If there was a new years draft, who would you move?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Lets say that the first Raw/Smackdown in 2011 we are going to see a Live draft. They arent holding it after Wrestlemania, they are holding it before to build up towards Wrestlemania with fresh talent, fresh storylines, fresh face offs.

Who would you move shows and who would you like to see move into a programme which ends with a Wrestlemania match?

Raw to Smackdown

Sheamus - It seems Raw has now run out for talent to fight with. He has done his stint with Triple H, John Cena and Randy Orton. I would move him to Smackdown and have him face off against Kane. I would keep Kane as a heel/tweener and see these 2 power houses go off on each other at Wrestlemania for the World Title.

Daniel Bryan - I really think this guy is a "Smackdown Wrestler". He is great in the ring and I think Smackdown could open up a whole new window of opportunities (Kaval, Chavo, Cody). I would put him in a face vs face with Rey Mysterio where they face off at Wrestlemania.

Ted Dibiase - Just doesnt seem to be getting over on Raw. A move to Smackdown would give him a chance to start again and put him in the IC picture. Christian, MVP, Cody could be possible opponents.

Vladimir Kovlov, Great Khali, Skip Sheffield - First 2 are stale, I always think they make creditable heels on Smackdown. The show isnt as full with "stars" so they dont have to lose week in, week out. Sheffield will return and probably be finished with Nexus. He had a great look, he could be a solid mid card heel.

Smackdown to Raw

Alberto Del Rio - For me he is up there with Sheamus and Wade Barret as the "next break out star". He's not at their level yet but he will be in the next 6-12 months. He has tonnes of charisma and Raw would be the ideal platform to elevate him. The A-show deserves his awesome entrance! I'd like to see him go for the WWE Title. A programme with Orton and a match at Wrestlemania would be very interesting. Maybe have this guy win the Rumble!

Jack Swagger - 6 months ago he looked like 1 for the future, he still is but seems to have gone cold with Smackdown creative. I would move him to Raw. He's a solid mid/main eventer. I would turn CM Punk face and have these 2 go at it.

Dolph Ziggler - He gets better every week. Theres something about him I have really started to like. His promos are improving, his cockiness is getting over as a heel. Good solid Mid carder, could even be a mid-main eventer somewhere down the line. I think he could have some interesting interactions with The Miz and I would have him go into something with John Morrison for Wrestlemania.

Chris Masters - What the hell has happened to this guy. 4/5 years ago he was looking like making a great future heel. He has the build and I dont think he is a slouch in the ring. His gimmick "The Masterpiece" was pretty good, even though his entrance took 5 minutes! Send him to Raw, turn him heel and have him go for the US Title.
Too Be Honest I don't much mind who is on which brand, its not that important to me along with Hall Of Fames and Titles. it doesn't have the same significance as an NRL trade but as long as Todo Amerciano I Mean Jack swagger is with his Soaring Eagle I am Happy
it really doesnt matter because wwe will just think up something to get people to switch like trade Edge for Punk or have an injured superstar come back on the other show
I actually forgot about the Great Khali untill you mentioned him :lmao:

Anyway I don't see the use of moving most of the people that you suggested. Sheamus and Dibiase for Del Rio and Swagger are the trades I world take from your list.

Sheamus has no where to go on RAW with the overcrowded main event and Dibiase is next to usless there. Smackdown would have to save the skin on the back of Ted for him to survive

Del Rio has the abilites to have a feud with Wade Barrett after the Nexus angle and Swagger could just benefit from a change in location
Honestly I dont really care about the rosters unless someone isnt getting pushed right...the only people that come to mind are Ted Dibiase, Primo, Evan Bourne who should all go to Smackdown...pretty much thats it because RAW is stacked as it is with Cena, Orton, Sheamus, Triple H, Nexus...Ted DiBiase needs to go to smackdown asap because with all the heels like Nexus, and Sheamus he wont progress....
Raw to Smackdown:

Alex Riley- Smackdown would be the place to get this guy's career going. Get him away from The Miz and put him in actually feuds and not be Miz's bitch every show. This kid has some great mic skills and he is not that bad in the ring. With a little improvement, he could be the Miz style heel of Smackdown.

Sheamus- Sadly, he is working his way down the card and not in the title picture anymore. Sheamus is starting to have the feel of a vet though. This guy has gotten good REAL fast. Move him to Smackdown, freshen up his feuds and have him decimate some superstars there. It'll revamp him completely.

William Regal- I think he is not going to be going much of anywhere on Raw. The card is too stacked for even midcarders like Regal. I could see Regal having another IC title reign. I loved his feuds when he was champ, especially the feud with RVD. Regal could also be the man to make a power play to replace Teddy Long as GM, a role Teddy has had for a very long time.

R-Truth: Get him off my TV. Smackdown is pre-taped and I read spoilers. I'll know when to change the channel.

Other picks: Zack Ryder, Vladimir Kozlov and Eve.

Smackdown to Raw:

Chris Masters- This man should not be jobbing to Tyler Reks. He has a ton of potential. I loved him as a heel with the Masterlock Challenge and he seemed damn near unbeatable. A move and heel turn and back to his old music and old gimmick could bring back his career from forever being marred as a story of what happens when you break the wellness policy.

Joey Mercury- When this man comes back from injury (if he's not let go before hand), he's going to need something to do. We've heard many people call MNM one of the best tag teams since the early 2000's when Dudleys, E&C and the Hardys were teams. They were credible. I'm not saying bring them back full time or anything, but a few matches together. Mercury could also form a tag team and be associated with CM Punk again. I really liked the pairing on Smackdown because it brought a bit of real world stuff in the story of Mercury joining the SES and him getting over his drug addictions.

Drew McIntyre- He is the chosen one but he has gotten VERY stale. He has feuded with seemingly everyone on the roster and I'm hardpressed to even think about what the hell they are going to with him on Smackdown. Give him a fresh start on Raw, new feuds (Bryan v McIntyre possibly?).

Other picks: Kelly Kelly, The Dudebusters (comedy purposes with Zack Ryder mostly seeing as they are all tools in a toolbox :p)
Really, when you are answering this question, I think there is a million different strategies you need to look at ensure that the superstars you are moving to the other shows, are the correct choices. For me, it comes down to bringing Smackdown into the same league as Raw. Yes, we all know that Raw is the “A-Show” of WWE programming but it needn't be that way any longer. Smackdown has moved to a more stable network and is already getting better viewing figures than it was. Raw may still be a long way off, n terms of ratings but one could argue that with a touch of top-tier talent, Smackdown could reach that level once again.

So, for me, I would likely have a lot of people moving from Raw to Smackdown and even out the rosters a little. It would generally go a lot like this:

Randy Orton/John Cena to Smackdown – What Smackdwon really needs right now is a guy who is on top of his game on the books. Cena and Orton are the biggest crowd-pleaser’s in the WWE and having them on Smackdown would definitely get people tuning in. Both of these guys are people that the fans want to see every week and although they are currently locked up in feuds that are at the higher end of the popularity scale, I definitely think that either of them could make the move and possibly should.

Aberto Del Rio to Raw – I like this guy and I think he has a lot of momentum right now. The worst thing that could happen is that he gets lost in the main event shuffle on Raw but I doubt that could happen. Del Rio is an addictive figure and is one of the most interesting guys on any of the rosters. I like seeing him and I think he could do a lot of good work on Raw, whilst getting a lot more attention for his efforts.

The Miz to Smackdown – I just don't think he fits in on Raw. He will likely be the WWE Champion within a years time but I don't think he necessarily cuts it in the main event. Like it or not, he is a comedy character and although they have tried to showcase a darker side to his character, he still has his lines that make the crowd laugh. For me, he doesn't really have the imposing personality that other main event talent on Raw do. Moving him to Smackdown seems like a more realistic Championship for him to attain.

I think those three are my main superstars that I would move. I think it would add more balance to the shows and might even out the competition for a while.
Smackdown to RAW

Chris Masters Many of you guys have posted the same, and I would state the same reason. What has happened to the guy? How can this musclehead become such a joke? WWE seemed high on him back in 05, or 06. I thought this man was the future heel of the company. The man needs to become more agressive again, look like a threat, not a joke like he is now. Ever since his face turn, and ever since the peck joke and the new joke, this man has gone down hill. PLEASE MOVE THE GUY TO RAW, BRING BACK THE MASTERLOCK CHALLENGE

Dolph Ziggler Seriously, The guy has improved a hell of a lot, and hes fought almost everyone on SmackDown! Time for him to move up in the rankings. RAW is an entertainment show, and hell this guys entertaining as hell.

Alberto Del Rio This man is going to be the future of WWE, bring him to RAW he can feud with great superstars to get him over such as Cena, Triple H, Orton, etc. Make him extremely heel then turn him super-face. Plus the man has a kick-ass entrance. To me it seems that RAW fits Del Rio better.

Sheamus - The man has fought all the top dogs on RAW, maybe its time for him to kick some ass on SmackDown! I can picture feuds between: Sheamus-Kane, Sheamus-Taker, Sheamus-Mysterio, Sheamus-Big Show...the list goes on and on. But its seems like the RED brand fits Sheamus for some reason, this is a tough one. Hes already considered a top dog.

Ted DiBiase- The guy is just comedy relief, and i believe he needs to serve a better purpose, bring him to SmackDown! He could be a solid mid carder, win the Intercontinental Title. Feud with McIntyre, or with Cody Rhodes. Hell, We all thought Ted was going to go somewhere, and Cody will be future endeavored, but it seems like Ted's dying out, and Cody is getting somewhere.

Now here are a few guys id love to move to Smackdown, and build a lightweight division:
Evan Bourne, Daniel Bryan, Yoshi Tatsu, Darren Young...So many.
IF only WWE would open their eyes. This can make SmackDown mean something finally. WWE wanted SmackDown to lean towards becoming the A Show. I feel Kaval, Tatsu, Chavo, Young, Bourne, JTG all need this. They all have such incredible talent that should be showcased. Bring back the Cruiserweight title, make it mean something. (Sorry if its a bit off topic)

RAW should be about entertainment and big guys.
Smackdown should also be entertainment/talent/up-coming talent. & Cruiserweight Division like it used to be.
with the report vince wants smackdown to be the number 1 show id say to smackdown

john cena randy orton and jomo

to raw

kane big show and del rio

ok so cena and orton to sd would make them number 1 in talent then u have an upncommer in jomo

then to raw u have kane who could be leader of nexus ala attack on taker big show who seems to be fighting nexus and del rio who is a upncommer
John Morrison and Daniel Bryan seem like they would fit a bit better on the more wrestling-oriented show of Smackdown! However, I don't see Morrison happening at all.

On Smackdown!, I'd like to see Alberto del Rio head over to Raw. With his mic skill and his ability to get it over in the ring, I'd enjoy the change. I can already see new feuds with Sheamus or Randy Orton of John Cena. Brilliant.
Sheamus and Jack Swagger need to switch brands. Sheamus is drinking tea with Santino, Swagger is prancing around with a giant bald eagle. Two big powerhouses with excellent wrestling skills, being wasted. A little comedy is alright, but these two should be doing more.
RAW to Smackdown:

Evan Bourne-He is a good talent but he just doesn't fit into the "RAW BIG STAR" category. Move him to SD and have him chase the IC Title.

John Cena-He's been on RAW way to long and has had matches with the same guys wat too many times. Move him to SD to create some new feuds. Orton can carry RAW as the main star.

Primo-Seriously, WTF is he doing on RAW? Move him to SD and put him in a team with Chavo. That way they're both doing something relevant...

Sheamus-He can add alot to SD. Plus I think he'd look better with the World Title rather then the WWE Title. Matches with Taker would be good.

Yoshi Tatsu-Same as Bourne. His talent is being wasted on RAW. Move him to SD and have him chase and maybe even win the IC title.

Smackdown to RAW

Alberto Del Rio-He definately has the "Star Power" to be on RAW. Have him chase the WWE Title right away. Maybe even start a team with Dibiase since they're both "rich" snobs.

Christian-He needs a World Title soon and I think the WWE Title suits him better. Move him to RAW and put him in the wwe title picture.

Dolph Ziggler-I like him on SD but he would fit in on RAW just as well. Have him go after the US Title.

Jack Swagger-US Title or MAYBE WWE Title. He's going nowhere on SD.

MVP-Refer to Jack Swagger.
To SD:

Ezekiel Jackson: I think he should go to SD and be pushed into the main event. He could feud with Kane, Edge, Show, Del Rio, Mysterio etc, I think he should be a tweener becuause SD hasn't got a real tweener in the main event and this man could fit the part.

Zack Ryder: He's being buried on Raw, but he's a good talent. He could win the IC title on SD and be pushed into the upper mid-card. I think he deserves to be pushed a little because he is a good talent and the only way he's gonna be pushed is if he moves to SD.

To Raw:

Jack Swagger: I want to see him feud with some of the upper mid-cards or main eventers of Raw and I also want him to get rid of the eagle. He needs to keep fresh and to do that he needs to go to Raw.

That's all I can think of at the moment but if I think if any others I will post agian in this thread.
This is my opinion... and Im sure many will disagree with me. But hey thats what the internet is for.

Move To RAW:

The Undertaker: This guy is almost done. Lets face it. I love Taker, but he is really beat up, slow moving and getting hurt. When he decides to hang them up, it would be nice for him to go out on top. And the only place to go out on top, is Monday Night Raw.

Alberto Del Rio: Who does not love this guy? He has the ability to become my favorite wrestler. Not only that, this guy has the look, the in-ring ability, and the charisma to be a top guy in this business.

Dolph Ziggler: Another guy who should dominate the Mid card for about another year, but this time in the limelight on Raw. If they Unify the IC and US titles, have Dolph hold onto it on Raw, defending it successfully as a heel, with clean wins in some epic matches with Bryan, Punk, Justin Gabriel. Give back some legitimacy to the IC title again. Maybe even let him keep the belt for a year.

Move to SmackDown!

Sheamus: Not to move him to Demote him, but I think SD! needs some more people who need room to grow. The E obviously like Sheamus, but he does need work. Move him off of Raw to let him work this through. Plus they can set up The Big Red Machine Kane vs The Big Red Irish boy Sheamus in some matches.

Triple H: Give people a reason to Watch SD! Everyone wants to see Hunter return... if he returns but then instantly goes to SD! I know I would watch to see what he is going to do. Especially now since Sheamus is over there too. Plus this give Hunter some time to get the ring rust off on good ol' SD before coming back to Raw eventually.

John Cena: With the Move of the Undertaker to Raw, this move would make SD! top heavy, just like VKM wanted to anyway. Didnt he want to make SD the top show? It will never happen but a way more people would watch SD! is if Cena is on the show. Plus, it will get him off Raw, where he has been the dominant force for years. Am I the only one who hates seeing Cena v. Orton over and over? I think not. So this will be a good break and something different.

So that's what I would do. IMO you have to leave The Miz on Raw because he is awesome and hopefully going to Unify both Top Belts and be the Man. And you can only be 'The Man' on Raw.
John Morrison back to Smackdown. I think he's ready to step up to main event level and smackdown seems a better place to do that than Raw, which is overcrowded with main eventers. Maybe a transitional, number one contenders feud with somebody like Swagger or Rey, and then a feud with Edge (who will surely take the title from Kane at SS) for the title leading up to Mania.

This would give JOMO the push which I think he deserves and I think these two could put a great match on at Mania.
From Raw to Smackdown
Davind Otunga---- Send him for the Intercontinental Champion
Justin Gabriel---- Send him also for the Intercontinental Champion
Ezekiel Jackson----- Turn him Heel and Send him for the World Heavyweight Champion
The Bella Twins----They dont do nothing on raw turn one of them Heel and make them become rivials.
John Cena------ Lets Face it Smackdown has good ratings but not that good. John Cena is the man to bring Smackdown back to the top of friday nights and get even more ratings

Smackdown to Raw
Alberto Del Rio----- I would like to see him face Randy Orton, Triple H and even Shamus
Christian------ I would like to see him go for the U.S Title
Kaval----- Turn him heel and send him for the U.s Title aswell
Jack Swagger -----Send him for the WWE Champion
Raw to Smackdown:
Daniel Bryan: As the first poster said, he's just more of a Smackdown kind of guy. Plus, there'd be the opportunity for more awesome matches with Dolph Ziggler, and the potential brilliance of a Bryan vs Kaval match.

Evan Bourne: Evan just seems like he'd be a better fit on the blue brand, probably because he's a high-flyer and not much of a talker and, as with Bryan, I'd be excited to see him have matches against Ziggler, Kaval et al.

Goldust: This guy has been super-entertaining lately, in his fued with DiBiase and his involvement with NXT3. So, I figure it'd be good to ship him over to the show where midcarders get more attenion than they do on Monday nights.

Smackdown to Raw:
Alberto Del Rio: The guy is a great talker, and that's what you mostly need to be to get over on Raw. I think a fued between ADR and either Cena or Orton would be absolutely golden. In the meantime, he could have a run with whichever secondary belt gets shifted over to Raw, since I'm moving Bryan but not Ziggler.

Chris Masters: With Bryan on Smackdown, somebody needs to play the undercard face on Raw. I can't think of anyone better positioned to do that right now than Chris Masters. He's come on leaps and bounds since his terrible 2005 push, but he's not really doing much on Smackdown. Give him a shot on Raw, and he might just connect with the fans.

Chavo Guerrero: Sure, Chavo's not going to do anything to set the world on fire, but aside from possibly being the Swagger Soaring Eagle and running away from Kane, what has he done on Smackdown lately? I think he'd be a good foil for Santino's comedy, either in a fued between the two or a tag team, if they decide to split up Santino and Koslov.
Ill cap it at 3 moves a show.

To Raw from Smackdown:

Dolph Ziggler- He's done about everything he can do as the IC champion, and defeated every midcarder. He's not quite yet at main event level, however, but the move to Raw could propel him there. It would also break up the Vickie/Dolph pairing, which would be a good thing.

Kofi Kingston- I thought the move to Smackdown would be beneficial for him, but clearly, I was wrong. He won the IC championship almost immediately after his arrival, and has been buried in mid-card hell ever since. The mid-card is far more thin on Raw then it is on Smackdown, and Kofi would benefit it immensely.

Alberto Del Rio- The man with the "bloodline of kings" vs the King of Kings could be a great starting feud for Del Rio moving to Raw. His feud with Mysterio will conclude likely by New Year's, and he belongs on the flagship. The guy is money, and could make an impact in the upper mid-card/main event almost immediately.

To Smackdown from Raw:

Evan Bourne- He's toiled in futility on Raw, and is too talented for that. With a mid-card packed full of heels, he'ld make a great new face that could be featured on the "wrestling show". He could be given 10-15 minute matches with evenly matched opponents, rather then 3 minute squash matches where he gets one move in.

Tyson Kidd- Im a huge fan of the guy, and if he doesn't go on to feud with Daniel Bryan for the US title next, then Smackdown should be the next move for him. A feud with DH SMith would do him no favors, and there's a world of opportunities for him to be used as a singles wrestler, or actually paired with a different wrestler like a Cody Rhodes to form a great heel tag team.

Sheamus-The biggest move of all of them. Ever since dropping the title, he's feuded with Santino, and JoMo. He may have unfinished business with HHH, but after that, the SD main event scene has no heels. Enter Sheamus, whose already had brief interactions with Edge. WHEN Edge wins his 10th championship, this could be a money feud.

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