Ideas for new titles

A new title would be nice so that others on the card have something to feud over, but as others have said first some unification has to be done. Unify the tag titles and the women's titles and then we can start from there with introducing new titles. There has to be a title defended every week on television to get the lower card guys some exposure. You can call the title what you want, but I don't think it should be a Hardcore 24/7 Championship. The last time we saw the Hardcore championship the title changed at house shows and basically on every episode, and it just wasn't fun. EVERYONE had a hardcore title run, so don't bring that back. Also don't bring the CW title back because it excludes a lot of your other lower card guys like Paul Birchill, Eziekel, and others.

Some options for the name could be Television Title, Interbrand Championship Title, The Superstar Championship, or something along those lines. It should be defended every week, and if its not defended, it should be discussed. It only needs 5-10 minutes of TV time a week on either show so it won't take time away from anything else, and it will get the smaller guys on TV, and will allow the fans and the WWE to better analyze their talent, so they can know who to move up and who to cut. It will give guys mic time and ring time, and it will be defended or talked about every week so its a win/win situation. It doesn't have to be defended at PPV's except for Night Of Champions, so it doesn't take away from there either.

Let's get a new title in the mix because R-Truth, Kendrick, Ziggler, and others who are trying to work their way up the card need a reason to come out and show their stuff. Eventhough the IC and US titles don't have the value they once had, they are still "too big" for a lot of people.
Why does everyone think weight limits is a good idea? That severely limits your storytelling capabilities. Would you really like to make it so Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston, Cody Rhodes, etc are never able to win a world title because the Cruiserweight championship is the top they can get?

WWE is about storytelling, not the athleticism, which allows us to have someone like Big Show win the WWE title and then John Cena can. A smaller guy like Chris Jericho is acceptable as the WWE/WHC title holder and he's not 300 lbs. Anybody who is worthy of the main event in terms of entertainment is able to win the world title, while anybody who is not ready for that spot can win the midcard titles (IC/US). That's simple and effective. If you suddenly make it so only heavyweights can win the world titles, then we'll constantly be seeing Mark Henry vs Khali and you'd never see Jeff Hardy vs Edge.

That's why I said just put a limit on the World HEAVYWEIGHT Championship and allow wrestlers from any division to compete for the WWe Championship. If anything, the WWE title is more coveted anyway because it has a longer history so wrestlers like Jericho, CM Punk and Mysterio could still be in the main event limelight on whichever show the WWE title is.

What about the idea of a stable title. Like titles for each member of a group. They could compete agains other groups to see who the dominant faction was. I think that could be fun and interesting for a little while. And if some teams had more than others so what thats part of the rules 5 vs 3 6 vs 3. i know it sounds like it couldn't work now but just think about the days of DX, NOD, DOA, los boricuas.

Also inter gender sounds good, and it will never happen but hardcore/ecw rules title always a plus.
Oh yeah and the thread says idea for new titles.... So why do people continue to post. "I don't think there should be any new titles" WTF thats like asking who you want to win the super bowl and posting "I don't like either team" THEN DON'T POST ANYTHING. WHY SOME PEOPLE ALWAYS HAVE TO GO THE NEGATIVE ROUTE, GETS ME.

I would say bring back the Cruiserweight and Hardcore championship back. Sure we would have multiple belts but I liked watching the cruiserweight division. If they actually have a purpose to fight and give their best, it would be better. Since WWE is going PG, which seriously sucks, I would like the idea of keeping ECW at least PG-13. Then stick the Hardcore championship there and bring back the good old ECW Extreme Rules match. As for the ECW, US and IC titles, they really should bring back its prestigious meaning. They should give the title to Main Eventers like they did with Triple H, The Rock, Stone Cold, etc. That way it is actually worth winning again. As for the tag titles. It should be almost the same but not quite. Build some good teams first, (Legacy, Hart Foundation, Cryme Tyme, etc.), then once they win the titles, actually compete against main eventers, or at least former main eventers, to give them credibility or being the best team out there.
That's why I said just put a limit on the World HEAVYWEIGHT Championship and allow wrestlers from any division to compete for the WWe Championship. If anything, the WWE title is more coveted anyway because it has a longer history so wrestlers like Jericho, CM Punk and Mysterio could still be in the main event limelight on whichever show the WWE title is.

But if you put a weight limit on one belt, then it makes it so they're not equals.

On top of that, if one brand (let's just say Raw since it has it now) had the weight limit for their top champion and Smackdown didn't, then logically you'd have to move all the heavyweights over to Raw or else you'd have only like 3 people that could challenge for it, and then you'd be limiting yourself once more, which you couldn't get around, because either you have all the heavyweights on one show to try to build up that program's main event scene and none on the other show, or you'd have it spread out so thin that you'd have 4 people challenging for the World Heavyweight Championship because they're the only people of that weight limit on Raw. Everyone else is on Smackdown since they needed big guys too.

Think about it. Would you really want to watch Raw if the main event scene was people like Mark Henry and Batista, while Smackdown was all the thinner guys like Punk and Jericho, and you have one repetitive match after another, rather than having a wide variety of people to choose from? Would you really want to watch "two big guys go at it in a slow and powerful match" followed by "two big guys go at it in a slow and powerful match" followed by "two big guys go at it in a slow and powerful match" on Raw? Imagine the Elimination Chamber in that scenario. World Heavyweight Championship is defended in the EC and we can only have Mark Henry, Big Show, Batista, Khali, Kane, and Ezekiel because they're the only ones big enough for it.

The only way you'd be able to have a Cruiserweight and Heavyweight division as well as a WWE title that has no limits is if you eliminated the brand split, had 1 tag team title, 1 women's title, 1 WWE title for the main event people, and used the Cruiserweight and Heavyweight titles to replace the IC and US titles, because you would have absolutely no midcard title room if you had three top championships like that - unless you want only jobbers to hold the Heavyweight and Cruiserweight titles, which will lead to everybody complaining that they "have no credibility".

With the WWE at its current state where its suffering from a lack of numbers, what do we have? We have a struggling midcard and a dead tag team division. If you added a Cruiserweight title to the mix, you take away even more midcarders, and THEN who do we have to challenge for the IC/US titles?

The reason weight limits work in legitimate sports is because its not about telling a story, its about watching the athleticism. A WWE without stories and feuds is just watching fixed athletics, leaving absolutely nothing to intrigue. If you watch UFC or something and someone is the legitimate Heavyweight champion, its because that guy outperformed the others, not because they came out and the other guy laid down like he was supposed to after dancing around for a little bit.

Limiting yourself within boundaries makes it even harder to give the fans a better product - especially when fans have less of an attention span than they used to. Limiting the weight limits for the titles would be the equivalent of literally using the WWE and WHC belts as "world contenders" where everybody can challenge it, but the United States title could only be a holder from the US lol. That automatically rules out title contenders like Kozlov, Santino, Edge, Jericho, etc because they're not from the United States.

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