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If Chris Cash Kicked You Off Of WZ...

tdiglÉric Rohmer;1424281 said:
I'd make Deadman the admin :lmao::lmao::lmao:. How much of a clusterfuck would my forum be, man? You have to admit, my choices would make for some interesting reading.

Aren't you on Deadman's forum?
Blaze(taylor swift fan)
RVD Girl
Lord Sidious
And all the TNA dudes(ST, GD, HipHop, Kenny Powers, ect)
tdiglÉric Rohmer;1424307 said:
I think so, but I lost the link...is it even up anymore? Were we the only members besides him?

I think Marquis was on it. Sparky as well perhaps.
Sly - To run shit and be awesome.
X - To be awesome.
FTS - To argue with X.
TM - He makes me feel like a woman should.
tdigs - For peer-editing my love letters to Stephen Harper.
JMT - You don't wanna know why.
Lord Sidious - Rape fantasy.
Y 2 Jake - Resident noob.
Sam - Noob relations poster. So the rest of us won't be tempted to directly engage Jake.
IC - To keep minutes. Vader Time and all that jazz.
NorCal - To pump iron and eat pussy. Fuck yeah.
Lariat - LARIATOOOOOOOOO~!! That's why!
Razor - To rock back and forth in the corner while X and FTS shout words of intense disagreement.
Tenta - See Lord Sidious.
GD - You said we need an idiot, right?

To name a few!
I wouldn't need many people.

KB - Because he's a voice of reason and knows his stuff about the forum and wrestling.

Sly - I want things to run smoothly and for someone to keep shit straight. Sly's that man.

NorCal - NorCal's... well, NorCal. He pumps iron, types in txt msg font and beats you up with words.

Xfear - He know's his shit about a LOT of various topics. And always has good ass weed.

Lord Sidious - Need some controversy. Why not someone who has great opinions and still receives backlash like he's the plague.

NSL - NSL's the resident pornz guy and also has a plethora of knowledge about wrestling, TV, and sports.

TDigle - Although the twat waffle shows me no love, T-Digs would moderate under my watch. He knows his stuff and would be a great asset.

Tenta - Tenta's the biggest turnaround on the entire forum. From being an annoying dude who likes John Tenta to being a main event caliber poster. No one in the forum's made such a big turn around that I know of.

Luther - Need someone else to know their shit about the techincal aspects of the forum if Sly's indisposed.

Becca - Need some boobs. And to keep KB happy.

And Coco and kingdirtysouth1 would go, too. Because they mentioned me. And fuck whoever didn't mention me. *****.

I also would name people I would NOT take with me, but that makes me look like an asshole. So I'll do it later.

And lastly...


Now, most people don't know that moron Kaedon, and even I wasn't here when he was, but I know the douche from another place and he's just so fun to make a fool out of. I found out he was here once upon a time, and got banned by Jake because of his ******ation. I read over the whole thing one day when I had nothing better to do... and it was just typical Kaedon. The guy is so fucking stupid it's unbelievable.

As for the other 14 picks... obvious reasons.

Now, most people don't know that moron Kaedon, and even I wasn't here when he was, but I know the douche from another place and he's just so fun to make a fool out of. I found out he was here once upon a time, and got banned by Jake because of his ******ation. I read over the whole thing one day when I had nothing better to do... and it was just typical Kaedon. The guy is so fucking stupid it's unbelievable.


You knew Kaedon?! Classic.
I'm sad how few lists I make...

Also I think I remember kaedon.
Sly - To run shit and be awesome.
X - To be awesome.
FTS - To argue with X.
TM - He makes me feel like a woman should.
tdigs - For peer-editing my love letters to Stephen Harper.
JMT - You don't wanna know why.
Lord Sidious - Rape fantasy.
Y 2 Jake - Resident noob.
Sam - Noob relations poster. So the rest of us won't be tempted to directly engage Jake.
IC - To keep minutes. Vader Time and all that jazz.
NorCal - To pump iron and eat pussy. Fuck yeah.
Lariat - LARIATOOOOOOOOO~!! That's why!
Razor - To rock back and forth in the corner while X and FTS shout words of intense disagreement.
Tenta - See Lord Sidious.
GD - You said we need an idiot, right?
Tenta, X, Dexter, Dave, CH David, Theo Mays, Robert Morales, NorCal, JicKie Mames, Becca, kingdirrtysouth1, and four others. Don't know who they would be.

:( I leave for a bit, and tear into JKO, and this is what happens? Doc doesn't even want me?

probably MF or Razor.

  • Razorback

I'd take Razor and Tenta because I respect their intellect, writing style, and opinions.


Razor - To rock back and forth in the corner while X and FTS shout words of intense disagreement.


I also would name people I would NOT take with me, but that makes me look like an asshole. So I'll do it later.

Seriously? Not even a mention from my brother from another rival basketball team....mother? :lmao:

My list, because you guys are all assholes:

  1. Xfear---Simply, really.
  2. FTS----My Jewish friend. :)
  3. KB
  4. Norcs
  5. IC
  6. Sly
  7. 48/7
  8. Lariat (even though you didn't mention me...bitch)
  9. Tenta
  10. Murfish
  11. JMT
  12. NSL
  13. Random Poster #1
  14. Random Poster #2
  15. Random Poster #3

I'm beginning to notice a trend with everyone who did acknowledge me and everyone who didn't....I think. It may be the massive amounts of Calculus III that are frying my brain.
I'm actually tempted to do this. For shame. May as well then. In no particular order:

1) JMT
2) Sly
3) Luther
4) Coco M. Punk
5) D-Man
6) Brian
7) The Redcrosse Knight
8) The Mighty NorCal
9) TheOneBigWill
10) Becca
11) The Lariat
12) Shocky
13) The Canadian
14) Xfearbefore
15) Jake
1. Sly - He can run the forum, knows his shit. I'm just reiterating.

2. Thriller - One of my favorite posters, met up for a taping, fun shit, great guy.

3. NorCal - The residential ass kicker.

4. X - Need someone with great taste in movies and music.

5. NSL - Good bud, also great taste in music.

6. Steven - I need some Southside fandom with me, plus Steven is awesome.

7 & 8. Fromtheback - They are great for a Cigar Lounge section, and both are good guys.

9. 48 - Good kid, knows and loves his sports.

10. Dave - My Scottish brother. Great bud, and a close friend on here.

11. Lord Sidious - He adds some controversey to wrestling zones.

12. JKO or TheNextEdFerrera - I need a shitty poster right?

13. D-Man - He knows his wrestling, and I'd definitely want him on my forum.

14. KB - He is a dedicated SOB. Plus his sexual stories are entertaining as hell.

15. Tenta - One of the best wrestling posters on this forum. Plus great overall guy.

Honorable mentions, Phoenix, , IC25, Doc, Lariat, Jake, Sam, ST, M_F, TM, and any others I may be neglecting right now.
Hmm. Who would I take?

1. Phoenix - One forum can never have enough Dave. This guy is one of my closest, if not thee, closest friend I have on here and is a tremendous guy. Puts a huge amount of effort into the fed and the league. He is getting what he deserves in both and is truly a fucking great guy.

2. Lee - A guy who I have a lot of respect and time for. Plus, he is part of Summit Part 2. He put a huge amount of work into the Fed and we would definitely need a good head of creative on my forum

3. Davey McChiHawks - Such a genuinely nice guy and one third of the Dave-Bromance. A hard working guy who never gets the props that he deserves. A damn fine poster and one of my close friends on here.

4. Fratelli - One of the guys who has really become one of the people I have a lot of time for. He puts a lot of work into the Fed and I respect him a lot... Even if he is a Rangers fan.

5. TM - My master, even though he has now forsaken me. He was the first guy to show some faith in me and took me on under his wing. I think he helped more than hindered and is a great guy when you get to know him. He is also a very good poster, believe it or not.

6. Tenta - I miss Tenta. He was and is one of the greatest and most genuine guys I have ever met in my life, not only on here. What happened to him was tragic and untimely but in his time here, I became really close to him and we formed a bond that is still special to me. A great poster and a great fellow.

7. Doc - My forum will need sigs and in their thousands. My nWZo brother that is always going to be tied to me in some way or another. Doc does tremendous work in the Graphics section and is getting what he deserves now. A great guy and a good friend of mine.

8. xfearbefore - Everyone has put x into their lists because we all know what he is capable of. I need not say any more.

9. TDigs - See TM.

10. NSL - NSL is a guy that I never was close to until up until a few weeks ago. I read his sex-ploitation thread and was buckled in laughter. He is a fantastic guy and his stories are unparalleled by any other. Not even the might of KB and Latriat stories will knock him off of his perch. Also, he is great in the Fed and the Book This! section.

11. D-Man - Really showed his mettle in the Debater's League and I found a new found respect for him. A truly great poster and a very knowledgeable guy. I will always remeber my first encounter with him. It was in the poster's survivor Series and he kept voting against me constantly... Naturally, I accused him of cheating. :lmao: He wasn't and now I realise what a great poster he is.

12. IC25 - The Godfather of WZF. How could any of you leave him out? A great poster with many great topic ideas and great posting skill. One of my fondest memories is debating with him in the league.

13. Slyfox - See xfearbefore

14. FTS - When I first came on here, my world was rocked by FTS. At that time, he wasn't modded and he was just like us. Since he took the CL by storm he has come into his own and shown us what a fantastic poster he is.

15. Blade - Blade is a truly a good friend of mine and one of the most under-rated people in the entire forum. I love my feud with him in the fed and he is one of the nicest and most genuine people on here. You don't get any shit with Blade, just cold, hard awesomeness.
OK, I've figured out my whole list.

1. Tenta
Good God, I miss Tenta. He is the main reason I became a regular here. He was so nice, and so welcoming, smart and awesome. He was the most genuine guy here, in my opinion. I miss him so much. I still send him PMs in the hope that he'll read them someday. Hopefully he doesn't find that creepy. I hope he returns, one day...

2. xfearbefore
X is smart, funny, and just plain awesome. I'm glad that after the disastrous first impression I made on him (Seriously, the first thing he ever said to me was "You are slowly proving yourself to be an idiot in the LDs") we've become friends, or something like it.

3. Dexter
Dexter is just plain awesome. Pure concentrated win.

4. Dave
See Tenta. Dave is a great guy and I like talking to him.

5. CH David
Just a genuinely great guy who I like talking to. Noticing a pattern here?

6. Theo Mays
My protoge-turned-colleague.

7. Robert Morales
My other protoge. He's hilarious, and a nice guy to boot.

8. NorCal
Because...he's NorCal.

9. JicKie Mames
Doesn't deserve to get shit on like he did. I like him a lot.

10. Becca
She's a girl. A nice girl, too.

11. kingdirrtysouth1
My first friend here. I love his enthusiasm and overall greatness.

12. Razorback
This man is a beast in the Cigar Lounge, and is genuinely fun to be around. I enjoy reading his posts, whether they be serious or Bar Room. Just a smart guy.

13. FTS
See Razorback. And you can't have one without the other.

14. Mantaur Rodeo Clown
Say what you will, but I think he's hilarious.

15. Slyfox
I know how to set up forums, but I don't know how to make them from scratch. Sly is incredible when it comes to the technical stuff, and he could help me.
Sly, IC, Norcal, FTS, xfearbefore- Some of the best debaters I've seen and when some noob gets out of line, they can destroy them

CH David, Ty Burna, jmt225, Becker- Can handle the sports and music discussion

Becca, ED- Need females

NSL, Lariat- Hot women are involved whenever these two are around

Lee- To handle video games

And my last pick is....

C.M.V.P.- He can start our own WZPC and name me Heavyweight Champion

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