) won a match, under ANY gimmick, and (b) had any buzz comparable to the Joe/Daniels/Styles matches from 05/06? THIS is the one I think may happen...
I think Angle will be back in WWE. In my mind, Vince will give him a sweet offer and for Vince he just wants to prove he can do it. Angle can still work and his level of opponents in WWE is a far cry from TNA which would entice someone like Angle who cares so deeply about the work.

Booker T. - I doubt it. WWE never respected Book and that's not gonna change.

The only guy I'd love to see in WWE is Alex Shelley. I think he's a great worker and he's coming around as a promo guy too.

Joe is just a huge disappointment. He can't draw.

Styles is a great worker, but WWE would not know what to do with him.
Its not really cut,n,dried that WWE would get the cream of TNA immediatly,unless they bought it.
Its more than likely Vince would go for someone like Joe or AJ first who didnt leave on bad terms ,yet.Then ,for business reasons, sign the other names,possibly making the reason they left an excuse for a Hogan-Vince type feud.
The vets might wanna think about their next move,possibly a life away from wrestling,Stings contemplating retirement already,Booker has his wrestling school,Nash some more bad movies to make ,
.(Joke!). Maybe Angle,d possibly go for one last payday,like Christian.,Sure,a TV audience & more pay-whats to discuss,but for the most,theres NWA,ROH,the Indys & japan.
Sting,Nash & Steiner didnt rush to WWF just cause WCW closed down.
Is there a posibility that Booker T Sting or Kurt Angle could return to the WWE if TNA were to go bankrupt or someother reason? I know most of them left on bad terms with the WWE but that doesn't mean that if the pay is good they won't return right? And you know Vince's philosofy no more grudges if it's good for business. Guys like Angle and Booker T were always a favorite of mine so I hope they could return one day. And btw I heard that some of them weren't too happy with TNA management but meh maybe i'm going too far off and hoping for something that wont happen, but anyway what do you guys think?

First off, Sting was never in the WWE. I think thats what will make his career so much better than what it is. The biggest name, to never be in the WWE.

Angle was, and could still get to be WWE's little baby. The guy was shot to the moon and back, for a good reason. With a relaxed schedule, he could do it. Otherwise, no. He would die within a year with his body the way it is.

Nash, Nope. Wwe didn't like him the first time, why would they the second.

I cant see Pump/Booker going either. Just because of WWE's relationship, and pump is Botchy and washed up, wwe's too good for that.

Aj Styles, While he would be missused to the max. I would love LOVE to see a Borne/Styles fued. Of course he should go. Only problem is, hes TNA homegrown talent.

Alex Shelly. This guys golden, being TNA homegrown talent. Hmm, would be missused and put onto some comediac crap, just like styles. Not to mention, hes not a big man, that vince just LOVES to shove down our throat.

Roode OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YEAH :) This guys the crap, has the look, and can play much of any gimmick you give him. Future Main event star, just ask Will.

Strom, read roode.
Booker T will probs not be back if u look u will relise his contract did NOT expire he was fired for steriods or drugs or something
I heard that Angle and Edge have been talking alot lately over the phone ill try 2 find the link
First of all, as seen with alot of the WCW guys...if TNA went out of business, most of their guys wouldn't make it very long with WWE if at all.
The ones that would get a real shot would be the ones that had a big role in WWE already such as Angle, Booker, Foley, and Nash even as on-air personality, but non-wrestler. They like to give the guys that they made into stars a second chance, so that's not outside the realm of possibility.
But very few guys that were homegrown somewhere else end up being anything in WWE (Booker, Rey, Benoit and RVD come to mind). So I think some of the top guys like Joe, AJ, Roode, and Storm might get a shot but I wouldn't count on them being anything. I'd say maybe 1 and at most 2-3 on the TNA guys would end up having real success in WWE.
the one match i would love to see out of the scanerio, would see AJ be brought into the WWE to have a feud with a returning RVD.. sweet!

also imagine a money in the bank match that could be involved with TNA talent..

shelton benjamin, john morrision, AJ, RVD, jeff hardy, alex shelly and/or chris sabin, throw in samoa joe for a little mix up, rey mysterio

that would be the 8 i would chose, but many others could be thrown into the mix.
If TNA closed down, Depending if the wrestlers or loyal or not, they would most likley go to the WWE , or Join another Wrestling company. Im sorry i cant contribute much to this Forum by Name, for i don't watch TNA , but i can give who i'd like in the WWE.

Samoa Joe( he could have a good fued with Umaga),AJ Styles could do good with his High-Flying style.Possibly a good match up for Jeff Hardy,and Booker T,Maybe he could beat up Chris Jericho.
I would love for Roode,Shelley,Sabin and Storm to come over and be like a Radicalz faction...I was actually just talking to a friend of mine about how they blew Christian re-debut and how amazing it could of been (keeping in mind that I know a miracle would have to happen for all 5 to be available when this happened) that Christian would come back and taunt the WCW invasion saying that the company was already dead and that he brought over 4 guys from Vince's living,breating competition and have the aforementioned 4 come out onto the stage and declare war...

I know a lot of people would want Joe and Styles but, to me they just don't work in the WWE and Booker and Angle have already been there, so that could be boring

Also let's face it, Sting will never be in the WWE.
When TNA goes bankrupt the WWE should adopt the roster and concept. If the WWE could successfully run a show under the TNA banner (much like they have ECW), then we would most likely have a WWE program on four nights a week. Integrate some TNA talent onto the other brands while keeping a few 'originals' on the 'TNA' program, and there would no doubt be a marketable concept for a show. Now how to get them some PPV time may be the difficult part...

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