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If Chris Cash Kicked You Off Of WZ...

and Tsnugs listed like, fucking 100 posters and didnt have me on there either. So. Fuckin whatever. For the record, when first seeing this thread DMan was in my top 5. but now he is an ass. So maybe he dont make it ;)
and Tsnugs listed like, fucking 100 posters and didnt have me on there either. So. Fuckin whatever. For the record, when first seeing this thread DMan was in my top 5. but now he is an ass. So maybe he dont make it ;)

You dirty, smelly, tight-shirt wearin mofo... I'm gonna kick your ass when I see you again. You're not so tough, bitch :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
and Tsnugs listed like, fucking 100 posters and didnt have me on there either. So. Fuckin whatever. For the record, when first seeing this thread DMan was in my top 5. but now he is an ass. So maybe he dont make it ;)

This isn't a best posters list. It's a list of people you would take with you to create your own forum. You're not controversial enough to make the Dysfunctiorum. But, if I was to start a forum like WZ, you'd be the second person I'd try to recruit, right behind Shocky.
Dammit D Man. everyone keeps talking about how well my shirts fit. Fuck it, im just showing up with no shirt on next time. How about that. Fuckers.
All this thread does is show me how little I actually matter in the WZ universe.

The proverbial fire has been lit!
1. Bus Wanker - for all sorts of things.
2. xfearbefore - Has an intelligent opinion on every topic.
3. Lee - For video games and wrestling posts and the likes.
4. Sly - to run it.
5. Sam - obviously
6. Jake - obviously
7. Luther - Where'd he go?
8. Becker - To monopolize the sports talk.
9. Murfish - To do my HW
10. tdigle - For everything.
11. 487 - Cool guy.
12. Deadman - Didn't get to see much of him, would've like to.
13. CCS - He was nuts.
14. Jane - Everything needs a Jane
15. Coco - Villiage idiot/sex slave.
JMT, RVDGurl. You wound me.

Ah shit, I knew I was forgetting someone. Fuck... I forgot D-Man, too. Like X said... you two along with IC are like a package deal. If I draft one of you, I get all three. :icon_wink:

It's great to see you posting again, by the way.
Fuck, I missed NorCal again.

NorCal, if you see this, just know I love you in a heterosexual let's watch some football and shoot down some chicks who think too highly of themselves kind of way.
1. Jake - cause it's motherfuckin Jake.
2. Wes - A homie/Sports posting.
3. Tdigle - A homie/movies posting.
4. Jmt - Homie/entertainment/someone to argue with.
5. Snorks - cause it's motherfuckin snorks. Also for wresting posting.
6. Murfish - We share some common interests that would make for decent chit chatting.
7. Slowfox696 - Running the forum.
8. Becker - A homie/Sports posting/pissing off every football fan on the board.
9. Lee - My forum would be anti Nintendo. So Lee can be the pro Nintendo fanboy who argues with everyone.
10. MF - Music could use some pro beyonce.
11. FTS - To counter the pro Beyonce posts/all around posting.
12. Will - Homie/wrestling posts.
13. Bus Wanker - Every forum can use a Canadian nationalist.
14. IC - Can't think of anyone better to generate discussion in any section.
15. Harthan - A homie.

Honorable mention: Xfear, Tastycakes, D-man, Phoenix, Ty, and KB.
No Particular Order


and I'm missing tons
tdiglÉric Rohmer;1424117 said:
22) Night Shift Loser - In case we want pics of alt models.

Further proof that no one acknowledges my efforts in the NWS. 22 on a list of 15 is also a little depressing.

Off the top of your head, and I get spot 15. You cut me deep, X.

NSL, Ty, and TM- to co-mod my music section.


we talk an awful lot, don't we?

God damn it!!! I need room for NSL too. Fuck, this is hard. I am taking nineteen. My original list plus both Brians and NSL.

I don't even get added until after the update...:disappointed:

And all the TNA dudes(ST, GD, HipHop, Kenny Powers, ect)

I'm adding myself in here...

Again, sweetness.

NSL - NSL's the resident pornz guy and also has a plethora of knowledge about wrestling, TV, and sports.

I'll agree on TV and sports. My wrestling knowledge is pretty basic outside of ECW and current TNA however. Thanks anyway.


5. NSL - Good bud, also great taste in music.

Got some love for my NWS posts...I like it :)

NSL [/B]- NSL is a guy that I never was close to until up until a few weeks ago. I read his sex-ploitation thread and was buckled in laughter. He is a fantastic guy and his stories are unparalleled by any other. Not even the might of KB and Latriat stories will knock him off of his perch. Also, he is great in the Fed and the Book This! section.

I wouldn't say they're better than KB or Lariat, but thanks. Also, big thanks for the BT love.

NSL, Lariat- Hot women are involved whenever these two are around

You leave me out of music and sports, but notice the hot women? I'm thinking I need to stop posting pics again for a while.

Lee, Spunky, NSL & Doc post the most in the video game section here so I would take them with me to help with mine.

:headscratch: I don't post that often. I post Mortal Kombat stuff, and I slammed Tetris :lmao:

8 other people I would take include NSL, Doc, Gelgarin, Tastycles, Blade, Razor, Tdigle and The Brain.

Still ana ferthought, but thanks.

No offense to anyone else who mentioned me, but this one makes me smile most.

RVDGurl, Marquis...You guys make me cry...
CH David
Theo Mays

15th would depend on whether or not Will would be active. If not, drop in M_F.
I know everyone wants my list, so here it comes

  1. Will
  2. Slyfox
  3. Shocky
  4. Tdigle
  5. Wes
  6. Marquis
  7. TM
  8. Coco
  9. RVDGurl
  10. IC
  11. Razorback/FTS apparently they come as a team
  12. Jake
  13. Tastycles
  14. Gelgarin (he'd have to show up more)
  15. so here comes number 15. Samlutherlordsidious...
1. KB. The guy works hard and loves what he does. Unsung MVP of the forums on many occassions, and a go-to-guy if ever there was one.

2. Sly. I debate with him like he slapped my mom, but he's knowledgable. And he's a terrific admin.

3. jmt. My forum would have to have a strong MMA presence, and jmt is one of the best mods I've promoted based on activity in their section in my year of adminning.

4. Xfear. There's a reason I gave him shit for disappearing during last year's Rock Tournament. It's because his opinion on non-wrestling topics is like gold on this forum, whether I agree or not. He brings a life and legitimacy to film, music, and TV, even when he's wrong.

5. Becca. I never thought I'd call her by her real name on the forums, but her current name is WAY to long to type. Anyway, she's friendly, outgoing, and makes the forum seem less like a sausage fest and more like home. She also knows a lot about current events and wrestling, making her extremely versatile.

6. Gelgarin. One of my complaints about the IWC is that it's made up of so many young fans with no concept of wrestling history dating back past the attitude era. To many, Steve Austin WAS their Hulk Hogan. To Gelgarin, Antonino Rocca and Lou Thesz were his. He knows more about Old School than anyone I've met.

7. Tastycles. What Gelgarin is to Old School, Tasty is to lucha and puro. I love international wrestling, and Tastycles brings it to life. It's a shame more people aren't more on board with the international flare.

8. D-Man. Set aside the fact that he's a good friend of mine in real life. If I'd never met him before and only knew him from the forums, I'd be discussing what a solid and versatile poster he was. Music, movies, wrestling, porn, ANYTHING - D-Man can make his mark on almost any section.

9. NorCal. I don't always agree with him on topics, and we don't have the same style. What we share is a passion for what we talk about. We CARE about wrestling, and it comes out in the way we post. Plus, I'd want to have a forum that has the aspect of bodybuilding / workouts that he brings to the table.

10. Becker. Surprised? You think I don't like him? Quite the contrary, the guy is a wealth of knowledge in sports, and as long as the city of Pittsburgh isn't involved, he's quite objective. Also, the passion thing is a HUGE plus. I've only ever had one issue with him, and his knowledge and fervor were never it.

11. 48.7. He and I started to really get along right around when he left, which sucks. He's another versatile poster who could make good things happen wherever he went.

12. SavageTaker. Always liked him. I think he's another young poster with a lot of base knowledge and strong communication. Best thing about him - he respects everyone's opinion, even those contrary to him, and he debates like a gentleman.

13. tdigs. He's a bit controversial, but he's also smart, inciteful, and riles people up to create some activity. Not in a negative way, mind you, but he adds a certain flare. And he and I have fought before, so I know he can be a spitfire.

14. TM. Few posters have grown on me as much as TM has in the last 4 months. He was always excited about everything, always wanted to contribute. In the last 4 months, though, he's matured ten-fold, and it's turned him into a top-flight poster in every section.

15. Lee. I know I left a mess of people off, but I went with Lee at the end, again for versatility. He is a video game master, but also is a solid wrestling guy. I also respect him for loyalty. After being banned more than a year ago, he could have said "the hell with it." When he got clemency, he came in, posted, matured, and now he's one of our top mods.

I left off more people than I can count, which goes to show you that I'd never want to leave WZF. It takes more than 6 hands to count all of the valuable, contributing posters on the site. I hardly remember what I did on the internet before I had WZ...

Oh yeah...porn...
Once again, this thread shows me just how worthless I am in the WZ universe.

Enough is enough and it's time for a change!
I got a mention on the first page, but that was it!

You know that really grinds my gears. Not really. All this does is tell me I need to post a hell of a lot more.
I don't really know many of the newer posters what with not having the net for a while, so here goes.

1. Slyfox - It was because of him and his debates that I joined this place. Great admin as well.

2. IC - Same as Sly.

3/4. jmt/xfear - The most well-rounded posters on the forum.

5. Gelgarin - His old-school knowledge is phenomenal. Somebody I'd like to learn more from.

6. Tasty - Solid wrestling poster, knows his lucha very well.

7. Tdigle - Same as Tasty, except for Puro.

8/9. Jake/Sam - Funny guys.

This is all I would need.
Surprised to see that I was mentioned on a few lists, I'm flattered.

Alright here is mine...

1. xfear (dude is one of my favorite posters, gotta have him tag along)
2. Doc (need my fellow sig maker to push me to get better)
3. Def Agent Robert Morales (an up and coming sig maker and his jokes are pretty darn good)
4. Phoenix (Another one of the best at sig making and he knows his stuff)
5. Slyfox (why not snatch away one of the sites best and he'll have the same job as he does now)
6. Gelgarin (we need someone to drop the old school knowledge)
7. NSL (need some of the guys from the book this forum and a quality poster on the site)
8. kingdirrty (another guy from the book this parts and he is a well rounded poster)
9. Becca (gotta have some female support on the forum)
10. RVDgurl (same as Becca)
11. Y2Jake (gotta have some humor on the forum, he provides it)
12. IC25 (can't have a forum without the top supporter for wrestling's bigs)
13. Undertaker's#1fan (he requests sigs from me and everyone loves to hate him)
14. SavageTaker (one of my favorite posters and he knows TNA)
15. KB (one of this forums brightest stars, this new forum would need him)
13. Undertaker's#1fan (he requests sigs from me and everyone loves to hate him)

Everyone loves to hate me? I don't think that I am hated that much on this site. One of the admins hates me, but that is the only person that I can really think of.

Do you hate me? I love your sigs and I tell you that all the time!:disappointed:
No no no, you the man bro. You have that attitude that everyone loves to hate, or at least that is how I imagine it lol.

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