Idea for Randy Orton at Mania

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Dark Match Jobber
I'm not sure if this has been bandied about att all but I was thinking a heel turn (not the heel part) but this,,, What if Orton were to turn heel & cause his team to lose & therefore, become the leader of The Shield.

IMO, If Orton were to do that, It would give The Shield a true leader, voice, & it would help them still remain strong in the process. Plus, it would give a reason for current superstars to fued w/ them.

The WWE would have to work some magic on how to explain how Orton became the leader of the group after weeks of assaults on him.

Is this plausible? Can it work? :D
I think that most to all of us can see a Randy Orton heel turn coming in the very near future. I am almost completely sure that he will turn heel by betraying Sheamus and Big Show at Wrestlemania. This will allow the Shield to pick up the victory on the Grandest Stage of Them All.

The only real problem that I can see with it is if they are planning to make one of the current members of the Shield to be the leader, because at this point they all seem like they will be equals in the group. I personally would love to see Randy Orton lead the stable, with Dean Ambrose always questioning Orton, Rollins being loyal to Orton, and Reigns being an in-between type character. This will let Dean eventually enter the main event at the point that the stable is ready to end. Sure it will mean that Randy will probably end up in a face role by the end, but if the stable lasts long enough, it should end up being fresh again. But even if they would want to keep Randy heel, then they can just turn Rollins face to go against Orton instead.
A. The Shield doesn't need a leader, and they've already beaten the holy shit out of Orton on several occasions. It's unnecessary and wouldn't make any sense.

B. Orton doesn't need to turn heel. I'm kind of starting to hope he does, for my own personal entertainment, but he's still a top babyface draw for WWE. Do you hear the pops he gets? When a company does as little with someone as WWE has with Randy as of late, and you're still that popular, there's a lot of potential for money there.

I know da internetz iz bored wit da Orton'z, but please people, stop making more out of this "necessary heel turn" than needed. It isn't necessary.
I'm not bored with Orton. I have sung his praises recently and the only part I'm bored with that is, he is not in a top feud. The thing is, and I dunno how many people will agree to this, Orton got good around 2010 and you can only have that many good years at the top showcasing your talent, and drawing money.

Been 3 years and honestly whether it was with Christian (which I kinda missed), with Henry (which I didn't miss) or with Punk, he has had great rivalries again & again and now he needs to do something big soon.

I am praying, PRAYING for Orton vs Lesnar at Mania 30. And this year, you can build him up as a fucking force.
I'd rather see Sheamus and Orton have a meltdown that leads to Orton walking out on the match and Shield picking up a win. You could transition Big Show back to a tweener role and have Sheamus and Orton feud, culminating in a rivalry for the title. The blowoff could be a match between the two for the World Title, and perhaps Ziggler will still have the MITB contract.
I do think Orton needs some change - maybe a heel turn, maybe some tweaks to his character, I don't know.
I do not think he should be the leader of the Shield, though, nor do I think the Shield needs either a leader or new members.

Personally, I'm not expecting either of those things to happen at WM. If someone thwarts the match, I'm expecting it to be Big Show, basically meaning that he never fully turned face.
I don't think either Orton or The Shield need this. Orton is fine as a face and should be in the running for the world title. The Shield need to go beyond the current situation of taking out random guys and having 6-man tags at ppv's. I'm not sure how but I don't think that Orton is the guy to help them.
If I'm totally honest, that is a fucking brilliant idea!

Orton is the exact right type of guy to be a heel leader of a stable, I've actually wondered to myself if thats exactly where they're going with it.

The only thing I don't like about the shield is that they're all dressed as the big boss man. Orton would look weird like that. Too bad he's dead, he'd fit perfectly in the shield, he already has the clothes for it and the big bossman had one thing the shield didn't and thats a night stick.
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